Add GoNative swapper

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2019-08-17 09:12:41 +08:00
parent 3b75495d72
commit b5b9c6e073

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@ -1,6 +1,77 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
import binascii
import functools
syserr32k = '\xA9\xC9' * 0x4000
def hexlit(string):
hexes = ''.join(c for c in string.lower() if c in '0123456789abcdef')
return binascii.unhexlify(hexes)
def identify_branch_islands(binary):
lst = []
for i in range(0, len(binary) - 15, 16):
if binary[i:i+2] == b'\x60\xFF':
if not any(binary[i+6:i+16]):
targ = i + 2 + struct.unpack_from('>l', binary, i + 2)[0]
if targ % 2 == 0:
lst.append((i, targ))
return lst
# Find a unique match in binary2 (branches etc excepted).
# Return a (start, stop) tuple of the unique match, or throw a ValueError
@functools.lru_cache() # minor speedup
def identify_same_code(binary1, offset1, binary2):
(b'\x4e\x56', 2, 'LINK.W A6,#t'),
(b'\x60\x00', 2, 'BRA t'),
(b'\x61\x00', 2, 'BSR t'),
(b'\x60\xff', 4, 'BRA.L t'),
(b'\x61\xff', 4, 'BSR.L t'),
(b'\x4e\xba', 2, 'JSR t'),
(b'\x4e\xfa', 2, 'JMP t'),
(b'\x48\x7a', 2, 'PEA t'),
(b'\x41\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A0'),
(b'\x43\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A1'),
(b'\x45\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A2'),
(b'\x47\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A3'),
(b'\x49\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A4'),
(b'\x4b\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A5'),
(b'\x4d\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A6'),
(b'\x4f\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A7'),
matches = range(0, len(binary2) - 1, 2)
mask = bytearray()
while len(matches) > 1:
offender = binary1[offset1+len(mask):offset1+len(mask)+2]
if len(offender) < 2: break
for known, n_unknown, human in THANGS:
if offender.startswith(known):
mask.extend(b'\xFF' * len(known))
mask.extend(b'\x00' * n_unknown)
mask.extend(b'\xFF' * len(offender))
nu_matches = []
for m in matches:
if all((binary2[m+i] == binary1[offset1+i] or mask[i] == 0) for i in range(len(mask))):
matches = nu_matches
if len(matches) != 1:
raise ValueError('could not match')
return matches[0], matches[0] + len(mask)
def command_line():
@ -30,8 +101,50 @@ def command_line():
def SwapGoNative(base, donor):
print('GoNative does not actually work')
return base
def identify_caller(binary):
a = binary.index(hexlit('303C 4E2B A9C9')) # MOVE.W #dsGNLoadFail,D0; _SysError
a -= 8
assert binary[a:a+2] == hexlit('61FF') # BSR.L
return a
def identify(binary):
a = identify_caller(binary) + 2
start = a + struct.unpack_from('>l', binary, a)[0]
stop = binary.index(hexlit('21C8 005C 4E75'), start) # MOVE.L A0,$005C; RTS
stop += 8
return start, stop
# Get donor region, plus branch islands within 32k on either side
# (Because any of these islands may be reached by a JSR)
dstart, dstop = kstart, kstop = identify(donor)
islands = identify_branch_islands(donor)
islands = [i for i in islands if kstart - 0x8000 <= i[0] < kstop + 0x8000]
if islands:
kstart = min(kstart, islands[0][0])
kstop = max(kstop, islands[-1][0]+16)
# kstart will be moved to len(nubase)
nubase = bytearray(base)
while len(nubase) % 16: nubase.append(0)
delta = len(nubase) - kstart
nubase.extend(donor[kstart:kstop]) # try to redact some of this ala SysError
caller = identify_caller(base) + 2 # BSR.L
struct.pack_into('>l', nubase, caller, dstart + delta - caller)
for src, dest in islands:
src += delta
src += 2 # make calculations easier
assert src +4 < len(nubase)
dest, _ = identify_same_code(donor, dest, base)
struct.pack_into('>l', nubase, src, dest - src)
return bytes(nubase)