Dietrich Epp d5bfaa510a Clean up Mac OS GUI code
Include paths are updated to include the directory. It seems that
CodeWarrior will search for include files recursively, which means that
"error.h" may resolve to the wrong file (there are two). I am unsure of
the rules CodeWarrior uses to find header files.

Support for older versions of Universal Interfaces has been added.

The project code has been reworked after thoroughly reviewing Inside
Macintosh: Files. It is not complete, but it compiles, and the behavior
of the Save / Save As commands have been thought out more carefully.
2022-11-16 18:19:05 -05:00

599 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2022 Dietrich Epp.
// This file is part of SyncFiles. SyncFiles is licensed under the terms of the
// Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "macos/project.h"
#include "lib/crc32.h"
#include "macos/choose_directory.h"
#include "macos/error.h"
#include "macos/main.h"
#include "macos/path.h"
#include "macos/resources.h"
#include "macos/strutil.h"
#include "macos/tempfile.h"
#include <MacMemory.h>
#include <MacWindows.h>
#include <string.h>
Project format:
byte[32] magic
uint32 version
uint32 header length
uint32 header crc32
uint32 chunk count
ckinfo[] chunk info
byte[] chunk data
Chunk info:
uint32 chunk ID
uint32 byte offset
uint32 byte length
uint32 chunk crc32
Chunks: (names zero-padded)
"LOCA" local directory alias
"REMA" destination directory alias
Chunks are aligned to 16 byte boundaries, and the file is padded to a 16 byte
boundary. This is just to make it easier to read hexdumps.
#define kVersion 0x10000
// clang-format off
// Magic cookie that identifies project files.
static const unsigned char kMagic[32] = {
// Identify the file type.
'S', 'y', 'n', 'c', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 's',
' ', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't',
// Detect newline conversions.
0, 10, 0, 13, 0, 13, 10, 0,
// Detect encoding conversions (infinity in Roman and UTF-8).
0xb0, 0, 0xe2, 0x88, 0x9e, 0, 0
// clang-format on
struct ProjectHeader {
UInt8 magic[32];
UInt32 version;
UInt32 size;
UInt32 crc32;
UInt32 chunkCount;
struct ProjectChunk {
UInt32 id;
UInt32 offset;
UInt32 size;
UInt32 crc32;
// Dimensions of controls.
enum {
kVBorder = 10,
kHBorder = 10,
kDirVSize = 62,
enum {
// FIXME: this is redundant.
enum {
struct ProjectDir {
int pathLength;
Handle path;
AliasHandle alias;
// A synchronization project.
struct Project {
int windowWidth;
int isActive;
// File reference to the project file, or fileRef == 0 otherwise.
short fileRef;
// Location of the project file, if vRefNum != 0. In a possible edge case,
// the fileSpec may be set even when fileRef is 0. This may happen if you
// save the project to a volume which does not support FSpExchangeFiles(),
// and the operation fails.
FSSpec fileSpec;
// Script code for the filename.
ScriptCode fileScript;
struct ProjectDir dirs[2];
void ProjectNew(void)
ProjectHandle project;
WindowRef window;
ControlRef control;
struct Project *projectp;
int i, windowWidth, controlWidth;
project = (ProjectHandle)NewHandle(sizeof(struct Project));
if (project == NULL) {
window = GetNewCWindow(rWIND_Project, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1);
if (window == NULL) {
windowWidth = window->portRect.right - window->portRect.left;
SetWRefCon(window, (long)project);
projectp = *project;
memset(projectp, 0, sizeof(*projectp));
projectp->windowWidth = windowWidth;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
control = GetNewControl(rCNTL_ChooseFolder, window);
if (control == NULL) {
controlWidth =
(*control)->contrlRect.right - (*control)->contrlRect.left;
MoveControl(control, windowWidth - controlWidth - kHBorder,
kVBorder + kDirVSize * i + 22);
SetControlReference(control, kControlChooseDirLocal + i);
void ProjectAdjustMenus(ProjectHandle project, MenuHandle fileMenu)
if (fileMenu != NULL) {
EnableItem(fileMenu, iFile_Close);
EnableItem(fileMenu, iFile_Save);
EnableItem(fileMenu, iFile_SaveAs);
EnableItem(fileMenu, iFile_Revert);
static void ProjectClose(WindowRef window, ProjectHandle project)
struct Project *projectp;
int i;
projectp = *project;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (projectp->dirs[i].path != NULL) {
#define kChunkCount 2
#define ALIGN(x) (((x) + 15) + ~(UInt32)15)
static OSErr ProjectWriteHeader(short refNum, int nchunks,
struct ProjectChunk *ckInfo)
Ptr ptr;
struct ProjectHeader *head;
UInt32 size;
long count;
OSErr err;
size = sizeof(struct ProjectHeader) + sizeof(struct ProjectChunk) * nchunks;
ptr = NewPtr(size);
if (ptr == NULL) {
return MemError();
head = (struct ProjectHeader *)ptr;
memcpy(head->magic, kMagic, sizeof(head->magic));
head->version = kVersion;
head->size = size;
head->crc32 = 0;
head->chunkCount = nchunks;
memcpy(ptr + sizeof(struct ProjectHeader), ckInfo,
nchunks * sizeof(struct ProjectChunk));
head->crc32 = CRC32Update(0, ptr, size);
count = size;
err = FSWrite(refNum, &count, ptr);
return err;
static const UInt32 kProjectAliasChunks[2] = {'LOCA', 'REMA'};
static OSErr ProjectFlush(short refNum)
ParamBlockRec pb;
memset(&pb, 0, sizeof(pb));
pb.ioParam.ioRefNum = refNum;
return PBFlushFileSync(&pb);
// ProjectWriteContent writes the project data to the given file.
static OSErr ProjectWriteContent(ProjectHandle project, short refNum)
UInt32 pad[4];
OSErr err;
Handle ckData[kChunkCount];
struct ProjectChunk ckInfo[kChunkCount];
UInt32 off;
Size size;
Handle h;
int i, nchunks;
long count;
// Gather all chunks.
nchunks = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
h = (Handle)(*project)->dirs[i].alias;
if (h != NULL) {
ckData[nchunks] = h;
ckInfo[nchunks].id = kProjectAliasChunks[i];
// Calculate chunk offsets.
off = sizeof(struct ProjectHeader) + sizeof(struct ProjectChunk) * nchunks;
for (i = 0; i < nchunks; i++) {
size = GetHandleSize(ckData[i]);
ckInfo[i].offset = off;
ckInfo[i].size = size;
ckInfo[i].crc32 = CRC32Update(0, *ckData[i], size);
off = ALIGN(off + size);
// Write file. Refer to IM: Files listing 1-9, page 1-24.
err = SetEOF(refNum, off);
if (err != noErr) {
return err;
err = ProjectWriteHeader(refNum, nchunks, ckInfo);
if (err != noErr) {
return err;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pad[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nchunks; i++) {
size = ckInfo[i].size;
count = size;
err = FSWrite(refNum, &count, *ckData[i]);
if (err != noErr) {
return err;
count = (-size) & 15;
if (count > 0) {
err = FSWrite(refNum, &count, pad);
if (err != noErr) {
return err;
return noErr;
// A SaveMode describes the exact type of save operation.
typedef enum {
// kSaveNew indicates that the file is new, it does not exist yet.
// kSaveReplace indicates that the file is being saved over an existing
// file.
// kSaveUpdate indicates that the file is being updated in-place.
} SaveMode;
// ProjectCloseFile closes any open files and sets the file ref to 0.
static void ProjectCloseFile(ProjectHandle project)
struct Project *projectp;
projectp = *project;
if (projectp->fileRef != 0) {
// ProjectSetFile closes any open files and replaces them with the given file.
static void ProjectSetFile(ProjectHandle project, short fileRef, FSSpec *spec)
struct Project *projectp;
projectp = *project;
if (projectp->fileRef != 0) {
projectp->fileRef = fileRef;
memcpy(&projectp->fileSpec, spec, sizeof(FSSpec));
// ProjectWrite writes the project to a file.
static OSErr ProjectWrite(ProjectHandle project, FSSpec *spec,
ScriptCode script, SaveMode mode)
HParamBlockRec hb;
CMovePBRec cm;
FSSpec temp;
OSErr err;
short refNum;
err = MakeTempFile(spec->vRefNum, &temp);
if (err != noErr) {
return err;
err = FSpCreate(&temp, kCreator, kTypeProject, script);
if (err != noErr) {
return err;
err = FSpOpenDF(&temp, fsRdWrPerm, &refNum);
if (err != noErr) {
goto error1;
err = ProjectWriteContent(project, refNum);
if (err != noErr) {
goto error2;
// For ordinary "Save", swap the file contents.
if (mode == kSaveUpdate) {
err = FSpExchangeFiles(&temp, spec);
if (err == noErr) {
err = FlushVol(NULL, spec->vRefNum);
if (err != noErr) {
return err;
ProjectSetFile(project, refNum, spec);
// FIXME: What error handling, here?
return noErr;
// paramErr: function not supported by volume.
if (err != paramErr) {
goto error2;
if (mode != kSaveNew) {
// For replace or update, the file already exists.
err = FSpDelete(spec);
if (err != noErr && err != fnfErr) {
goto error2;
// Try move & rename.
memset(&hb, 0, sizeof(hb));
hb.copyParam.ioNamePtr =;
hb.copyParam.ioVRefNum = temp.vRefNum;
hb.copyParam.ioNewName = spec->name;
hb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = spec->parID;
hb.copyParam.ioDirID = temp.parID;
err = PBHMoveRenameSync(&hb);
if (err == noErr) {
goto done;
// paramErr: function not supported by volume.
if (err != paramErr) {
goto error2;
// Try move, then rename.
memset(&cm, 0, sizeof(cm));
cm.ioNamePtr =;
cm.ioVRefNum = temp.vRefNum;
cm.ioNewDirID = spec->parID;
cm.ioDirID = temp.parID;
err = PBCatMoveSync(&cm);
if (err != noErr) {
goto error2;
temp.parID = spec->parID;
err = FSpRename(&temp, spec->name);
if (err != noErr) {
goto error2;
err = FlushVol(NULL, spec->vRefNum);
if (err != noErr) {
return err;
ProjectSetFile(project, refNum, spec);
return noErr;
return err;
// A SaveCommand distinguishes between Save and Save As.
typedef enum { kSave, kSaveAs } SaveCommand;
// ProjectSave handles the Save and SaveAs menu commands.
static void ProjectSave(WindowRef window, ProjectHandle project,
SaveCommand cmd)
// See listing 1-12 in IM: Files.
Str255 name;
StandardFileReply reply;
OSErr err;
struct ErrorParams errp;
FSSpec spec;
ScriptCode script;
if (cmd == kSaveAs || (*project)->fileSpec.vRefNum == 0) {
GetWTitle(window, name);
StandardPutFile("\pSave project as:", name, &reply);
if (!reply.sfGood) {
err = ProjectWrite(project, &reply.sfFile, reply.sfScript,
reply.sfReplacing ? kSaveReplace : kSaveNew);
if (err != noErr) {
goto error;
} else {
memcpy(&spec, &(*project)->fileSpec, sizeof(FSSpec));
script = (*project)->fileScript;
err = ProjectWrite(project, &spec, script, kSaveUpdate);
if (err != noErr) {
goto error;
memset(&errp, 0, sizeof(errp));
errp.err = kErrCouldNotSaveProject;
errp.osErr = err;
errp.strParam =;
void ProjectCommand(WindowRef window, ProjectHandle project, int menuID,
int item)
switch (menuID) {
case rMENU_File:
switch (item) {
case iFile_Close:
ProjectClose(window, project);
case iFile_Save:
ProjectSave(window, project, kSave);
case iFile_SaveAs:
ProjectSave(window, project, kSaveAs);
void ProjectUpdate(WindowRef window, ProjectHandle project)
struct Project *projectp;
Rect rect;
Handle text;
int i;
projectp = *project;
rect = window->portRect;
MoveTo(0, kVBorder + kDirVSize - 10);
LineTo(projectp->windowWidth, kVBorder + kDirVSize - 10);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
MoveTo(kHBorder, kVBorder + kDirVSize * i + 12);
DrawString(i == 0 ? "\pLocal Folder" : "\pRemote Folder");
text = projectp->dirs[i].path;
if (text != NULL) {
MoveTo(kHBorder, kVBorder + kDirVSize * i + 36);
DrawText(*text, 0, projectp->dirs[i].pathLength);
UpdateControls(window, window->visRgn);
void ProjectActivate(WindowRef window, ProjectHandle project, int isActive)
struct Project *projectp;
projectp = *project;
if (projectp->isActive != isActive) {
projectp->isActive = isActive;
static void ProjectChooseDir(WindowRef window, ProjectHandle project,
int whichDir)
struct Project *projectp;
struct ProjectDir *dirp;
FSSpec directory;
Handle path;
int pathLength;
OSErr err;
if (ChooseDirectory(&directory)) {
err = GetDirPath(&directory, &pathLength, &path);
if (err != noErr) {
ExitErrorOS(kErrUnknown, err);
projectp = *project;
dirp = &projectp->dirs[whichDir];
if (dirp->path != NULL) {
dirp->pathLength = pathLength;
dirp->path = path;
void ProjectMouseDown(WindowRef window, ProjectHandle project,
EventRecord *event)
Point mouse;
GrafPtr savedPort;
ControlRef control;
ControlPartCode part;
long reference;
mouse = event->where;
part = FindControl(mouse, window, &control);
switch (part) {
case kControlButtonPart:
reference = GetControlReference(control);
if (TrackControl(control, mouse, NULL) != 0) {
switch (reference) {
case kControlChooseDirLocal:
ProjectChooseDir(window, project, kDirLocal);
case kControlChooseDirRemote:
ProjectChooseDir(window, project, kDirRemote);