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2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; File: HWElemsExp.a
; Written by: Apple Numerics Group, DSG
; Copyright: © 1985-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 2/3/93 CSS Update from Horror:
; <H2> 9/29/92 BG Adding Jon Okada's latest fixes.
; <1> 10/24/91 SAM/KSM Rolled in Regatta file.
; Terror Change History:
; <1> 01/06/91 BG Added to TERROR/BBS for the time.
;; File: 881ELEMSexp.a ;;
;; Implementation of Exp for OmegaSANE. Expects 881/882 ;;
;; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-7,1989-93. ;;
;; All Rights Reserved. ;;
;; Confidential and Proprietary to Apple Computer,Inc. ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by Clayton Lewis, begun 15 March 89. ;;
;; Based on Elems881, package code for Mac by Jerome Coonen, ;;
;; as modified for MacII by Stuart McDonald. ;;
;; ;;
;; Modification history: ;;
;; 15 Mar 89 First paltry efforts ;;
;; 20 Mar 89 Inclusion of 80/96 support ;;
;; 12 May 89 Numeric values seem to work correctly in 80-bit mode ;;
;; exceptions and 96-bit mode unchecked ;;
;; 15 May 89 Folded in new 881ELEMScoeff.a file build jointly with Ali ;;
;; 16 May 89 cleaning, exceptions working (funny behavior on denorms, ;;
;; but FPSR is correct on routine exit) ;;
;; 19 Jun 89 Exp1 alive and working well enough to pass to test suite ;;
;; 21 Jun 89 First pass at all exponentials is done ;;
;; 09 nov 89 fix the denormal to normal threshold ... ali ;;
;; 14 nov 89 fixed the fscale problem when src >= 2^14 ... ali ;;
;; 08 feb 90 fixed the fscale problem when src <= -2^14 ... ali ;;
;; 29 may 90 a flag problem when arg is a large negative number ... ali ;;
;; 31 Mar 92 replaced FMOVECR instructions ... JPO ;;
;; replaced FSCALE immed instruction ... JPO ;;
;; 17 Apr 92 rewrote in order to replace FINT and FSCALE instructions ... JPO ;;
;; The stack looks like: ;;
;; _______________________________________________ ;;
;; | | ;;
;; | address of input argument | - Long ;;
;; |_______________________________________________| ;;
;; | | ;;
;; | return address | - Long ;;
;; |_______________________________________________| ;;
;; | | ;;
;; | saved registers from control | - SavedReg Words ;;
;; |_______________________________________________| ;;
;; ;;
;; ENTRY POINT to Exp21 (x)
;; D1 must survive unchanged from ";set D1 here" to ";read D1 here"
;; to remember cheaply whether the integer part of the input argument is zero
;; Filter off special cases based on condition codes in FPSR
FMOVE FPSR,D0 ; collect status bits from move of input data
ANDI.L #ExcMask,D0 ; apply the FPCC mask to pick off N,Z,I,NaN bits
LSL.L #5,D0 ; N ->Carry, Z ->bit 31, I ->bit 30, NaN ->bit 29
;; If D0 is not 0, then one of Z, I or NaN is set.
;; Handle zeros, infinitites and NaNs elsewhere.
BNE SpecialExp1Input
;; Input is nonzero and finite
BFEXTU (A0){1:15},D1 ; get the exponent bits
CMP.W #$3FBF,D1 ; is it tiny enough [ |input| < 2.0^-64 ]?
BLT.W Small21 ; yes, do quick approximation
FCMP.S #"$46800000",FP0 ; overflow case [ input >= 16384.0 ]?
FBOGE.W Overflow ; yes
FCMP.S #"$C2800000",FP0 ; will result round to -1.0 [ input < -64.0]
FBOLT.W Neg1Inex ; yes
;; Normal input is well within range of 16-bit integer storage.
FMOVE.W FP0,D1 ; D1.W <- integer part
FSUB.W D1,FP0 ; separate fractional part (in FP0)
;; Exp1x exit code joins the code flow here
BSR ExpApprox
;; Continuation after ExpApprox
;; scale by the integer part of the input argument unless that part is 0
;; result obtained by: scale(n,(2^frac - 1) + 1) - 1
TST.W D1 ; no more work if integer part is zero, so test for it
BEQ.B ResultDelivered
FADD.W #1,FP0 ; FP0 <- 2^frac
CLR.L -(SP) ; push significand of scale factor on stack
MOVE.L #$80000000,-(SP)
SUBQ #4,SP ; allow four bytes on stack for sign/exponent/pad
CMP.W #$4000,D1 ; upward double scaling required?
BLT.B @LastScale ; no
MOVE.W #$7ffe,(SP) ; yes, scale y by 2^($3FFF)
SUBI.W #$3FFF,D1 ; adjust n
ADDI.W #$3FFF,D1 ; bias n to create exponent of factor
MOVE.W D1,(SP) ; scale by 2^n, popping factor from stack
FSUB.W #1,FP0 ; subtract 1.0 to obtain result
;; Exit back to global control code for result delivery, exception processing,
;; cleanup and exit. Expects value to return in FP0, exceptions to be cleared
;; in D0.lo, exceptions to be set in D0.hi.
JMP (A4)
;; ENTRY POINT to Exp1 (x)
;; Filter off special cases based on condition codes in FPSR
FMOVE FPSR,D0 ; collect status bits from move of input data
ANDI.L #ExcMask,D0 ; mask to show only four status bits
LSL.L #5,D0 ; N ->Carry, Z ->bit 31, I ->bit 30, NaN ->bit 29
;; If D0 is not 0, then one of Z, I or NaN is set.
;; Handle zeros, infinitites and NaNs elsewhere.
BNE.S SpecialExp1Input
;; Input is nonzero and finite
BFEXTU (A0){1:15},D1 ; get the exponent bits
CMP.W #$3FBF,D1 ; is it tiny enough [ |input| < 2.0^-64 ]?
BLT.B Smalle1 ; yes, do quick approximation
FCMP.S #"$46317218",FP0 ; overflow case [ input >= 11356.52 ]?
FBOGE.W Overflow ; yes
FCMP.S #"$C2317218",FP0 ; will result round to -1.0 [ input <= -44.36142]?
FBOLE.W Neg1Inex ; yes
BSR Split ; split input into integral and fractional base-2 parts
BRA.W CommonBackEnd
;; Tiny input for Exp21 and Exp1
FMOVEM.X FP0,-(SP) ; push input onto stack
FMOVE.X FPKLOGE2,FP0 ; overwrite FP0 with ln(2)
FMUL.X (SP)+,FP0 ; return input * ln(2)
LEA -12(SP),SP ; reserve 12 bytes of stack for result
MOVE.L #SetInexact,D0 ; signal INEXACT at exit time
FMOVEM.X FP0,(SP) ; write result to stack
TST.W 4(SP) ; if subnormal, signal UNDERFLOW at exit time
LEA 12(SP),SP ; fix up stack
BMI.B @1
ORI.L #SetUFlow,D0
JMP (A4) ; go to exit routine set up in module header
;; SpecialExp1Input - used by exp1 and exp21 to handle NaN, ∞, 0
;; If D0 is negative, then Z is set.
;; The input is ±0. Return it also as output.
BMI.S @1
;; Check the NaN bit. If set, just return the NaN.
BTST #30,D0 ; check explicitly for infinity
BEQ.S @1
;; That leaves only infinities. Leave +∞ alone, for -∞ return -1.
BCC.S @1 ; it's a positive infinity, just return it
FMOVE.W #-1,FP0 ; else negative infinity returns -1.0
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; signal no exceptions in ExpExit code
JMP (A4) ; go to exit routine set up in module header
;; Neg1Inex - used by exp1 and exp21 to handle large (finite) negative input
FMOVE.W #-1,FP0 ; return -1.0
MOVE.L #SetInexact,D0 ; signal INEXACT
JMP (A4) ; go to exit routine
;; Overflow - used by all to handle overflow due to finite input
FMOVE.S #"$7F800000",FP0 ; return +INF
MOVE.L #SetInexact+SetOFlow,D0 ; signal INEXACT and OVERFLOW
JMP (A4)
;; TinyExp - used by exp and exp2 to handle small magnitude input
FMOVE.W #1,FP0 ; return 1.0
MOVE.L #SetInexact,D0 ; signal INEXACT
JMP (A4) ; go to exit routine
;; Flush0 - used by exp and exp2 to handle large (finite) negative input
FMOVE.W #0,FP0 ; return 0.0
MOVE.L #SetInexact+SetUFlow,D0 ; signal INEXACT
JMP (A4) ; go to exit routine
;; SpecialExpInput - used by exp and exp2 to handle NaN, ∞, 0
;; If D0 is negative, then Z is set.
;; The input is ±0. Return 1.
BPL.S @1 ; skip zero code if Z is not set
; FMOVECR #CONSTONE,FP0 ; else return +1 - DELETED <3/31/92, JPO>
FMOVE.W #1,FP0 ; else return +1 <3/31/92, JPO>
BRA.S @2
;; Check the NaN bit. If set, just return the NaN.
BTST #30,D0 ; check explicitly for infinity
BEQ.S @2
;; That leaves only infinities. Leave +∞ alone, for -∞ return 0.
BCC.S @2 ; it's a positive infinity, just return it
; FMOVECR #CONSTZERO,FP0 ; else negative infinity input, deliver 0 result - DELETED <3/31/92, JPO>
FMOVE.W #0,FP0 ; -INF input yields zero result <3/31/92, JPO>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; signal no exceptions in ExpExit code
JMP (A4) ; go to exit routine set up in module header
;; ExpApprox, the heart of the computation for finite, normal values of the input after reduction
;; returns 2^x - 1 for x in FP0
;; Note: expects FP status to be correct for the input argument in FP0
;; FP0 contains a reduced value of the original input value x (fractional part or rem/ln(2))
;; FP3 and D1 cannot be trashed
;; Return result in FP0 and exceptions to be set/cleared during ProcExit in D0
;; NOTE: EXTENDED ARGUMENT IN FP0 (unchanged by PolyEval),
;; Compute x^2
;; Call PolyEval with Exp21P coefficients and x^2 to get p(x^2)
;; Get x * p(x^2) = t
;; Call PolyEval with Exp21Q coefficients and x^2 to get q(x^2)
;; Compute q-t, 2t and 2t/(q-t)
;; set inexact and clear underflow
FBEQ @1 ; zero in, zero out
FMOVE.X FP0,FP2 ; put x in FP2
FMUL.X FP2,FP0 ; and x^2 in FP0
LEA EXP21P,A0 ; call PolyEval, arg in FP0, coeff table ptr in A1
BSR PolyEval ; returning p(x^2) in FP1
FMUL.X FP1,FP2 ; t = x*p(x^2) into FP2
BSR PolyEval ; returning q(x^2) in FP1
FSUB.X FP2,FP1 ; q - t
; FSCALE.B #1,FP2 ; 2t - DELETED <3/31/92, JPO>
FADD.X FP2,FP2 ; 2t <3/31/92, JPO>
FDIV.X FP1,FP2 ; 2t/(q-t)
OR.L #SetInexact,D0 ; signal inexact at end of routine
;; Split - used by exp(x) and exp1(x)
;; Normal input gets written as x = n*ln(2) + r by using remainder.
;; Then set a = r/ln(2) and n = (x - r)/ln(2)
;; exp(x) = 2^a * 2^n - 1 where 2^a is found by expapprox (plus 1) and 2^n by scaling
;; Input: FP0 <- x
;; Output: FP0 <- a, D1.W <- n, FPCC bits reflect status of a
;; Uses: FP1, FP3
FMOVE.X FPKLOGE2,FP1 ; FP1 <- ln(2)
FMOVE FP0,FP3 ; copy of input argument
FREM FP1,FP0 ; FP0 <- x rem ln(2) = r
FSUB FP0,FP3 ; FP2 <- (x - r)
FDIV FP1,FP3 ; FP2 <- (x - r)/ln(2) = n
FMOVE.W FP3,D1 ; D1.W <- n (|n| < 2^15)
FDIV FP1,FP0 ; FP0 <- r/ln(2) = a
OR.L #SetInexact,D0 ; Base e exponentials with nonzero finite input signal INEXACT
;; ENTRY POINT to Exp2 (x)
;; Filter off special cases based on condition codes in FPSR
FMOVE FPSR,D0 ; collect status bits from move of input data
ANDI.L #ExcMask,D0 ; mask to show only four status bits
LSL.L #5,D0 ; N-bit -> Carry, Z-bit -> bit 31, I-bit -> bit 30, NaN-bit -> bit 29
;; If D0 is not 0, then one of Z, I or NaN is set.
;; Handle zeros, infinitites and NaNs elsewhere.
BNE SpecialExpInput
;; Input is finite and nonzero
BFEXTU (A0){1:15},D1 ; get the exponent bits
CMP.W #$3FBF,D1 ; is it tiny enough [ |input| < 2.0^-64 ]?
BLT.W TinyExp ; yes, do quick approximation
FCMP.S #"$46800000",FP0 ; overflow case [ input >= 16384.0 ]?
FBOGE.W Overflow ; yes
FCMP.S #"$C6807E00",FP0 ; will result underflow to 0.0 [ input < -16447.0]
FBOLE.W Flush0 ; yes
;; Normal input is well within range of 16-bit integer storage.
FMOVE.W FP0,D1 ; D1.W <- integer part
FSUB.W D1,FP0 ; separate fractional part (in FP0)
;; Exp(x) exit code joins the code flow here
;; approximate exp(fractional part) with ExpApprox
;; scale by the integer part of the input argument
BSR ExpApprox
FADD.W #1,FP0 ; magnitude to scale lies between (√2)/2 and √2
CLR.L -(SP) ; push significand of scale factor on stack
MOVE.L #$80000000,-(SP)
SUBQ #4,SP ; allow four bytes on stack for sign/exponent/pad
CMP.W #$4000,D1 ; upward double scaling required?
BLT.B @1 ; no
MOVE.W #$7ffe,(SP) ; yes, scale y by 2^($3FFF)
SUBI.W #$3FFF,D1 ; adjust n
BRA.B @LastScale
CMP.W #$C001,D1 ; downward double scaling required?
BGT.B @LastScale ; no, single scaling with normal result
BNE.B @2 ; yes
FCMP.W #1,FP0 ; no, but check for underflow
FBOGE.W @LastScale ; no underflow
BRA.B @WillUnderflow ; signal UNDERFLOW at exit
@2: ; double scaling required
MOVE.W #$0001,(SP) ; yes, scale y by 2^-($3FFE) for barely normal result
ADDI.W #$3FFE,D1 ; adjust n
BTST.L #19,D0 ; if known inexact value, signal UNDERFLOW at exit
BEQ.B @LastScale
OR.L #SetUFlow,D0
ADDI.W #$3FFF,D1 ; bias n to create exponent of factor
MOVE.W D1,(SP) ; scale by 2^n, popping factor from stack
JMP (A4) ; exit to back-end processing
;; ENTRY POINT to Exp (x)
;; Filter off special cases based on condition codes in FPSR
FMOVE FPSR,D0 ; collect status bits from move of input data
ANDI.L #ExcMask,D0 ; mask to show only four status bits
LSL.L #5,D0 ; N-bit -> Carry, Z-bit -> bit 31, I-bit -> bit 30, NaN-bit -> bit 29
;; If D0 is not 0, then one of Z, I or NaN is set.
;; Handle zeros, infinitites and NaNs elsewhere.
BNE SpecialExpInput
;; Input is finite and nonzero
BFEXTU (A0){1:15},D1 ; get the exponent bits
CMP.W #$3FBF,D1 ; is it tiny enough [ |input| < 2.0^-64 ]?
BLT.W TinyExp ; yes, do quick approximation
FCMP.S #"$46317218",FP0 ; overflow case [ input >= 11356.52 ]?
FBOGE.W Overflow ; yes
FCMP.S #"$C63220C5",FP0 ; will result underflow to 0.0 [ input < -11400.19]?
FBOLE.W Flush0 ; yes
BSR.W Split ; split input into integral and fractional base-2 parts
BRA.W BackEnd ; branch to common processing