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2019-07-27 14:37:48 +00:00
; File: PrintDriver.a
; Contains: generic printer shell
; We get called only if the driver has not yet been attached, so we must attach
; it. This involves getting the correct DRVR from the resource file pointed
; to by STR -8192 in the system file, and replacing ourselves with it. This
; will convince future calls to the print driver to go direct, until the driver
; gets purged, in which case we will get called again, and we simply go get the
; real driver again.
; Written by: Burt Sloane
; Copyright: © 1984-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <8> 8/14/90 dba move the TopMapHndl to the LoadDriver call
; <2> 8/7/90 NB Only calls PrLoadDriver if the GetResource('DRVR', -8192) fails.
; Most of the time (always?) it will succeed, but in certain
; background/foreground cases, we may have to force a reload.
; This speeds up text printing by huge piles.
; <1> 8/7/90 csd Rebuilding the Printing project
; <6> 4/21/90 dba Set CurMap to TopMapHndl before calling PrLoadDriver, stealing
; code from the old print driver. This fixes some obvious problems
; with background printing, but the entire MultiFinder “GetPrName”
; mechanism is no longer appropriate with aliases to printers
; (instead of driver names); this must be fixed. Also note that
; using CurMap directly and bypassing CurResFile and UseResFile is
; naughty.
; <5> 4/6/90 NB Replaced with the MultiFinder .Print. Also added a call to
; PrLoadDriver. This replaces all the driver load hacks from before.
; <4> 3/6/90 DDG Made GetDrvrEntry restore the ResLoad low memory global. (It
; used to save it, but not restore it)
; <3> 1/4/90 dba get rid of an unneeded branch that caused a warning
; <2> 12/28/89 dba change from PROC to MAIN to get dead code stripping; get rid of
; resource map munging because RsrcMapEntry is now in every ROM
; <1.3> 11/17/89 dba got rid of checks for 64K ROMs
; <1.2> 8/28/89 SES removed references to nFiles
; <1.1> 6/20/89 CCH changed ForRam equates to "NOT ForRom"
; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH added to EASE
; <S477> 4/25/88 JNP If GetString(-8192) fails, return resErr.
; <S5> 12/30/86 JTC Repair A386 above to use rsrc bit twiddling trap only on new
; machines.
; 12/19/86 LBH Set and return correct error after GetResource error occurs.
; Also puts printer resource file refnum in PrintVars area of low
; memory.
; 12/19/86 LBH Changed OpenRFPerm back to OpenResFile since this code is now
; permanently back in RAM.
; <A386> 11/9/86 JTC No code change, just an elaboration of C169/24Oct86 above. This
; stub driver has the momentous job of determining the true print
; driver, loading it, sneaking it into the RSRC map (on top of
; this stubs own entry), and transferring control to it. Its the
; sneakiness were concerned with here. When the true driver is
; loaded and detached, the RSRC mgr clears the RSRC bit the master
; ptr, as is to be expected. Alas, when the handle is stuffed into
; the map, that bit should be set to 1 so that
; consistency-checking code sniffing around the heaps and maps
; will not find anything amiss. There should be no REAL problem
; here, since the drivers are not modified in RAM and thus dont
; require any special purge service by the ResPurgeProc.
; <A316> 10/31/86 LAK Changed OpenResFile call to OpenRFPerm to avoid conflict with
; 'Q' INIT patch to former.
; <C169> 10/24/86 JTC/ALR Incorporated change made to system version of this
; file setting resource bit of driver handle after detaching
; it and stuffing it back on top of this very code.
; <C206> 10/9/86 bbm Modified to mpw aincludes.
; <C169> 9/23/86 JTC Change two BSETs to _HLocks, with subtle reg effects.
; 9/12/85 LAK Set the dRAMBased bit in the appropriate byte.
; 8/28/85 BBM added .include for tlasm-newequ.text.
; 8/26/85 Leo ROM-ized the driver, incorporating Larry's changes from his
; version: if for ROM, then set dNeedsLock bit, set dRAMBased bit
; when splicing in printer driver, and don't do the
; ReleaseResource on ourselves. Also incorporated use of
; RsrcMapEntry trap for ROM version. Changed code to be included
; from a superset file that has all the includes and the
; definition of the conditional assembly constants forROM and
; forRAM in it.
; 8/14/85 Leo Auugh! Hang bug in MacPaint was caused because there's a routine
; in some PrLink, somewhere, called PrNoPurge that does a
; GetResource('DRVR',2). How obnoxious! In order to work around
; this bug, we're writing the handle to DRVR -8192 into the
; resource map over the handle to DRVR 2.
; 7/31/85 LEO Added GetDefDrive and GoSetVol from Donion's Scrapbook
; 7/15/85 LEO Added version info corresponding to Cary's memo Eliminated
; copying of code into tempRect. Eliminated master pointer/back
; pointer swap. Eliminated closing of resource file (speedup,
; hopefully).
; 2/1/85 BAS fixed a bug in the error case introduced 16-Jan. also handled
; not getting the resource better
; 1/16/85 BAS let openres do the volume hacking for me
; 10/29/84 BAS took out the global flag, made it always close the resFile
; 9/12/84 BAS made STR -8192 not need to be in the system file for Bud
; 9/7/84 BAS Put in suggestions/bugs found by LAK & SC & RS { whew! }
; To Do:
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'PrPrivate.a'
; format of a resource map entry (we should use ResourceMgrPriv.a instead)
RAttr EQU RNameO+2
RLocn EQU RAttr
RHndl EQU RLocn+4
RESize EQU RHndl+4
; PrintDriver.a - .Print Patch for Juggler
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1990
; All rights reserved.
; Written by Phil Goldman
; This is the patch for the .Print driver in the System File
; PseudoCode:
; short
; DoOpen(paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; DoDriver(OFFSET_OPEN, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; short
; DoPrime(paramBlock, DCEHandle, paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; return DoDriver(OFFSET_PRIME, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; short
; DoControl(paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; return DoDriver(OFFSET_CONTROL, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; short
; DoStatus(paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; return DoDriver(OFFSET_STATUS, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; short
; DoClose(paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; {
; return DoDriver(OFFSET_CLOSE, paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; DoDriver(offset, paramBlock, DCEHandle)
; long offset
; IOPBPtr paramBlock;
; Handle DCEHandle;
; {
; StringPtr localStrPtr, globalStrPtr;
; short refNum, oldvref;
; Handle drvrHandle;
; char enablePrTypeChanges;
; enablePrTypeChanges = TWGetPrTypeStrings(&localStrPtr, &globalStrPtr);
; if (RelString(localStrPtr, globalStrPtr) != 0)
; {
; if (enablePrTypeChanges != PRTYPE_CHANGESTATUS_DISABLED || offset == OFFSET_CLOSE)
; globalStrPtr = localStrPtr /* Ignore global or do the _Close on the old local */
; else
; {
; (void)DoClose(paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; CloseResFile(PRINTVARS.refNum); /* Ignore the error -- might already be closed by high level or glue */
; TWSetPrResRefNums(globalStrPtr, nil);
; if (offset != OFFSET_OPEN)
; (void)DoOpen(paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; }
; }
; PRINTVARS.refNum = OpenRFPerm(globalStrPtr, BOOTVOL, curPerm);
; if (ResErr != noErr)
; return ResErr;
; if (drvrHandle = Get1Resource('STR ', -8192) == nil || ResError != noErr)
; return ResError;
; HLock(drvrHandle);
; retval = (drvrHandle[drvrHandle[offset]])(paramBlock, DCEHandle);
; if (((*drvrHandle)->drvrFlags & dNeedsLock) == 0)
; HUnlock(drvrHandle);
; return retval;
; }
; Open Questions:
; (3) Should the real driver be passed a fake DCE ptr, or can it share with this one?
; (4) What happens if this driver gets purged? (Theoretically, it should not matter since it's always locked)
; (5) Should we still unlock the driver at the end if the trap has the IMMED bit set?
; (6) Where is question (1)?
; NOTE: Make sure to change these if dispatch numbers ever change!
_KernelDispatch OPWORD $A88F
PrintShopRefNum EQU 'cg'
move.l #$D8000000, -(SP)
dc.w $A8FD
ReadWriteCtlStatus_Flags EQU (1<<dReadEnable)+(1<<dWritEnable)+(1<<dCtlEnable)+(1<<dStatEnable)
DC.B ReadWriteCtlStatus_Flags+(1<<dNeedLock),$00 ;enable all calls and set the lock flag
DC.W 0 ;no time
DC.W 0, 0 ;no events, no menu
; Entry point offset table
DC.W OrnOpen - OrnEntry ;open routine
DC.W OrnPrime - OrnEntry ;prime
DC.W OrnCtl - OrnEntry ;control
DC.W OrnStatus- OrnEntry ;status
DC.W OrnClose - OrnEntry ;close
; and a name for any humans nearby
DC.B $06
DC.B '.Print '
; Version data
DC.W 0
DC.W $0002
DC.W $0019
moveq #DrvrOpen,D1
bra.s GetDrvr ;do the open call
moveq #DrvrPrime,D1
bra.s GetDrvr ;do the prime call
moveq #DrvrCtl,D1
bra.s GetDrvr ;do the ctl call
moveq #DrvrStatus,D1
bra.s GetDrvr ;do the status call
moveq #DrvrClose,D1
; bra.s GetDrvr ;do the close call
; GetDrvr - go find the driver and load it in. Purge this program, and transfer
; control to the right place according to D1, preserving A0/A1.
movem.l A0-A3,-(SP) ;save regs *** beware of changing this!
move.w CurMap,-(SP) ;save the current map
move.w D1,-(SP) ;save D1
; first, try to get universal print driver in the system file
clr.w -(sp) ; system file refnum
_UseResFile ; switch to system resource file
tst.w resErr ; get it?
bne UseOtherDriver ; boy, are we in trouble!
subq #4,SP ; space for handle
move.l #'ndrv',-(sp) ; type
move.w #-8192,-(sp) ; ID
_Get1Resource ; get the driver indicator
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get the handle
beq UseOtherDriver ; jump if resource not available
move.l d0,a0 ; put handle in more useful register
move.l (a0),d0 ; get pointer to data
beq UseOtherDriver ; jump if no data
move.l d0,a0 ; put pointer in more useful register
tst.b (a0) ; check boolean flag in first byte
beq UseOtherDriver ; jump if 'false' (allow non-sys printer file)
move.w #PrintShopRefNum,PrintVars+$E ; store refnum in low memory
bra LoadDriver ; go get the driver itself
; oh well, get the local and global pr res file names. Ignore changes for _Close,
; because we want to close the old one anyway. Note that _Open should also check
; for printer change, just like everyone else.
lea -10(sp),sp ; room for 2 pointers + return value (on bottom)
pea 6(sp) ; push addr of first
pea 6(sp) ; push addr of second
move.w #TWGETPRTYPESTRINGSID,-(sp) ; get local and global pr res refnums
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; get enablePrTypeChanges in d0
move.l (sp)+,a3 ; get global str ptr
move.l (sp)+,a2 ; get local str ptr
tst.b d0 ; check enablePrTypeChanges
beq.s ForceLocalByChoice ; if disabled then branch (force the local always)
move.l a2,a0
move.l a3,a1 ; Set up for _RelString
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0 ; get length of global
swap d0
move.b (a1)+,d0 ; get length of local
_RelString ; are they equal?
beq.s GotResFileName ; if so, branch
move.w (sp),d1 ; get call number
cmp.w #DrvrClose,d1 ; is it _Close?
bne.s CloseOldOne ; if not, branch
ForceLocalByChoice ; if explicit call made to disable pr type changes then force the local
move.w (sp),d1 ; get call number
; if _Close call we can just close the old local one
move.l a2,a3 ; make global <- local
bra.s GotResFileName ; go do it
; Close old .XPrint and open new one...
movem.l 4(sp),a0-a1 ; restore these for new call
jsr OrnClose
move.w PrintVars+$E,-(sp) ; push refnum of old driver
_CloseResFile ; close him (and don't punt on errors -- might already be closed)
move.l a3,-(sp) ; set new local to be the global
moveq.l #0,d0
move.l d0,-(sp) ; no global being set
move.b #PRTYPE_CHANGESTATUS_SAME,-(sp) ; no change in this
move.w #TWSETPRTYPESTRINGSID,-(sp) ; routine is to set the refnum of the printer file
move.w (sp),d1 ; get call number
cmp.w #DrvrOpen,d1 ; is it _Open?
beq.s GotResFileName ; if so, branch
movem.l 4(sp),a0-a1 ; restore these for new call
jsr OrnOpen ; otherwise open new one
; When we get to this point one way or another the local and global printer names
; are the same. Open the correct printer resource file. We'll just leave it open.
; Having the current printer resource file open should always be OK. Open it by
; calling PrGlue (NB: 4/6/90)
; Next, get the DRVR resource from the print resource file.
subq #4,SP ;space for handle
move.l #'DRVR',-(sp) ;type
move.w #-8192,-(sp) ;ID
_Get1Resource ;get the actual driver
move.l (sp)+,D0 ;get the handle
beq.s TryLoadDriver ;(LBH)no handle, try to load the driver in (NB)
move.l D0,A3
tst.l (a3) ; data loaded?
bne.s ResetStack ; keep on truckin'
; If the resource load failed, then open the driver and try again.
; Because the LaserWriter driver stores a copy of the 'alis' -8192 resource
; in the spool file, we need to look there (as well as in the system file)
; when doing a PrLoadDriver so that background printing works. This should
; really be handled by PrintMonitor making a Process Mgr. call to let it
; know about the other 'alis', but this should work for now, since no one
; except for the Print Mgr. is allowed to use an ID of -8192.
move.l TopMapHndl,A0 ; get the top map <6>
move.l (A0),A0 ; deref <6>
move.w 20(A0),-(sp) ; get the top map refNum *** equate? <6>
_UseResFile ; use the top map for finding the driver alias <6>
_PrLoadDriver ; function result is in D0
tst.w D0 ; test the error
bnz.s ErrorZ ; exit on error
subq #4,SP ;space for handle
move.l #'DRVR',-(sp) ;type
move.w #-8192,-(sp) ;ID
_Get1Resource ;get the actual driver
move.l (sp)+,D0 ;get the handle
beq.s ForceErr ;(LBH)no handle, fail
move.l D0,A3
tst.l (a3) ; data loaded?
beq.s ForceErr ;(LBH)no data, fail
ResetStack move.w (SP)+,D1 ;get back the call number
move.w (SP)+,curMap ;restore the map
; Here we lock the driver, cuz code oughta be locked while it's executing.
movea.l A3,A0 ; <C169>
_HLock ; lock driver down <C169>
movea.l (A0),A2 ; ptr to driver <C169>
move.w 0(A2,D1.w),D1 ;get the offset for the correct call
add.w d1,a2 ;get the address of the correct call
; Restore the necessary registers and execute the appropriate routine from
; the "real" print driver.
movem.l (SP),A0-A1 ; Restore needed regs
move.w PrintVars+$E,-(sp) ; save refnum for later
move.l a3,-(sp) ; save a3 (routine can trash all registers)
jsr (a2) ; go do it
move.l (sp)+,a3 ; restore a3 (routine can trash all registers)
move.l (a3),a2 ; get ptr to driver
btst #dNeedLock, drvrFlags(a2) ; should it stay locked?
bne.s NoUnlockNeeded ; if so, branch
move.w CurMap,a2 ; save cur res file
tst.w resErr ; error on _UseResFile (res file got closed in jsr (a2) call)?
bne.s ResFileGone ; if is, don't unlock non-existent driver
move.w a2,CurMap ; restore cur res file
move.l a3,a0
_HUnlock ; otherwise, unlock it
bra.s PDrDone
addq.w #2,sp ; get rid of refnum
movem.l (sp)+,A0-A3 ; Restore all used regs
bra.s CompletelyDone ; go to IODone or ret addr
; (LBH) Force resource manager error since something failed.
move.w resErr,d0 ; get expected error
bne.s ErrorZ ; return with it
move.w #resNotFound,d0 ; otherwise force an error
; Got here if the _GetResource or GetDrvrEntry failed,
; so clean up and go home.
move.w D0,PrintVars ;save error code
move.w (SP)+,D1 ;get back the call number
move.w (SP)+,curMap ;restore the map
movem.l (SP)+,A0-A3
btst #9,ioTrap(A0) ;were we called Immed?
bne.s @1 ;yes
move.l jioDone,-(SP) ;no, go to ioDone
rts ;go away