{ File: Balloonptch28.p Contains: Pascal routines called from Balloonptch28.p Written by: Randy Carr Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <47> 3/23/92 JSM OSEvents.p is obsolete, use Events.p. <46> 11/1/91 KSM Added gestaltHelpMgrExtensions set up and conditionalized it for theFuture. Decided not to change the gestaltHelpMgrPresent set up to BSET with gestalt constant since it shipped as (result:=1) and will always be that way. <45> 2/20/91 RLC ksm,#81872 - Fix bug that wasn't restoring port after 'About Balloon Help' dialog is dismissed. <44> 1/23/91 RLC Remove calls to TextFont(), TextSize(), and ShowWindow() the copyright notice was removed from About… dialog as per John Sullivan. We aren't doing any special checking for contents checking inside the alert either. <43> 12/3/90 RLC Update for new Dmgr FrontWindowModal calls. <42> 10/23/90 RLC Eliminate unused globals when allocating our globals ptr. Toss code that used to be called from _InitWindows patch. Change code that handles the About Help… dialog to call the new dialog mgr set default item stuff. <41> 9/23/90 RLC Toss patch to InitWindows that was reallocating the layerptr each time InitWindows was called. Change to have the HMSetBalloons(true) allocate the layer and the window only when balloon help comes on. <40> 9/22/90 gbm Change InitWindows patch to stop putting help layer in the system heap. <39> 9/19/90 ngk Now explicitly call standard filter proc in ptchHMShowHelpAboutDialog <38> 9/13/90 RLC Change HMGlobals to be a ptr instead of a handle, as it gets allocated at init time (early) and preallocation of a master ptr; Update all references to the hmGlobalHandle to hmGlobalPtr. <37> 8/31/90 RLC Update file to use newest naming conventions in equates and put in support for patch to OSEventAvail to call HMBalloonBulk for sleeping applications in foreground. <36> 8/20/90 RLC Fix bug that ‘Bonehead Ed’ said was the correct way to test ColorQD is present. This makes balloons hang off of the edge. <35> 8/16/90 RLC Change private interfaces to always return OsErr. <35> 8/6/90 RLC Shorten the about box code. <34> 7/30/90 RLC Update to support changes to about dialog. <33> 7/24/90 RLC Conditionally remove the “Feedback” balloon and update calls to HMShowBalloon to match real interface. <32> 7/13/90 RLC Shorten some global initialization, don't call SysEnvirons anymore, assume presence of LayerMgr. <31> 7/3/90 RLC Fix “Balloons On” Balloon. <30> 7/2/90 RLC Conditionally remove help icon tracking code. <29> 6/22/90 RLC Remove some false/NIL/ or 0 assignments that is done from NewHandleClear now. <28> 6/14/90 RLC Add routines to support “Balloons On” balloon and include BalloonDefs.p <27> 6/8/90 KSM Update for new IsFrontWindowModal. <26> 6/7/90 VL Remove InstallPatch code. Move installation code for Gestalt function to Balloonpack28.a. <25> 6/5/90 RLC Fix some front window bugs. <24> 6/1/90 RLC Add call to ScriptMgr in InitLayers code to retrieve the help font & size. <23> 5/30/90 RLC Remove some patch references and update global record. <22> 5/4/90 RLC Patches CONST changes. <21> 5/3/90 RLC Update hmGlobalRecord to support lastModalDialog window. <20> 4/18/90 RLC Call DaveC's cool centering code for About… dialog. <19> 4/10/90 KSM Toss some stupid patches and add to InitWindows patch. <18> 4/2/90 RLC Rearrange some parts to allow for cutback in future. <17> 3/28/90 RLC Fix append items to help menu for twitches. <16> 3/23/90 RLC Add first time Balloon. <15> 3/21/90 RLC Add delay back in. <14> 3/20/90 RLC Fix Help menu update problem by calling ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu at ptch init time. <13> 3/15/90 RLC Update HMGlobalRecord again, fix NewGestalt call. <12> 3/7/90 RLC Fix hmgProcess globals. <11> 2/23/90 RLC Toss a bunch of globals from HMGlobalRecord. <10> 2/12/90 RLC Add code to support HMSetDialogResID & HMSetMenuResID. <9> 2/7/90 RLC Initialize hmgTix := Tickcount; <8> 2/5/90 RLC Add Delay items to About Dialog… <7> 2/5/90 RLC Remove dead code, optimize, change Using dialog again. <6> 1/31/90 RLC Optimize ptchHMBootInitHelpMgr & add HMPutDSPatch <5> 1/29/90 RLC Fix Using Help… Modal dialog code. <4> 1/26/90 RLC Update global record for hmgOurBalloon word. <3> 1/22/90 RLC Fix debug options and remove obsolete routines. <2> 1/10/90 RLC Add hmgTix to HMGlobalRecord. <1.4> 11/30/89 RLC Fixed dialog tracker and updated HMGlobalsRecord to match BalloonPack.p <1.3> 11/15/89 RLC Remove _Debugger calls for real builds. <1.2> 11/13/89 RLC Changed _IsDialogEvent patch call to HMTrackHelpIcon to check for _FrontWindow=DialogKind. <1.1> 11/7/89 RLC Updated tracking routine for Help icon. <1.0> 11/2/89 RLC Created Today. } {$ifc UNDEFINED HelpMgrTesting} {$setc HelpMgrTesting = false} {$endc} {$setc HelpIncludeHelpIcon = false} {$ifc HelpMgrTesting} {$D+} {$INIT+} {$elsec} {$D-} {$INIT-} {$endc} UNIT Balloonptch28; INTERFACE USES Types, QuickDraw, ToolUtils, Fonts, Events, Controls, Windows, Dialogs, Files, Menus, Desk, Traps, OSUtils, Script, Resources, Memory, Packages, FixMath, Errors, Layers, Processes, Balloons, GestaltEqu, MenuMgrPriv, DialogsPriv; CONST UnImplementedTrap = $9F; {Using Help Dialog consts} UsingHelpOK = 1; UsingHelpPict1 = 2; UsingHelpPict2 = 3; MBarHeight = $BAA; {$I BalloonDefs.p} FUNCTION ptchHMPascalGetBalloons: BOOLEAN; FUNCTION ptchHMGestaltIsThereHelp(selector: OSType; VAR result: LongInt): OsErr; FUNCTION ptchHMBootInitHelpManager : OsErr; PROCEDURE ptchHMToggleWhatIs; { maintenance routine for _SystemMenu patch } {$ifc HelpIncludeHelpIcon} PROCEDURE ptchTrackHelpIcon; { tracks the help icon in modal dialogs and alerts } {$endc} PROCEDURE ptchHMShowHelpAboutDialog; PROCEDURE ptchHMCallTrackerInContext; IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu; EXTERNAL; FUNCTION ptchHMGetHelpGlobal: HMGlobalPtr; EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE ptchHMSetHelpGlobal(gp: HMGlobalPtr); EXTERNAL; FUNCTION HMBalloonBulk: OsErr; INLINE $303C,$00FC,_Pack14; {$ifc HelpMgrTesting} PROCEDURE Assert(b: BOOLEAN; s: STR255); BEGIN if b then DebugStr(s); END; {$endc} FUNCTION IsThisAModalDialog: BOOLEAN; VAR class: INTEGER; result: OSErr; BEGIN result := GetFrontWindowModalClass(class); IF result <> noErr THEN IsThisAModalDialog := FALSE ELSE IsThisAModalDialog := (class = dBoxProc); END; FUNCTION ptchHMPascalGetBalloons: BOOLEAN; {we need this for PACK call: FUNCTION HMGetBalloons: BOOLEAN;} BEGIN ptchHMPascalGetBalloons := ptchHMGetHelpGlobal^.hmgWhatIs; END; FUNCTION ptchHMGestaltIsThereHelp(selector: OSType; VAR result: LongInt): OsErr; BEGIN ptchHMGestaltIsThereHelp := noErr; result := 1; {<47> Show that the Help Mgr is present } { Additional feature flags below } {$IFC theFuture} BSET(result,gestaltHelpMgrExtensions); {<47> Conditionalized OUT until extensions rolled in } {$ENDC} END; FUNCTION ptchHMBootInitHelpManager : OsErr; { *** eventually we'll want to put this past cut off point } VAR gp : Ptr; mh : MenuHandle; theUniverse : SysEnvRec; r : Rect; BEGIN ptchHMBootInitHelpManager := noErr; if ptchHMGetHelpGlobal <> NIL then exit(ptchHMBootInitHelpManager); { help manager is already initialized } gp := NewPtrSysClear(Sizeof(HMGlobalRecord)); {always make it clear, saves code this way!} if gp<>NIL then with HMGlobalPtr(gp)^ do begin hmgHasColorQD := IntegerPtr($28E)^ <= $3FFF; hmgItemNum := -1; hmgMenuID := -1; hmgDialogQueue := HHMHelpQueueRecord(NewHandleSysClear(Sizeof(INTEGER))); { just room for count } hmgMenuQueue := HHMHelpQueueRecord(NewHandleSysClear(Sizeof(INTEGER))); { just room for count } hmgDelay := 5; hmgTix := Tickcount; { initialize delay count } end else ptchHMBootInitHelpManager := MemError; ptchHMSetHelpGlobal(HMGlobalPtr(gp)); END; PROCEDURE ptchHMToggleWhatIs; BEGIN if HMSetBalloons(not ptchHMGetHelpGlobal^.hmgWhatIs)=noErr then ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu; END; PROCEDURE ptchHMCallTrackerInContext; VAR frontPSN : ProcessSerialNumber; info : ProcessInfoRec; BEGIN if GetFrontProcess(frontPSN)=noErr then if WakeUpProcess(frontPSN)=noErr then if HMBalloonBulk=noErr then; { this call is also reentrant protected } ptchHMGetHelpGlobal^.hmgOSEventReentrantCount := 0; END; {$ifc HelpIncludeHelpIcon} PROCEDURE ptchTrackHelpIcon; { This code pops up a duplicate pull-down Help menu when the mouse goes down over the Help icon. As of A12, we're no longer including this source. Maybe someday, when I get my way. } VAR pt : Point; d : DialogPtr; theID : INTEGER; theType : ResType; name : STR255; offset : Point; iconRect : Rect; hDITL : hItemList; pItem : pDITLItem; hItems : hItemList; USB : SByteArray; err : OsErr; value : INTEGER; dataSize,i : INTEGER; numItems : INTEGER; trackRect : Rect; h : Handle; originalState : BOOLEAN; foundHelpIcon : BOOLEAN; aResult : LongInt; aMenu : MenuHandle; oldPort : GrafPtr; ibits : BitMap; BEGIN d := FrontWindow; if d=NIL then exit(ptchTrackHelpIcon); { quik check to see if the front window is truely a dialog… This was a BAD bug in D19 build!! } if WindowPeek(d)^.windowKind<>DialogKind then exit(ptchTrackHelpIcon); GetPort(oldPort); SetPort(d); foundHelpIcon := false; hItems := hItemList(DialogPeek(d)^.items); numItems := hItems^^.dlgMaxIndex + 1; pItem := @hItems^^.DITLItems; for i := 1 to numItems do begin USB.Int := 0; USB.SBArray[1] := pItem^.itmData[0]; with pItem^ do if BAnd(itmType,$7F) = iconItem then if (IntegerPtr(@itmdata[1])^ = kHMHelpIconOff) | (IntegerPtr(@itmdata[1])^ = kHMHelpIconOn) then begin foundHelpIcon := true; trackRect := itmRect; leave; end; dataSize := BAnd(USB.Int + 1, $FFFE); pItem := pDITLItem(ptr(ord4(@pItem^) + datasize + sizeof(DITLItem))); end; if foundHelpIcon then { there is our Help Icon in the DITL handle } begin (*originalState := ptchHMPascalGetBalloons; we don't need this code unless we need to change the icon's appearance *) if button then { the button is down so check to see if it is in our Icon } begin HLock(Handle(hItems)); GetMouse(pt); if PtInRect(pt,trackRect) then begin with iconRect do begin topLeft := trackRect.topLeft; right := left+20; bottom := top+20; end; aMenu := GetMHandle(kHMHelpMenuID); ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu; InsertMenu(aMenu,-1); {insert it in the hierportion of menulist} InvertRect(iconRect); with d^.portBits.bounds do aResult := PopUpMenuSelect(aMenu, trackRect.top-top+21, trackRect.left-left+1,0); case LoWrd(aResult) of kHMUsingHelpItem: ptchHMShowHelpAboutDialog; kHMWhatIsItem: ptchHMToggleWhatIs; { ### otherwise handle a user menu item } end; InvertRect(iconRect); ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu; DeleteMenu(kHMHelpMenuID); {this is OK as hier portion is chked 1st} end; HUnlock(Handle(hItems)); end; (* we don't need this code unless we change the help icon's appearance if originalState<>ptchHMPascalGetBalloons then begin value := kHMHelpIconOff - ord(ptchHMPascalGetBalloons); h := GetIcon(value); if h<>NIL then begin SByteArray(pItem^.itmData[2]).Int := value; { force the itemnum to be this } pItem^.itmHndl := h; { & force the icon handle too} PlotIcon(trackRect,h); iconRect := trackRect; iconRect.top := trackRect.bottom - 13; InvalRect(iconRect); iconRect.top := trackRect.top; iconRect.left := trackRect.right - 13; InvalRect(iconRect); {Used to just use: PlotIcon(trackRect,h); but this wipes the entire 32X32 bit rectangle} end; if HMRemoveBalloon=noErr then; {calls _Pack14!! - make sure no balloons are up } end; *) end; SetPort(oldPort); END; {$endc} { end of HelpIncludeHelpIcon conditional } PROCEDURE ptchHMShowHelpAboutDialog; VAR d : DialogPtr; savePort : GrafPtr; itemhit : INTEGER; BEGIN GetPort(savePort); { <45> } d := GetNewDialog(kHMHelpID,NIL,Pointer(-1)); if d<>NIL then begin if SetDialogDefaultItem(d,1)=0 then ; SetPort(d); ptchHMGetHelpGlobal^.hmgOurDialog := true; REPEAT ModalDialog(NIL,itemhit); UNTIL itemhit = UsingHelpOK; DisposDialog(d); ptchHMGetHelpGlobal^.hmgOurDialog := false; end; SetPort(savePort); { <45> always restore the original port as we'll end up with the wmgrport if we don't } END; END.