; File: ShowINIT.a ; Last Modified: Friday, July 15, 1988 12:08:09 AM ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; INIT notification routine ; by Paul Mercer, Darin Adler, and Paul Snively from an idea by Steve Capps ; ; Created: 6/7/87 PM - First version. ; Modified: 6/15/87 PM - Changed to standard (Pascal) calling conventions. ; 6/20/87 PM - Fixed color & Finder bug on Mac II. ; 6/22/87 DBA - Improved handling of QuickDraw. ; 6/29/87 DBA - Used scratch8 to avoid conflict with “Easy Access”. ; 6/30/87 DBA - Changed to a 4-byte scheme with “checksum”. ; 6/30/87 PFS - Separated into ShowINIT and InnerShowINIT. ; 7/1/87 DBA - Fixed stack bug and switched to CurApName+. ; 7/2/87 PM - Added check for old signature in ApplScratch for ; backword compatibility (TMON Startup). ; 7/3/87 PM - Removed _SysBeep in ErrorExit since it causes a crash. ; Also changed ICN# plotter to srcOr mode for Blinker. ; 7/13/87 PM - Fixed a3 trashing bug in InnerShowINIT - exit code left ; word on stack (reported by D. Dunham). ; 7/21/87 PM - Due to popular demand, InitGraf is no longer being called. ; This avoids the gamma correction problem with Startupscreens ; getting “washed out” by ShowINIT though someone else is still ; bound to call InitGraf sooner or later (i.e. InitWindows). ; 7/29/87 PM - Put InitGraf back in; this is required (reported by C. Derossi ; at Apple Tech Support). Took out GetPort/SetPort. ; 10/06/87 PM - Set CurrentA5 properly. Rearranged myVars. ; 12/28/87 PM - Major revision to accomodate future INIT31 based ShowINIT. ; 07/14/88 PM - Major revision to get rid of above 'accomodations'. ; Added color icon 'cicn' support and fixed beep crash. ; Removed support for old signature. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INCLUDE 'Traps.a' INCLUDE 'QuickEqu.a' INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a' INCLUDE 'ToolEqu.a' BLANKS ON STRING ASIS True equ 1 False equ 0 Debug equ True ;Debug equ False myH equ CurApName+32-4 ; a GREAT place to store 4 bytes (it was Darin's idea) myCheck equ myH+2 ; a simple checksum of myH to determine first-timeness firstX equ 8 ; X coordinate of first icon to be drawn bottomEdge equ 8+32 ; this far from bottom of screen iconWidth equ 32 ; size of icon (square normally) defaultMoveX equ 40 ; default amount to move icons checksumConst equ $1021 ; constant used for computing checksum minColorDepth equ 4 ; minimum bits/pixel for drawing color icons maskOffset equ 128 ; offset to mask in ICN# iconRowBytes equ 32/8 ; 32/8 bits hasCQDBit equ 6 ; this bit in ROM85 is cleared if Color QuickDraw is available iconID equ 6+4 ; positive stackframe objects moveX equ 4+4 showINITArgs equ 4 iconPtrHdl equ 6+4 initDrawArgs equ 6 myVars RECORD 0,DECREMENT saveA5 ds.l 1 localA5 ds.l 1 thePort ds.l 1 ; my own QuickDraw (required!) ds.b grafSize-4 ; other QuickDraw globals (except thePort) destRect ds.w 4 myBitMap ds.b bitMapRec myPort ds.b portRec varsSize equ * ENDR ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Displays the ICN# (cicn when in 4 bit mode or higher) specified by iconID and ; move the pen horizontally by moveX. ; Pass a -1 in moveX to move the standard amount, moveX should be 40 for most ICN#'s ; ; PROCEDURE ShowINIT(iconID: Integer; moveX: Integer); EXTERNAL ; ; pascal void ShowINIT(iconID, moveX) ; short iconID, moveX; ; extern; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ShowINIT: PROC EXPORT IMPORT INITDraw1Bit, INITDrawCQD link a6,#0 ; create stack frame movem.l d3-d7/a2-a4,-(sp) ; save standard registers btst.b #hasCQDBit,ROM85 ; try to get a color icon if CQD exists beq.s ShowINITCQD ; I could use SysEnvirons but I don't want to ShowINIT1Bit clr.l -(sp) ; try to get the icon resource move.l #'ICN#',-(sp) move.w iconID(a6),-(sp) _GetResource move.l (sp)+,d0 beq.s ShowINITError ; can't get it, give up move.l d0,-(sp) ; leave handle on the stack for ReleaseResource move.l d0,a0 move.l (a0),a0 ; dereference move.l a0,-(sp) ; icon pointer move.w moveX(a6),-(sp) ; moveX bsr INITDraw1Bit ; draw _ReleaseResource ; releaese the resource ShowINITExit: movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a4 ; restore registers unlk a6 ; ditch stack frame move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get return address addq.l #showINITArgs,sp ; ditch incoming arguments jmp (a0) ; return to caller ShowINITError: IF Debug THEN move.w #1,-(sp) ; just beep _SysBeep ENDIF bra.s ShowINITExit ShowINITCQD: move.l MainDevice,a0 ; get handle to main device move.l (a0),a0 ; dereference move.l gdPMap(a0),a0 ; get its pixmap handle move.l (a0),a0 ; dereference it cmp.w #minColorDepth,pmPixelSize(a0) ; is it deep enough for us to draw in color? blt.s ShowINIT1Bit ; no clr.l -(sp) ; can a color icon be found? move.w iconID(a6),-(sp) _GetCIcon move.l (sp)+,d0 beq.s ShowINIT1Bit ; no, so try for regular icon move.l d0,-(sp) ; leave handle on the stack for DisposCIcon move.l d0,-(sp) ; cicn handle move.w moveX(a6),-(sp) ; moveX bsr INITDrawCQD ; do the actual drawing _DisposCIcon bra.s ShowINITExit ShowINITCredits: dc.w 'ShowINIT by Paul Mercer' dc.w 'Copyright 1987-1988' dc.w 'Version of 7/15/88' ENDPROC ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Initializes the world and sets up the drawing rectangle ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INITInit: PROC EXPORT WITH myVars move.l CurrentA5,saveA5(a6) ; PM 10/6 save host A5 lea localA5(a6),a5 ; PM7/21 move.l a5,CurrentA5 pea thePort(a6) ; PM 10/6 use a5 reference instead of a6 _InitGraf ; fixes color bug as per DA@ICOM pea myPort(a6) _OpenPort move.w myH,d0 ; get my h var rol.w #1,d0 ; compare against checksum eor.w #checksumConst,d0 cmp.w myCheck,d0 beq.s ScratchOK ; checks, so go on move #firstX,myH ; else initialize as first time ScratchOK: lea myPort(a6),a0 ; compute the destination rectangle move.w portBounds+bottom(a0),d0 sub.w #bottomEdge,d0 swap d0 move.w myH,d0 move.l d0,destRect(a6) move.l d0,destRect+botRight(a6) add.w #iconWidth,destRect+right(a6) add.w #iconWidth,destRect+bottom(a6) rts ENDWITH ENDPROC ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Cleans up the work done by INITInit and advances the icon drawing position ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INITCleanup: PROC EXPORT WITH myVars move.w myH,d0 ; get current position move.w moveX(a6),d1 ; get delta x bpl.s NotDefault ; not default (-1) move.w #defaultMoveX,d1 ; default NotDefault: add.w d1,d0 ; increment icon position move.w d0,myH ; and save in ‘global’ rol.w #1,d0 ; recompute checksum eor.w #checksumConst,d0 move.w d0,myCheck ; and save it Exit: pea myPort(a6) _ClosePort ; *** (DBA) I think that QuickDraw leaves handles around. ; *** (DBA) Too bad we can't get rid of them... move.l saveA5(a6),a5 ; PM 10/6 restore host A5 move.l a5,CurrentA5 rts ENDWITH ENDPROC ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; display the ICN# pointed to by iconPtr and move the pen horizontally by moveX ; pass a -1 in moveX to move the standard amount, moveX should be 40 for most ICN#'s ; ; PROCEDURE INITDraw1Bit(iconPtr: ICONListPtr; moveX: Integer); EXTERNAL ; ; pascal void INITDraw1Bit(iconPtr, moveX) ; ICONList *iconPtr; ; short moveX; ; extern; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INITDraw1Bit: PROC EXPORT IMPORT INITInit, INITCleanup:CODE WITH myVars link a6,#varsSize ; create stack frame movem.l d3-d7/a2-a4,-(sp) ; save standard registers bsr INITInit ; initialize for drawing move.l iconPtrHdl(a6),a3 ; get ICN# pointer lea myBitMap(a6),a4 ; point to bitmap structure move.l a3,baseAddr(a4) ; fill it out add.l #maskOffset,baseAddr(a4) ; skip to mask move #iconRowBytes,rowBytes(a4) move.l #0,bounds(a4) ; 0,0 topleft move.w #iconWidth,bounds+bottom(a4) ; 32,32 botright move.w #iconWidth,bounds+right(a4) move.l a4,-(sp) ; punch hole with mask lea myPort(a6),a2 ; get the desk port pea portBits(a2) ; for its portbits pea srcRect pea destRect(a6) move #srcBic,-(sp) ; punch a hole clr.l -(sp) ; no clip region _CopyBits sub.l #128,baseAddr(a4) move.l a4,-(sp) ; now draw (or) icon pea portBits(a2) pea srcRect pea destRect(a6) move #srcOr,-(sp) clr.l -(sp) _CopyBits bsr INITCleanup ; cleanup, advance icon location movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a4 ; restore registers unlk a6 ; ditch stack frame move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get return address addq.l #initDrawArgs,sp ; ditch incoming jmp (a0) ; back to caller srcRect: dc.w 0,0,32,32 ; for copybits ENDWITH ENDPROC ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; same as above except with color icon handle ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INITDrawCQD: PROC EXPORT IMPORT INITInit, INITCleanup:CODE WITH myVars link a6,#varsSize ; create stack frame movem.l d3-d7/a2-a4,-(sp) ; save standard registers bsr INITInit ; initialize for drawing pea destRect(a6) ; destination rect move.l iconPtrHdl(a6),-(sp) ; cicn handle _PlotCIcon ; draw it bsr INITCleanup ; cleanup, advance icon location movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a4 ; restore registers unlk a6 ; ditch stack frame move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get return address addq.l #initDrawArgs,sp ; ditch incoming jmp (a0) ; back to caller ENDWITH ENDPROC END