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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
function test_lexer(domutils, cssText, tokenTypes) {
let lexer = domutils.getCSSLexer(cssText);
let reconstructed = '';
let lastTokenEnd = 0;
let i = 0;
while (true) {
let token = lexer.nextToken();
if (!token) {
let combined = token.tokenType;
if (token.text)
combined += ":" + token.text;
equal(combined, tokenTypes[i]);
ok(token.endOffset > token.startOffset);
equal(token.startOffset, lastTokenEnd);
lastTokenEnd = token.endOffset;
reconstructed += cssText.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
// Ensure that we saw the correct number of tokens.
equal(i, tokenTypes.length);
// Ensure that the reported offsets cover all the text.
equal(reconstructed, cssText);
var LEX_TESTS = [
["simple", ["ident:simple"]],
["simple: { hi; }",
["ident:simple", "symbol::",
"whitespace", "symbol:{",
"whitespace", "ident:hi",
"symbol:;", "whitespace",
["/* whatever */", ["comment"]],
["'string'", ["string:string"]],
['"string"', ["string:string"]],
["rgb(1,2,3)", ["function:rgb", "number",
"symbol:,", "number",
"symbol:,", "number",
["@media", ["at:media"]],
["#hibob", ["id:hibob"]],
["#123", ["hash:123"]],
["23px", ["dimension:px"]],
["23%", ["percentage"]],
["url(http://example.com)", ["url:http://example.com"]],
["url('http://example.com')", ["url:http://example.com"]],
["url( 'http://example.com' )",
// In CSS Level 3, this is an ordinary URL, not a BAD_URL.
["url(http://example.com", ["url:http://example.com"]],
// See bug 1153981 to understand why this gets a SYMBOL token.
["url(http://example.com @", ["bad_url:http://example.com", "symbol:@"]],
["quo\\ting", ["ident:quoting"]],
["'bad string\n", ["bad_string:bad string", "whitespace"]],
["~=", ["includes"]],
["|=", ["dashmatch"]],
["^=", ["beginsmatch"]],
["$=", ["endsmatch"]],
["*=", ["containsmatch"]],
// URANGE may be on the way out, and it isn't used by devutils, so
// let's skip it.
["<!-- html comment -->", ["htmlcomment", "whitespace", "ident:html",
"whitespace", "ident:comment", "whitespace",
// earlier versions of CSS had "bad comment" tokens, but in level 3,
// unterminated comments are just comments.
["/* bad comment", ["comment"]]
function test_lexer_linecol(domutils, cssText, locations) {
let lexer = domutils.getCSSLexer(cssText);
let i = 0;
while (true) {
let token = lexer.nextToken();
let startLine = lexer.lineNumber;
let startColumn = lexer.columnNumber;
// We do this in a bit of a funny way so that we can also test the
// location of the EOF.
let combined = ":" + startLine + ":" + startColumn;
if (token)
combined = token.tokenType + combined;
equal(combined, locations[i]);
if (!token) {
// Ensure that we saw the correct number of tokens.
equal(i, locations.length);
function test_lexer_eofchar(domutils, cssText, argText, expectedAppend,
expectedNoAppend) {
let lexer = domutils.getCSSLexer(cssText);
while (lexer.nextToken()) {
// Nothing.
do_print("EOF char test, input = " + cssText);
let result = lexer.performEOFFixup(argText, true);
equal(result, expectedAppend);
result = lexer.performEOFFixup(argText, false);
equal(result, expectedNoAppend);
["simple", ["ident:0:0", ":0:6"]],
["\n stuff", ["whitespace:0:0", "ident:1:4", ":1:9"]],
['"string with \\\nnewline" \r\n', ["string:0:0", "whitespace:1:8",
["hello", "hello"],
["hello \\", "hello \\\\", "hello \\\uFFFD"],
["'hello", "'hello'"],
["\"hello", "\"hello\""],
["'hello\\", "'hello\\\\'", "'hello'"],
["\"hello\\", "\"hello\\\\\"", "\"hello\""],
["/*hello", "/*hello*/"],
["/*hello*", "/*hello*/"],
["/*hello\\", "/*hello\\*/"],
["url(hello", "url(hello)"],
["url('hello", "url('hello')"],
["url(\"hello", "url(\"hello\")"],
["url(hello\\", "url(hello\\\\)", "url(hello\\\uFFFD)"],
["url('hello\\", "url('hello\\\\')", "url('hello')"],
["url(\"hello\\", "url(\"hello\\\\\")", "url(\"hello\")"],
function run_test()
let domutils = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/inspector/dom-utils;1"]
let text, result;
for ([text, result] of LEX_TESTS) {
test_lexer(domutils, text, result);
for ([text, result] of LINECOL_TESTS) {
test_lexer_linecol(domutils, text, result);
for ([text, expectedAppend, expectedNoAppend] of EOFCHAR_TESTS) {
if (!expectedNoAppend) {
expectedNoAppend = expectedAppend;
test_lexer_eofchar(domutils, text, text, expectedAppend, expectedNoAppend);
// Ensure that passing a different inputString to performEOFFixup
// doesn't cause an assertion trying to strip a backslash from the
// end of an empty string.
test_lexer_eofchar(domutils, "'\\", "", "\\'", "'");