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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
module.metadata = {
"stability": "unstable"
var { emit, on, once, off, EVENT_TYPE_PATTERN } = require("./core");
// This module provides set of high order function for working with event
// streams (streams in a NodeJS style that dispatch data, end and error
// events).
// Function takes a `target` object and returns set of implicit references
// (non property references) it keeps. This basically allows defining
// references between objects without storing the explicitly. See transform for
// more details.
var refs = (function() {
let refSets = new WeakMap();
return function refs(target) {
if (!refSets.has(target)) refSets.set(target, new Set());
return refSets.get(target);
function transform(input, f) {
let output = {};
// Since event listeners don't prevent `input` to be GC-ed we wanna presrve
// it until `output` can be GC-ed. There for we add implicit reference which
// is removed once `input` ends.
const next = data => receive(output, data);
once(output, "start", () => start(input));
on(input, "error", error => emit(output, "error", error));
on(input, "end", function() {
on(input, "data", data => f(data, next));
return output;
// High order event transformation function that takes `input` event channel
// and returns transformation containing only events on which `p` predicate
// returns `true`.
function filter(input, predicate) {
return transform(input, function(data, next) {
if (predicate(data))
exports.filter = filter;
// High order function that takes `input` and returns input of it's values
// mapped via given `f` function.
const map = (input, f) => transform(input, (data, next) => next(f(data)));
exports.map = map;
// High order function that takes `input` stream of streams and merges them
// into single event stream. Like flatten but time based rather than order
// based.
function merge(inputs) {
let output = {};
let open = 1;
let state = [];
output.state = state;
function end(input) {
open = open - 1;
if (open === 0) emit(output, "end");
const error = e => emit(output, "error", e);
function forward(input) {
open = open + 1;
on(input, "end", () => end(input));
on(input, "error", error);
on(input, "data", data => emit(output, "data", data));
// If `inputs` is an array treat it as a stream.
if (Array.isArray(inputs)) {
else {
on(inputs, "end", () => end(inputs));
on(inputs, "error", error);
on(inputs, "data", forward);
return output;
exports.merge = merge;
const expand = (inputs, f) => merge(map(inputs, f));
exports.expand = expand;
const pipe = (from, to) => on(from, "*", emit.bind(emit, to));
exports.pipe = pipe;
// Shim signal APIs so other modules can be used as is.
const receive = (input, message) => {
if (input[receive])
input[receive](input, message);
emit(input, "data", message);
input.value = message;
receive.toString = () => "@@receive";
exports.receive = receive;
exports.send = receive;
const end = input => {
if (input[end])
emit(input, "end", input);
end.toString = () => "@@end";
exports.end = end;
const stop = input => {
if (input[stop])
emit(input, "stop", input);
stop.toString = () => "@@stop";
exports.stop = stop;
const start = input => {
if (input[start])
emit(input, "start", input);
start.toString = () => "@@start";
exports.start = start;
const lift = (step, ...inputs) => {
let args = null;
let opened = inputs.length;
let started = false;
const output = {};
const init = () => {
args = [...inputs.map(input => input.value)];
output.value = step(...args);
inputs.forEach((input, index) => {
on(input, "data", data => {
args[index] = data;
receive(output, step(...args));
on(input, "end", () => {
opened = opened - 1;
if (opened <= 0)
once(output, "start", () => {
return output;
exports.lift = lift;
const merges = inputs => {
let opened = inputs.length;
let output = { value: inputs[0].value };
inputs.forEach((input, index) => {
on(input, "data", data => receive(output, data));
on(input, "end", () => {
opened = opened - 1;
if (opened <= 0)
once(output, "start", () => {
output.value = inputs[0].value;
return output;
exports.merges = merges;
const foldp = (step, initial, input) => {
let output = map(input, x => step(output.value, x));
output.value = initial;
return output;
exports.foldp = foldp;
const keepIf = (p, base, input) => {
let output = filter(input, p);
output.value = base;
return output;
exports.keepIf = keepIf;
function Input() {}
Input.start = input => emit(input, "start", input);
Input.prototype.start = Input.start;
Input.end = input => {
emit(input, "end", input);
Input.prototype[end] = Input.end;
exports.Input = Input;
const $source = "@@source";
const $outputs = "@@outputs";
exports.outputs = $outputs;
function Reactor(options={}) {
const {onStep, onStart, onEnd} = options;
if (onStep)
this.onStep = onStep;
if (onStart)
this.onStart = onStart;
if (onEnd)
this.onEnd = onEnd;
Reactor.prototype.onStep = _ => void(0);
Reactor.prototype.onStart = _ => void(0);
Reactor.prototype.onEnd = _ => void(0);
Reactor.prototype.onNext = function(present, past) {
this.value = present;
this.onStep(present, past);
Reactor.prototype.run = function(input) {
on(input, "data", message => this.onNext(message, input.value));
on(input, "end", () => this.onEnd(input.value));
this.value = input.value;
exports.Reactor = Reactor;
* Takes an object used as options with potential keys like 'onMessage',
* used to be called `require('sdk/event/core').setListeners` on.
* This strips all keys that would trigger a listener to be set.
* @params {Object} object
* @return {Object}
function stripListeners (object) {
return Object.keys(object || {}).reduce((agg, key) => {
if (!EVENT_TYPE_PATTERN.test(key))
agg[key] = object[key];
return agg;
}, {});
exports.stripListeners = stripListeners;
const when = (target, type) => new Promise(resolve => {
once(target, type, resolve);
exports.when = when;