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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
<title>Test for ResourceStats methods realted to power resource control</title>
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const invalidManifestURL = "app://invalid.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
const cpuComponent = "cpu:0";
const gpsComponent = "gps:0";
var powerStatsMgr = null; // ResourceStatsManager for power statistics.
function errorCb(reason) {
ok(false, reason);
// Check the content returned by getAlarms.
function checkAlarmsArray(alarms) {
// Check if data is an array.
if (!Array.isArray(alarms)) {
throw "getAlarms does not return an array.";
} else {
ok(true, "getAlarms returns an array.")
// Iterate the array and check the type of each element.
var obj = null;
var message = null; // Message for exception
for (var i = 0; i < alarms.length; i++) {
obj = alarms[i];
// Check if obj is an instance os ResourceStatsAlarm.
if (!(obj instanceof ResourceStatsAlarm)) {
message = "The array contains a non-ResourceStatsAlarm object.";
// Check if obj.type is power.
if (obj.type != "power") {
message = "The type of a ResourceStatsAlarm object is not power.";
if (message) {
throw message;
ok(true, "The return is an array of ResourceStatsAlarm objects.");
// Test Cases for testing WebIDL methods related to resource control.
var testCases = [
function() {
// Test removeAllAlarms.
var promise = powerStatsMgr.removeAllAlarms();
promise.then(function() {
ok(true, "removeAllAlarms deleted all power alarms.");
}, function() {
ok(false, "removeAllAlarms failed to delete power alarms.");
function() {
// Test addAlarm.
var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent },
{ 'startTime': Date.now() });
promise.then(function(value) {
// Check the value (alarmId).
if (value < 0) {
ok(false, "addAlarm failed to create an alarm.");
} else {
ok(true, "addAlarm created an alarm.");
}, function() {
ok(false, "addAlarm failed to create an alarm.");
function() {
// Test addAlarm with negative threshold.
var threshold = -1;
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent },
{ 'startTime': Date.now() });
promise.then(function() {
// Check the value.
"addAlarm did not throw an exception when negative threshold is set.");
}, function() {
ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when negative threshold is set.");
function() {
// Test addAlarm with no threshold.
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm();
promise.then(function() {
// Check the value.
ok(false, "addAlarm did not throw an exception when no threshold.");
}, function() {
ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when no threshold.");
function() {
// Test addAlarm with negative startTime.
var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent },
{ 'startTime': -1 });
promise.then(function() {
// Check the value.
"addAlarm did not throw an exception when negative startTime is set.");
}, function() {
ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when negative startTime is set.");
function() {
// Test addAlarm when manifestURL is invalid.
var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent,
'manifestURL': invalidManifestURL },
{ 'startTime': Date.now() });
promise.then(function() {
// Check the value.
ok(false, "addAlarm did not throw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
}, function() {
ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
function() {
// Test getAlarms.
var alarmId;
var alarms;
var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
// Execution steps:
// 1. Add a new alarm.
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent },
{ 'startTime': Date.now() });
// 2. Test getAlarms if new alarm is added.
var runGetAlarms = function(value) {
alarmId = value;
return powerStatsMgr.getAlarms({ 'component': cpuComponent });
// 3. Check the content returned by getAlarms.
var checkGetAlarmsReturn = function(value) {
alarms = value;
// 4. Check the alarm added in step 1 is inside the return of getAlarms.
var checkAlarm = function (value) {
// Find the alarm.
var index = alarms.map(function(e) { return e.alarmId; })
if (index < 0) {
throw "getAlarms does not get the alarm added in previous step.";
var alarm = alarms[index];
// Evaluate the alarm.
ok(alarm.threshold == threshold, "threshold is equal.");
ok(alarm.component == cpuComponent, "component is equal.");
ok(alarm.serviceType == null, "serviceType should be null.");
ok(alarm.manifestURL == null, "manifestURL should be null.");
// Create promise chaining.
.then(testMethods, errorCb); // Execute next test case.
function() {
// Test getAlarms with invalid manifestURL.
var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent,
'manifestURL': invalidManifestURL },
{ 'startTime': Date.now() });
promise.then(function() {
// Check the value.
ok(false, "getAlarms did not throw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
}, function() {
ok(true, "getAlarms threw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
function() {
// Test getAlarms with incorrect parameter.
var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
// Execution steps:
// 1. Add a new alarm.
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent },
{ 'startTime': Date.now() });
// 2. Call getAlarms with incorrect parameter.
var runGetAlarms = function() {
return powerStatsMgr.getAlarms({ 'component': gpsComponent });
// 3. check the content returned by getAlarms.
var checkGetAlarmsReturn = function(value) {
// Check array length
if (value.length) {
throw "getAlarms gets an alarm when using incorrect parameter.";
} else {
"getAlarms returns an empty array when using incorrect parameter.");
// Create pomise chaining.
.then(testMethods, errorCb); // Execute next test case.
function() {
// Test removeAlarm
var alarmId;
var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
// Execution steps:
// 1. Add a new alarm.
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent },
{ 'startTime': Date.now() });
// 2. Try to remove the new alarm.
var runRemoveAlarm = function(value) {
alarmId = value;
return powerStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId);
// Create promise chaining.
.then(function() {
ok(true, "removeAlarm deleted the alarm.");
}, errorCb);
function() {
// Test removeAlarm with negative alarmId
var alarmId = -1;
var promise = powerStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId);
promise.then(function() {
"removeAlarm did not throw an exception when negative alarmId is set.");
}, function() {
ok(true, "removeAlarm threw an exception when negative alarmId is set.");
function() {
// Test removeAlarm with invalid alarmId
var alarmId;
var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
// Execution steps:
// 1. Add a new alarm.
var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
{ 'component': cpuComponent },
{ 'startTime': Date.now() });
// 2. Try to remove an invalid alarm.
var runRemoveAlarm = function(value) {
alarmId = value;
// Because alarmId is auto-increment, any alarmId larger than the
// latest alarmId should be invalid.
return powerStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId + 10);
// Create promise chaining.
.then(function() {
// Input with incorrect alarmId should not be resolved.
throw "removeAlarm should fail with invalid alarmId.";
}, function(reason) {
if (reason == "alarm not existed") {
ok(true, "removeAlarm with invalid alarmId should fail.")
} else {
throw reason;
.then(testMethods, errorCb);
// Test WebIDL methods related stats operation.
function testMethods() {
if (!testCases.length) {
ok(true, "Done.");
SpecialPowers.removePermission("resourcestats-manage", document);
var testCase = testCases.shift();
function startTest() {
// Create an instance of ResourceStatsManager for power.
powerStatsMgr = new ResourceStatsManager("power");
ok(powerStatsMgr, "Create powerStatsMgr.");
// Test WebIDL methods related to resource control.
// Enable permission and preference.
SpecialPowers.addPermission("resourcestats-manage", true, document);
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
["dom.resource_stats.enabled", true],
["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
]}, startTest);