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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
const TEST_URI = BASE_URI + "browser_fontinspector.html";
const FONTS = [
{name: "Ostrich Sans Medium", remote: true, url: BASE_URI + "ostrich-regular.ttf",
format: "truetype", cssName: "bar"},
{name: "Ostrich Sans Black", remote: true, url: BASE_URI + "ostrich-black.ttf",
format: "", cssName: "bar"},
{name: "Ostrich Sans Black", remote: true, url: BASE_URI + "ostrich-black.ttf",
format: "", cssName: "bar"},
{name: "Ostrich Sans Medium", remote: true, url: BASE_URI + "ostrich-regular.ttf",
format: "", cssName: "barnormal"},
add_task(function*() {
let { inspector, fontInspector } = yield openFontInspectorForURL(TEST_URI);
ok(!!fontInspector, "Font inspector document is alive.");
let viewDoc = fontInspector.chromeDoc;
yield testBodyFonts(inspector, viewDoc);
yield testDivFonts(inspector, viewDoc);
yield testShowAllFonts(inspector, viewDoc);
function* testBodyFonts(inspector, viewDoc) {
let s = viewDoc.querySelectorAll("#all-fonts > section");
is(s.length, 5, "Found 5 fonts");
for (let i = 0; i < FONTS.length; i++) {
let section = s[i];
let font = FONTS[i];
is(section.querySelector(".font-name").textContent, font.name,
"font " + i + " right font name");
is(section.classList.contains("is-remote"), font.remote,
"font " + i + " remote value correct");
is(section.querySelector(".font-url").value, font.url,
"font " + i + " url correct");
is(section.querySelector(".font-format").hidden, !font.format,
"font " + i + " format hidden value correct");
font.format, "font " + i + " format correct");
font.cssName, "font " + i + " css name correct");
// test that the bold and regular fonts have different previews
let regSrc = s[0].querySelector(".font-preview").src;
let boldSrc = s[1].querySelector(".font-preview").src;
isnot(regSrc, boldSrc, "preview for bold font is different from regular");
// test system font
let localFontName = s[4].querySelector(".font-name").textContent;
let localFontCSSName = s[4].querySelector(".font-css-name").textContent;
// On Linux test machines, the Arial font doesn't exist.
// The fallback is "Liberation Sans"
ok((localFontName == "Arial") || (localFontName == "Liberation Sans"),
"local font right font name");
ok(s[4].classList.contains("is-local"), "local font is local");
ok((localFontCSSName == "Arial") || (localFontCSSName == "Liberation Sans"),
"Arial", "local font has right css name");
function* testDivFonts(inspector, viewDoc) {
let updated = inspector.once("fontinspector-updated");
yield selectNode("div", inspector);
yield updated;
let sections1 = viewDoc.querySelectorAll("#all-fonts > section");
is(sections1.length, 1, "Found 1 font on DIV");
is(sections1[0].querySelector(".font-name").textContent, "Ostrich Sans Medium",
"The DIV font has the right name");
function* testShowAllFonts(inspector, viewDoc) {
info("testing showing all fonts");
let updated = inspector.once("fontinspector-updated");
yield updated;
// shouldn't change the node selection
is(inspector.selection.nodeFront.nodeName, "DIV", "Show all fonts selected");
let sections = viewDoc.querySelectorAll("#all-fonts > section");
is(sections.length, 6, "Font inspector shows 6 fonts (1 from iframe)");