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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test behavior of 'min-height:auto' and 'min-width:auto' (Bug 763689)</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=763689">Mozilla Bug 763689</a>
<div id="display">
<div id="non-flex-item">abc</div>
<div style="display: flex">
<div id="horizontal-flex-item">abc</div>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column">
<div id="vertical-flex-item">abc</div>
<pre id="test">
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"use strict";
* Test 'min-height:auto' and 'min-width:auto' (Bug 763689)
* ========================================================
* This test checks the computed-style value of the "auto" keyword introduced
* for the "min-height" and "min-width" properties in CSS3 Flexbox Section 4.5.
* http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/#min-size-auto
* Quoting that chunk of spec:
* # auto
* # When used as the value of a flex item's min main size property,
* # this keyword indicates a minimum of the min-content size, to
* # help ensure that the item is large enough to fit its contents.
* #
* # | It is intended that this will compute to the 'min-content'
* # | keyword when the specification defining it (Writing Modes
* # | Appendix D) is sufficiently mature.
* #
* # Otherwise, this keyword computes to '0' (unless otherwise
* # defined by a future specification).
* So, since we already support the "min-content" keyword, this effectively
* means:
* - On a horizontal flex item, "min-width: auto" computes to "min-content".
* - On a vertical flex item, "min-height: auto" computes to "min-content".
* - In all other cases, "min-[width|height]: auto" computes to 0.
* That's what this mochitest aims to check, via getComputedStyle().
* NOTE: As of this test's writing, we don't yet support enumerated keyword
* values (including "min-content") for the "min-height" property. So for
* now, "min-height: auto" always produces "0" in getComputedStyle, even on
* a vertical flex item. (Though internally, we do know that it's really
* "auto", and our flex container will correctly use the flex item's
* min-content height as needed in layout.)
// Given an element ID, this function sets the corresponding
// element's inline-style min-width and min-height explicitly to "auto".
function setElemMinSizesToAuto(aElemId) {
var elem = document.getElementById(aElemId);
is(elem.style.minWidth, "", "min-width should be initially unset");
elem.style.minWidth = "auto";
is(elem.style.minWidth, "auto", "min-width should accept 'auto' value");
is(elem.style.minHeight, "", "min-height should be initially unset");
elem.style.minHeight = "auto";
is(elem.style.minHeight, "auto", "min-height should accept 'auto' value");
// Given an element ID, this function compares the corresponding element's
// computed min-width and min-height against expected values.
// (There's an optional final argument, to specify a "todo" expected value for
// the min-height, for cases when we *should* have a particular value, but we
// don't support it yet. In that case, aExpectedMinHeight is the value we
// currently expect to have, and aExpectedMinHeightTodo is the value we really
// *should* have.)
function checkElemMinSizes(aElemId,
aExpectedMinHeightTodo /* optional */)
var elem = document.getElementById(aElemId);
is(window.getComputedStyle(elem, "").minWidth, aExpectedMinWidth,
"checking min-width of " + aElemId);
is(window.getComputedStyle(elem, "").minHeight, aExpectedMinHeight,
"checking min-height of " + aElemId);
// Special bonus check, if the *real* expected value is something we don't
// support yet.
if (typeof aExpectedMinHeightTodo != 'undefined') {
todo_is(window.getComputedStyle(elem, "").minHeight, aExpectedMinHeightTodo,
"checking the ultimately-correct min-height of " + aElemId);
// This function goes through all the elements we're interested in
// and checks their computed min-sizes against expected values,
// farming out each per-element job to checkElemMinSizes.
function checkAllTheMinSizes() {
// This is the normal part -- generally, the default value of "min-width"
// and "min-height" (auto) computes to "0px".
checkElemMinSizes("non-flex-item", "0px", "0px");
// ...but for a flex item in a horizontal flex container, "min-width: auto"
// computes to "min-content".
checkElemMinSizes("horizontal-flex-item", "-moz-min-content", "0px");
// ...and for a flex item in a vertical flex container, "min-height: auto"
// computes to "min-content" (except for now, it computes to "0px", because
// we don't support "min-content" on heights yet. We pass "-moz-min-content"
// as the final arg, to get it checked as the "todo" min-height.)
checkElemMinSizes("vertical-flex-item", "0px", "0px", "-moz-min-content");
// Main test function
function main() {
// First: check that min-sizes are what we expect, with min-size properties
// at their initial value.
// Now, we *explicitly* set min-size properties to "auto"...
var elemIds = [ "non-flex-item",
// ...and try again (should have the same result):