
1117 lines
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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// some of the includes make use of internal string types
#define nsAString_h___
#define nsString_h___
#define nsStringFwd_h___
#define nsReadableUtils_h___
class nsACString;
class nsAString;
class nsAFlatString;
class nsAFlatCString;
class nsAdoptingString;
class nsAdoptingCString;
class nsXPIDLString;
template<class T> class nsReadingIterator;
#include "nsIContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include "nsNetUtil.h"
#include "TestHarness.h"
#include "nsIScriptSecurityManager.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/nsCSPContext.h"
#undef nsString_h___
#undef nsAString_h___
#undef nsReadableUtils_h___
* Testing the parser is non trivial, especially since we can not call
* parser functionality directly in compiled code tests.
* All the tests (except the fuzzy tests at the end) follow the same schemata:
* a) create an nsIContentSecurityPolicy object
* b) set the selfURI in SetRequestContext
* c) append one or more policies by calling AppendPolicy
* d) check if the policy count is correct by calling GetPolicyCount
* e) compare the result of the policy with the expected output
* using the struct PolicyTest;
* In general we test:
* a) policies that the parser should accept
* b) policies that the parser should reject
* c) policies that are randomly generated (fuzzy tests)
* Please note that fuzzy tests are *DISABLED* by default and shold only
* be run *OFFLINE* whenever code in nsCSPParser changes.
* To run fuzzy tests, flip RUN_OFFLINE_TESTS to 1.
* Offline tests are separated in three different groups:
* * TestFuzzyPolicies - complete random ASCII input
* * TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDir - a directory name followed by random ASCII
* * TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDirLimASCII - a directory name followed by limited ASCII
* which represents more likely user input.
* We run each of this categories |kFuzzyRuns| times.
static const uint32_t kFuzzyRuns = 10000;
// For fuzzy testing we actually do not care about the output,
// we just want to make sure that the parser can handle random
// input, therefore we use kFuzzyExpectedPolicyCount to return early.
static const uint32_t kFuzzyExpectedPolicyCount = 111;
static const uint32_t kMaxPolicyLength = 96;
struct PolicyTest
char policy[kMaxPolicyLength];
char expectedResult[kMaxPolicyLength];
nsresult runTest(uint32_t aExpectedPolicyCount, // this should be 0 for policies which should fail to parse
const char* aPolicy,
const char* aExpextedResult) {
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptSecurityManager> secman =
// we init the csp with http://www.selfuri.com
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> selfURI;
rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(selfURI), "http://www.selfuri.com");
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> selfURIPrincipal;
rv = secman->GetSimpleCodebasePrincipal(selfURI, getter_AddRefs(selfURIPrincipal));
// create a CSP object
nsCOMPtr<nsIContentSecurityPolicy> csp =
do_CreateInstance(NS_CSPCONTEXT_CONTRACTID, &rv);
// for testing the parser we only need to set a principal which is needed
// to translate the keyword 'self' into an actual URI.
rv = csp->SetRequestContext(nullptr, selfURIPrincipal);
// append a policy
nsString policyStr;
rv = csp->AppendPolicy(policyStr, false, false);
// when executing fuzzy tests we do not care about the actual output
// of the parser, we just want to make sure that the parser is not crashing.
if (aExpectedPolicyCount == kFuzzyExpectedPolicyCount) {
return NS_OK;
// verify that the expected number of policies exists
uint32_t actualPolicyCount;
rv = csp->GetPolicyCount(&actualPolicyCount);
if (actualPolicyCount != aExpectedPolicyCount) {
fail("Actual policy count not equal to expected policy count (%d != %d) for policy: %s",
actualPolicyCount, aExpectedPolicyCount, aPolicy);
// if the expected policy count is 0, we can return, because
// we can not compare any output anyway. Used when parsing
// errornous policies.
if (aExpectedPolicyCount == 0) {
return NS_OK;
// compare the parsed policy against the expected result
nsString parsedPolicyStr;
// checking policy at index 0, which is the one what we appended.
rv = csp->GetPolicy(0, parsedPolicyStr);
if (!NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(parsedPolicyStr).EqualsASCII(aExpextedResult)) {
fail("Actual policy does not match expected policy (%s != %s)",
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(parsedPolicyStr).get(), aExpextedResult);
return NS_OK;
// ============================= run Tests ========================
nsresult runTestSuite(const PolicyTest* aPolicies,
uint32_t aPolicyCount,
uint32_t aExpectedPolicyCount) {
nsresult rv;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aPolicyCount; i++) {
rv = runTest(aExpectedPolicyCount, aPolicies[i].policy, aPolicies[i].expectedResult);
return NS_OK;
// ============================= TestDirectives ========================
nsresult TestDirectives() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "default-src http://www.example.com",
"default-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com",
"script-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "object-src http://www.example.com",
"object-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "style-src http://www.example.com",
"style-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "img-src http://www.example.com",
"img-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "media-src http://www.example.com",
"media-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "frame-src http://www.example.com",
"frame-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "font-src http://www.example.com",
"font-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "connect-src http://www.example.com",
"connect-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "report-uri http://www.example.com",
"report-uri http://www.example.com/" },
{ "script-src 'nonce-correctscriptnonce'",
"script-src 'nonce-correctscriptnonce'" },
{ "script-src 'sha256-siVR8vAcqP06h2ppeNwqgjr0yZ6yned4X2VF84j4GmI='",
"script-src 'sha256-siVR8vAcqP06h2ppeNwqgjr0yZ6yned4X2VF84j4GmI='" },
{ "referrer no-referrer",
"referrer no-referrer" }
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============================= TestKeywords ========================
nsresult TestKeywords() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "script-src 'self'",
"script-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"script-src 'unsafe-inline'" },
{ "script-src 'unsafe-eval'",
"script-src 'unsafe-eval'" },
{ "script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'",
"script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'" },
{ "script-src 'none'",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; default-src 'self'",
"img-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; default-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============================= TestIgnoreUpperLowerCasePolicies ========================
nsresult TestIgnoreUpperLowerCasePolicies() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "script-src 'SELF'",
"script-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "sCriPt-src 'Unsafe-Inline'",
"script-src 'unsafe-inline'" },
{ "SCRIPT-src 'unsafe-eval'",
"script-src 'unsafe-eval'" },
{ "default-SRC 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'",
"default-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'" },
{ "script-src 'NoNe'",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "img-sRc 'noNe'; scrIpt-src 'unsafe-EVAL' 'UNSAFE-inline'; deFAULT-src 'Self'",
"img-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; default-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "default-src HTTP://www.example.com",
"default-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "default-src HTTP://WWW.EXAMPLE.COM",
"default-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "default-src HTTPS://*.example.COM",
"default-src https://*.example.com" },
{ "script-src 'none' test.com;",
"script-src http://test.com" },
{ "script-src 'NoNCE-correctscriptnonce'",
"script-src 'nonce-correctscriptnonce'" },
"script-src 'nonce-NONCENEEDSTOBEUPPERCASE'" },
{ "script-src 'SHA256-siVR8vAcqP06h2ppeNwqgjr0yZ6yned4X2VF84j4GmI='",
"script-src 'sha256-siVR8vAcqP06h2ppeNwqgjr0yZ6yned4X2VF84j4GmI='" },
{ "refERRer No-refeRRer",
"referrer No-refeRRer" },
{ "upgrade-INSECURE-requests",
"upgrade-insecure-requests" }
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============================= TestPaths ========================
nsresult TestPaths() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "script-src http://www.example.com",
"script-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/",
"script-src http://www.example.com/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/file.js",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/file.js" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/file_1.js",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/file_1.js" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/file-2.js",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/file-2.js" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.js",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.js" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88",
"script-src http://www.example.com:88" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88/",
"script-src http://www.example.com:88/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1",
"script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1/",
"script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1/path_2",
"script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1/path_2" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1/path_2/",
"script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1/path_2/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1/path_2/file.js",
"script-src http://www.example.com:88/path-1/path_2/file.js" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*",
"script-src http://www.example.com:*" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*/",
"script-src http://www.example.com:*/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1",
"script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1/",
"script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1/path_2",
"script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1/path_2" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/",
"script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/file.js",
"script-src http://www.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/file.js" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com#foo",
"script-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com?foo=bar",
"script-src http://www.example.com" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:8888#foo",
"script-src http://www.example.com:8888" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:8888?foo",
"script-src http://www.example.com:8888" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/#foo",
"script-src http://www.example.com/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/?foo",
"script-src http://www.example.com/" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/file.js#foo",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/file.js" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/file.js?foo",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/file.js" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/file.js?foo#bar",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1/file.js" },
{ "report-uri http://www.example.com/",
"report-uri http://www.example.com/" },
{ "report-uri http://www.example.com:8888/asdf",
"report-uri http://www.example.com:8888/asdf" },
{ "report-uri http://www.example.com:8888/path_1/path_2",
"report-uri http://www.example.com:8888/path_1/path_2" },
{ "report-uri http://www.example.com:8888/path_1/path_2/report.sjs&301",
"report-uri http://www.example.com:8888/path_1/path_2/report.sjs&301" },
{ "report-uri /examplepath",
"report-uri http://www.selfuri.com/examplepath" },
{ "connect-src http://www.example.com/foo%3Bsessionid=12%2C34",
"connect-src http://www.example.com/foo;sessionid=12,34" },
{ "connect-src http://www.example.com/foo%3bsessionid=12%2c34",
"connect-src http://www.example.com/foo;sessionid=12,34" },
{ "connect-src http://test.com/pathIncludingAz19-._~!$&'()*+=:@",
"connect-src http://test.com/pathIncludingAz19-._~!$&'()*+=:@" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88/.js",
"script-src http://www.example.com:88/.js" },
{ "script-src https://foo.com/_abc/abc_/_/_a_b_c_",
"script-src https://foo.com/_abc/abc_/_/_a_b_c_" }
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============================= TestSimplePolicies ========================
nsresult TestSimplePolicies() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "default-src *",
"default-src *" },
{ "default-src https:",
"default-src https:" },
{ "default-src https://*",
"default-src https://*" },
{ "default-src *:*",
"default-src http://*:*" },
{ "default-src *:80",
"default-src http://*:80" },
{ "default-src http://*:80",
"default-src http://*:80" },
{ "default-src javascript:",
"default-src javascript:" },
{ "default-src data:",
"default-src data:" },
{ "script-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' http://www.example.com",
"script-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' http://www.example.com" },
{ "object-src 'self'",
"object-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "style-src http://www.example.com 'self'",
"style-src http://www.example.com http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "media-src http://www.example.com http://www.test.com",
"media-src http://www.example.com http://www.test.com" },
{ "connect-src http://www.test.com example.com *.other.com;",
"connect-src http://www.test.com http://example.com http://*.other.com"},
{ "connect-src example.com *.other.com",
"connect-src http://example.com http://*.other.com"},
{ "style-src *.other.com example.com",
"style-src http://*.other.com http://example.com"},
{ "default-src 'self'; img-src *;",
"default-src http://www.selfuri.com; img-src *" },
{ "object-src media1.example.com media2.example.com *.cdn.example.com;",
"object-src http://media1.example.com http://media2.example.com http://*.cdn.example.com" },
{ "script-src trustedscripts.example.com",
"script-src http://trustedscripts.example.com" },
{ "script-src 'self' ; default-src trustedscripts.example.com",
"script-src http://www.selfuri.com; default-src http://trustedscripts.example.com" },
{ "default-src 'none'; report-uri http://localhost:49938/test",
"default-src 'none'; report-uri http://localhost:49938/test" },
{ "default-src app://{app-host-is-uid}",
"default-src app://{app-host-is-uid}" },
{ " ; default-src abc",
"default-src http://abc" },
{ " ; ; ; ; default-src abc ; ; ; ;",
"default-src http://abc" },
{ "script-src 'none' 'none' 'none';",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1//",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1//" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com/path-1//path_2",
"script-src http://www.example.com/path-1//path_2" },
{ "default-src",
"default-src" },
{ "default-src*",
"default-src*" },
{ "default-src -; ",
"default-src http://-" },
{ "script-src 1",
"script-src http://1" },
{ "upgrade-insecure-requests",
"upgrade-insecure-requests" },
{ "upgrade-insecure-requests https:",
"upgrade-insecure-requests" }
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============================= TestPoliciesWithInvalidSrc ========================
nsresult TestPoliciesWithInvalidSrc() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "script-src 'self'; SCRIPT-SRC http://www.example.com",
"script-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "script-src 'none' test.com; script-src example.com",
"script-src http://test.com" },
{ "default-src **",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "default-src 'self",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "default-src 'unsafe-inlin' ",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "default-src */",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "default-src",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "default-src 'unsafe-inlin' ",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "default-src :88",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src abc::::::88",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src *.*:*",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src *::88",
"img-src 'none'" },
{ "object-src http://localhost:",
"object-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src test..com",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src sub1.sub2.example+",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com//",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88path-1/",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88//",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88//path-1",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88//path-1",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:88.js",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*.js",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src http://www.example.com:*.",
"script-src 'none'" },
{ "connect-src http://www.example.com/foo%zz;",
"connect-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src https://foo.com/%$",
"script-src 'none'" },
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============================= TestBadPolicies ========================
nsresult TestBadPolicies() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "script-sr 'self", "" },
{ "", "" },
{ "; ; ; ; ; ; ;", "" },
{ "defaut-src asdf", "" },
{ "default-src: aaa", "" },
{ "asdf http://test.com", ""},
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 0);
// ============================= TestGoodGeneratedPolicies ========================
nsresult TestGoodGeneratedPolicies() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "default-src 'self'; img-src *",
"default-src http://www.selfuri.com; img-src *" },
{ "report-uri /policy",
"report-uri http://www.selfuri.com/policy"},
{ "img-src *",
"img-src *" },
{ "media-src foo.bar",
"media-src http://foo.bar" },
{ "frame-src *.bar",
"frame-src http://*.bar" },
{ "font-src com",
"font-src http://com" },
{ "connect-src f00b4r.com",
"connect-src http://f00b4r.com" },
{ "default-src {app-url-is-uid}",
"default-src http://{app-url-is-uid}" },
{ "script-src *.a.b.c",
"script-src http://*.a.b.c" },
{ "object-src *.b.c",
"object-src http://*.b.c" },
{ "style-src a.b.c",
"style-src http://a.b.c" },
{ "img-src a.com",
"img-src http://a.com" },
{ "media-src http://abc.com",
"media-src http://abc.com" },
{ "frame-src a2-c.com",
"frame-src http://a2-c.com" },
{ "font-src https://a.com",
"font-src https://a.com" },
{ "connect-src *.a.com",
"connect-src http://*.a.com" },
{ "default-src a.com:23",
"default-src http://a.com:23" },
{ "script-src https://a.com:200",
"script-src https://a.com:200" },
{ "object-src data:",
"object-src data:" },
{ "style-src javascript:",
"style-src javascript:" },
{ "img-src {app-host-is-uid}",
"img-src http://{app-host-is-uid}" },
{ "media-src app://{app-host-is-uid}",
"media-src app://{app-host-is-uid}" },
{ "frame-src https://foobar.com:443",
"frame-src https://foobar.com:443" },
{ "font-src https://a.com:443",
"font-src https://a.com:443" },
{ "connect-src http://a.com:80",
"connect-src http://a.com:80" },
{ "default-src http://foobar.com",
"default-src http://foobar.com" },
{ "script-src https://foobar.com",
"script-src https://foobar.com" },
{ "object-src https://{app-host-is-uid}",
"object-src https://{app-host-is-uid}" },
{ "style-src 'none'",
"style-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src foo.bar:21 https://ras.bar",
"img-src http://foo.bar:21 https://ras.bar" },
{ "media-src http://foo.bar:21 https://ras.bar:443",
"media-src http://foo.bar:21 https://ras.bar:443" },
{ "frame-src http://self.com:80",
"frame-src http://self.com:80" },
{ "font-src http://self.com",
"font-src http://self.com" },
{ "connect-src https://foo.com http://bar.com:88",
"connect-src https://foo.com http://bar.com:88" },
{ "default-src * https://bar.com 'none'",
"default-src * https://bar.com" },
{ "script-src *.foo.com",
"script-src http://*.foo.com" },
{ "object-src http://b.com",
"object-src http://b.com" },
{ "style-src http://bar.com:88",
"style-src http://bar.com:88" },
{ "img-src https://bar.com:88",
"img-src https://bar.com:88" },
{ "media-src http://bar.com:443",
"media-src http://bar.com:443" },
{ "frame-src https://foo.com:88",
"frame-src https://foo.com:88" },
{ "font-src http://foo.com",
"font-src http://foo.com" },
{ "connect-src http://x.com:23",
"connect-src http://x.com:23" },
{ "default-src http://barbaz.com",
"default-src http://barbaz.com" },
{ "script-src http://somerandom.foo.com",
"script-src http://somerandom.foo.com" },
{ "default-src *",
"default-src *" },
{ "style-src http://bar.com:22",
"style-src http://bar.com:22" },
{ "img-src https://foo.com:443",
"img-src https://foo.com:443" },
{ "script-src https://foo.com; ",
"script-src https://foo.com" },
{ "img-src bar.com:*",
"img-src http://bar.com:*" },
{ "font-src https://foo.com:400",
"font-src https://foo.com:400" },
{ "connect-src http://bar.com:400",
"connect-src http://bar.com:400" },
{ "default-src http://evil.com",
"default-src http://evil.com" },
{ "script-src https://evil.com:100",
"script-src https://evil.com:100" },
{ "default-src bar.com; script-src https://foo.com",
"default-src http://bar.com; script-src https://foo.com" },
{ "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' https://*:*",
"default-src http://www.selfuri.com; script-src http://www.selfuri.com https://*:*" },
{ "img-src http://self.com:34",
"img-src http://self.com:34" },
{ "media-src http://subd.self.com:34",
"media-src http://subd.self.com:34" },
{ "default-src 'none'",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "connect-src http://self",
"connect-src http://self" },
{ "default-src http://foo",
"default-src http://foo" },
{ "script-src http://foo:80",
"script-src http://foo:80" },
{ "object-src http://bar",
"object-src http://bar" },
{ "style-src http://three:80",
"style-src http://three:80" },
{ "img-src https://foo:400",
"img-src https://foo:400" },
{ "media-src https://self:34",
"media-src https://self:34" },
{ "frame-src https://bar",
"frame-src https://bar" },
{ "font-src http://three:81",
"font-src http://three:81" },
{ "connect-src https://three:81",
"connect-src https://three:81" },
{ "script-src http://self.com:80/foo",
"script-src http://self.com:80/foo" },
{ "object-src http://self.com/foo",
"object-src http://self.com/foo" },
{ "report-uri /report.py",
"report-uri http://www.selfuri.com/report.py"},
{ "img-src http://foo.org:34/report.py",
"img-src http://foo.org:34/report.py" },
{ "media-src foo/bar/report.py",
"media-src http://foo/bar/report.py" },
{ "report-uri /",
"report-uri http://www.selfuri.com/"},
{ "font-src https://self.com/report.py",
"font-src https://self.com/report.py" },
{ "connect-src https://foo.com/report.py",
"connect-src https://foo.com/report.py" },
{ "default-src *; report-uri http://www.reporturi.com/",
"default-src *; report-uri http://www.reporturi.com/" },
{ "default-src http://first.com",
"default-src http://first.com" },
{ "script-src http://second.com",
"script-src http://second.com" },
{ "object-src http://third.com",
"object-src http://third.com" },
{ "style-src https://foobar.com:4443",
"style-src https://foobar.com:4443" },
{ "img-src http://foobar.com:4443",
"img-src http://foobar.com:4443" },
{ "media-src bar.com",
"media-src http://bar.com" },
{ "frame-src http://bar.com",
"frame-src http://bar.com" },
{ "font-src http://self.com/",
"font-src http://self.com/" },
{ "script-src 'self'",
"script-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "default-src http://self.com/foo.png",
"default-src http://self.com/foo.png" },
{ "script-src http://self.com/foo.js",
"script-src http://self.com/foo.js" },
{ "object-src http://bar.com/foo.js",
"object-src http://bar.com/foo.js" },
{ "style-src http://FOO.COM",
"style-src http://foo.com" },
{ "img-src HTTP",
"img-src http://http" },
{ "media-src http",
"media-src http://http" },
{ "frame-src 'SELF'",
"frame-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "DEFAULT-src 'self';",
"default-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "default-src 'self' http://FOO.COM",
"default-src http://www.selfuri.com http://foo.com" },
{ "default-src 'self' HTTP://foo.com",
"default-src http://www.selfuri.com http://foo.com" },
{ "default-src 'NONE'",
"default-src 'none'" },
{ "script-src policy-uri ",
"script-src http://policy-uri" },
{ "img-src 'self'; ",
"img-src http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "frame-ancestors foo-bar.com",
"frame-ancestors http://foo-bar.com" },
{ "frame-ancestors http://a.com",
"frame-ancestors http://a.com" },
{ "frame-ancestors 'self'",
"frame-ancestors http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "frame-ancestors http://self.com:88",
"frame-ancestors http://self.com:88" },
{ "frame-ancestors http://a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.x.com",
"frame-ancestors http://a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.x.com" },
{ "frame-ancestors https://self.com:34",
"frame-ancestors https://self.com:34" },
{ "default-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'self'",
"default-src 'none'; frame-ancestors http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "frame-ancestors http://self:80",
"frame-ancestors http://self:80" },
{ "frame-ancestors http://self.com/bar",
"frame-ancestors http://self.com/bar" },
{ "default-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'",
"default-src http://www.selfuri.com; frame-ancestors http://www.selfuri.com" },
{ "frame-ancestors http://bar.com/foo.png",
"frame-ancestors http://bar.com/foo.png" },
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============================= TestBadGeneratedPolicies ========================
nsresult TestBadGeneratedPolicies() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "foo.*.bar", ""},
{ "foo!bar.com", ""},
{ "x.*.a.com", ""},
{ "a#2-c.com", ""},
{ "http://foo.com:bar.com:23", ""},
{ "f!oo.bar", ""},
{ "ht!ps://f-oo.bar", ""},
{ "https://f-oo.bar:3f", ""},
{ "**", ""},
{ "*a", ""},
{ "http://username:password@self.com/foo", ""},
{ "http://other:pass1@self.com/foo", ""},
{ "http://user1:pass1@self.com/foo", ""},
{ "http://username:password@self.com/bar", ""},
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 0);
// ============ TestGoodGeneratedPoliciesForPathHandling ============
nsresult TestGoodGeneratedPoliciesForPathHandling() {
// Once bug 808292 (Implement path-level host-source matching to CSP)
// lands we have to update the expected output to include the parsed path
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com",
"img-src http://test1.example.com" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file.js" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file_1.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file_1.js" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file-2.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file-2.js" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.js" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.oo.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.oo.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com",
"img-src http://test1.example.com" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/path-1",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/path-1/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file_1.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file_1.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file-2.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/file-2.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.oo.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.oo.js" },
{ "img-src *.example.com",
"img-src http://*.example.com" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/",
"img-src http://*.example.com/" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/path-1",
"img-src http://*.example.com/path-1" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/path-1/",
"img-src http://*.example.com/path-1/" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/path-1/path_2/",
"img-src http://*.example.com/path-1/path_2/" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/path-1/path_2/file.js",
"img-src http://*.example.com/path-1/path_2/file.js" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/path-1/path_2/file_1.js",
"img-src http://*.example.com/path-1/path_2/file_1.js" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/path-1/path_2/file-2.js",
"img-src http://*.example.com/path-1/path_2/file-2.js" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.js",
"img-src http://*.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.js" },
{ "img-src *.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.oo.js",
"img-src http://*.example.com/path-1/path_2/f.oo.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80/path-1",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80/path-1" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80/path-1/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80/path-1/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80/path-1/path_2",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80/path-1/path_2" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80/path-1/path_2/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80/path-1/path_2/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80/path-1/path_2/file.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80/path-1/path_2/file.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80/path-1/path_2/f.ile.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80/path-1/path_2/f.ile.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:*" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:*/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*/path-1",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:*/path-1" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*/path-1/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:*/path-1/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*/path-1/path_2",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:*/path-1/path_2" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/file.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/file.js" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/f.ile.js",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:*/path-1/path_2/f.ile.js" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com/abc//",
"img-src http://test1.example.com/abc//" },
{ "img-src https://test1.example.com/abc/def//",
"img-src https://test1.example.com/abc/def//" },
{ "img-src https://test1.example.com/abc/def/ghi//",
"img-src https://test1.example.com/abc/def/ghi//" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com:80/abc//",
"img-src http://test1.example.com:80/abc//" },
{ "img-src https://test1.example.com:80/abc/def//",
"img-src https://test1.example.com:80/abc/def//" },
{ "img-src https://test1.example.com:80/abc/def/ghi//",
"img-src https://test1.example.com:80/abc/def/ghi//" },
{ "img-src https://test1.example.com/abc////////////def/",
"img-src https://test1.example.com/abc////////////def/" },
{ "img-src https://test1.example.com/abc////////////",
"img-src https://test1.example.com/abc////////////" },
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============ TestBadGeneratedPoliciesForPathHandling ============
nsresult TestBadGeneratedPoliciesForPathHandling() {
static const PolicyTest policies[] =
{ "img-src test1.example.com:88path-1/",
"img-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:80.js",
"img-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*.js",
"img-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src test1.example.com:*.",
"img-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com//",
"img-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com:80//",
"img-src 'none'" },
{ "img-src http://test1.example.com:80abc",
"img-src 'none'" },
uint32_t policyCount = sizeof(policies) / sizeof(PolicyTest);
return runTestSuite(policies, policyCount, 1);
// ============================= TestFuzzyPolicies ========================
// Use a policy, eliminate one character at a time,
// and feed it as input to the parser.
nsresult TestShorteningPolicies() {
char pol[] = "default-src http://www.sub1.sub2.example.com:88/path1/path2/ 'unsafe-inline' 'none'";
uint32_t len = static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(pol));
PolicyTest testPol[1];
memset(&testPol[0].policy, '\0', kMaxPolicyLength * sizeof(char));
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
while (--len) {
memset(&testPol[0].policy, '\0', kMaxPolicyLength * sizeof(char));
memcpy(&testPol[0].policy, &pol, len * sizeof(char));
rv = runTestSuite(testPol, 1, kFuzzyExpectedPolicyCount);
return NS_OK;
// ============================= TestFuzzyPolicies ========================
// We generate kFuzzyRuns inputs by (pseudo) randomly picking from the 128
// ASCII characters; feed them to the parser and verfy that the parser
// handles the input gracefully.
// Please note, that by using srand(0) we get deterministic results!
nsresult TestFuzzyPolicies() {
// init srand with 0 so we get same results
PolicyTest testPol[1];
memset(&testPol[0].policy, '\0', kMaxPolicyLength);
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < kFuzzyRuns; index++) {
// randomly select the length of the next policy
uint32_t polLength = rand() % kMaxPolicyLength;
// reset memory of the policy string
memset(&testPol[0].policy, '\0', kMaxPolicyLength * sizeof(char));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < polLength; i++) {
// fill the policy array with random ASCII chars
testPol[0].policy[i] = static_cast<char>(rand() % 128);
rv = runTestSuite(testPol, 1, kFuzzyExpectedPolicyCount);
return NS_OK;
// ============================= TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDir ========================
// In a similar fashion as in TestFuzzyPolicies, we again (pseudo) randomly
// generate input for the parser, but this time also include a valid directive
// followed by the random input.
nsresult TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDir() {
// init srand with 0 so we get same results
PolicyTest testPol[1];
memset(&testPol[0].policy, '\0', kMaxPolicyLength);
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
char defaultSrc[] = "default-src ";
int defaultSrcLen = sizeof(defaultSrc) - 1;
// copy default-src into the policy array
memcpy(&testPol[0].policy, &defaultSrc, (defaultSrcLen * sizeof(char)));
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < kFuzzyRuns; index++) {
// randomly select the length of the next policy
uint32_t polLength = rand() % (kMaxPolicyLength - defaultSrcLen);
// reset memory of the policy string, but leave default-src.
memset((&(testPol[0].policy) + (defaultSrcLen * sizeof(char))),
'\0', (kMaxPolicyLength - defaultSrcLen) * sizeof(char));
// do not start at index 0 so we do not overwrite 'default-src'
for (uint32_t i = defaultSrcLen; i < polLength; i++) {
// fill the policy array with random ASCII chars
testPol[0].policy[i] = static_cast<char>(rand() % 128);
rv = runTestSuite(testPol, 1, kFuzzyExpectedPolicyCount);
return NS_OK;
// ============================= TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDirLimASCII ==============
// Same as TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDir() but using limited ASCII,
// which represents more likely input.
nsresult TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDirLimASCII() {
char input[] = "1234567890" \
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
// init srand with 0 so we get same results
PolicyTest testPol[1];
memset(&testPol[0].policy, '\0', kMaxPolicyLength);
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
char defaultSrc[] = "default-src ";
int defaultSrcLen = sizeof(defaultSrc) - 1;
// copy default-src into the policy array
memcpy(&testPol[0].policy, &defaultSrc, (defaultSrcLen * sizeof(char)));
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < kFuzzyRuns; index++) {
// randomly select the length of the next policy
uint32_t polLength = rand() % (kMaxPolicyLength - defaultSrcLen);
// reset memory of the policy string, but leave default-src.
memset((&(testPol[0].policy) + (defaultSrcLen * sizeof(char))),
'\0', (kMaxPolicyLength - defaultSrcLen) * sizeof(char));
// do not start at index 0 so we do not overwrite 'default-src'
for (uint32_t i = defaultSrcLen; i < polLength; i++) {
// fill the policy array with chars from the pre-defined input
uint32_t inputIndex = rand() % sizeof(input);
testPol[0].policy[i] = input[inputIndex];
rv = runTestSuite(testPol, 1, kFuzzyExpectedPolicyCount);
return NS_OK;
// ============================= Run the tests ========================
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ScopedXPCOM xpcom("ContentSecurityPolicyParser");
if (xpcom.failed()) {
return 1;
if (NS_FAILED(TestDirectives())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestKeywords())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestIgnoreUpperLowerCasePolicies())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestPaths())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestSimplePolicies())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestPoliciesWithInvalidSrc())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestBadPolicies())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestGoodGeneratedPolicies())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestBadGeneratedPolicies())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestGoodGeneratedPoliciesForPathHandling())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestBadGeneratedPoliciesForPathHandling())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestShorteningPolicies())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestFuzzyPolicies())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDir())) { return 1; }
if (NS_FAILED(TestFuzzyPoliciesIncDirLimASCII())) { return 1; }
return 0;