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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var success = false;
var observerFired = false;
var testObserver = {
idleHang: true,
observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
observerFired = true;
ok(true, "Observer fired");
is(topic, "plugin-crashed", "Checking correct topic");
is(data, null, "Checking null data");
ok((subject instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2), "got Propbag");
ok((subject instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2), "got writable Propbag");
var pluginId = subject.getPropertyAsAString("pluginDumpID");
isnot(pluginId, "", "got a non-empty plugin crash id");
// check plugin dump and extra files
let directoryService =
let profD = directoryService.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
let pluginDumpFile = profD.clone();
pluginDumpFile.append(pluginId + ".dmp");
ok(pluginDumpFile.exists(), "plugin minidump exists");
let pluginExtraFile = profD.clone();
pluginExtraFile.append(pluginId + ".extra");
ok(pluginExtraFile.exists(), "plugin extra file exists");
let extraData = parseKeyValuePairsFromFile(pluginExtraFile);
// check additional dumps
ok("additional_minidumps" in extraData, "got field for additional minidumps");
let additionalDumps = extraData.additional_minidumps.split(',');
ok(additionalDumps.indexOf('browser') >= 0, "browser in additional_minidumps");
let additionalDumpFiles = [];
for (let name of additionalDumps) {
let file = profD.clone();
file.append(pluginId + "-" + name + ".dmp");
ok(file.exists(), "additional dump '"+name+"' exists");
if (file.exists()) {
// check cpu usage field
ok("PluginCpuUsage" in extraData, "got extra field for plugin cpu usage");
let cpuUsage = parseFloat(extraData["PluginCpuUsage"]);
if (this.idleHang) {
ok(cpuUsage == 0, "plugin cpu usage is 0%");
} else {
ok(cpuUsage > 0, "plugin cpu usage is >0%");
// check processor count field
ok("NumberOfProcessors" in extraData, "got extra field for processor count");
ok(parseInt(extraData["NumberOfProcessors"]) > 0, "number of processors is >0");
// cleanup, to be nice
for (let file of additionalDumpFiles) {
QueryInterface: function(iid) {
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIObserver) ||
iid.equals(Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
function onPluginCrashed(aEvent) {
ok(true, "Plugin crashed notification received");
ok(observerFired, "Observer should have fired first");
is(aEvent.type, "PluginCrashed", "event is correct type");
var pluginElement = document.getElementById("plugin1");
is (pluginElement, aEvent.target, "Plugin crashed event target is plugin element");
ok(aEvent instanceof PluginCrashedEvent,
"plugin crashed event has the right interface");
is(typeof aEvent.pluginDumpID, "string", "pluginDumpID is correct type");
isnot(aEvent.pluginDumpID, "", "got a non-empty dump ID");
is(typeof aEvent.pluginName, "string", "pluginName is correct type");
is(aEvent.pluginName, "Test Plug-in", "got correct plugin name");
is(typeof aEvent.pluginFilename, "string", "pluginFilename is correct type");
isnot(aEvent.pluginFilename, "", "got a non-empty filename");
// The app itself may or may not have decided to submit the report, so
// allow either true or false here.
ok("submittedCrashReport" in aEvent, "submittedCrashReport is a property of event");
is(typeof aEvent.submittedCrashReport, "boolean", "submittedCrashReport is correct type");
var os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
os.removeObserver(testObserver, "plugin-crashed");