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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Canvas2D test: CaptureStream()</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="captureStream_common.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
var c; // Canvas element captured by streams.
var h; // CaptureStreamTestHelper holding utility test functions.
var vauto; // Video element with captureStream stream in automatic mode.
var vmanual; // Video element with captureStream stream in manual (fps 0) mode.
var vrate; // Video element with captureStream stream with fixed frame rate.
function checkDrawColorInitialRed() {
info("Checking that all video elements become red when initiated just after the first drawColor(red).");
h.drawColor(c, h.red);
vauto.srcObject = c.captureStream();
vmanual.srcObject = c.captureStream(0);
vrate.srcObject = c.captureStream(10);
ok(h.isPixel(h.getPixel(vauto), h.blackTransparent, 0),
"vauto should not be drawn to before stable state");
ok(h.isPixel(h.getPixel(vrate), h.blackTransparent, 0),
"vrate should not be drawn to before stable state");
ok(h.isPixel(h.getPixel(vmanual), h.blackTransparent, 0),
"vmanual should not be drawn to before stable state");
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vauto, h.red, 0,
"should become red automatically"))
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vrate, h.red, 0,
"should become red automatically"))
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vmanual, h.red, 0,
"should become red when we get" +
" to stable state (first frame)"));
function checkDrawColorGreen() {
info("Checking that drawing green propagates properly to video elements.");
var drawing = h.startDrawing(() => h.drawColor(c, h.green));
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vauto, h.green, 0,
"should become green automatically"))
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vrate, h.green, 0,
"should become green automatically"))
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vmanual, h.red, 0,
"should still be red"))
.then(() => h.requestFrame(vmanual))
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vmanual, h.green, 0,
"should become green after requstFrame()"))
.catch(err => ok(false, "checkDrawColorGreen failed: ", err))
.then(() => drawing.stop());
function checkRequestFrameOrderGuarantee() {
info("Checking that requestFrame() immediately after a drawColor() " +
"call results in the expected frame seen in the stream.");
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vmanual, h.green, 0,
"should still be green"))
.then(() => h.drawColor(c, h.red)) // 1. Draw canvas red
.then(() => h.requestFrame(vmanual)) // 2. Immediately request a frame
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vmanual, h.red, 0,
"should become red after call order test"))
function checkDrawImageNotCleanRed() {
info("Checking that drawImage with not origin-clean image renders streams useless.");
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
var notCleanRed = new Image();
var drawing;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
notCleanRed.onload = resolve;
notCleanRed.onerror = () => reject(new Error("Failed to load tainted image."));
notCleanRed.src = "http://example.com/tests/dom/canvas/test/image_red_crossorigin_credentials.png";
.then(() => drawing = h.startDrawing(() => ctx.drawImage(notCleanRed, 0, 0, c.width, c.height)))
.then(() => h.testNotClean(c))
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColorTimeout(vauto, h.red, 0, 1000,
"should not become red"))
.then(() => h.isPixelNot(h.getPixel(vrate), h.red, 250,
"should not have become red"))
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColor(vmanual, h.green, 0, "should still be green"))
.then(() => h.requestFrame(vmanual))
.then(() => h.waitForPixelColorTimeout(vmanual, h.red, 0, 1000,
"should not become red"))
.catch(err => ok(false, "checkDrawImageNotCleanRed failed: ", err))
.then(() => drawing.stop());
function finish() {
ok(true, 'Test complete.');
function beginTest() {
h = new CaptureStreamTestHelper2D();
c = h.createAndAppendElement('canvas', 'c');
vauto = h.createAndAppendElement('video', 'vauto');
vmanual = h.createAndAppendElement('video', 'vmanual');
vrate = h.createAndAppendElement('video', 'vrate');
.then(checkDrawColorGreen) // Restore video elements to green.