// The main test function. var test = function (isContent) { SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); let { ww } = SpecialPowers.Services; window.chromeWindow = ww.activeWindow; // The pairs of values expected to be the same when // fingerprinting resistance is enabled. let pairs = [ ["screenX", 0], ["screenY", 0], ["mozInnerScreenX", 0], ["mozInnerScreenY", 0], ["screen.pixelDepth", 24], ["screen.colorDepth", 24], ["screen.availWidth", "innerWidth"], ["screen.availHeight", "innerHeight"], ["screen.left", 0], ["screen.top", 0], ["screen.availLeft", 0], ["screen.availTop", 0], ["screen.width", "innerWidth"], ["screen.height", "innerHeight"], ["screen.mozOrientation", "'landscape-primary'"], ["devicePixelRatio", 1] ]; // checkPair: tests if members of pair [a, b] are equal when evaluated. let checkPair = function (a, b) { is(eval(a), eval(b), a + " should be equal to " + b); }; // Returns generator object that iterates through pref values. let prefVals = (for (prefVal of [false, true]) prefVal); // The main test function, runs until all pref values are exhausted. let nextTest = function () { let {value : prefValue, done} = prefVals.next(); if (done) { SimpleTest.finish(); return; } SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({set : [["privacy.resistFingerprinting", prefValue]]}, function () { // We will be resisting fingerprinting if the pref is enabled, // and we are in a content script (not chrome). let resisting = prefValue && isContent; // Check each of the pairs. pairs.map(function ([item, onVal]) { if (resisting) { checkPair("window." + item, onVal); } else { if (!item.startsWith("moz")) { checkPair("window." + item, "chromeWindow." + item); } } }); if (!resisting) { // Hard to predict these values, but we can enforce constraints: ok(window.mozInnerScreenX >= chromeWindow.mozInnerScreenX, "mozInnerScreenX"); ok(window.mozInnerScreenY >= chromeWindow.mozInnerScreenY, "mozInnerScreenY"); } nextTest(); }); } nextTest(); }