# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Panel Strings ## LOCALIZATION_NOTE(loopMenuItem_label): Label of the menu item that is placed ## inside the browser 'Tools' menu. Use the unicode ellipsis char, \u2026, or ## use "..." if \u2026 doesn't suit traditions in your locale. loopMenuItem_label=Inìçia 'na convesaçion… loopMenuItem_accesskey=t ## LOCALIZATION_NOTE(sign_in_again_title_line_one, sign_in_again_title_line_two2): ## These are displayed together at the top of the panel when a user is needed to ## sign-in again. The emphesis is on the first line to get the user to sign-in again, ## and this is displayed in slightly larger font. Please arrange as necessary for ## your locale. ## {{clientShortname2}} will be replaced by the brand name for either string. sign_in_again_title_line_one=Pe piaxei intra torna sign_in_again_title_line_two2=pe continuâ a deuviâ {{clientShortname2}} sign_in_again_button=Intra ## LOCALIZATION_NOTE(sign_in_again_use_as_guest_button2): {{clientSuperShortname}} ## will be replaced by the super short brandname. sign_in_again_use_as_guest_button2=Deuvia {{clientSuperShortname}} comme òspite panel_browse_with_friend_button=Navega in sta pagina co-in amigo panel_stop_sharing_tabs_button=Ferma condivixon di feuggi ## LOCALIZATION_NOTE(first_time_experience_subheading2): Message inviting the ## user to create his or her first conversation. first_time_experience_subheading2=Sciacca o pomello Hello pe navegâ in sce pagine web co-in amigo. ## LOCALIZATION_NOTE(first_time_experience_content): Message describing ## ways to use Hello project. first_time_experience_content=Deuvia pe organizâ insemme, travagiâ insemme, rie insemme. first_time_experience_button_label2=Amia comme fonçionn-a invite_header_text_bold=Invità quarchedun a navegâ in sta pagina con ti! invite_header_text3=Bezeugna ese in dôi pe deuviâ Firefox Hello, aloa manda a 'n amigo 'n colegamento pe falo navegâ con ti! ## LOCALIZATION_NOTE(invite_copy_link_button, invite_copied_link_button, ## invite_email_link_button, invite_facebook_button2): These labels appear under ## an iconic button for the invite view. invite_copy_link_button=Còpia colegamento invite_copied_link_button=Copiòu! invite_email_link_button=Manda colegamento pe email invite_facebook_button3=Facebook invite_your_link=O teu colegamento: # Status text display_name_guest=Òspite # Error bars ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(session_expired_error_description,could_not_authenticate,password_changed_question,try_again_later,could_not_connect,check_internet_connection,login_expired,service_not_available,problem_accessing_account): ## These may be displayed at the top of the panel. session_expired_error_description=Sescion schéita. Tutti i URL che t'æ creòu e condivizo primma no fonçionian ciù. could_not_authenticate=No pòsso aotenticate password_changed_question=T'æ miga cangiou a paròlla segreta? try_again_later=Pe piaxei preuva torna dòppo could_not_connect=No me pòsso conette a-o Server check_internet_connection=Pe piaxei contròlla a teu conescion internet login_expired=O teu login o l'é scheito service_not_available=Serviçio no disponibile òua problem_accessing_account=Gh'é 'n problema a acede a-o teu Account ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(retry_button): Displayed when there is an error to retry ## the appropriate action. retry_button=Preuva torna share_email_subject7=O teu invito a navegâ insemme ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (share_email_body7): In this item, don't translate the ## part between {{..}} and leave the \n\n part alone share_email_body7=Un amigo o t'aspeta in sce Firefox Hello. Sciacca o colegamento pe navegâ insemme: {{callUrl}} ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (share_email_body_context3): In this item, don't translate ## the part between {{..}} and leave the \n\n part alone. share_email_body_context3=Un amigo o t'aspeta in sce Firefox Hello. Sciacca o colegamento pe conetite e navegâ {{title}} insemme: {{callUrl}} ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (share_email_footer2): Common footer content for both email types share_email_footer2=\n\n____________\nFirefox Hello o te fâ navegâ in sciô web co-i teu amixi. Deuvilo quande ti gh'æ da fâ quarcösa: progetti insemme, travaggi insemme, rie insemme. Pe saveine de ciù http://www.firefox.com/hello ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (share_tweeet): In this item, don't translate the part ## between {{..}}. Please keep the text below 117 characters to make sure it fits ## in a tweet. share_tweet=Vegni con mi a fâ 'na conversaçion video in sce {{clientShortname2}}! share_add_service_button=Azonzi serviçio ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (copy_link_menuitem, email_link_menuitem, delete_conversation_menuitem): ## These menu items are displayed from a panel's context menu for a conversation. copy_link_menuitem=Còpia colegamento email_link_menuitem=Manda colegamento pe email delete_conversation_menuitem2=Scancella panel_footer_signin_or_signup_link=Intra ò Registrite settings_menu_item_account=Account settings_menu_item_settings=Inpostaçioin settings_menu_item_signout=Sciòrti settings_menu_item_signin=Intra settings_menu_item_turnnotificationson=Acendi Notifiche settings_menu_item_turnnotificationsoff=Asmòrta notifiche settings_menu_item_feedback=Manda Comento settings_menu_button_tooltip=Inpostaçioin # Conversation Window Strings initiate_call_button_label2=Pronto a comensâ a teu conversaçion? incoming_call_title2=Domanda de conversaçion incoming_call_block_button=Blòcca hangup_button_title=Caccia zu hangup_button_caption2=Sciòrti ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (call_with_contact_title): The title displayed ## when calling a contact. Don't translate the part between {{..}} because ## this will be replaced by the contact's name. call_with_contact_title=Conversaçion con {{contactName}} # Outgoing conversation outgoing_call_title=Comensâ conversaçion? initiate_audio_video_call_button2=Comensa initiate_audio_video_call_tooltip2=Iniçia 'na conversaçion video initiate_audio_call_button2=Conversaçion video peer_ended_conversation2=A personn-a che ti ciamavi a l'à serou a conversaçion. restart_call=Uniscite torna ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contact_offline_title): Title which is displayed when the ## contact is offline. contact_offline_title=Sta personn-a a no l'é in linea ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (call_timeout_notification_text): Title which is displayed ## when the call didn't go through. call_timeout_notification_text=A teu ciamâ a no l'à fonçionou. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cancel_button): ## This button is displayed when a call has failed. cancel_button=Scancella rejoin_button=Uniscite torna a-a Conversaçion cannot_start_call_session_not_ready=No pòsso inandiâ a ciamâ, sescion no pronta. network_disconnected=A conescion de ræ a s'é ciantâ. connection_error_see_console_notification=Ciamâ falia: amia a console pe detalli. no_media_failure_message=Videocamera ò micròfono no atrovou. ice_failure_message=Conescion no ariescia. O teu firewall o te blòcca. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (legal_text_and_links3): In this item, don't translate the ## parts between {{..}} because these will be replaced with links with the labels ## from legal_text_tos and legal_text_privacy. clientShortname will be replaced ## by the brand name. legal_text_and_links3=Deuviando {{clientShortname}} ti ê d'acòrdio co-i {{terms_of_use}} e-a {{privacy_notice}}. legal_text_tos=Termini d'uzo legal_text_privacy=Privacy ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (powered_by_beforeLogo, powered_by_afterLogo): ## These 2 strings are displayed before and after a 'Telefonica' ## logo. powered_by_beforeLogo=Fæto da powered_by_afterLogo= ## LOCALIZATION_NOTE (feedback_rejoin_button): Displayed on the feedback form after ## a signed-in to signed-in user call. feedback_rejoin_button=Uniscite torna ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (feedback_report_user_button): Used to report a user in the case of ## an abusive user. feedback_report_user_button=Denonçia utente feedback_window_heading=Comm'a l'é stæta a teu convesaçion? feedback_request_button=Lascia Comento tour_label=Tour rooms_list_recently_browsed2=Navegou urtimamente rooms_list_currently_browsing2=Oua ti naveghi rooms_signout_alert=E converaçioin averte saian seræ room_name_untitled_page=Pagina sensa titolo ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (door_hanger_return, door_hanger_prompt_name, door_hanger_button): Dialog message on leaving conversation door_hanger_return=A dòppo! Ti peu tornâ a sta sescion condiviza quande tìeu da-o panello de Hello. door_hanger_prompt_name=T'eu dâ 'n nomme a sta sescion pe aregordala megio? Nomme: door_hanger_button=Va ben # Infobar strings infobar_screenshare_browser_message2=Òua ti condividdi i teu feuggi. Ògni feuggio donde di sciacchi co-o ratto o peu ese visto da-i teu amixi infobar_screenshare_paused_browser_message=A condivixon di feuggi a l'é in pösa infobar_button_gotit_label=Capio! infobar_button_gotit_accesskey=G infobar_button_pause_label=Pösa infobar_button_pause_accesskey=P infobar_button_restart_label=Arvi torna infobar_button_restart_accesskey=e infobar_button_resume_label=Repiggia infobar_button_resume_accesskey=R infobar_button_stop_label=Ferma infobar_button_stop_accesskey=S infobar_menuitem_dontshowagain_label=No mostralo ciù infobar_menuitem_dontshowagain_accesskey=D # Context in conversation strings ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(no_conversations_message_heading2): Title shown when user ## has no conversations available. no_conversations_message_heading2=Nisciunn-a conversaçion. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(no_conversations_start_message2): Subheading inviting the ## user to start a new conversation. no_conversations_start_message2=Comensane inn-a! # E10s not supported strings e10s_not_supported_button_label=Xeua Neuvo Barcon e10s_not_supported_subheading={{brandShortname}} o no fonçionn-a inte 'n barcon molti-processo. # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE: In this file, don't translate the part between {{..}} # Text chat strings chat_textbox_placeholder=Scrivi chi… ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientShortname2): This should not be localized and ## should remain "Firefox Hello" for all locales. clientShortname2=Firefox Hello conversation_has_ended=A teu conversaçion a l'é finia generic_failure_message=Gh'emmo quarche problema tecnico… generic_failure_no_reason2=T'eu provâ torna? help_label=Agiutto mute_local_audio_button_title=Mutto unmute_local_audio_button_title=Leva o mutto mute_local_video_button_title2=Dizabilita video unmute_local_video_button_title2=Abilita video ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (retry_call_button): ## This button is displayed when a call has failed. retry_call_button=Preuva torna rooms_leave_button_label=Vanni via rooms_panel_title=Çerni 'na conversaçion ò fanne inn-a neuva rooms_room_full_call_to_action_label=Inprende de ciù in sce {{clientShortname}} » rooms_room_full_call_to_action_nonFx_label=Scarega {{brandShortname}} pe comensâ a teu rooms_room_full_label=Gh'é za doe personn-e in sta converaçion. rooms_room_join_label=Uniscite a-a converaçion rooms_room_joined_label=Quarchedun o s'é unio a-a converaçion! self_view_hidden_message=A vista de ti a l'é ascoza ma a l'é ancon trasmissa; dimenscionn-a o barcon pe veddila ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (tos_failure_message): Don't translate {{clientShortname}} ## as this will be replaced by clientShortname2. tos_failure_message={{clientShortname}} o no gh'é into teu paize. ## LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientSuperShortname): This should not be localized and ## should remain "Hello" for all locales. clientSuperShortname=Hello