/* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Check that inspecting a closure in the variables view sidebar works when // execution is paused. "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" + "test/test-closures.html"; var gWebConsole, gJSTerm, gVariablesView; function test() { registerCleanupFunction(() => { gWebConsole = gJSTerm = gVariablesView = null; }); function resumeDebugger(toolbox, panelWin, deferred) { panelWin.gThreadClient.addOneTimeListener("resumed", () => { ok(true, "Debugger resumed"); deferred.resolve({ toolbox: toolbox, panelWin: panelWin }); }); } function fetchScopes(hud, toolbox, panelWin, deferred) { panelWin.once(panelWin.EVENTS.FETCHED_SCOPES, () => { ok(true, "Scopes were fetched"); toolbox.selectTool("webconsole").then(() => consoleOpened(hud)); deferred.resolve(); }); } loadTab(TEST_URI).then(() => { openConsole().then((hud) => { openDebugger().then(({ toolbox, panelWin }) => { let deferred = promise.defer(); resumeDebugger(toolbox, panelWin, deferred); return deferred.promise; }).then(({ toolbox, panelWin }) => { let deferred = promise.defer(); fetchScopes(hud, toolbox, panelWin, deferred); let button = content.document.querySelector("button"); ok(button, "button element found"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {}, content); return deferred.promise; }); }); }); } function consoleOpened(hud) { gWebConsole = hud; gJSTerm = hud.jsterm; gJSTerm.execute("window.george.getName"); waitForMessages({ webconsole: gWebConsole, messages: [{ text: "function _pfactory/<.getName()", category: CATEGORY_OUTPUT, objects: true, }], }).then(onExecuteGetName); } function onExecuteGetName(results) { let clickable = results[0].clickableElements[0]; ok(clickable, "clickable object found"); gJSTerm.once("variablesview-fetched", onGetNameFetch); let contextMenu = gWebConsole.iframeWindow.document.getElementById("output-contextmenu"); waitForContextMenu(contextMenu, clickable, () => { let openInVarView = contextMenu.querySelector("#menu_openInVarView"); ok(openInVarView.disabled === false, "the \"Open In Variables View\" context menu item should be clickable"); // EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter seems to fail here in Mac OSX openInVarView.click(); }); } function onGetNameFetch(evt, view) { gVariablesView = view._variablesView; ok(gVariablesView, "variables view object"); findVariableViewProperties(view, [ { name: /_pfactory/, value: "" }, ], { webconsole: gWebConsole }).then(onExpandClosure); } function onExpandClosure(results) { let prop = results[0].matchedProp; ok(prop, "matched the name property in the variables view"); gVariablesView.window.focus(); gJSTerm.once("sidebar-closed", finishTest); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {}); }