/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { reportException, assert } = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils"); const { snapshotState: states, actions } = require("../constants"); const { immutableUpdate, L10N, openFilePicker, createSnapshot } = require("../utils"); const { readSnapshot, takeCensus, selectSnapshot } = require("./snapshot"); const { OS } = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); const VALID_EXPORT_STATES = [states.SAVED, states.READ, states.SAVING_CENSUS, states.SAVED_CENSUS]; exports.pickFileAndExportSnapshot = function (snapshot) { return function* (dispatch, getState) { let outputFile = yield openFilePicker({ title: L10N.getFormatStr("snapshot.io.save.window"), defaultName: OS.Path.basename(snapshot.path), filters: [[L10N.getFormatStr("snapshot.io.filter"), "*.fxsnapshot"]], mode: "save", }); if (!outputFile) { return; } yield dispatch(exportSnapshot(snapshot, outputFile.path)); }; }; const exportSnapshot = exports.exportSnapshot = function (snapshot, dest) { return function* (dispatch, getState) { dispatch({ type: actions.EXPORT_SNAPSHOT_START, snapshot }); assert(VALID_EXPORT_STATES.includes(snapshot.state), `Snapshot is in invalid state for exporting: ${snapshot.state}`); try { yield OS.File.copy(snapshot.path, dest); } catch (error) { reportException("exportSnapshot", error); dispatch({ type: actions.EXPORT_SNAPSHOT_ERROR, snapshot, error }); } dispatch({ type: actions.EXPORT_SNAPSHOT_END, snapshot }); }; }; const pickFileAndImportSnapshotAndCensus = exports.pickFileAndImportSnapshotAndCensus = function (heapWorker) { return function* (dispatch, getState) { let input = yield openFilePicker({ title: L10N.getFormatStr("snapshot.io.import.window"), filters: [[L10N.getFormatStr("snapshot.io.filter"), "*.fxsnapshot"]], mode: "open", }); if (!input) { return; } yield dispatch(importSnapshotAndCensus(heapWorker, input.path)); }; }; const importSnapshotAndCensus = exports.importSnapshotAndCensus = function (heapWorker, path) { return function* (dispatch, getState) { const snapshot = immutableUpdate(createSnapshot(), { path, state: states.IMPORTING, imported: true, }); const id = snapshot.id; dispatch({ type: actions.IMPORT_SNAPSHOT_START, snapshot }); dispatch(selectSnapshot(snapshot.id)); try { yield dispatch(readSnapshot(heapWorker, id)); yield dispatch(takeCensus(heapWorker, id)); } catch (error) { reportException("importSnapshot", error); dispatch({ type: actions.IMPORT_SNAPSHOT_ERROR, error, id }); } dispatch({ type: actions.IMPORT_SNAPSHOT_END, id }); }; };