var gWidgetManifestURL = "http://test/tests/dom/apps/tests/file_app.sjs?apptype=widget&getmanifest=true"; var gInvalidWidgetManifestURL = "http://test/tests/dom/apps/tests/file_app.sjs?apptype=invalidWidget&getmanifest=true"; var gApp; var gHasBrowserPermission; function onError(msg) { ok(false, "Error callback invoked: " + msg); finish(); } function installApp(path) { var request = navigator.mozApps.install(path); request.onerror = onError; request.onsuccess = function() { gApp = request.result; runTest(); } } function uninstallApp() { // Uninstall the app. var request = navigator.mozApps.mgmt.uninstall(gApp); request.onerror = onError; request.onsuccess = function() { // All done. info("All done"); runTest(); } } function testApp(isValidWidget) { info("Test widget feature. IsValidWidget: " + isValidWidget); var ifr = document.createElement("iframe"); ifr.setAttribute("mozbrowser", "true"); ifr.setAttribute("mozwidget", gApp.manifestURL); ifr.setAttribute("src", gApp.origin + gApp.manifest.launch_path); var domParent = document.getElementById("container"); domParent.appendChild(ifr); ifr.addEventListener("mozbrowserloadend", function _onloadend() { ok(true, "receive mozbrowserloadend"); // Test limited browser API feature only for valid widget case if (isValidWidget) { testLimitedBrowserAPI(ifr); } SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => loadFrameScript(mm, checkIsWidgetScript, true)); }, false); ifr.addEventListener("mozbrowsererror", (event) => { ok(!isValidWidget, "receive mozbrowsererror: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail)); domParent.removeChild(ifr); runTest(); }); // Callback of frameScript var mm = SpecialPowers.getBrowserFrameMessageManager(ifr); mm.addMessageListener("OK", function(msg) { ok(isValidWidget, "Message from widget: " + SpecialPowers.wrap(msg).json); }); mm.addMessageListener("KO", function(msg) { ok(!isValidWidget, "Message from widget: " + SpecialPowers.wrap(msg).json); }); mm.addMessageListener("DONE", function _done(msg) { ok(true, "Message from widget complete: " + SpecialPowers.wrap(msg).json); mm.removeMessageListener("DONE", _done); mm.addMessageListener("DONE", function _done(msg) { ok(true, "Message from widget complete: " + SpecialPowers.wrap(msg).json); runTest(); }); info("set src to a invalid page"); ifr.setAttribute("src", gApp.origin); isValidWidget = false; }); // Test limited browser API feature only for valid widget case if (!isValidWidget) { return; } [ "mozbrowsertitlechange", "mozbrowseropenwindow", "mozbrowserscroll", ].forEach( function(topic) { ifr.addEventListener(topic, function() { ok(false, topic + " should be hidden"); }, false); }); } function testLimitedBrowserAPI(ifr) { var securitySensitiveCalls = [ { api: "sendMouseEvent" , args: ["mousedown", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }, { api: "sendTouchEvent" , args: ["touchstart", [0], [0], [0], [1], [1], [0], [1], 1, 0] }, { api: "goBack" , args: [] }, { api: "goForward" , args: [] }, { api: "reload" , args: [] }, { api: "stop" , args: [] }, { api: "download" , args: [""] }, { api: "purgeHistory" , args: [] }, { api: "getScreenshot" , args: [0, 0] }, { api: "zoom" , args: [0.1] }, { api: "getCanGoBack" , args: [] }, { api: "getCanGoForward" , args: [] }, { api: "getContentDimensions", args: [] } ]; securitySensitiveCalls.forEach( function(call) { if (gHasBrowserPermission) { isnot(typeof ifr[call.api], "undefined", call.api + " should be defined"); var didThrow; try { ifr[call.api].apply(ifr, call.args); } catch (e) { ok(e instanceof DOMException, "throw right exception type"); didThrow = e.code; } is(didThrow, DOMException.INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR, "call " + call.api + " should throw exception"); } else { is(typeof ifr[call.api], "undefined", call.api + " should be hidden for widget"); } }); } function loadFrameScript(mm, frameScript, testMozbrowserEvent) { var script = "data:,(" + frameScript.toString() + ")(" + testMozbrowserEvent + ");"; mm.loadFrameScript(script, /* allowDelayedLoad = */ false); } function checkIsWidgetScript(testMozbrowserEvent) { function ok(p, msg) { if (p) { sendAsyncMessage("OK", msg); } else { sendAsyncMessage("KO", msg); } } function is(a, b, msg) { if (a == b) { sendAsyncMessage("OK", a + " == " + b + " - " + msg); } else { sendAsyncMessage("KO", a + " != " + b + " - " + msg); } } function finish() { sendAsyncMessage("DONE", ""); } function onError() { ok(false, "Error callback invoked"); finish(); } var request = content.window.navigator.mozApps.getSelf(); request.onsuccess = function() { var widget = request.result; ok(widget, "Should" + (widget ? "" : " not") + " be a widget"); finish(); }; request.onerror = onError; if (testMozbrowserEvent) { var win ="about:blank"); /* test mozbrowseropenwindow */ /*Close new window to avoid mochitest "unable to restore focus" failures.*/ win.close(); content.window.scrollTo(4000, 4000); /* test mozbrowserscroll */ } } var tests = [ // Permissions function() { SpecialPowers.pushPermissions( [{ "type": "browser", "allow": gHasBrowserPermission ? 1 : 0, "context": document }, { "type": "embed-widgets", "allow": 1, "context": document }, { "type": "webapps-manage", "allow": 1, "context": document }], runTest); }, // Preferences function() { SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["dom.mozBrowserFramesEnabled", true], ["dom.enable_widgets", true]]}, runTest); }, // No confirmation needed when an app is installed function() { SpecialPowers.setAllAppsLaunchable(true); SpecialPowers.autoConfirmAppInstall(() => { SpecialPowers.autoConfirmAppUninstall(runTest); }); }, // Installing the app ()=>installApp(gWidgetManifestURL), // Run tests in app ()=>testApp(true), // Uninstall the app uninstallApp, // Installing the app for invalid widget case ()=>installApp(gInvalidWidgetManifestURL), // Run tests in app for invalid widget case ()=>testApp(false), // Uninstall the app uninstallApp ]; function runTest() { if (!tests.length) { finish(); return; } var test = tests.shift(); test(); } function finish() { SimpleTest.finish(); }