/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); var RIL = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ril_consts.js", RIL); const GONK_ICCSERVICE_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/icc/gonkiccservice;1"; const GONK_ICCSERVICE_CID = Components.ID("{df854256-9554-11e4-a16c-c39e8d106c26}"); const NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID = "xpcom-shutdown"; const NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID = "nsPref:changed"; const kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled = "ril.debugging.enabled"; const kPrefRilNumRadioInterfaces = "ril.numRadioInterfaces"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gRadioInterfaceLayer", "@mozilla.org/ril;1", "nsIRadioInterfaceLayer"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gMobileConnectionService", "@mozilla.org/mobileconnection/mobileconnectionservice;1", "nsIGonkMobileConnectionService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gIccMessenger", "@mozilla.org/ril/system-messenger-helper;1", "nsIIccMessenger"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gStkCmdFactory", "@mozilla.org/icc/stkcmdfactory;1", "nsIStkCmdFactory"); var DEBUG = RIL.DEBUG_RIL; function debug(s) { dump("IccService: " + s); } function IccInfo() {} IccInfo.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIIccInfo]), // nsIIccInfo iccType: null, iccid: null, mcc: null, mnc: null, spn: null, isDisplayNetworkNameRequired: false, isDisplaySpnRequired: false }; function GsmIccInfo() {} GsmIccInfo.prototype = { __proto__: IccInfo.prototype, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIGsmIccInfo, Ci.nsIIccInfo]), // nsIGsmIccInfo msisdn: null }; function CdmaIccInfo() {} CdmaIccInfo.prototype = { __proto__: IccInfo.prototype, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsICdmaIccInfo, Ci.nsIIccInfo]), // nsICdmaIccInfo mdn: null, prlVersion: 0 }; function IccContact(aContact) { this.id = aContact.contactId || null; this._names = []; this._numbers = []; this._emails = []; this._names.push(aContact.alphaId); this._numbers.push(aContact.number); let anrLen = aContact.anr ? aContact.anr.length : 0; for (let i = 0; i < anrLen; i++) { this._numbers.push(aContact.anr[i]); } if (aContact.email) { this._emails.push(aContact.email); } } IccContact.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIIccContact]), _names: null, _numbers: null, _emails: null, // nsIIccContact id: null, getNames: function(aCount) { if (!this._names) { if (aCount) { aCount.value = 0; } return null; } if (aCount) { aCount.value = this._names.length; } return this._names.slice(); }, getNumbers: function(aCount) { if (!this._numbers) { if (aCount) { aCount.value = 0; } return null; } if (aCount) { aCount.value = this._numbers.length; } return this._numbers.slice(); }, getEmails: function(aCount) { if (!this._emails) { if (aCount) { aCount.value = 0; } return null; } if (aCount) { aCount.value = this._emails.length; } return this._emails.slice(); }, }; function IccService() { this._iccs = []; let numClients = gRadioInterfaceLayer.numRadioInterfaces; for (let i = 0; i < numClients; i++) { this._iccs.push(new Icc(i)); } this._updateDebugFlag(); Services.prefs.addObserver(kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled, this, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID, false); } IccService.prototype = { classID: GONK_ICCSERVICE_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: GONK_ICCSERVICE_CID, contractID: GONK_ICCSERVICE_CONTRACTID, classDescription: "IccService", interfaces: [Ci.nsIIccService, Ci.nsIGonkIccService], flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIIccService, Ci.nsIGonkIccService, Ci.nsIObserver]), // An array of Icc instances. _iccs: null, _updateDebugFlag: function() { try { DEBUG = DEBUG || Services.prefs.getBoolPref(kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled); } catch (e) {} }, /** * nsIIccService interface. */ getIccByServiceId: function(aServiceId) { let icc = this._iccs[aServiceId]; if (!icc) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return icc; }, /** * nsIGonkIccService interface. */ notifyStkCommand: function(aServiceId, aStkcommand) { if (DEBUG) { debug("notifyStkCommand for service Id: " + aServiceId); } let icc = this.getIccByServiceId(aServiceId); if (!icc.iccInfo || !icc.iccInfo.iccid) { debug("Warning: got STK command when iccid is invalid."); return; } gIccMessenger.notifyStkProactiveCommand(icc.iccInfo.iccid, aStkcommand); icc._deliverListenerEvent("notifyStkCommand", [aStkcommand]); }, notifyStkSessionEnd: function(aServiceId) { if (DEBUG) { debug("notifyStkSessionEnd for service Id: " + aServiceId); } this.getIccByServiceId(aServiceId) ._deliverListenerEvent("notifyStkSessionEnd"); }, notifyCardStateChanged: function(aServiceId, aCardState) { if (DEBUG) { debug("notifyCardStateChanged for service Id: " + aServiceId + ", CardState: " + aCardState); } this.getIccByServiceId(aServiceId)._updateCardState(aCardState); }, notifyIccInfoChanged: function(aServiceId, aIccInfo) { if (DEBUG) { debug("notifyIccInfoChanged for service Id: " + aServiceId + ", IccInfo: " + JSON.stringify(aIccInfo)); } this.getIccByServiceId(aServiceId)._updateIccInfo(aIccInfo); }, notifyImsiChanged: function(aServiceId, aImsi) { if (DEBUG) { debug("notifyImsiChanged for service Id: " + aServiceId + ", Imsi: " + aImsi); } let icc = this.getIccByServiceId(aServiceId); icc.imsi = aImsi || null; }, /** * nsIObserver interface. */ observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID: if (aData === kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled) { this._updateDebugFlag(); } break; case NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID: Services.prefs.removeObserver(kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled, this); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID); break; } } }; function Icc(aClientId) { this._clientId = aClientId; this._radioInterface = gRadioInterfaceLayer.getRadioInterface(aClientId); this._listeners = []; } Icc.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIIcc]), _clientId: 0, _radioInterface: null, _listeners: null, _updateCardState: function(aCardState) { if (this.cardState != aCardState) { this.cardState = aCardState; } this._deliverListenerEvent("notifyCardStateChanged"); }, // An utility function to copy objects. _updateInfo: function(aSrcInfo, aDestInfo) { for (let key in aSrcInfo) { aDestInfo[key] = aSrcInfo[key]; } }, /** * A utility function to compare objects. The srcInfo may contain * "rilMessageType", should ignore it. */ _isInfoChanged: function(srcInfo, destInfo) { if (!destInfo) { return true; } for (let key in srcInfo) { if (key === "rilMessageType") { continue; } if (srcInfo[key] !== destInfo[key]) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * We need to consider below cases when update iccInfo: * 1. Should clear iccInfo to null if there is no card detected. * 2. Need to create corresponding object based on iccType. */ _updateIccInfo: function(aIccInfo) { let oldSpn = this.iccInfo ? this.iccInfo.spn : null; // Card is not detected, clear iccInfo to null. if (!aIccInfo || !aIccInfo.iccid) { if (this.iccInfo) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Card is not detected, clear iccInfo to null."); } this.imsi = null; this.iccInfo = null; this._deliverListenerEvent("notifyIccInfoChanged"); } return; } if (!this._isInfoChanged(aIccInfo, this.iccInfo)) { return; } // If iccInfo is null, new corresponding object based on iccType. if (!this.iccInfo || this.iccInfo.iccType != aIccInfo.iccType) { if (aIccInfo.iccType === "ruim" || aIccInfo.iccType === "csim") { this.iccInfo = new CdmaIccInfo(); } else if (aIccInfo.iccType === "sim" || aIccInfo.iccType === "usim") { this.iccInfo = new GsmIccInfo(); } else { this.iccInfo = new IccInfo(); } } this._updateInfo(aIccInfo, this.iccInfo); this._deliverListenerEvent("notifyIccInfoChanged"); // Update lastKnownSimMcc. if (aIccInfo.mcc) { try { Services.prefs.setCharPref("ril.lastKnownSimMcc", aIccInfo.mcc.toString()); } catch (e) {} } // Update lastKnownHomeNetwork. if (aIccInfo.mcc && aIccInfo.mnc) { let lastKnownHomeNetwork = aIccInfo.mcc + "-" + aIccInfo.mnc; // Append spn information if available. if (aIccInfo.spn) { lastKnownHomeNetwork += "-" + aIccInfo.spn; } gMobileConnectionService.notifyLastHomeNetworkChanged(this._clientId, lastKnownHomeNetwork); } // If spn becomes available, we should check roaming again. if (!oldSpn && aIccInfo.spn) { gMobileConnectionService.notifySpnAvailable(this._clientId); } }, _deliverListenerEvent: function(aName, aArgs) { let listeners = this._listeners.slice(); for (let listener of listeners) { if (this._listeners.indexOf(listener) === -1) { continue; } let handler = listener[aName]; if (typeof handler != "function") { throw new Error("No handler for " + aName); } try { handler.apply(listener, aArgs); } catch (e) { if (DEBUG) { debug("listener for " + aName + " threw an exception: " + e); } } } }, _modifyCardLock: function(aOperation, aOptions, aCallback) { this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage(aOperation, aOptions, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { let retryCount = (aResponse.retryCount !== undefined) ? aResponse.retryCount : -1; aCallback.notifyCardLockError(aResponse.errorMsg, retryCount); return; } aCallback.notifySuccess(); }); }, /** * Helper to match the MVNO pattern with IMSI. * * Note: Characters 'x' and 'X' in MVNO are skipped and not compared. * E.g., if the aMvnoData passed is '310260x10xxxxxx', then the * function returns true only if imsi has the same first 6 digits, 8th * and 9th digit. * * @param aMvnoData * MVNO pattern. * @param aImsi * IMSI of this ICC. * * @return true if matched. */ _isImsiMatches: function(aMvnoData, aImsi) { // This should not be an error, but a mismatch. if (aMvnoData.length > aImsi.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < aMvnoData.length; i++) { let c = aMvnoData[i]; if ((c !== 'x') && (c !== 'X') && (c !== aImsi[i])) { return false; } } return true; }, /** * nsIIcc interface. */ iccInfo: null, cardState: Ci.nsIIcc.CARD_STATE_UNKNOWN, imsi: null, registerListener: function(aListener) { if (this._listeners.indexOf(aListener) >= 0) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } this._listeners.push(aListener); }, unregisterListener: function(aListener) { let index = this._listeners.indexOf(aListener); if (index >= 0) { this._listeners.splice(index, 1); } }, getCardLockEnabled: function(aLockType, aCallback) { this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage("iccGetCardLockEnabled", { lockType: aLockType }, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { aCallback.notifyError(aResponse.errorMsg); return; } aCallback.notifySuccessWithBoolean(aResponse.enabled); }); }, unlockCardLock: function(aLockType, aPassword, aNewPin, aCallback) { this._modifyCardLock("iccUnlockCardLock", { lockType: aLockType, password: aPassword, newPin: aNewPin }, aCallback); }, setCardLockEnabled: function(aLockType, aPassword, aEnabled, aCallback) { this._modifyCardLock("iccSetCardLockEnabled", { lockType: aLockType, password: aPassword, enabled: aEnabled }, aCallback); }, changeCardLockPassword: function(aLockType, aPassword, aNewPassword, aCallback) { this._modifyCardLock("iccChangeCardLockPassword", { lockType: aLockType, password: aPassword, newPassword: aNewPassword, }, aCallback); }, getCardLockRetryCount: function(aLockType, aCallback) { this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage("iccGetCardLockRetryCount", { lockType: aLockType }, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { aCallback.notifyError(aResponse.errorMsg); return; } aCallback.notifyGetCardLockRetryCount(aResponse.retryCount); }); }, matchMvno: function(aMvnoType, aMvnoData, aCallback) { if (!aMvnoData) { aCallback.notifyError(RIL.GECKO_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return; } switch (aMvnoType) { case Ci.nsIIcc.CARD_MVNO_TYPE_IMSI: let imsi = this.imsi; if (!imsi) { aCallback.notifyError(RIL.GECKO_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE); break; } aCallback.notifySuccessWithBoolean( this._isImsiMatches(aMvnoData, imsi)); break; case Ci.nsIIcc.CARD_MVNO_TYPE_SPN: let spn = this.iccInfo && this.iccInfo.spn; if (!spn) { aCallback.notifyError(RIL.GECKO_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE); break; } aCallback.notifySuccessWithBoolean(spn == aMvnoData); break; case Ci.nsIIcc.CARD_MVNO_TYPE_GID: this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage("getGID1", null, (aResponse) => { let gid = aResponse.gid1; let mvnoDataLength = aMvnoData.length; if (!gid) { aCallback.notifyError(RIL.GECKO_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE); } else if (mvnoDataLength > gid.length) { aCallback.notifySuccessWithBoolean(false); } else { let result = gid.substring(0, mvnoDataLength).toLowerCase() == aMvnoData.toLowerCase(); aCallback.notifySuccessWithBoolean(result); } }); break; default: aCallback.notifyError(RIL.GECKO_ERROR_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED); break; } }, getServiceStateEnabled: function(aService, aCallback) { this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage("getIccServiceState", { service: aService }, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { aCallback.notifyError(aResponse.errorMsg); return; } aCallback.notifySuccessWithBoolean(aResponse.result); }); }, iccOpenChannel: function(aAid, aCallback) { this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage("iccOpenChannel", { aid: aAid }, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { aCallback.notifyError(aResponse.errorMsg); return; } aCallback.notifyOpenChannelSuccess(aResponse.channel); }); }, iccExchangeAPDU: function(aChannel, aCla, aIns, aP1, aP2, aP3, aData, aCallback) { if (!aData) { if (DEBUG) debug('data is not set , aP3 : ' + aP3); } let apdu = { cla: aCla, command: aIns, p1: aP1, p2: aP2, p3: aP3, data: aData }; this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage("iccExchangeAPDU", { channel: aChannel, apdu: apdu }, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { aCallback.notifyError(aResponse.errorMsg); return; } aCallback.notifyExchangeAPDUResponse(aResponse.sw1, aResponse.sw2, aResponse.simResponse); }); }, iccCloseChannel: function(aChannel, aCallback) { this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage("iccCloseChannel", { channel: aChannel }, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { aCallback.notifyError(aResponse.errorMsg); return; } aCallback.notifyCloseChannelSuccess(); }); }, sendStkResponse: function(aCommand, aResponse) { let response = gStkCmdFactory.createResponseMessage(aResponse); response.command = gStkCmdFactory.createCommandMessage(aCommand); this._radioInterface.sendWorkerMessage("sendStkTerminalResponse", response); }, sendStkMenuSelection: function(aItemIdentifier, aHelpRequested) { this._radioInterface .sendWorkerMessage("sendStkMenuSelection", { itemIdentifier: aItemIdentifier, helpRequested: aHelpRequested }); }, sendStkTimerExpiration: function(aTimerId, aTimerValue) { this._radioInterface .sendWorkerMessage("sendStkTimerExpiration",{ timer: { timerId: aTimerId, timerValue: aTimerValue } }); }, sendStkEventDownload: function(aEvent) { this._radioInterface .sendWorkerMessage("sendStkEventDownload", { event: gStkCmdFactory.createEventMessage(aEvent) }); }, readContacts: function(aContactType, aCallback) { this._radioInterface .sendWorkerMessage("readICCContacts", { contactType: aContactType }, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { aCallback.notifyError(aResponse.errorMsg); return; } let iccContacts = []; aResponse.contacts.forEach(c => iccContacts.push(new IccContact(c))); aCallback.notifyRetrievedIccContacts(iccContacts, iccContacts.length); }); }, updateContact: function(aContactType, aContact, aPin2, aCallback) { let iccContact = { contactId: aContact.id }; let count = { value: 0 }; let names = aContact.getNames(count); if (count.value > 0) { iccContact.alphaId = names[0]; } let numbers = aContact.getNumbers(count); if (count.value > 0) { iccContact.number = numbers[0]; let anrArray = numbers.slice(1); let length = anrArray.length; if (length > 0) { iccContact.anr = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { iccContact.anr.push(anrArray[i]); } } } let emails = aContact.getEmails(count); if (count.value > 0) { iccContact.email = emails[0]; } this._radioInterface .sendWorkerMessage("updateICCContact", { contactType: aContactType, contact: iccContact, pin2: aPin2 }, (aResponse) => { if (aResponse.errorMsg) { aCallback.notifyError(aResponse.errorMsg); return; } aCallback.notifyUpdatedIccContact(new IccContact(aResponse.contact)); }); }, }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([IccService]);