/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "domstubs.idl" [scriptable, uuid(1510cf0c-5db6-11e4-9869-6bf419e26642)] interface nsIStkDuration : nsISupports { /** * The value of Time units defined in 12.8 Duration of TS 11.14. */ readonly attribute unsigned short timeUnit; /** * The length of time required, expressed in timeUnit. * * Note: the range is from 1 unit to 255 units. */ readonly attribute unsigned short timeInterval; }; [scriptable, uuid(c7b6e57a-696d-11e4-bcaa-bfe8386e75a9)] interface nsIStkIcon : nsISupports { /** * The color coding schemes defined in of TS 31.102. */ const unsigned short CODING_SCHEME_BASIC = 0x11; const unsigned short CODING_SCHEME_COLOR = 0x21; const unsigned short CODING_SCHEME_COLOR_TRANSPARENCY = 0x22; /** * Width of the icon. */ readonly attribute unsigned long width; /** * Height of the icon. */ readonly attribute unsigned long height; /** * Image coding scheme of the icon. * One of CODING_SCHEME_*. */ readonly attribute unsigned short codingScheme; /** * Array of pixels. Each pixel represents a color in the RGBA format made up * of four bytes, that is, the Red sample in the highest 8 bits, followed by * the Green sample, Blue sample and the Alpha sample in the lowest 8 bits. * * @param aCount * The number of pixels. * * @returns a copy of the array of pixels. */ void getPixels([optional] out unsigned long aCount, [array, size_is(aCount), retval] out unsigned long aPixels); }; [scriptable, uuid(4a6d173e-5e8b-11e4-9d78-071bb3d6ba8f)] interface nsIStkIconInfo : nsISupports { /** * Indicates how the icon is to be used. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.31, Icon Identifier. * * true: icon replaces the text string. * false: icon shall be displayed together with the text string. */ readonly attribute boolean iconSelfExplanatory; /** * Icon(s) that replaces or accompanies the text string. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.31, Icon Identifier. * * Array of icons, basically of a same image, that may differ in size, * resolution or coding scheme. The first icon should be the default one. * * @param aCount * The number of icons. * * @returns a copy of the list of icons. */ void getIcons([optional] out unsigned long aCount, [array, size_is(aCount), retval] out nsIStkIcon aIcons); }; [scriptable, uuid(ea95d25c-5e84-11e4-bd96-07285c50c1f2)] interface nsIStkItem : nsISupports { /** * Identifier of item. * * The identifier is a single byte between '01' and 'FF'. Each item shall * have a unique identifier within an Item list. */ readonly attribute unsigned short identifier; /** * Text string of item. */ readonly attribute DOMString text; /** * (Optional) * Icon info of item. */ readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo; }; [scriptable, uuid(1ec0d430-eeec-11e4-8566-df81b6d562c8)] interface nsIStkTimer : nsISupports { /** * Identifier of a timer. */ readonly attribute unsigned short timerId; const unsigned long TIMER_VALUE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFF; /** * Length of time during which the timer has to run. * * The possible duration of a timer is between 1 s and 24 h. * The resolution of a timer is 1 second. * * Note: In TS 11.14, clause 6.6.21 TIMER MANAGEMENT, * " * The SIM shall supply this data object only when a timer has to * be started. * " * Hence, set to TIMER_VALUE_INVALID when |timerAction| is not equal to * TIMER_ACTION_START. */ readonly attribute unsigned long timerValue; /* * Times actions defined in TS 11.14, clause 12.6, * Command Qualifier, TIMER MANAGEMENT */ const unsigned short TIMER_ACTION_START = 0x00; const unsigned short TIMER_ACTION_DEACTIVATE = 0x01; const unsigned short TIMER_ACTION_GET_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x02; const unsigned short TIMER_ACTION_INVALID = 0xFF; /** * The action requested from UICC. * It shall be one of TIMER_ACTION_*. */ readonly attribute unsigned short timerAction; }; [scriptable, uuid(09903cfe-f3bf-11e4-a029-23d988cd1a82)] interface nsIStkLocationInfo : nsISupports { /** * Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the current serving operator. */ readonly attribute DOMString mcc; /** * Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the current serving operator. */ readonly attribute DOMString mnc; /** * Mobile Location Area Code (LAC) for the current serving operator. */ readonly attribute unsigned short gsmLocationAreaCode; /** * Mobile Cell ID for the current serving operator. */ readonly attribute unsigned long gsmCellId; }; /** * The base class of all STK Proactive Commands. * * This interface is to be applied by the commands that provide info no more than: * |commandNumber|, |typeOfCommand|, |commandQualifier|. * * The commands in this category are: * - STK_CMD_REFRESH * - STK_CMD_POLL_OFF */ [scriptable, uuid(f47f25b2-5d84-11e4-8637-7f59ea6da82f)] interface nsIStkProactiveCmd : nsISupports { /** * The number of command issued by ICC. And it is assigned * by ICC may take any hexadecimal value betweean '01' and 'FE'. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 6.5.1 */ readonly attribute unsigned short commandNumber; /** * The value of |Type of Command| defined in TS 11.14, clause 13.4 */ readonly attribute unsigned short typeOfCommand; /** * Qualifiers specific to the command. */ readonly attribute unsigned short commandQualifier; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_POLL_INTERVAL. */ [scriptable, uuid(0a27c090-5dbc-11e4-92eb-ebc26db3db29)] interface nsIStkPollIntervalCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * The maximum interval between two STATUS commands related to * Proactive Polling. * * Note: Mandatory for STK_CMD_POLL_INTERVAL. * * @See TS 11.14, clause 6.6.6 POLL INTERVAL */ readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_PROVIDE_LOCAL_INFO. */ [scriptable, uuid(89a304ce-5dc6-11e4-8dce-23723fb242b4)] interface nsIStkProvideLocalInfoCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * Values defined in TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, * PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION */ readonly attribute unsigned short localInfoType; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_SET_UP_EVENT_LIST. */ [scriptable, uuid(5f796dec-5e6a-11e4-aaf3-bb675cb36df5)] interface nsIStkSetupEventListCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * (Optional) * Get the list of events. * Each event could be one of values defined in TS 11.14, clause 8.25, Event list. * * Note: It could be null as an indication to the terminal to remove the * existing list of events in the terminal. * * @param aCount * The number of events. * * @returns a copy of the list of events. */ void getEventList([optional] out unsigned long aCount, [array, size_is(aCount), retval] out unsigned short aEventList); }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_SET_UP_MENU. */ [scriptable, uuid(d7a66664-a602-11e4-9cc7-c7ce5fdade7d)] interface nsIStkSetUpMenuCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * (Optional for STK_CMD_SELECT_ITEM) * Title of the menu. */ readonly attribute DOMString title; /** * Get the list of menu items. * * Note: The minimal number of items is 1. * See TS 11.14, clause 6.6.7 SET-UP MENU and 6.6.8 SELECT ITEM. * * @param aCount * The number of items. * * @returns a copy of the list of menu items. * For |SET-UP MENU|, the 1st item in |aItems| could be null as an * indication to the ME to remove the existing menu from the menu * system in the ME. */ void getItems([optional] out unsigned long aCount, [array, size_is(aCount), retval] out nsIStkItem aItems); /** * (Optional) * Get the list of Next Action Indicators. * * Each element should be the value of |Next Action Indicator| in TS 11.14, * clause 13.4. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.24, Items Next Action Indicator. * * @param aCount * The number of indicators. * * @returns a copy of the list of Next Action Indicators. */ void getNextActionList([optional] out unsigned long aCount, [array, size_is(aCount), retval] out unsigned short aActions); /** * (Optional) * Icon info of the menu. */ readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo; /** * Help information available or not. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, SET UP MENU, bit 8. * * true: help information available. * false: no help information available. * */ readonly attribute boolean isHelpAvailable; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_SELECT_ITEM. */ [scriptable, uuid(eb71f0fa-a602-11e4-926f-a3814461d218)] interface nsIStkSelectItemCmd : nsIStkSetUpMenuCmd { /** * Presentation type, one of PRESENTATION_TYPE_*. * * @See TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier: Select Item */ const unsigned short PRESENTATION_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED = 0x00; const unsigned short PRESENTATION_TYPE_DATA_VALUES = 0x01; const unsigned short PRESENTATION_TYPE_NAVIGATION_OPTIONS = 0x03; readonly attribute unsigned short presentationType; const unsigned short DEFAULT_ITEM_INVALID = 0xFFFF; /** * (Optional) * Default item identifier of the menu. * * Set to DEFAULT_ITEM_INVALID if null. */ readonly attribute unsigned short defaultItem; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by * - STK_CMD_SET_UP_IDLE_MODE_TEXT * - STK_CMD_SEND_{SS|USSD|SMS|DTMF} * - STK_CMD_OPEN_CHANNEL * - STK_CMD_CLOSE_CHANNEL * - STK_CMD_SEND_DATA * - STK_CMD_RECEIVE_DATA */ [scriptable, uuid(61c42b3c-6324-11e4-959e-7fb2dc9a3f0d)] interface nsIStkTextMessageCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * Text String. */ readonly attribute DOMString text; /** * (Optional) * Icon to be displayed. */ readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_DISPLAY_TEXT. */ [scriptable, uuid(66a83f0a-6322-11e4-a773-9382de87a74a)] interface nsIStkDisplayTextCmd : nsIStkTextMessageCmd { /** * (Optional) * The length of time for which the ME shall display the dialog. */ readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration; /** * Indicate this text message is high priority or normal priority. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, Display Text, bit 1. * * true: high priority * false: normal priority */ readonly attribute boolean isHighPriority; /** * Need to wait for user to clear message or not. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, Display Text, bit 8. * * true: Wait for user to clear message. * false: clear message after a delay. */ readonly attribute boolean userClear; /** * Need to response immediately or not. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.43, Immediate response. * * true: The terminal shall send response immediately. * false: otherwise. */ readonly attribute boolean responseNeeded; }; /** * The base interface of nsIStkInputKeyCmd, nsIStkInputTextCmd. */ [scriptable, uuid(ed16a67e-6022-11e4-a8fd-c34fe6e6bb11)] interface nsIStkInputCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * Text for the ME to display in conjunction with asking the user to respond. */ readonly attribute DOMString text; /** * (Optional) * The length of time for which the ME shall display the dialog. */ readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration; /** * Minimum length of response. * Set to 1 for STK_CMD_GET_INKEY. */ readonly attribute unsigned short minLength; /** * Maximum length of response. * Set to 1 for STK_CMD_GET_INKEY. */ readonly attribute unsigned short maxLength; /** * (Optional) * Text for the ME to display, corresponds to a default text string offered * by the ICC. */ readonly attribute DOMString defaultText; /** * Input format. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT/GET INKEY, bit 1. * * true: Alphabet set. * false: Digits only. */ readonly attribute boolean isAlphabet; /** * Alphabet encoding. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT/GET INKEY, bit 2. * * true: UCS2 alphabet. * false: default SMS alphabet. */ readonly attribute boolean isUCS2; /** * Help information available or not. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT/GET INKEY, bit 8. * * true: help information available. * false: no help information available. */ readonly attribute boolean isHelpAvailable; /** * (Optional) * Icon to be displayed. */ readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_GET_INKEY. */ [scriptable, uuid(27a4078a-6025-11e4-a9ab-bf39252bfaf1)] interface nsIStkInputKeyCmd : nsIStkInputCmd { /** * Yes/No response is requested. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INKEY, bit 3. * * true: Yes/No response is requested, and character sets * (Alphabet set and UCS2) are disabled. * false: Character sets (Alphabet set and UCS2) are enabled. */ readonly attribute boolean isYesNoRequested; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_GET_INPUT. */ [scriptable, uuid(f3c33ae8-60d4-11e4-9da8-4ff4cb8566c3)] interface nsIStkInputTextCmd : nsIStkInputCmd { /** * Visibility of input. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT, bit 3. * * true: User input shall not be revealed in any way. * false: ME may echo user input on the display. */ readonly attribute boolean hideInput; /** * User input in packed or unpacked format. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT, bit 4. * * true: User input to be in SMS packed format. * false: User input to be in unpacked format. */ readonly attribute boolean isPacked; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_SET_UP_CALL. */ [scriptable, uuid(6abbf688-6956-11e4-a9d3-4b07f063ef21)] interface nsIStkSetUpCallCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * The Dialling number. */ readonly attribute DOMString address; /** * (Optional) * The text message used in user confirmation phase. */ readonly attribute DOMString confirmText; /** * (Optional) * Icon to be displayed in user confirmation phase. */ readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo confirmIconInfo; /** * (Optional) * The text message used in call set up phase. */ readonly attribute DOMString callText; /** * (Optional) * Icon to be displayed in call set up phase. */ readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo callIconInfo; /** * (Optional) * The maximum duration for the redial mechanism. * The time elapsed since the first call set-up attempt has exceeded the duration * requested by the UICC, the redial mechanism is terminated. */ readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_LAUNCH_BROWSER. */ [scriptable, uuid(b9bca548-695b-11e4-8c1f-cfb850f421ab)] interface nsIStkBrowserSettingCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * The URL to be opened by browser. */ readonly attribute DOMString url; /** * Browser launch mode. * @See TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, LAUNCH BROWSER. */ readonly attribute unsigned short mode; /** * (Optional) * Confirm message to launch browser. */ readonly attribute DOMString confirmText; /** * (Optional) * Icon to be displayed in user confirmation phase. */ readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo confirmIconInfo; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_PLAY_TONE. */ [scriptable, uuid(f49dd148-60ee-11e4-af46-6b938538de51)] interface nsIStkPlayToneCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { const unsigned short TONE_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFF; /** * (Optional) * Text String. */ readonly attribute DOMString text; /** * (Optional) * One of the tone value coded in TS 11.14, clause 12.16, Tone. * * Set to TONE_TYPE_INVALID if null. */ readonly attribute unsigned short tone; /** * (Optional) * The length of time for which the ME shall generate the tone. */ readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration; /** * Need to vibrate or not. * true: vibrate alert, if available, with the tone. * false: use of vibrate alert is up to the ME. */ readonly attribute boolean isVibrate; /** * (Optional) * Icon to be displayed. */ readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_TIMER_MANAGEMENT. */ [scriptable, uuid(e421b122-60f3-11e4-b8d7-bfe75825a796)] interface nsIStkTimerManagementCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd { /** * Timer Information. */ readonly attribute nsIStkTimer timerInfo; }; /** * The base class of all STK Terminal Respones. * * This interface is to be applied by the responses that provide info no more * than |resultCode| and |additionalInformation|. * * @see |6.8 Structure of Terminal Response| and |12.12 Result| in TS 11.14 for * for the common structure of the response. */ [scriptable, uuid(8e9f94de-0059-11e5-8608-67b08648d3d9)] interface nsIStkTerminalResponse : nsISupports { /** * STK result code. * * @see TS 11.14, clause 12.12 * * Results '0X' and '1X' indicate that the command has been performed. */ /** Command performed successfully */ const unsigned short RESULT_OK = 0x00; /** Command performed with partial comprehension */ const unsigned short RESULT_PRFRMD_WITH_PARTIAL_COMPREHENSION = 0x01; /** Command performed, with missing information */ const unsigned short RESULT_PRFRMD_WITH_MISSING_INFO = 0x02; /** REFRESH performed with additional EFs read */ const unsigned short RESULT_PRFRMD_WITH_ADDITIONAL_EFS_READ = 0x03; /** Command performed successfully, but icon could not be displayed */ const unsigned short RESULT_PRFRMD_ICON_NOT_DISPLAYED = 0x04; /** Command performed successfully, limited service */ const unsigned short RESULT_PRFRMD_LIMITED_SERVICE = 0x06; /** Proactive UICC session terminated by the user */ const unsigned short RESULT_UICC_SESSION_TERM_BY_USER = 0x10; /** Backward move in the proactive UICC session requested by the user */ const unsigned short RESULT_BACKWARD_MOVE_BY_USER = 0x11; /** No response from user */ const unsigned short RESULT_NO_RESPONSE_FROM_USER = 0x12; /** Help information required by the user */ const unsigned short RESULT_HELP_INFO_REQUIRED = 0x13; /** USSD or SS transaction terminated by the user */ const unsigned short RESULT_USSD_SS_SESSION_TERM_BY_USER = 0x14; /** * Results '2X' indicate to the UICC that it may be worth re-trying the * command at a later opportunity. */ /** Terminal currently unable to process command */ const unsigned short RESULT_TERMINAL_CRNTLY_UNABLE_TO_PROCESS = 0x20; /** Network currently unable to process command */ const unsigned short RESULT_NETWORK_CRNTLY_UNABLE_TO_PROCESS = 0x21; /** User did not accept the proactive command */ const unsigned short RESULT_USER_NOT_ACCEPT = 0x22; /** User cleared down call before connection or network release */ const unsigned short RESULT_USER_CLEAR_DOWN_CALL = 0x23; /** Action in contradiction with the current timer state */ const unsigned short RESULT_ACTION_CONTRADICTION_TIMER_STATE = 0x24; /** Launch browser generic error code */ const unsigned short RESULT_LAUNCH_BROWSER_ERROR = 0x26; /** * Results '3X' indicate that it is not worth the UICC re-trying with an * identical command, as it will only get the same response. However, the * decision to retry lies with the application. */ /** Command beyond terminal's capabilities */ const unsigned short RESULT_BEYOND_TERMINAL_CAPABILITY = 0x30; /** Command type not understood by terminal */ const unsigned short RESULT_CMD_TYPE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD = 0x31; /** Command data not understood by terminal */ const unsigned short RESULT_CMD_DATA_NOT_UNDERSTOOD = 0x32; /** Command number not known by terminal */ const unsigned short RESULT_CMD_NUM_NOT_KNOWN = 0x33; /** SS return error */ const unsigned short RESULT_SS_RETURN_ERROR = 0x34; /** SMS RP-ERROR */ const unsigned short RESULT_SMS_RP_ERROR = 0x35; /** Error, required values are missing */ const unsigned short RESULT_REQUIRED_VALUES_MISSING = 0x36; /** USSD return error */ const unsigned short RESULT_USSD_RETURN_ERROR = 0x37; /** MultipleCard commands error */ const unsigned short RESULT_MULTI_CARDS_CMD_ERROR = 0x38; /** * Interaction with call control by USIM or MO short message control by * USIM, permanent problem. */ const unsigned short RESULT_USIM_CALL_CONTROL_PERMANENT = 0x39; /** Bearer independent protocol error */ const unsigned short RESULT_BIP_ERROR = 0x3a; /** * 12.12.2 Additional information for ME problem: */ const unsigned short ADDITIONAL_INFO_ME_PROBLEM_SCREEN_IS_BUSY = 0x01; const unsigned short ADDITIONAL_INFO_INVALID = 0xFFFF; /** * The general result of the response. * One of RESULT_*. */ readonly attribute unsigned short resultCode; /** * (Optional) * The additional info of the response. * * One of ADDITIONAL_INFO_*. * Set to ADDITIONAL_INFO_INVALID if not available. */ readonly attribute unsigned short additionalInformation; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by the response of STK_CMD_SELECT_ITEM. */ [scriptable, uuid(8eaa2496-ed7e-11e4-9aff-bfcf22a78770)] interface nsIStkSelectItemResponse : nsIStkTerminalResponse { /** * The selected menu item. */ readonly attribute unsigned short itemIdentifier; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by the response of STK_CMD_GET_INKEY and * STK_CMD_GET_INPUT. * * Note: Either |isYesNo| or |input| shall be valid. */ [scriptable, uuid(f39d9cd8-ee33-11e4-a55b-ef2489a0707d)] interface nsIStkGetInputResponse : nsIStkTerminalResponse { const unsigned short YES_NO_INVALID = 0xFFFF; const unsigned short YES = 1; const unsigned short NO = 0; /** * (Optional) * The response if Yes/No response is requested. * Set to YES_NO_INVALID if not available. */ readonly attribute unsigned short isYesNo; /** * (Optional) * The response of user input. */ readonly attribute DOMString input; }; /** * This interface is to be applied for the response of STK_CMD_CALL_SET_UP. */ [scriptable, uuid(dbf61506-ed7f-11e4-93ea-233485a1bac9)] interface nsIStkCallSetupResponse : nsIStkTerminalResponse { /** * True if user confirm to set up call. */ readonly attribute boolean hasConfirmed; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by the response of STK_CMD_PROVIDE_LOCAL_INFO. */ [scriptable, uuid(24fd4ece-ee37-11e4-8ac4-af876b1ce771)] interface nsIStkLocalInfoResponse : nsIStkTerminalResponse { const unsigned short DATE_INVALID = 0; /** * (Optional) * IMEI information */ readonly attribute DOMString imei; /** * (Optional) * Location Information */ readonly attribute nsIStkLocationInfo locationInfo; /** * (Optional) * Date information */ readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp date; /** * (Optional) * Language Information * * @see ISO 639-1, Alpha-2 code */ readonly attribute DOMString language; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by the response of STK_CMD_TIMER_MANAGEMENT. */ [scriptable, uuid(19f37a02-ed84-11e4-8316-0fde52ecfba6)] interface nsIStkTimerResponse : nsIStkTerminalResponse { /** * Timer Info. * * Note: Only timer.timerId and timer.timerValue will be used in response. */ readonly attribute nsIStkTimer timer; }; /** * The base class of events used by Event Download. * * This interface is to be applied by the event that provide info no more * than |eventType|. e.g. STK_EVENT_TYPE_USER_ACTIVITY, * STK_EVENT_TYPE_IDLE_SCREEN_AVAILABLE. * * @see TS 102 223, clause 8.25 Event List, caluse 7.5 Event download * for all structures of the event download. */ [scriptable, uuid(0215d918-ee4a-11e4-9dcf-ab2c197c9211)] interface nsIStkDownloadEvent : nsISupports { /** * The event type of this download event. * * @see TS 102 223, clause 8.25 Event List. */ readonly attribute unsigned short eventType; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_EVENT_TYPE_LOCATION_STATUS. */ [scriptable, uuid(807b14f0-0059-11e5-aff7-1f8b4e659dbc)] interface nsIStkLocationEvent : nsIStkDownloadEvent { const unsigned short SERVICE_STATE_NORMAL = 0x00; const unsigned short SERVICE_STATE_LIMITED = 0x01; const unsigned short SERVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE = 0x02; /** * Indicate current service state of the MS with one of the values listed * One of SERVICE_STATE_*. */ readonly attribute unsigned short locationStatus; /** * (Optional) * Location Information * * Note: This object shall be included only if locationStatus is equal to * SERVICE_STATE_NORMAL. * * @See TS 102 223, clause 7.5.4 Location status event. */ readonly attribute nsIStkLocationInfo locationInfo; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_EVENT_TYPE_MT_CALL, * STK_EVENT_TYPE_CALL_CONNECTED and STK_EVENT_TYPE_CALL_DISCONNECTED. */ [scriptable, uuid(e47dfc98-ee51-11e4-a672-43216a0b375a)] interface nsIStkCallEvent : nsIStkDownloadEvent { /** * Remote party number. */ readonly attribute DOMString number; /** * For the STK_EVENT_TYPE_CALL_CONNECTED event, setting this to true means * the connection is answered by remote end, that is, this is an outgoing call. * For the STK_EVENT_TYPE_CALL_DISCONNECTED event, setting this to true * indicates the connection is hung up by remote. * For the STK_EVENT_TYPE_MT_CALL event, this flag is ignored. */ readonly attribute boolean isIssuedByRemote; /** * Indicate the cause of disconnection. * The cause string is the one passed to gaia through the error listener of * CallEvent. * Set to null if there's no error. */ readonly attribute DOMString error; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_EVENT_TYPE_LANGUAGE_SELECTION. */ [scriptable, uuid(d185f0dc-ee51-11e4-912a-933874ee6cec)] interface nsIStkLanguageSelectionEvent : nsIStkDownloadEvent { /** * Language Information * * @see ISO 639-1, Alpha-2 code * "de" for German, "en" for English, "zh" for Chinese, etc. */ readonly attribute DOMString language; }; /** * This interface is to be applied by STK_EVENT_TYPE_LANGUAGE_SELECTION. */ [scriptable, uuid(7ae84bde-0059-11e5-8238-8ba12036dc26)] interface nsIStkBrowserTerminationEvent : nsIStkDownloadEvent { const unsigned short BROWSER_TERMINATION_CAUSE_USER = 0x00; const unsigned short BROWSER_TERMINATION_CAUSE_ERROR = 0x01; /** * The browser termination cause. * One of BROWSER_TERMINATION_CAUSE_* */ readonly attribute unsigned short terminationCause; };