/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsCommon.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient.jsm"); const CLIENT_OPTIONS = { serverURL: "", client_id: 'abc123' }; const STATUS_SUCCESS = 200; /** * Mock request responder * @param {String} response * Mocked raw response from the server * @returns {Function} */ var mockResponse = function (response) { return function () { return { setHeader: function () {}, post: function () { this.response = response; this.onComplete(); } }; }; }; /** * Mock request error responder * @param {Error} error * Error object * @returns {Function} */ var mockResponseError = function (error) { return function () { return { setHeader: function () {}, post: function () { this.onComplete(error); } }; }; }; add_test(function missingParams () { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(CLIENT_OPTIONS); try { client.getTokenFromAssertion() } catch (e) { do_check_eq(e.message, "Missing 'assertion' parameter"); } try { client.getTokenFromAssertion("assertion") } catch (e) { do_check_eq(e.message, "Missing 'scope' parameter"); } run_next_test(); }); add_test(function successfulResponse () { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(CLIENT_OPTIONS); let response = { success: true, status: STATUS_SUCCESS, body: "{\"access_token\":\"http://example.com/image.jpeg\",\"id\":\"0d5c1a89b8c54580b8e3e8adadae864a\"}", }; client._Request = new mockResponse(response); client.getTokenFromAssertion("assertion", "scope") .then( function (result) { do_check_eq(result.access_token, "http://example.com/image.jpeg"); run_next_test(); } ); }); add_test(function successfulDestroy () { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(CLIENT_OPTIONS); let response = { success: true, status: STATUS_SUCCESS, body: "{}", }; client._Request = new mockResponse(response); client.destroyToken("deadbeef").then(run_next_test); }); add_test(function parseErrorResponse () { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(CLIENT_OPTIONS); let response = { success: true, status: STATUS_SUCCESS, body: "unexpected", }; client._Request = new mockResponse(response); client.getTokenFromAssertion("assertion", "scope") .then( null, function (e) { do_check_eq(e.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(e.code, STATUS_SUCCESS); do_check_eq(e.errno, ERRNO_PARSE); do_check_eq(e.error, ERROR_PARSE); do_check_eq(e.message, "unexpected"); run_next_test(); } ); }); add_test(function serverErrorResponse () { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(CLIENT_OPTIONS); let response = { status: 400, body: "{ \"code\": 400, \"errno\": 104, \"error\": \"Bad Request\", \"message\": \"Unauthorized\", \"reason\": \"Invalid fxa assertion\" }", }; client._Request = new mockResponse(response); client.getTokenFromAssertion("blah", "scope") .then( null, function (e) { do_check_eq(e.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(e.code, 400); do_check_eq(e.errno, ERRNO_INVALID_FXA_ASSERTION); do_check_eq(e.error, "Bad Request"); do_check_eq(e.message, "Unauthorized"); run_next_test(); } ); }); add_test(function networkErrorResponse () { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient({ serverURL: "http://", client_id: "abc123" }); client.getTokenFromAssertion("assertion", "scope") .then( null, function (e) { do_check_eq(e.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(e.code, null); do_check_eq(e.errno, ERRNO_NETWORK); do_check_eq(e.error, ERROR_NETWORK); run_next_test(); } ); }); add_test(function unsupportedMethod () { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(CLIENT_OPTIONS); return client._createRequest("/", "PUT") .then( null, function (e) { do_check_eq(e.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(e.code, ERROR_CODE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); do_check_eq(e.errno, ERRNO_NETWORK); do_check_eq(e.error, ERROR_NETWORK); do_check_eq(e.message, ERROR_MSG_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); run_next_test(); } ); }); add_test(function onCompleteRequestError () { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(CLIENT_OPTIONS); client._Request = new mockResponseError(new Error("onComplete error")); client.getTokenFromAssertion("assertion", "scope") .then( null, function (e) { do_check_eq(e.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(e.code, null); do_check_eq(e.errno, ERRNO_NETWORK); do_check_eq(e.error, ERROR_NETWORK); do_check_eq(e.message, "Error: onComplete error"); run_next_test(); } ); }); add_test(function incorrectErrno() { let client = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(CLIENT_OPTIONS); let response = { status: 400, body: "{ \"code\": 400, \"errno\": \"bad errno\", \"error\": \"Bad Request\", \"message\": \"Unauthorized\", \"reason\": \"Invalid fxa assertion\" }", }; client._Request = new mockResponse(response); client.getTokenFromAssertion("blah", "scope") .then( null, function (e) { do_check_eq(e.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(e.code, 400); do_check_eq(e.errno, ERRNO_UNKNOWN_ERROR); do_check_eq(e.error, "Bad Request"); do_check_eq(e.message, "Unauthorized"); run_next_test(); } ); }); add_test(function constructorTests() { validationHelper(undefined, "Error: Missing configuration options"); validationHelper({}, "Error: Missing 'serverURL' parameter"); validationHelper({ serverURL: "http://example.com" }, "Error: Missing 'client_id' parameter"); validationHelper({ client_id: "123ABC" }, "Error: Missing 'serverURL' parameter"); validationHelper({ client_id: "123ABC", serverURL: "badUrl" }, "Error: Invalid 'serverURL'"); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function errorTests() { let error1 = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError(); do_check_eq(error1.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(error1.code, null); do_check_eq(error1.errno, ERRNO_UNKNOWN_ERROR); do_check_eq(error1.error, ERROR_UNKNOWN); do_check_eq(error1.message, null); let error2 = new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError({ code: STATUS_SUCCESS, errno: 1, error: "Error", message: "Something", }); let fields2 = error2._toStringFields(); let statusCode = 1; do_check_eq(error2.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(error2.code, STATUS_SUCCESS); do_check_eq(error2.errno, statusCode); do_check_eq(error2.error, "Error"); do_check_eq(error2.message, "Something"); do_check_eq(fields2.name, "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClientError"); do_check_eq(fields2.code, STATUS_SUCCESS); do_check_eq(fields2.errno, statusCode); do_check_eq(fields2.error, "Error"); do_check_eq(fields2.message, "Something"); do_check_true(error2.toString().indexOf("Something") >= 0); run_next_test(); }); function run_test() { run_next_test(); } /** * Quick way to test the "FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient" constructor. * * @param {Object} options * FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient constructor options * @param {String} expected * Expected error message * @returns {*} */ function validationHelper(options, expected) { try { new FxAccountsOAuthGrantClient(options); } catch (e) { return do_check_eq(e.toString(), expected); } throw new Error("Validation helper error"); }