WebM/libvpx 0.9.5 has AltiVec code, but it is not part of the build system. For TenFourFox, I preparsed the .asm files into .s files that the Tiger as would accept, mostly with the included Perl preprocessor tool (GPL; see source for license) and partially by hand for some of the complicated macros that the preprocessor was not able to handle correctly. These were then integrated into VP8 and into the Firefox build system for TenFourFox. The original WebM .asm files are here for reference, with whatever handtuning I made to feed them to the preprocessor. Only the .s files themselves are actually compiled, however. These .s files are under the same license as the rest of WebM and may be returned back to the project, as they were technically already part of it originally, as long as credit for their original author and my own changes is maintained. Cameron Kaiser classilla@floodgap.com