//Used by JSHint: /*global requestLongerTimeout, Cu, BrowserTestUtils, add_task, SpecialPowers, gBrowser, Assert*/ 'use strict'; const { ManifestObtainer } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/ManifestObtainer.jsm', {}); requestLongerTimeout(4); // e10s tests take time. const defaultURL = 'http://example.org/tests/dom/manifest/test/resource.sjs'; const remoteURL = 'http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/manifest/test/resource.sjs'; const tests = [ // Fetch tests. { expected: 'Manifest is first `link` where @rel contains token manifest.', get tabURL() { let query = [ `body=


`, 'Content-Type=text/html; charset=utf-8', ]; const URL = `${defaultURL}?${query.join('&')}`; return URL; }, run(manifest) { Assert.strictEqual(manifest.name, 'pass-1', this.expected); }, testData: ` ` }, { expected: 'Manifest is first `link` where @rel contains token manifest.', get tabURL() { let query = [ `body=


`, 'Content-Type=text/html; charset=utf-8', ]; const URL = `${defaultURL}?${query.join('&')}`; return URL; }, run(manifest) { Assert.strictEqual(manifest.name, 'pass-2', this.expected); }, testData: ` ` }, { expected: 'By default, manifest cannot load cross-origin.', get tabURL() { let query = [ `body=


`, 'Content-Type=text/html; charset=utf-8', ]; const URL = `${defaultURL}?${query.join('&')}`; return URL; }, run(err) { Assert.strictEqual(err.name, 'TypeError', this.expected); }, testData: `` }, // CORS Tests. { expected: 'CORS enabled, manifest must be fetched.', get tabURL() { let query = [ `body=


`, 'Content-Type=text/html; charset=utf-8', ]; const URL = `${defaultURL}?${query.join('&')}`; return URL; }, run(manifest) { Assert.strictEqual(manifest.name, 'pass-4', this.expected); }, get testData() { const body = 'body={"name": "pass-4"}'; const CORS = `Access-Control-Allow-Origin=${new URL(this.tabURL).origin}`; const link = ``; return link; } }, { expected: 'Fetch blocked by CORS - origin does not match.', get tabURL() { let query = [ `body=


`, 'Content-Type=text/html; charset=utf-8', ]; const URL = `${defaultURL}?${query.join('&')}`; return URL; }, run(err) { Assert.strictEqual(err.name, 'TypeError', this.expected); }, get testData() { const body = 'body={"name": "fail"}'; const CORS = 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin=http://not-here'; const link = ``; return link; } },{ expected: 'Trying to load from about:whatever is a TypeError.', get tabURL() { let query = [ `body=


`, 'Content-Type=text/html; charset=utf-8', ]; const URL = `${defaultURL}?${query.join('&')}`; return URL; }, run(err) { Assert.strictEqual(err.name, 'TypeError', this.expected); }, testData: `` }, { expected: 'Trying to load from file://whatever is a TypeError.', get tabURL() { let query = [ `body=


`, 'Content-Type=text/html; charset=utf-8', ]; const URL = `${defaultURL}?${query.join('&')}`; return URL; }, run(err) { Assert.strictEqual(err.name, 'TypeError', this.expected); }, testData: `` }, //URL parsing tests { expected: 'Trying to load invalid URL is a TypeError.', get tabURL() { let query = [ `body=


`, 'Content-Type=text/html; charset=utf-8', ]; const URL = `${defaultURL}?${query.join('&')}`; return URL; }, run(err) { Assert.strictEqual(err.name, 'TypeError', this.expected); }, testData: `` }, ]; add_task(function*() { yield new Promise(resolve => { SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [ ['dom.fetch.enabled', true] ] }, resolve); }); for (let test of tests) { let tabOptions = { gBrowser: gBrowser, url: test.tabURL, }; yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( tabOptions, browser => testObtainingManifest(browser, test) ); } function* testObtainingManifest(aBrowser, aTest) { aBrowser.contentWindowAsCPOW.document.head.innerHTML = aTest.testData; try { const manifest = yield ManifestObtainer.browserObtainManifest(aBrowser); aTest.run(manifest); } catch (e) { aTest.run(e); } } }); /* * e10s race condition tests * Open a bunch of tabs and load manifests * in each tab. They should all return pass. */ add_task(function*() { const defaultPath = '/tests/dom/manifest/test/manifestLoader.html'; const tabURLs = [ `http://test:80${defaultPath}`, `http://mochi.test:8888${defaultPath}`, `http://test1.mochi.test:8888${defaultPath}`, `http://sub1.test1.mochi.test:8888${defaultPath}`, `http://sub2.xn--lt-uia.mochi.test:8888${defaultPath}`, `http://test2.mochi.test:8888${defaultPath}`, `http://example.org:80${defaultPath}`, `http://test1.example.org:80${defaultPath}`, `http://test2.example.org:80${defaultPath}`, `http://sub1.test1.example.org:80${defaultPath}`, `http://sub1.test2.example.org:80${defaultPath}`, `http://sub2.test1.example.org:80${defaultPath}`, `http://sub2.test2.example.org:80${defaultPath}`, `http://example.org:8000${defaultPath}`, `http://test1.example.org:8000${defaultPath}`, `http://test2.example.org:8000${defaultPath}`, `http://sub1.test1.example.org:8000${defaultPath}`, `http://sub1.test2.example.org:8000${defaultPath}`, `http://sub2.test1.example.org:8000${defaultPath}`, `http://sub2.test2.example.org:8000${defaultPath}`, `http://example.com:80${defaultPath}`, `http://www.example.com:80${defaultPath}`, `http://test1.example.com:80${defaultPath}`, `http://test2.example.com:80${defaultPath}`, `http://sub1.test1.example.com:80${defaultPath}`, `http://sub1.test2.example.com:80${defaultPath}`, `http://sub2.test1.example.com:80${defaultPath}`, `http://sub2.test2.example.com:80${defaultPath}`, ]; // Open tabs an collect corresponding browsers let browsers = [ for (url of tabURLs) gBrowser.addTab(url).linkedBrowser ]; // Once all the pages have loaded, run a bunch of tests in "parallel". yield Promise.all(( for (browser of browsers) BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser) )); // Flood random browsers with requests. Once promises settle, check that // responses all pass. const results = yield Promise.all(( for (browser of randBrowsers(browsers, 100)) ManifestObtainer.browserObtainManifest(browser) )); const expected = 'Expect every manifest to have name equal to `pass`.'; const pass = results.every(manifest => manifest.name === 'pass'); Assert.ok(pass, expected); //cleanup browsers .map(browser => gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser)) .forEach(tab => gBrowser.removeTab(tab)); //Helper generator, spits out random browsers function* randBrowsers(aBrowsers, aMax) { for (let i = 0; i < aMax; i++) { const randNum = Math.round(Math.random() * (aBrowsers.length - 1)); yield aBrowsers[randNum]; } } });