/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * This module provides an asynchronous API for managing bookmarks. * * Bookmarks are organized in a tree structure, and include URLs, folders and * separators. Multiple bookmarks for the same URL are allowed. * * Note that if you are handling bookmarks operations in the UI, you should * not use this API directly, but rather use PlacesTransactions.jsm, so that * any operation is undo/redo-able. * * Each bookmark-item is represented by an object having the following * properties: * * - guid (string) * The globally unique identifier of the item. * - parentGuid (string) * The globally unique identifier of the folder containing the item. * This will be an empty string for the Places root folder. * - index (number) * The 0-based position of the item in the parent folder. * - dateAdded (Date) * The time at which the item was added. * - lastModified (Date) * The time at which the item was last modified. * - type (number) * The item's type, either TYPE_BOOKMARK, TYPE_FOLDER or TYPE_SEPARATOR. * * The following properties are only valid for URLs or folders. * * - title (string) * The item's title, if any. Empty titles and null titles are considered * the same, and the property is unset on retrieval in such a case. * Titles longer than DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX will be truncated. * * The following properties are only valid for URLs: * * - url (URL, href or nsIURI) * The item's URL. Note that while input objects can contains either * an URL object, an href string, or an nsIURI, output objects will always * contain an URL object. * An URL cannot be longer than DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX, methods will throw if a * longer value is provided. * * Each successful operation notifies through the nsINavBookmarksObserver * interface. To listen to such notifications you must register using * nsINavBookmarksService addObserver and removeObserver methods. * Note that bookmark addition or order changes won't notify onItemMoved for * items that have their indexes changed. * Similarly, lastModified changes not done explicitly (like changing another * property) won't fire an onItemChanged notification for the lastModified * property. * @see nsINavBookmarkObserver */ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "Bookmarks" ]; const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components; Cu.importGlobalProperties(["URL"]); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise", "resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task", "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Sqlite", "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); // Imposed to limit database size. const DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX = 65536; const DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX = 4096; var Bookmarks = Object.freeze({ /** * Item's type constants. * These should stay consistent with nsINavBookmarksService.idl */ TYPE_BOOKMARK: 1, TYPE_FOLDER: 2, TYPE_SEPARATOR: 3, /** * Default index used to append a bookmark-item at the end of a folder. * This should stay consistent with nsINavBookmarksService.idl */ DEFAULT_INDEX: -1, /** * Special GUIDs associated with bookmark roots. * It's guaranteed that the roots will always have these guids. */ rootGuid: "root________", menuGuid: "menu________", toolbarGuid: "toolbar_____", unfiledGuid: "unfiled_____", // With bug 424160, tags will stop being bookmarks, thus this root will // be removed. Do not rely on this, rather use the tagging service API. tagsGuid: "tags________", /** * Inserts a bookmark-item into the bookmarks tree. * * For creating a bookmark, the following set of properties is required: * - type * - parentGuid * - url, only for bookmarked URLs * * If an index is not specified, it defaults to appending. * It's also possible to pass a non-existent GUID to force creation of an * item with the given GUID, but unless you have a very sound reason, such as * an undo manager implementation or synchronization, don't do that. * * Note that any known properties that don't apply to the specific item type * cause an exception. * * @param info * object representing a bookmark-item. * * @return {Promise} resolved when the creation is complete. * @resolves to an object representing the created bookmark. * @rejects if it's not possible to create the requested bookmark. * @throws if the arguments are invalid. */ insert(info) { // Ensure to use the same date for dateAdded and lastModified, even if // dateAdded may be imposed by the caller. let time = (info && info.dateAdded) || new Date(); let insertInfo = validateBookmarkObject(info, { type: { defaultValue: this.TYPE_BOOKMARK } , index: { defaultValue: this.DEFAULT_INDEX } , url: { requiredIf: b => b.type == this.TYPE_BOOKMARK , validIf: b => b.type == this.TYPE_BOOKMARK } , parentGuid: { required: true } , title: { validIf: b => [ this.TYPE_BOOKMARK , this.TYPE_FOLDER ].includes(b.type) } , dateAdded: { defaultValue: time , validIf: b => !b.lastModified || b.dateAdded <= b.lastModified } , lastModified: { defaultValue: time, validIf: b => (!b.dateAdded && b.lastModified >= time) || (b.dateAdded && b.lastModified >= b.dateAdded) } }); return Task.spawn(function* () { // Ensure the parent exists. let parent = yield fetchBookmark({ guid: insertInfo.parentGuid }); if (!parent) throw new Error("parentGuid must be valid"); // Set index in the appending case. if (insertInfo.index == this.DEFAULT_INDEX || insertInfo.index > parent._childCount) { insertInfo.index = parent._childCount; } let item = yield insertBookmark(insertInfo, parent); // Notify onItemAdded to listeners. let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers(); // We need the itemId to notify, though once the switch to guids is // complete we may stop using it. let uri = item.hasOwnProperty("url") ? toURI(item.url) : null; let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(item.guid); notify(observers, "onItemAdded", [ itemId, parent._id, item.index, item.type, uri, item.title || null, toPRTime(item.dateAdded), item.guid, item.parentGuid ]); // If it's a tag, notify OnItemChanged to all bookmarks for this URL. let isTagging = parent._parentId == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId; if (isTagging) { for (let entry of (yield fetchBookmarksByURL(item))) { notify(observers, "onItemChanged", [ entry._id, "tags", false, "", toPRTime(entry.lastModified), entry.type, entry._parentId, entry.guid, entry.parentGuid, "" ]); } } // Remove non-enumerable properties. return Object.assign({}, item); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Updates a bookmark-item. * * Only set the properties which should be changed (undefined properties * won't be taken into account). * Moreover, the item's type or dateAdded cannot be changed, since they are * immutable after creation. Trying to change them will reject. * * Note that any known properties that don't apply to the specific item type * cause an exception. * * @param info * object representing a bookmark-item, as defined above. * * @return {Promise} resolved when the update is complete. * @resolves to an object representing the updated bookmark. * @rejects if it's not possible to update the given bookmark. * @throws if the arguments are invalid. */ update(info) { // The info object is first validated here to ensure it's consistent, then // it's compared to the existing item to remove any properties that don't // need to be updated. let updateInfo = validateBookmarkObject(info, { guid: { required: true } , index: { requiredIf: b => b.hasOwnProperty("parentGuid") , validIf: b => b.index >= 0 || b.index == this.DEFAULT_INDEX } , parentGuid: { requiredIf: b => b.hasOwnProperty("index") } }); // There should be at last one more property in addition to guid. if (Object.keys(updateInfo).length < 2) throw new Error("Not enough properties to update"); return Task.spawn(function* () { // Ensure the item exists. let item = yield fetchBookmark(updateInfo); if (!item) throw new Error("No bookmarks found for the provided GUID"); if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("type") && updateInfo.type != item.type) throw new Error("The bookmark type cannot be changed"); if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("dateAdded") && updateInfo.dateAdded.getTime() != item.dateAdded.getTime()) throw new Error("The bookmark dateAdded cannot be changed"); // Remove any property that will stay the same. removeSameValueProperties(updateInfo, item); // Check if anything should still be updated. if (Object.keys(updateInfo).length < 2) { // Remove non-enumerable properties. return Object.assign({}, item); } let time = (updateInfo && updateInfo.dateAdded) || new Date(); updateInfo = validateBookmarkObject(updateInfo, { url: { validIf: () => item.type == this.TYPE_BOOKMARK } , title: { validIf: () => [ this.TYPE_BOOKMARK , this.TYPE_FOLDER ].includes(item.type) } , lastModified: { defaultValue: new Date() , validIf: b => b.lastModified >= item.dateAdded } }); return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: update", Task.async(function*(db) { let parent; if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("parentGuid")) { if (item.type == this.TYPE_FOLDER) { // Make sure we are not moving a folder into itself or one of its // descendants. let rows = yield db.executeCached( `WITH RECURSIVE descendants(did) AS ( VALUES(:id) UNION ALL SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks JOIN descendants ON parent = did WHERE type = :type ) SELECT guid FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id IN descendants `, { id: item._id, type: this.TYPE_FOLDER }); if (rows.map(r => r.getResultByName("guid")).includes(updateInfo.parentGuid)) throw new Error("Cannot insert a folder into itself or one of its descendants"); } parent = yield fetchBookmark({ guid: updateInfo.parentGuid }); if (!parent) throw new Error("No bookmarks found for the provided parentGuid"); } if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("index")) { // If at this point we don't have a parent yet, we are moving into // the same container. Thus we know it exists. if (!parent) parent = yield fetchBookmark({ guid: item.parentGuid }); if (updateInfo.index >= parent._childCount || updateInfo.index == this.DEFAULT_INDEX) { updateInfo.index = parent._childCount; // Fix the index when moving within the same container. if (parent.guid == item.parentGuid) updateInfo.index--; } } let updatedItem = yield updateBookmark(updateInfo, item, parent); if (item.type == this.TYPE_BOOKMARK && item.url.href != updatedItem.url.href) { // ...though we don't wait for the calculation. updateFrecency(db, [item.url]).then(null, Cu.reportError); updateFrecency(db, [updatedItem.url]).then(null, Cu.reportError); } // Notify onItemChanged to listeners. let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers(); // For lastModified, we only care about the original input, since we // should not notify implciit lastModified changes. if (info.hasOwnProperty("lastModified") && updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("lastModified") && item.lastModified != updatedItem.lastModified) { notify(observers, "onItemChanged", [ updatedItem._id, "lastModified", false, `${toPRTime(updatedItem.lastModified)}`, toPRTime(updatedItem.lastModified), updatedItem.type, updatedItem._parentId, updatedItem.guid, updatedItem.parentGuid, "" ]); } if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("title")) { notify(observers, "onItemChanged", [ updatedItem._id, "title", false, updatedItem.title, toPRTime(updatedItem.lastModified), updatedItem.type, updatedItem._parentId, updatedItem.guid, updatedItem.parentGuid, "" ]); } if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("url")) { notify(observers, "onItemChanged", [ updatedItem._id, "uri", false, updatedItem.url.href, toPRTime(updatedItem.lastModified), updatedItem.type, updatedItem._parentId, updatedItem.guid, updatedItem.parentGuid, item.url.href ]); } // If the item was moved, notify onItemMoved. if (item.parentGuid != updatedItem.parentGuid || item.index != updatedItem.index) { notify(observers, "onItemMoved", [ updatedItem._id, item._parentId, item.index, updatedItem._parentId, updatedItem.index, updatedItem.type, updatedItem.guid, item.parentGuid, updatedItem.parentGuid ]); } // Remove non-enumerable properties. return Object.assign({}, updatedItem); }.bind(this))); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Removes a bookmark-item. * * @param guidOrInfo * The globally unique identifier of the item to remove, or an * object representing it, as defined above. * * @return {Promise} resolved when the removal is complete. * @resolves to an object representing the removed bookmark. * @rejects if the provided guid doesn't match any existing bookmark. * @throws if the arguments are invalid. */ remove(guidOrInfo) { let info = guidOrInfo; if (!info) throw new Error("Input should be a valid object"); if (typeof(guidOrInfo) != "object") info = { guid: guidOrInfo }; // Disallow removing the root folders. if ([this.rootGuid, this.menuGuid, this.toolbarGuid, this.unfiledGuid, this.tagsGuid].includes(info.guid)) { throw new Error("It's not possible to remove Places root folders."); } // Even if we ignore any other unneeded property, we still validate any // known property to reduce likelihood of hidden bugs. let removeInfo = validateBookmarkObject(info); return Task.spawn(function* () { let item = yield fetchBookmark(removeInfo); if (!item) throw new Error("No bookmarks found for the provided GUID."); item = yield removeBookmark(item); // Notify onItemRemoved to listeners. let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers(); let uri = item.hasOwnProperty("url") ? toURI(item.url) : null; notify(observers, "onItemRemoved", [ item._id, item._parentId, item.index, item.type, uri, item.guid, item.parentGuid ]); let isUntagging = item._grandParentId == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId; if (isUntagging) { for (let entry of (yield fetchBookmarksByURL(item))) { notify(observers, "onItemChanged", [ entry._id, "tags", false, "", toPRTime(entry.lastModified), entry.type, entry._parentId, entry.guid, entry.parentGuid, "" ]); } } // Remove non-enumerable properties. return Object.assign({}, item); }); }, /** * Removes ALL bookmarks, resetting the bookmarks storage to an empty tree. * * Note that roots are preserved, only their children will be removed. * * @return {Promise} resolved when the removal is complete. * @resolves once the removal is complete. */ eraseEverything: function() { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: eraseEverything", db => db.executeTransaction(function* () { const folderGuids = [this.toolbarGuid, this.menuGuid, this.unfiledGuid]; yield removeFoldersContents(db, folderGuids); const time = toPRTime(new Date()); for (let folderGuid of folderGuids) { yield db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET lastModified = :time WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = :folderGuid ) `, { folderGuid, time }); } }.bind(this)) ); }, /** * Fetches information about a bookmark-item. * * REMARK: any successful call to this method resolves to a single * bookmark-item (or null), even when multiple bookmarks may exist * (e.g. fetching by url). If you wish to retrieve all of the * bookmarks for a given match, use the callback instead. * * Input can be either a guid or an object with one, and only one, of these * filtering properties set: * - guid * retrieves the item with the specified guid. * - parentGuid and index * retrieves the item by its position. * - url * retrieves the most recent bookmark having the given URL. * To retrieve ALL of the bookmarks for that URL, you must pass in an * onResult callback, that will be invoked once for each found bookmark. * * @param guidOrInfo * The globally unique identifier of the item to fetch, or an * object representing it, as defined above. * @param onResult [optional] * Callback invoked for each found bookmark. * * @return {Promise} resolved when the fetch is complete. * @resolves to an object representing the found item, as described above, or * an array of such objects. if no item is found, the returned * promise is resolved to null. * @rejects if an error happens while fetching. * @throws if the arguments are invalid. * * @note Any unknown property in the info object is ignored. Known properties * may be overwritten. */ fetch(guidOrInfo, onResult=null) { if (onResult && typeof onResult != "function") throw new Error("onResult callback must be a valid function"); let info = guidOrInfo; if (!info) throw new Error("Input should be a valid object"); if (typeof(info) != "object") info = { guid: guidOrInfo }; // Only one condition at a time can be provided. let conditionsCount = [ v => v.hasOwnProperty("guid"), v => v.hasOwnProperty("parentGuid") && v.hasOwnProperty("index"), v => v.hasOwnProperty("url") ].reduce((old, fn) => old + fn(info)|0, 0); if (conditionsCount != 1) throw new Error(`Unexpected number of conditions provided: ${conditionsCount}`); // Even if we ignore any other unneeded property, we still validate any // known property to reduce likelihood of hidden bugs. let fetchInfo = validateBookmarkObject(info, { parentGuid: { requiredIf: b => b.hasOwnProperty("index") } , index: { requiredIf: b => b.hasOwnProperty("parentGuid") , validIf: b => typeof(b.index) == "number" && b.index >= 0 || b.index == this.DEFAULT_INDEX } }); return Task.spawn(function* () { let results; if (fetchInfo.hasOwnProperty("guid")) results = yield fetchBookmark(fetchInfo); else if (fetchInfo.hasOwnProperty("parentGuid") && fetchInfo.hasOwnProperty("index")) results = yield fetchBookmarkByPosition(fetchInfo); else if (fetchInfo.hasOwnProperty("url")) results = yield fetchBookmarksByURL(fetchInfo); if (!results) return null; if (!Array.isArray(results)) results = [results]; // Remove non-enumerable properties. results = results.map(r => Object.assign({}, r)); // Ideally this should handle an incremental behavior and thus be invoked // while we fetch. Though, the likelihood of 2 or more bookmarks for the // same match is very low, so it's not worth the added code complication. if (onResult) { for (let result of results) { try { onResult(result); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } } } return results[0]; }); }, /** * Retrieves an object representation of a bookmark-item, along with all of * its descendants, if any. * * Each node in the tree is an object that extends the item representation * described above with some additional properties: * * - [deprecated] id (number) * the item's id. Defined only if aOptions.includeItemIds is set. * - annos (array) * the item's annotations. This is not set if there are no annotations * set for the item. * * The root object of the tree also has the following properties set: * - itemsCount (number, not enumerable) * the number of items, including the root item itself, which are * represented in the resolved object. * * Bookmarked URLs may also have the following properties: * - tags (string) * csv string of the bookmark's tags, if any. * - charset (string) * the last known charset of the bookmark, if any. * - iconurl (URL) * the bookmark's favicon URL, if any. * * Folders may also have the following properties: * - children (array) * the folder's children information, each of them having the same set of * properties as above. * * @param [optional] guid * the topmost item to be queried. If it's not passed, the Places * root folder is queried: that is, you get a representation of the * entire bookmarks hierarchy. * @param [optional] options * Options for customizing the query behavior, in the form of an * object with any of the following properties: * - excludeItemsCallback: a function for excluding items, along with * their descendants. Given an item object (that has everything set * apart its potential children data), it should return true if the * item should be excluded. Once an item is excluded, the function * isn't called for any of its descendants. This isn't called for * the root item. * WARNING: since the function may be called for each item, using * this option can slow down the process significantly if the * callback does anything that's not relatively trivial. It is * highly recommended to avoid any synchronous I/O or DB queries. * - includeItemIds: opt-in to include the deprecated id property. * Use it if you must. It'll be removed once the switch to guids is * complete. * * @return {Promise} resolved when the fetch is complete. * @resolves to an object that represents either a single item or a * bookmarks tree. if guid points to a non-existent item, the * returned promise is resolved to null. * @rejects if an error happens while fetching. * @throws if the arguments are invalid. */ // TODO must implement these methods yet: // PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree() fetchTree(guid = "", options = {}) { throw new Error("Not yet implemented"); }, /** * Reorders contents of a folder based on a provided array of GUIDs. * * @param parentGuid * The globally unique identifier of the folder whose contents should * be reordered. * @param orderedChildrenGuids * Ordered array of the children's GUIDs. If this list contains * non-existing entries they will be ignored. If the list is * incomplete, missing entries will be appended. * * @return {Promise} resolved when reordering is complete. * @rejects if an error happens while reordering. * @throws if the arguments are invalid. */ reorder(parentGuid, orderedChildrenGuids) { let info = { guid: parentGuid }; info = validateBookmarkObject(info, { guid: { required: true } }); if (!Array.isArray(orderedChildrenGuids) || !orderedChildrenGuids.length) throw new Error("Must provide a sorted array of children GUIDs."); try { orderedChildrenGuids.forEach(VALIDATORS.guid); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Invalid GUID found in the sorted children array."); } return Task.spawn(function* () { let parent = yield fetchBookmark(info); if (!parent || parent.type != this.TYPE_FOLDER) throw new Error("No folder found for the provided GUID."); let sortedChildren = yield reorderChildren(parent, orderedChildrenGuids); let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers(); // Note that child.index is the old index. for (let i = 0; i < sortedChildren.length; ++i) { let child = sortedChildren[i]; notify(observers, "onItemMoved", [ child._id, child._parentId, child.index, child._parentId, i, child.type, child.guid, child.parentGuid, child.parentGuid ]); } }.bind(this)); } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Globals. /** * Sends a bookmarks notification through the given observers. * * @param observers * array of nsINavBookmarkObserver objects. * @param notification * the notification name. * @param args * array of arguments to pass to the notification. */ function notify(observers, notification, args) { for (let observer of observers) { try { observer[notification](...args); } catch (ex) {} } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update implementation. function updateBookmark(info, item, newParent) { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: updateBookmark", Task.async(function*(db) { let tuples = new Map(); if (info.hasOwnProperty("lastModified")) tuples.set("lastModified", { value: toPRTime(info.lastModified) }); if (info.hasOwnProperty("title")) tuples.set("title", { value: info.title }); yield db.executeTransaction(function* () { if (info.hasOwnProperty("url")) { // Ensure a page exists in moz_places for this URL. yield db.executeCached( `INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_places (url, rev_host, hidden, frecency, guid) VALUES (:url, :rev_host, 0, :frecency, GENERATE_GUID()) `, { url: info.url ? info.url.href : null, rev_host: PlacesUtils.getReversedHost(info.url), frecency: info.url.protocol == "place:" ? 0 : -1 }); tuples.set("url", { value: info.url.href , fragment: "fk = (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE url = :url)" }); } if (newParent) { // For simplicity, update the index regardless. let newIndex = info.hasOwnProperty("index") ? info.index : item.index; tuples.set("position", { value: newIndex }); if (newParent.guid == item.parentGuid) { // Moving inside the original container. // When moving "up", add 1 to each index in the interval. // Otherwise when moving down, we subtract 1. let sign = newIndex < item.index ? +1 : -1; yield db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = position + :sign WHERE parent = :newParentId AND position BETWEEN :lowIndex AND :highIndex `, { sign: sign, newParentId: newParent._id, lowIndex: Math.min(item.index, newIndex), highIndex: Math.max(item.index, newIndex) }); } else { // Moving across different containers. tuples.set("parent", { value: newParent._id} ); yield db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = position + :sign WHERE parent = :oldParentId AND position >= :oldIndex `, { sign: -1, oldParentId: item._parentId, oldIndex: item.index }); yield db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = position + :sign WHERE parent = :newParentId AND position >= :newIndex `, { sign: +1, newParentId: newParent._id, newIndex: newIndex }); yield setAncestorsLastModified(db, item.parentGuid, info.lastModified); } yield setAncestorsLastModified(db, newParent.guid, info.lastModified); } yield db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET ${Array.from(tuples.keys()).map(v => tuples.get(v).fragment || `${v} = :${v}`).join(", ")} WHERE guid = :guid `, Object.assign({ guid: info.guid }, [...tuples.entries()].reduce((p, c) => { p[c[0]] = c[1].value; return p; }, {}))); }); // If the parent changed, update related non-enumerable properties. let additionalParentInfo = {}; if (newParent) { Object.defineProperty(additionalParentInfo, "_parentId", { value: newParent._id, enumerable: false }); Object.defineProperty(additionalParentInfo, "_grandParentId", { value: newParent._parentId, enumerable: false }); } let updatedItem = mergeIntoNewObject(item, info, additionalParentInfo); // Don't return an empty title to the caller. if (updatedItem.hasOwnProperty("title") && updatedItem.title === null) delete updatedItem.title; return updatedItem; })); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Insert implementation. function insertBookmark(item, parent) { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: insertBookmark", Task.async(function*(db) { // If a guid was not provided, generate one, so we won't need to fetch the // bookmark just after having created it. if (!item.hasOwnProperty("guid")) item.guid = (yield db.executeCached("SELECT GENERATE_GUID() AS guid"))[0].getResultByName("guid"); yield db.executeTransaction(function* transaction() { if (item.type == Bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK) { // Ensure a page exists in moz_places for this URL. yield db.executeCached( `INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_places (url, rev_host, hidden, frecency, guid) VALUES (:url, :rev_host, 0, :frecency, GENERATE_GUID()) `, { url: item.url.href, rev_host: PlacesUtils.getReversedHost(item.url), frecency: item.url.protocol == "place:" ? 0 : -1 }); } // Adjust indices. yield db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = position + 1 WHERE parent = :parent AND position >= :index `, { parent: parent._id, index: item.index }); // Insert the bookmark into the database. yield db.executeCached( `INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks (fk, type, parent, position, title, dateAdded, lastModified, guid) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE url = :url), :type, :parent, :index, :title, :date_added, :last_modified, :guid) `, { url: item.hasOwnProperty("url") ? item.url.href : "nonexistent", type: item.type, parent: parent._id, index: item.index, title: item.title, date_added: toPRTime(item.dateAdded), last_modified: toPRTime(item.lastModified), guid: item.guid }); yield setAncestorsLastModified(db, item.parentGuid, item.dateAdded); }); // If not a tag recalculate frecency... let isTagging = parent._parentId == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId; if (item.type == Bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK && !isTagging) { // ...though we don't wait for the calculation. updateFrecency(db, [item.url]).then(null, Cu.reportError); } // Don't return an empty title to the caller. if (item.hasOwnProperty("title") && item.title === null) delete item.title; return item; })); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fetch implementation. function fetchBookmark(info) { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: fetchBookmark", Task.async(function*(db) { let rows = yield db.executeCached( `SELECT b.guid, IFNULL(p.guid, "") AS parentGuid, b.position AS 'index', b.dateAdded, b.lastModified, b.type, b.title, h.url AS url, b.id AS _id, b.parent AS _parentId, (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = b.id) AS _childCount, p.parent AS _grandParentId FROM moz_bookmarks b LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk WHERE b.guid = :guid `, { guid: info.guid }); return rows.length ? rowsToItemsArray(rows)[0] : null; })); } function fetchBookmarkByPosition(info) { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: fetchBookmarkByPosition", Task.async(function*(db) { let index = info.index == Bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX ? null : info.index; let rows = yield db.executeCached( `SELECT b.guid, IFNULL(p.guid, "") AS parentGuid, b.position AS 'index', b.dateAdded, b.lastModified, b.type, b.title, h.url AS url, b.id AS _id, b.parent AS _parentId, (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = b.id) AS _childCount, p.parent AS _grandParentId FROM moz_bookmarks b LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk WHERE p.guid = :parentGuid AND b.position = IFNULL(:index, (SELECT count(*) - 1 FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = p.id)) `, { parentGuid: info.parentGuid, index }); return rows.length ? rowsToItemsArray(rows)[0] : null; })); } function fetchBookmarksByURL(info) { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: fetchBookmarksByURL", Task.async(function*(db) { let rows = yield db.executeCached( `/* do not warn (bug no): not worth to add an index */ SELECT b.guid, IFNULL(p.guid, "") AS parentGuid, b.position AS 'index', b.dateAdded, b.lastModified, b.type, b.title, h.url AS url, b.id AS _id, b.parent AS _parentId, (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = b.id) AS _childCount, p.parent AS _grandParentId FROM moz_bookmarks b LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk WHERE h.url = :url AND _grandParentId <> :tags_folder ORDER BY b.lastModified DESC `, { url: info.url.href, tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId }); return rows.length ? rowsToItemsArray(rows) : null; })); } function fetchBookmarksByParent(info) { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: fetchBookmarksByParent", Task.async(function*(db) { let rows = yield db.executeCached( `SELECT b.guid, IFNULL(p.guid, "") AS parentGuid, b.position AS 'index', b.dateAdded, b.lastModified, b.type, b.title, h.url AS url, b.id AS _id, b.parent AS _parentId, (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = b.id) AS _childCount, p.parent AS _grandParentId FROM moz_bookmarks b LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk WHERE p.guid = :parentGuid ORDER BY b.position ASC `, { parentGuid: info.parentGuid }); return rowsToItemsArray(rows); })); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remove implementation. function removeBookmark(item) { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: updateBookmark", Task.async(function*(db) { let isUntagging = item._grandParentId == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId; yield db.executeTransaction(function* transaction() { // If it's a folder, remove its contents first. if (item.type == Bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER) yield removeFoldersContents(db, [item.guid]); // Remove annotations first. If it's a tag, we can avoid paying that cost. if (!isUntagging) { // We don't go through the annotations service for this cause otherwise // we'd get a pointless onItemChanged notification and it would also // set lastModified to an unexpected value. yield removeAnnotationsForItem(db, item._id); } // Remove the bookmark from the database. yield db.executeCached( `DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = :guid`, { guid: item.guid }); // Fix indices in the parent. yield db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = position - 1 WHERE parent = :parentId AND position > :index `, { parentId: item._parentId, index: item.index }); yield setAncestorsLastModified(db, item.parentGuid, new Date()); }); // If not a tag recalculate frecency... if (item.type == Bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK && !isUntagging) { // ...though we don't wait for the calculation. updateFrecency(db, [item.url]).then(null, Cu.reportError); } return item; })); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reorder implementation. function reorderChildren(parent, orderedChildrenGuids) { return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: updateBookmark", db => db.executeTransaction(function* () { // Select all of the direct children for the given parent. let children = yield fetchBookmarksByParent({ parentGuid: parent.guid }); if (!children.length) return; // Reorder the children array according to the specified order, provided // GUIDs come first, others are appended in somehow random order. children.sort((a, b) => { let i = orderedChildrenGuids.indexOf(a.guid); let j = orderedChildrenGuids.indexOf(b.guid); // This works provided fetchBookmarksByParent returns sorted children. return (i == -1 && j == -1) ? 0 : (i != -1 && j != -1 && i < j) || (i != -1 && j == -1) ? -1 : 1; }); // Update the bookmarks position now. If any unknown guid have been // inserted meanwhile, its position will be set to -position, and we'll // handle it later. // To do the update in a single step, we build a VALUES (guid, position) // table. We then use count() in the sorting table to avoid skipping values // when no more existing GUIDs have been provided. let valuesTable = children.map((child, i) => `("${child.guid}", ${i})`) .join(); yield db.execute( `WITH sorting(g, p) AS ( VALUES ${valuesTable} ) UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = ( SELECT CASE count(a.g) WHEN 0 THEN -position ELSE count(a.g) - 1 END FROM sorting a JOIN sorting b ON b.p <= a.p WHERE a.g = guid AND parent = :parentId )`, { parentId: parent._id}); // Update position of items that could have been inserted in the meanwhile. // Since this can happen rarely and it's only done for schema coherence // resonds, we won't notify about these changes. yield db.executeCached( `CREATE TEMP TRIGGER moz_bookmarks_reorder_trigger AFTER UPDATE OF position ON moz_bookmarks WHEN NEW.position = -1 BEGIN UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = (SELECT MAX(position) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = NEW.parent) + (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = NEW.parent AND position BETWEEN OLD.position AND -1) WHERE guid = NEW.guid; END `); yield db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = -1 WHERE position < 0`); yield db.executeCached(`DROP TRIGGER moz_bookmarks_reorder_trigger`); return children; }.bind(this)) ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers. /** * Merges objects into a new object, included non-enumerable properties. * * @param sources * source objects to merge. * @return a new object including all properties from the source objects. */ function mergeIntoNewObject(...sources) { let dest = {}; for (let src of sources) { for (let prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(src)) { Object.defineProperty(dest, prop, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, prop)); } } return dest; } /** * Remove properties that have the same value across two bookmark objects. * * @param dest * destination bookmark object. * @param src * source bookmark object. * @return a cleaned up bookmark object. * @note "guid" is never removed. */ function removeSameValueProperties(dest, src) { for (let prop in dest) { let remove = false; switch (prop) { case "lastModified": case "dateAdded": remove = src.hasOwnProperty(prop) && dest[prop].getTime() == src[prop].getTime(); break; case "url": remove = src.hasOwnProperty(prop) && dest[prop].href == src[prop].href; break; default: remove = dest[prop] == src[prop]; } if (remove && prop != "guid") delete dest[prop]; } } /** * Converts an URL object to an nsIURI. * * @param url * the URL object to convert. * @return nsIURI for the given URL. */ function toURI(url) { return NetUtil.newURI(url.href); } /** * Convert a Date object to a PRTime (microseconds). * * @param date * the Date object to convert. * @return microseconds from the epoch. */ function toPRTime(date) { return date * 1000; } /** * Convert a PRTime to a Date object. * * @param time * microseconds from the epoch. * @return a Date object. */ function toDate(time) { return new Date(parseInt(time / 1000)); } /** * Convert an array of mozIStorageRow objects to an array of bookmark objects. * * @param rows * the array of mozIStorageRow objects. * @return an array of bookmark objects. */ function rowsToItemsArray(rows) { return rows.map(row => { let item = {}; for (let prop of ["guid", "index", "type"]) { item[prop] = row.getResultByName(prop); } for (let prop of ["dateAdded", "lastModified"]) { item[prop] = toDate(row.getResultByName(prop)); } for (let prop of ["title", "parentGuid", "url" ]) { let val = row.getResultByName(prop); if (val) item[prop] = prop === "url" ? new URL(val) : val; } for (let prop of ["_id", "_parentId", "_childCount", "_grandParentId"]) { let val = row.getResultByName(prop); if (val !== null) { // These properties should not be returned to the API consumer, thus // they are non-enumerable and removed through Object.assign just before // the object is returned. // Configurable is set to support mergeIntoNewObject overwrites. Object.defineProperty(item, prop, { value: val, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); } } return item; }); } /** * Executes a boolean validate function, throwing if it returns false. * * @param boolValidateFn * A boolean validate function. * @return the input value. * @throws if input doesn't pass the validate function. */ function simpleValidateFunc(boolValidateFn) { return (v, input) => { if (!boolValidateFn(v, input)) throw new Error("Invalid value"); return v; }; } /** * List of validators, one per each known property. * Validators must throw if the property value is invalid and return a fixed up * version of the value, if needed. */ const VALIDATORS = Object.freeze({ guid: simpleValidateFunc(v => typeof(v) == "string" && /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{12}$/.test(v)), parentGuid: simpleValidateFunc(v => typeof(v) == "string" && /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{12}$/.test(v)), index: simpleValidateFunc(v => Number.isInteger(v) && v >= Bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX), dateAdded: simpleValidateFunc(v => v.constructor.name == "Date"), lastModified: simpleValidateFunc(v => v.constructor.name == "Date"), type: simpleValidateFunc(v => Number.isInteger(v) && [ Bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK , Bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER , Bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR ].includes(v)), title: v => { simpleValidateFunc(val => val === null || typeof(val) == "string").call(this, v); if (!v) return null; return v.slice(0, DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX); }, url: v => { simpleValidateFunc(val => (typeof(val) == "string" && val.length <= DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX) || (val instanceof Ci.nsIURI && val.spec.length <= DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX) || (val instanceof URL && val.href.length <= DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX) ).call(this, v); if (typeof(v) === "string") return new URL(v); if (v instanceof Ci.nsIURI) return new URL(v.spec); return v; } }); /** * Checks validity of a bookmark object, filling up default values for optional * properties. * * @param input (object) * The bookmark object to validate. * @param behavior (object) [optional] * Object defining special behavior for some of the properties. * The following behaviors may be optionally set: * - requiredIf: if the provided condition is satisfied, then this * property is required. * - validIf: if the provided condition is not satisfied, then this * property is invalid. * - defaultValue: an undefined property should default to this value. * * @return a validated and normalized bookmark-item. * @throws if the object contains invalid data. * @note any unknown properties are pass-through. */ function validateBookmarkObject(input, behavior={}) { if (!input) throw new Error("Input should be a valid object"); let normalizedInput = {}; let required = new Set(); for (let prop in behavior) { if (behavior[prop].hasOwnProperty("required") && behavior[prop].required) { required.add(prop); } if (behavior[prop].hasOwnProperty("requiredIf") && behavior[prop].requiredIf(input)) { required.add(prop); } if (behavior[prop].hasOwnProperty("validIf") && input[prop] !== undefined && !behavior[prop].validIf(input)) { throw new Error(`Invalid value for property '${prop}': ${input[prop]}`); } if (behavior[prop].hasOwnProperty("defaultValue") && input[prop] === undefined) { input[prop] = behavior[prop].defaultValue; } } for (let prop in input) { if (required.has(prop)) { required.delete(prop); } else if (input[prop] === undefined) { // Skip undefined properties that are not required. continue; } if (VALIDATORS.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { try { normalizedInput[prop] = VALIDATORS[prop](input[prop], input); } catch(ex) { throw new Error(`Invalid value for property '${prop}': ${input[prop]}`); } } } if (required.size > 0) throw new Error(`The following properties were expected: ${[...required].join(", ")}`); return normalizedInput; } /** * Updates frecency for a list of URLs. * * @param db * the Sqlite.jsm connection handle. * @param urls * the array of URLs to update. */ var updateFrecency = Task.async(function* (db, urls) { yield db.execute( `UPDATE moz_places SET frecency = NOTIFY_FRECENCY( CALCULATE_FRECENCY(id), url, guid, hidden, last_visit_date ) WHERE url IN ( ${urls.map(url => JSON.stringify(url.href)).join(", ")} ) `); yield db.execute( `UPDATE moz_places SET hidden = 0 WHERE url IN ( ${urls.map(url => JSON.stringify(url.href)).join(", ")} ) AND frecency <> 0 `); }); /** * Removes any orphan annotation entries. * * @param db * the Sqlite.jsm connection handle. */ var removeOrphanAnnotations = Task.async(function* (db) { yield db.executeCached( `DELETE FROM moz_items_annos WHERE id IN (SELECT a.id from moz_items_annos a LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON a.item_id = b.id WHERE b.id ISNULL) `); yield db.executeCached( `DELETE FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE id IN (SELECT n.id from moz_anno_attributes n LEFT JOIN moz_annos a1 ON a1.anno_attribute_id = n.id LEFT JOIN moz_items_annos a2 ON a2.anno_attribute_id = n.id WHERE a1.id ISNULL AND a2.id ISNULL) `); }); /** * Removes annotations for a given item. * * @param db * the Sqlite.jsm connection handle. * @param itemId * internal id of the item for which to remove annotations. */ var removeAnnotationsForItem = Task.async(function* (db, itemId) { yield db.executeCached( `DELETE FROM moz_items_annos WHERE item_id = :id `, { id: itemId }); yield db.executeCached( `DELETE FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE id IN (SELECT n.id from moz_anno_attributes n LEFT JOIN moz_annos a1 ON a1.anno_attribute_id = n.id LEFT JOIN moz_items_annos a2 ON a2.anno_attribute_id = n.id WHERE a1.id ISNULL AND a2.id ISNULL) `); }); /** * Updates lastModified for all the ancestors of a given folder GUID. * * @param db * the Sqlite.jsm connection handle. * @param folderGuid * the GUID of the folder whose ancestors should be updated. * @param time * a Date object to use for the update. * * @note the folder itself is also updated. */ var setAncestorsLastModified = Task.async(function* (db, folderGuid, time) { yield db.executeCached( `WITH RECURSIVE ancestors(aid) AS ( SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = :guid UNION ALL SELECT parent FROM moz_bookmarks JOIN ancestors ON id = aid WHERE type = :type ) UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET lastModified = :time WHERE id IN ancestors `, { guid: folderGuid, type: Bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, time: toPRTime(time) }); }); /** * Remove all descendants of one or more bookmark folders. * * @param db * the Sqlite.jsm connection handle. * @param folderGuids * array of folder guids. */ var removeFoldersContents = Task.async(function* (db, folderGuids) { let itemsRemoved = []; for (let folderGuid of folderGuids) { let rows = yield db.executeCached( `WITH RECURSIVE descendants(did) AS ( SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON b.parent = p.id WHERE p.guid = :folderGuid UNION ALL SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks JOIN descendants ON parent = did ) SELECT b.id AS _id, b.parent AS _parentId, b.position AS 'index', b.type, url, b.guid, p.guid AS parentGuid, b.dateAdded, b.lastModified, b.title, p.parent AS _grandParentId, NULL AS _childCount FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON b.fk = h.id WHERE b.id IN descendants`, { folderGuid }); itemsRemoved = itemsRemoved.concat(rowsToItemsArray(rows)); yield db.executeCached( `WITH RECURSIVE descendants(did) AS ( SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON b.parent = p.id WHERE p.guid = :folderGuid UNION ALL SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks JOIN descendants ON parent = did ) DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id IN descendants`, { folderGuid }); } // Cleanup orphans. yield removeOrphanAnnotations(db); // TODO (Bug 1087576): this may leave orphan tags behind. let urls = itemsRemoved.filter(item => "url" in item).map(item => item.url); updateFrecency(db, urls).then(null, Cu.reportError); // Send onItemRemoved notifications to listeners. // TODO (Bug 1087580): for the case of eraseEverything, this should send a // single clear bookmarks notification rather than notifying for each // bookmark. // Notify listeners in reverse order to serve children before parents. let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers(); for (let item of itemsRemoved.reverse()) { let uri = item.hasOwnProperty("url") ? toURI(item.url) : null; notify(observers, "onItemRemoved", [ item._id, item._parentId, item.index, item.type, uri, item.guid, item.parentGuid ]); let isUntagging = item._grandParentId == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId; if (isUntagging) { for (let entry of (yield fetchBookmarksByURL(item))) { notify(observers, "onItemChanged", [ entry._id, "tags", false, "", toPRTime(entry.lastModified), entry.type, entry._parentId, entry.guid, entry.parentGuid, "" ]); } } } });