/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests that event listeners are properly displayed in the view. */ const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_event-listeners-02.html"; function test() { initDebugger(TAB_URL).then(([aTab,, aPanel]) => { let gDebugger = aPanel.panelWin; let gView = gDebugger.DebuggerView; let gEvents = gView.EventListeners; let gController = gDebugger.DebuggerController; let constants = gDebugger.require('./content/constants'); Task.spawn(function*() { yield waitForSourceShown(aPanel, ".html"); let fetched = waitForDispatch(aPanel, constants.FETCH_EVENT_LISTENERS); gView.toggleInstrumentsPane({ visible: true, animated: false }, 1); yield fetched; is(gEvents.widget._parent.querySelectorAll(".side-menu-widget-group").length, 3, "There should be 3 groups shown in the view."); is(gEvents.widget._parent.querySelectorAll(".side-menu-widget-group-checkbox").length, 3, "There should be a checkbox for each group shown in the view."); is(gEvents.widget._parent.querySelectorAll(".side-menu-widget-item").length, 4, "There should be 4 items shown in the view."); is(gEvents.widget._parent.querySelectorAll(".side-menu-widget-item-checkbox").length, 4, "There should be a checkbox for each item shown in the view."); testEventItem(0, "doc_event-listeners-02.html", "change", ["body > input:nth-child(2)"], false); testEventItem(1, "doc_event-listeners-02.html", "click", ["body > button:nth-child(1)"], false); testEventItem(2, "doc_event-listeners-02.html", "keydown", ["window", "body"], false); testEventItem(3, "doc_event-listeners-02.html", "keyup", ["body > input:nth-child(2)"], false); testEventGroup("interactionEvents", false); testEventGroup("keyboardEvents", false); testEventGroup("mouseEvents", false); is(gEvents.getAllEvents().toString(), "change,click,keydown,keyup", "The getAllEvents() method returns the correct stuff."); is(gEvents.getCheckedEvents().toString(), "", "The getCheckedEvents() method returns the correct stuff."); yield ensureThreadClientState(aPanel, "attached"); yield closeDebuggerAndFinish(aPanel); }); function testEventItem(index, label, type, selectors, checked) { let item = gEvents.items[index]; let node = item.target; ok(item.attachment.url.includes(label), "The event at index " + index + " has the correct url."); is(item.attachment.type, type, "The event at index " + index + " has the correct type."); is(item.attachment.selectors.toString(), selectors, "The event at index " + index + " has the correct selectors."); is(item.attachment.checkboxState, checked, "The event at index " + index + " has the correct checkbox state."); let targets = selectors.length > 1 ? gDebugger.L10N.getFormatStr("eventNodes", selectors.length) : selectors.toString(); is(node.querySelector(".dbg-event-listener-type").getAttribute("value"), type, "The correct type is shown for this event."); is(node.querySelector(".dbg-event-listener-targets").getAttribute("value"), targets, "The correct target is shown for this event."); is(node.querySelector(".dbg-event-listener-location").getAttribute("value"), label, "The correct location is shown for this event."); is(node.parentNode.querySelector(".side-menu-widget-item-checkbox").checked, checked, "The correct checkbox state is shown for this event."); } function testEventGroup(string, checked) { let name = gDebugger.L10N.getStr(string); let group = gEvents.widget._parent .querySelector(".side-menu-widget-group[name=" + name + "]"); is(group.querySelector(".side-menu-widget-group-title > .name").value, name, "The correct label is shown for the group named " + name + "."); is(group.querySelector(".side-menu-widget-group-checkbox").checked, checked, "The correct checkbox state is shown for the group named " + name + "."); } }); }