/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const {Cu} = require("chrome"); const promise = require("promise"); const {TargetFactory} = require("devtools/client/framework/target"); const Services = require("Services"); const {FileUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm", {}); const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter"); const {TextEncoder, OS} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", {}); const {AppProjects} = require("devtools/client/webide/modules/app-projects"); const TabStore = require("devtools/client/webide/modules/tab-store"); const {AppValidator} = require("devtools/client/webide/modules/app-validator"); const {ConnectionManager, Connection} = require("devtools/shared/client/connection-manager"); const {AppActorFront} = require("devtools/shared/apps/app-actor-front"); const {getDeviceFront} = require("devtools/server/actors/device"); const {getPreferenceFront} = require("devtools/server/actors/preference"); const {getSettingsFront} = require("devtools/server/actors/settings"); const {setTimeout} = require("sdk/timers"); const {Task} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {}); const {RuntimeScanners, RuntimeTypes} = require("devtools/client/webide/modules/runtimes"); const {NetUtil} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm", {}); const Telemetry = require("devtools/client/shared/telemetry"); const {ProjectBuilding} = require("./build"); const Strings = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://devtools/locale/webide.properties"); var AppManager = exports.AppManager = { DEFAULT_PROJECT_ICON: "chrome://webide/skin/default-app-icon.png", DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME: "--", _initialized: false, init: function() { if (this._initialized) { return; } this._initialized = true; let port = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.debugger.remote-port"); this.connection = ConnectionManager.createConnection("localhost", port); this.onConnectionChanged = this.onConnectionChanged.bind(this); this.connection.on(Connection.Events.STATUS_CHANGED, this.onConnectionChanged); this.tabStore = new TabStore(this.connection); this.onTabList = this.onTabList.bind(this); this.onTabNavigate = this.onTabNavigate.bind(this); this.onTabClosed = this.onTabClosed.bind(this); this.tabStore.on("tab-list", this.onTabList); this.tabStore.on("navigate", this.onTabNavigate); this.tabStore.on("closed", this.onTabClosed); this._clearRuntimeList(); this._rebuildRuntimeList = this._rebuildRuntimeList.bind(this); RuntimeScanners.on("runtime-list-updated", this._rebuildRuntimeList); RuntimeScanners.enable(); this._rebuildRuntimeList(); this.onInstallProgress = this.onInstallProgress.bind(this); this._telemetry = new Telemetry(); }, destroy: function() { if (!this._initialized) { return; } this._initialized = false; this.selectedProject = null; this.selectedRuntime = null; RuntimeScanners.off("runtime-list-updated", this._rebuildRuntimeList); RuntimeScanners.disable(); this.runtimeList = null; this.tabStore.off("tab-list", this.onTabList); this.tabStore.off("navigate", this.onTabNavigate); this.tabStore.off("closed", this.onTabClosed); this.tabStore.destroy(); this.tabStore = null; this.connection.off(Connection.Events.STATUS_CHANGED, this.onConnectionChanged); this._listTabsResponse = null; this.connection.disconnect(); this.connection = null; }, /** * This module emits various events when state changes occur. The basic event * naming scheme is that event "X" means "X has changed" or "X is available". * Some names are more detailed to clarify their precise meaning. * * The events this module may emit include: * before-project: * The selected project is about to change. The event includes a special * |cancel| callback that will abort the project change if desired. * connection: * The connection status has changed (connected, disconnected, etc.) * install-progress: * A project being installed to a runtime has made further progress. This * event contains additional details about exactly how far the process is * when such information is available. * project: * The selected project has changed. * project-started: * The selected project started running on the connected runtime. * project-stopped: * The selected project stopped running on the connected runtime. * project-removed: * The selected project was removed from the project list. * project-validated: * The selected project just completed validation. As part of validation, * many pieces of metadata about the project are refreshed, including its * name, manifest details, etc. * runtime: * The selected runtime has changed. * runtime-apps-icons: * The list of URLs for the runtime app icons are available. * runtime-global-actors: * The list of global actors for the entire runtime (but not actors for a * specific tab or app) are now available, so we can test for features * like preferences and settings. * runtime-details: * The selected runtime's details have changed, such as its user-visible * name. * runtime-list: * The list of available runtimes has changed, or any of the user-visible * details (like names) for the non-selected runtimes has changed. * runtime-telemetry: * Detailed runtime telemetry has been recorded. Used by tests. * runtime-targets: * The list of remote runtime targets available from the currently * connected runtime (such as tabs or apps) has changed, or any of the * user-visible details (like names) for the non-selected runtime targets * has changed. This event includes |type| in the details, to distinguish * "apps" and "tabs". */ update: function(what, details) { // Anything we want to forward to the UI this.emit("app-manager-update", what, details); }, reportError: function(l10nProperty, ...l10nArgs) { let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("devtools:webide"); if (win) { win.UI.reportError(l10nProperty, ...l10nArgs); } else { let text; if (l10nArgs.length > 0) { text = Strings.formatStringFromName(l10nProperty, l10nArgs, l10nArgs.length); } else { text = Strings.GetStringFromName(l10nProperty); } console.error(text); } }, onConnectionChanged: function() { console.log("Connection status changed: " + this.connection.status); if (this.connection.status == Connection.Status.DISCONNECTED) { this.selectedRuntime = null; } if (!this.connected) { if (this._appsFront) { this._appsFront.off("install-progress", this.onInstallProgress); this._appsFront.unwatchApps(); this._appsFront = null; } this._listTabsResponse = null; } else { this.connection.client.listTabs((response) => { if (response.webappsActor) { let front = new AppActorFront(this.connection.client, response); front.on("install-progress", this.onInstallProgress); front.watchApps(() => this.checkIfProjectIsRunning()) .then(() => { // This can't be done earlier as many operations // in the apps actor require watchApps to be called // first. this._appsFront = front; this._listTabsResponse = response; this._recordRuntimeInfo(); this.update("runtime-global-actors"); }) .then(() => { this.checkIfProjectIsRunning(); this.update("runtime-targets", { type: "apps" }); front.fetchIcons().then(() => this.update("runtime-apps-icons")); }); } else { this._listTabsResponse = response; this._recordRuntimeInfo(); this.update("runtime-global-actors"); } }); } this.update("connection"); }, get connected() { return this.connection && this.connection.status == Connection.Status.CONNECTED; }, get apps() { if (this._appsFront) { return this._appsFront.apps; } else { return new Map(); } }, onInstallProgress: function(event, details) { this.update("install-progress", details); }, isProjectRunning: function() { if (this.selectedProject.type == "mainProcess" || this.selectedProject.type == "tab") { return true; } let app = this._getProjectFront(this.selectedProject); return app && app.running; }, checkIfProjectIsRunning: function() { if (this.selectedProject) { if (this.isProjectRunning()) { this.update("project-started"); } else { this.update("project-stopped"); } } }, listTabs: function() { return this.tabStore.listTabs(); }, onTabList: function() { this.update("runtime-targets", { type: "tabs" }); }, // TODO: Merge this into TabProject as part of project-agnostic work onTabNavigate: function() { this.update("runtime-targets", { type: "tabs" }); if (this.selectedProject.type !== "tab") { return; } let tab = this.selectedProject.app = this.tabStore.selectedTab; let uri = NetUtil.newURI(tab.url); // Wanted to use nsIFaviconService here, but it only works for visited // tabs, so that's no help for any remote tabs. Maybe some favicon wizard // knows how to get high-res favicons easily, or we could offer actor // support for this (bug 1061654). tab.favicon = uri.prePath + "/favicon.ico"; tab.name = tab.title || Strings.GetStringFromName("project_tab_loading"); if (uri.scheme.startsWith("http")) { tab.name = uri.host + ": " + tab.name; } this.selectedProject.location = tab.url; this.selectedProject.name = tab.name; this.selectedProject.icon = tab.favicon; this.update("project-validated"); }, onTabClosed: function() { if (this.selectedProject.type !== "tab") { return; } this.selectedProject = null; }, reloadTab: function() { if (this.selectedProject && this.selectedProject.type != "tab") { return promise.reject("tried to reload non-tab project"); } return this.getTarget().then(target => { target.activeTab.reload(); }, console.error.bind(console)); }, getTarget: function() { if (this.selectedProject.type == "mainProcess") { // Fx >=39 exposes a ChromeActor to debug the main process if (this.connection.client.mainRoot.traits.allowChromeProcess) { return this.connection.client.getProcess() .then(aResponse => { return TargetFactory.forRemoteTab({ form: aResponse.form, client: this.connection.client, chrome: true }); }); } else { // Fx <39 exposes tab actors on the root actor return TargetFactory.forRemoteTab({ form: this._listTabsResponse, client: this.connection.client, chrome: true, isTabActor: false }); } } if (this.selectedProject.type == "tab") { return this.tabStore.getTargetForTab(); } let app = this._getProjectFront(this.selectedProject); if (!app) { return promise.reject("Can't find app front for selected project"); } return Task.spawn(function* () { // Once we asked the app to launch, the app isn't necessary completely loaded. // launch request only ask the app to launch and immediatly returns. // We have to keep trying to get app tab actors required to create its target. for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { return yield app.getTarget(); } catch(e) {} let deferred = promise.defer(); setTimeout(deferred.resolve, 500); yield deferred.promise; } AppManager.reportError("error_cantConnectToApp", app.manifest.manifestURL); throw new Error("can't connect to app"); }); }, getProjectManifestURL: function(project) { let manifest = null; if (project.type == "runtimeApp") { manifest = project.app.manifestURL; } if (project.type == "hosted") { manifest = project.location; } if (project.type == "packaged" && project.packagedAppOrigin) { manifest = "app://" + project.packagedAppOrigin + "/manifest.webapp"; } return manifest; }, _getProjectFront: function(project) { let manifest = this.getProjectManifestURL(project); if (manifest && this._appsFront) { return this._appsFront.apps.get(manifest); } return null; }, _selectedProject: null, set selectedProject(project) { // A regular comparison doesn't work as we recreate a new object every time let prev = this._selectedProject; if (!prev && !project) { return; } else if (prev && project && prev.type === project.type) { let type = project.type; if (type === "runtimeApp") { if (prev.app.manifestURL === project.app.manifestURL) { return; } } else if (type === "tab") { if (prev.app.actor === project.app.actor) { return; } } else if (type === "packaged" || type === "hosted") { if (prev.location === project.location) { return; } } else if (type === "mainProcess") { return; } else { throw new Error("Unsupported project type: " + type); } } let cancelled = false; this.update("before-project", { cancel: () => { cancelled = true; } }); if (cancelled) { return; } this._selectedProject = project; // Clear out tab store's selected state, if any this.tabStore.selectedTab = null; if (project) { if (project.type == "packaged" || project.type == "hosted") { this.validateAndUpdateProject(project); } if (project.type == "tab") { this.tabStore.selectedTab = project.app; } } this.update("project"); this.checkIfProjectIsRunning(); }, get selectedProject() { return this._selectedProject; }, removeSelectedProject: Task.async(function*() { let location = this.selectedProject.location; AppManager.selectedProject = null; // If the user cancels the removeProject operation, don't remove the project if (AppManager.selectedProject != null) { return; } yield AppProjects.remove(location); AppManager.update("project-removed"); }), packageProject: Task.async(function*(project) { if (!project) { return; } if (project.type == "packaged" || project.type == "hosted") { yield ProjectBuilding.build({ project: project, logger: this.update.bind(this, "pre-package") }); } }), _selectedRuntime: null, set selectedRuntime(value) { this._selectedRuntime = value; if (!value && this.selectedProject && (this.selectedProject.type == "mainProcess" || this.selectedProject.type == "runtimeApp" || this.selectedProject.type == "tab")) { this.selectedProject = null; } this.update("runtime"); }, get selectedRuntime() { return this._selectedRuntime; }, connectToRuntime: function(runtime) { if (this.connected && this.selectedRuntime === runtime) { // Already connected return promise.resolve(); } let deferred = promise.defer(); this.disconnectRuntime().then(() => { this.selectedRuntime = runtime; let onConnectedOrDisconnected = () => { this.connection.off(Connection.Events.CONNECTED, onConnectedOrDisconnected); this.connection.off(Connection.Events.DISCONNECTED, onConnectedOrDisconnected); if (this.connected) { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.reject(); } }; this.connection.on(Connection.Events.CONNECTED, onConnectedOrDisconnected); this.connection.on(Connection.Events.DISCONNECTED, onConnectedOrDisconnected); try { // Reset the connection's state to defaults this.connection.resetOptions(); // Only watch for errors here. Final resolution occurs above, once // we've reached the CONNECTED state. this.selectedRuntime.connect(this.connection) .then(null, e => deferred.reject(e)); } catch(e) { deferred.reject(e); } }, deferred.reject); // Record connection result in telemetry let logResult = result => { this._telemetry.log("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTION_RESULT", result); if (runtime.type) { this._telemetry.log("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_" + runtime.type + "_CONNECTION_RESULT", result); } }; deferred.promise.then(() => logResult(true), () => logResult(false)); // If successful, record connection time in telemetry deferred.promise.then(() => { const timerId = "DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTION_TIME_SECONDS"; this._telemetry.startTimer(timerId); this.connection.once(Connection.Events.STATUS_CHANGED, () => { this._telemetry.stopTimer(timerId); }); }).catch(() => { // Empty rejection handler to silence uncaught rejection warnings // |connectToRuntime| caller should listen for rejections. // Bug 1121100 may find a better way to silence these. }); return deferred.promise; }, _recordRuntimeInfo: Task.async(function*() { if (!this.connected) { return; } let runtime = this.selectedRuntime; this._telemetry.logKeyed("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTED_RUNTIME_TYPE", runtime.type || "UNKNOWN", true); this._telemetry.logKeyed("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTED_RUNTIME_ID", runtime.id || "unknown", true); if (!this.deviceFront) { this.update("runtime-telemetry"); return; } let d = yield this.deviceFront.getDescription(); this._telemetry.logKeyed("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTED_RUNTIME_PROCESSOR", d.processor, true); this._telemetry.logKeyed("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTED_RUNTIME_OS", d.os, true); this._telemetry.logKeyed("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTED_RUNTIME_PLATFORM_VERSION", d.platformversion, true); this._telemetry.logKeyed("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTED_RUNTIME_APP_TYPE", d.apptype, true); this._telemetry.logKeyed("DEVTOOLS_WEBIDE_CONNECTED_RUNTIME_VERSION", d.version, true); this.update("runtime-telemetry"); }), isMainProcessDebuggable: function() { // Fx <39 exposes chrome tab actors on RootActor // Fx >=39 exposes a dedicated actor via getProcess request return this.connection.client && this.connection.client.mainRoot && this.connection.client.mainRoot.traits.allowChromeProcess || (this._listTabsResponse && this._listTabsResponse.consoleActor); }, get deviceFront() { if (!this._listTabsResponse) { return null; } return getDeviceFront(this.connection.client, this._listTabsResponse); }, get preferenceFront() { if (!this._listTabsResponse) { return null; } return getPreferenceFront(this.connection.client, this._listTabsResponse); }, get settingsFront() { if (!this._listTabsResponse) { return null; } return getSettingsFront(this.connection.client, this._listTabsResponse); }, disconnectRuntime: function() { if (!this.connected) { return promise.resolve(); } let deferred = promise.defer(); this.connection.once(Connection.Events.DISCONNECTED, () => deferred.resolve()); this.connection.disconnect(); return deferred.promise; }, launchRuntimeApp: function() { if (this.selectedProject && this.selectedProject.type != "runtimeApp") { return promise.reject("attempting to launch a non-runtime app"); } let app = this._getProjectFront(this.selectedProject); return app.launch(); }, launchOrReloadRuntimeApp: function() { if (this.selectedProject && this.selectedProject.type != "runtimeApp") { return promise.reject("attempting to launch / reload a non-runtime app"); } let app = this._getProjectFront(this.selectedProject); if (!app.running) { return app.launch(); } else { return app.reload(); } }, runtimeCanHandleApps: function() { return !!this._appsFront; }, installAndRunProject: function() { let project = this.selectedProject; if (!project || (project.type != "packaged" && project.type != "hosted")) { console.error("Can't install project. Unknown type of project."); return promise.reject("Can't install"); } if (!this._listTabsResponse) { this.reportError("error_cantInstallNotFullyConnected"); return promise.reject("Can't install"); } if (!this._appsFront) { console.error("Runtime doesn't have a webappsActor"); return promise.reject("Can't install"); } return Task.spawn(function* () { let self = AppManager; // Package and validate project yield self.packageProject(project); yield self.validateAndUpdateProject(project); if (project.errorsCount > 0) { self.reportError("error_cantInstallValidationErrors"); return; } let installPromise; if (project.type != "packaged" && project.type != "hosted") { return promise.reject("Don't know how to install project"); } let response; if (project.type == "packaged") { let packageDir = yield ProjectBuilding.getPackageDir(project); console.log("Installing app from " + packageDir); response = yield self._appsFront.installPackaged(packageDir, project.packagedAppOrigin); // If the packaged app specified a custom origin override, // we need to update the local project origin project.packagedAppOrigin = response.appId; // And ensure the indexed db on disk is also updated AppProjects.update(project); } if (project.type == "hosted") { let manifestURLObject = Services.io.newURI(project.location, null, null); let origin = Services.io.newURI(manifestURLObject.prePath, null, null); let appId = origin.host; let metadata = { origin: origin.spec, manifestURL: project.location }; response = yield self._appsFront.installHosted(appId, metadata, project.manifest); } // Addons don't have any document to load (yet?) // So that there is no need to run them, installing is enough if (project.manifest.manifest_version || project.manifest.role === "addon") { return; } let {app} = response; if (!app.running) { let deferred = promise.defer(); self.on("app-manager-update", function onUpdate(event, what) { if (what == "project-started") { self.off("app-manager-update", onUpdate); deferred.resolve(); } }); yield app.launch(); yield deferred.promise; } else { yield app.reload(); } }); }, stopRunningApp: function() { let app = this._getProjectFront(this.selectedProject); return app.close(); }, /* PROJECT VALIDATION */ validateAndUpdateProject: function(project) { if (!project) { return promise.reject(); } return Task.spawn(function* () { let packageDir = yield ProjectBuilding.getPackageDir(project); let validation = new AppValidator({ type: project.type, // Build process may place the manifest in a non-root directory location: packageDir }); yield validation.validate(); if (validation.manifest) { let manifest = validation.manifest; let iconPath; if (manifest.icons) { let size = Object.keys(manifest.icons).sort((a, b) => b - a)[0]; if (size) { iconPath = manifest.icons[size]; } } if (!iconPath) { project.icon = AppManager.DEFAULT_PROJECT_ICON; } else { if (project.type == "hosted") { let manifestURL = Services.io.newURI(project.location, null, null); let origin = Services.io.newURI(manifestURL.prePath, null, null); project.icon = Services.io.newURI(iconPath, null, origin).spec; } else if (project.type == "packaged") { let projectFolder = FileUtils.File(packageDir); let folderURI = Services.io.newFileURI(projectFolder).spec; project.icon = folderURI + iconPath.replace(/^\/|\\/, ""); } } project.manifest = validation.manifest; if ("name" in project.manifest) { project.name = project.manifest.name; } else { project.name = AppManager.DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME; } } else { project.manifest = null; project.icon = AppManager.DEFAULT_PROJECT_ICON; project.name = AppManager.DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME; } project.validationStatus = "valid"; if (validation.warnings.length > 0) { project.warningsCount = validation.warnings.length; project.warnings = validation.warnings; project.validationStatus = "warning"; } else { project.warnings = ""; project.warningsCount = 0; } if (validation.errors.length > 0) { project.errorsCount = validation.errors.length; project.errors = validation.errors; project.validationStatus = "error"; } else { project.errors = ""; project.errorsCount = 0; } if (project.warningsCount && project.errorsCount) { project.validationStatus = "error warning"; } if (project.type === "hosted" && project.location !== validation.manifestURL) { yield AppProjects.updateLocation(project, validation.manifestURL); } else if (AppProjects.get(project.location)) { yield AppProjects.update(project); } if (AppManager.selectedProject === project) { AppManager.update("project-validated"); } }); }, /* RUNTIME LIST */ _clearRuntimeList: function() { this.runtimeList = { usb: [], wifi: [], simulator: [], other: [] }; }, _rebuildRuntimeList: function() { let runtimes = RuntimeScanners.listRuntimes(); this._clearRuntimeList(); // Reorganize runtimes by type for (let runtime of runtimes) { switch (runtime.type) { case RuntimeTypes.USB: this.runtimeList.usb.push(runtime); break; case RuntimeTypes.WIFI: this.runtimeList.wifi.push(runtime); break; case RuntimeTypes.SIMULATOR: this.runtimeList.simulator.push(runtime); break; default: this.runtimeList.other.push(runtime); } } this.update("runtime-details"); this.update("runtime-list"); }, /* MANIFEST UTILS */ writeManifest: function(project) { if (project.type != "packaged") { return promise.reject("Not a packaged app"); } if (!project.manifest) { project.manifest = {}; } let folder = project.location; let manifestPath = OS.Path.join(folder, "manifest.webapp"); let text = JSON.stringify(project.manifest, null, 2); let encoder = new TextEncoder(); let array = encoder.encode(text); return OS.File.writeAtomic(manifestPath, array, {tmpPath: manifestPath + ".tmp"}); }, }; EventEmitter.decorate(AppManager);