function testHas() { var f = new FormData(); f.append("foo", "bar"); f.append("another", "value"); ok(f.has("foo"), "has() on existing name should be true."); ok(f.has("another"), "has() on existing name should be true."); ok(!f.has("nonexistent"), "has() on non-existent name should be false."); } function testGet() { var f = new FormData(); f.append("foo", "bar"); f.append("foo", "bar2"); f.append("blob", new Blob(["hey"], { type: 'text/plain' })); f.append("file", new File(["hey"], 'testname', {type: 'text/plain'})); is(f.get("foo"), "bar", "get() on existing name should return first value"); ok(f.get("blob") instanceof Blob, "get() on existing name should return first value"); is(f.get("blob").type, 'text/plain', "get() on existing name should return first value"); ok(f.get("file") instanceof File, "get() on existing name should return first value"); is(f.get("file").name, 'testname', "get() on existing name should return first value"); is(f.get("nonexistent"), null, "get() on non-existent name should return null."); } function testGetAll() { var f = new FormData(); f.append("other", "value"); f.append("foo", "bar"); f.append("foo", "bar2"); f.append("foo", new Blob(["hey"], { type: 'text/plain' })); var arr = f.getAll("foo"); is(arr.length, 3, "getAll() should retrieve all matching entries."); is(arr[0], "bar", "values should match and be in order"); is(arr[1], "bar2", "values should match and be in order"); ok(arr[2] instanceof Blob, "values should match and be in order"); is(f.get("nonexistent"), null, "get() on non-existent name should return null."); } function testDelete() { var f = new FormData(); f.append("other", "value"); f.append("foo", "bar"); f.append("foo", "bar2"); f.append("foo", new Blob(["hey"], { type: 'text/plain' })); ok(f.has("foo"), "has() on existing name should be true."); f.delete("foo"); ok(!f.has("foo"), "has() on deleted name should be false."); is(f.getAll("foo").length, 0, "all entries should be deleted."); is(f.getAll("other").length, 1, "other names should still be there."); f.delete("other"); is(f.getAll("other").length, 0, "all entries should be deleted."); } function testSet() { var f = new FormData(); f.set("other", "value"); ok(f.has("other"), "set() on new name should be similar to append()"); is(f.getAll("other").length, 1, "set() on new name should be similar to append()"); f.append("other", "value2"); is(f.getAll("other").length, 2, "append() should not replace existing entries."); f.append("foo", "bar"); f.append("other", "value3"); f.append("other", "value3"); f.append("other", "value3"); is(f.getAll("other").length, 5, "append() should not replace existing entries."); f.set("other", "value4"); is(f.getAll("other").length, 1, "set() should replace existing entries."); is(f.getAll("other")[0], "value4", "set() should replace existing entries."); } function testIterate() { todo(false, "Implement this in Bug 1085284."); } function testFilename() { var f = new FormData(); // Spec says if a Blob (which is not a File) is added, the name parameter is set to "blob". f.append("blob", new Blob(["hi"])); is(f.get("blob").name, "blob", "Blob's filename should be blob."); // If a filename is passed, that should replace the original. f.append("blob2", new Blob(["hi"]), "blob2.txt"); is(f.get("blob2").name, "blob2.txt", "Explicit filename should override \"blob\"."); var file = new File(["hi"], "file1.txt"); f.append("file1", file); // If a file is passed, the "create entry" algorithm should not create a new File, but reuse the existing one. is(f.get("file1"), file, "Retrieved File object should be original File object and not a copy."); is(f.get("file1").name, "file1.txt", "File's filename should be original's name if no filename is explicitly passed."); file = new File(["hi"], "file2.txt"); f.append("file2", file, "fakename.txt"); ok(f.get("file2") !== file, "Retrieved File object should be new File object if explicit filename is passed."); is(f.get("file2").name, "fakename.txt", "File's filename should be explicitly passed name."); f.append("file3", new File(["hi"], "")); is(f.get("file3").name, "", "File's filename is returned even if empty."); } function testIterable() { var fd = new FormData(); fd.set('1','2'); fd.set('2','4'); fd.set('3','6'); fd.set('4','8'); fd.set('5','10'); var key_iter = fd.keys(); var value_iter = fd.values(); var entries_iter = fd.entries(); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { var v = i + 1; var key =; var value =; var entry =; is(key.value, v.toString(), "Correct Key iterator: " + v.toString()); ok(!key.done, "key.done is false"); is(value.value, (v * 2).toString(), "Correct Value iterator: " + (v * 2).toString()); ok(!value.done, "value.done is false"); is(entry.value[0], v.toString(), "Correct Entry 0 iterator: " + v.toString()); is(entry.value[1], (v * 2).toString(), "Correct Entry 1 iterator: " + (v * 2).toString()); ok(!entry.done, "entry.done is false"); } var last =; ok(last.done, "Nothing more to read."); is(last.value, undefined, "Undefined is the last key"); last =; ok(last.done, "Nothing more to read."); is(last.value, undefined, "Undefined is the last value"); last =; ok(last.done, "Nothing more to read."); key_iter = fd.keys();;; fd.delete('1'); fd.delete('2'); fd.delete('3'); fd.delete('4'); fd.delete('5'); last =; ok(last.done, "Nothing more to read."); is(last.value, undefined, "Undefined is the last key"); } function testSend(doneCb) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "form_submit_server.sjs"); xhr.onload = function () { var response = xhr.response; for (var entry of response) { is(entry.body, 'hey'); is(entry.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/plain'); } is(response[0].headers['Content-Disposition'], 'form-data; name="empty"; filename="blob"'); is(response[1].headers['Content-Disposition'], 'form-data; name="explicit"; filename="explicit-file-name"'); is(response[2].headers['Content-Disposition'], 'form-data; name="explicit-empty"; filename=""'); is(response[3].headers['Content-Disposition'], 'form-data; name="file-name"; filename="testname"'); is(response[4].headers['Content-Disposition'], 'form-data; name="empty-file-name"; filename=""'); is(response[5].headers['Content-Disposition'], 'form-data; name="file-name-overwrite"; filename="overwrite"'); doneCb(); } var file, blob = new Blob(['hey'], {type: 'text/plain'}); var fd = new FormData(); fd.append("empty", blob); fd.append("explicit", blob, "explicit-file-name"); fd.append("explicit-empty", blob, ""); file = new File([blob], 'testname', {type: 'text/plain'}); fd.append("file-name", file); file = new File([blob], '', {type: 'text/plain'}); fd.append("empty-file-name", file); file = new File([blob], 'testname', {type: 'text/plain'}); fd.append("file-name-overwrite", file, "overwrite"); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.send(fd); } function runTest(doneCb) { testHas(); testGet(); testGetAll(); testDelete(); testSet(); testIterate(); testFilename(); testIterable(); // Finally, send an XHR and verify the response matches. testSend(doneCb); }