/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_bluetooth_bluedroid_BluetoothOppManager_h #define mozilla_dom_bluetooth_bluedroid_BluetoothOppManager_h #include "BluetoothCommon.h" #include "BluetoothProfileManagerBase.h" #include "BluetoothSocketObserver.h" #include "DeviceStorage.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/SocketBase.h" #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "nsCOMArray.h" class nsIOutputStream; class nsIInputStream; class nsIVolumeMountLock; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { class Blob; class BlobParent; } } BEGIN_BLUETOOTH_NAMESPACE class BluetoothSocket; class ObexHeaderSet; class BluetoothOppManager : public BluetoothSocketObserver , public BluetoothProfileManagerBase { class CloseSocketTask; class ReadFileTask; class SendFileBatch; class SendSocketDataTask; public: BT_DECL_PROFILE_MGR_BASE BT_DECL_SOCKET_OBSERVER virtual void GetName(nsACString& aName) { aName.AssignLiteral("OPP"); } static const int MAX_PACKET_LENGTH = 0xFFFE; static BluetoothOppManager* Get(); void ClientDataHandler(mozilla::ipc::UnixSocketBuffer* aMessage); void ServerDataHandler(mozilla::ipc::UnixSocketBuffer* aMessage); bool Listen(); bool SendFile(const BluetoothAddress& aDeviceAddress, BlobParent* aActor); bool SendFile(const BluetoothAddress& aDeviceAddress, Blob* aBlob); bool StopSendingFile(); bool ConfirmReceivingFile(bool aConfirm); void SendConnectRequest(); void SendPutHeaderRequest(const nsAString& aFileName, int aFileSize); void SendPutRequest(uint8_t* aFileBody, int aFileBodyLength); void SendPutFinalRequest(); void SendDisconnectRequest(); void ExtractPacketHeaders(const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader); bool ExtractBlobHeaders(); void CheckPutFinal(uint32_t aNumRead); protected: virtual ~BluetoothOppManager(); private: BluetoothOppManager(); bool Init(); void HandleShutdown(); void HandleVolumeStateChanged(nsISupports* aSubject); void StartFileTransfer(); void StartSendingNextFile(); void FileTransferComplete(); void UpdateProgress(); void ReceivingFileConfirmation(); bool CreateFile(); bool WriteToFile(const uint8_t* aData, int aDataLength); void RestoreReceivedFileAndNotify(); void DeleteReceivedFile(); void ReplyToConnect(); void ReplyToDisconnectOrAbort(); void ReplyToPut(bool aFinal, bool aContinue); void ReplyError(uint8_t aError); void AfterOppConnected(); void AfterFirstPut(); void AfterOppDisconnected(); void ValidateFileName(); bool IsReservedChar(char16_t c); void ClearQueue(); void RetrieveSentFileName(); void NotifyAboutFileChange(); bool AcquireSdcardMountLock(); void SendObexData(uint8_t* aData, uint8_t aOpcode, int aSize); void SendObexData(UniquePtr aData, uint8_t aOpcode, int aSize); void AppendBlobToSend(const BluetoothAddress& aDeviceAddress, Blob* aBlob); void DiscardBlobsToSend(); bool ProcessNextBatch(); void ConnectInternal(const BluetoothAddress& aDeviceAddress); /** * Usually we won't get a full PUT packet in one operation, which means that * a packet may be devided into several parts and BluetoothOppManager should * be in charge of assembling. * * @return true if a packet has been fully received. * false if the received length exceeds/not reaches the expected * length. */ bool ComposePacket(uint8_t aOpCode, mozilla::ipc::UnixSocketBuffer* aMessage); /** * OBEX session status. * Set when OBEX session is established. */ bool mConnected; BluetoothAddress mDeviceAddress; /** * Remote information */ uint8_t mRemoteObexVersion; uint8_t mRemoteConnectionFlags; int mRemoteMaxPacketLength; /** * For sending files, we decide our next action based on current command and * previous one. * For receiving files, we don't need previous command and it is set to 0 * as a default value. */ int mLastCommand; int mPacketLength; int mPutPacketReceivedLength; int mBodySegmentLength; int mUpdateProgressCounter; /** * When it is true and the target service on target device couldn't be found, * refreshing SDP records is necessary. */ bool mNeedsUpdatingSdpRecords; /** * This holds the time when OPP manager fail to get service channel and * prepare to refresh SDP records. */ mozilla::TimeStamp mLastServiceChannelCheck; /** * Set when StopSendingFile() is called. */ bool mAbortFlag; /** * Set when receiving the first PUT packet of a new file */ bool mNewFileFlag; /** * Set when receiving a PutFinal packet */ bool mPutFinalFlag; /** * Set when FileTransferComplete() is called */ bool mSendTransferCompleteFlag; /** * Set when a transfer is successfully completed. */ bool mSuccessFlag; /** * True: Receive file (Server) * False: Send file (Client) */ bool mIsServer; /** * Set when receiving the first PUT packet and wait for * ConfirmReceivingFile() to be called. */ bool mWaitingForConfirmationFlag; nsString mFileName; nsString mContentType; uint32_t mFileLength; uint32_t mSentFileLength; bool mWaitingToSendPutFinal; nsAutoArrayPtr mBodySegment; nsAutoArrayPtr mReceivedDataBuffer; int mCurrentBlobIndex; RefPtr mBlob; nsTArray mBatches; /** * A seperate member thread is required because our read calls can block * execution, which is not allowed to happen on the IOThread. */ nsCOMPtr mReadFileThread; nsCOMPtr mOutputStream; nsCOMPtr mInputStream; nsCOMPtr mMountLock; RefPtr mDsFile; RefPtr mDummyDsFile; // If a connection has been established, mSocket will be the socket // communicating with the remote socket. We maintain the invariant that if // mSocket is non-null, mServerSocket must be null (and vice versa). RefPtr mSocket; // Server sockets. Once an inbound connection is established, it will hand // over the ownership to mSocket, and get a new server socket while Listen() // is called. RefPtr mServerSocket; }; END_BLUETOOTH_NAMESPACE #endif // mozilla_dom_bluetooth_bluedroid_BluetoothOppManager_h