/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests for menuitem functionality that doesn't fit into any specific category const TEST_URL = TEST_URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_menu.html"; add_task(function* () { let { inspector, toolbox, testActor } = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL); yield testShowDOMProperties(); yield testDuplicateNode(); yield testDeleteNode(); yield testDeleteRootNode(); yield testScrollIntoView(); function* testShowDOMProperties() { info("Testing 'Show DOM Properties' menu item."); let showDOMPropertiesNode = inspector.panelDoc.getElementById("node-menu-showdomproperties"); ok(showDOMPropertiesNode, "the popup menu has a show dom properties item"); let consoleOpened = toolbox.once("webconsole-ready"); info("Triggering 'Show DOM Properties' and waiting for inspector open"); dispatchCommandEvent(showDOMPropertiesNode); yield consoleOpened; let webconsoleUI = toolbox.getPanel("webconsole").hud.ui; let messagesAdded = webconsoleUI.once("new-messages"); yield messagesAdded; info("Checking if 'inspect($0)' was evaluated"); ok(webconsoleUI.jsterm.history[0] === 'inspect($0)'); yield toolbox.toggleSplitConsole(); } function* testDuplicateNode() { info("Testing 'Duplicate Node' menu item for normal elements."); yield selectNode(".duplicate", inspector); is((yield testActor.getNumberOfElementMatches(".duplicate")), 1, "There should initially be 1 .duplicate node"); let menuItem = inspector.panelDoc.getElementById("node-menu-duplicatenode"); ok(menuItem, "'Duplicate node' menu item should exist"); info("Triggering 'Duplicate Node' and waiting for inspector to update"); let updated = inspector.once("markupmutation"); dispatchCommandEvent(menuItem); yield updated; is((yield testActor.getNumberOfElementMatches(".duplicate")), 2, "The duplicated node should be in the markup."); let container = yield getContainerForSelector(".duplicate + .duplicate", inspector); ok(container, "A MarkupContainer should be created for the new node"); } function* testDeleteNode() { info("Testing 'Delete Node' menu item for normal elements."); yield selectNode("#delete", inspector); let deleteNode = inspector.panelDoc.getElementById("node-menu-delete"); ok(deleteNode, "the popup menu has a delete menu item"); let updated = inspector.once("inspector-updated"); info("Triggering 'Delete Node' and waiting for inspector to update"); dispatchCommandEvent(deleteNode); yield updated; ok(!(yield testActor.hasNode("#delete")), "Node deleted"); } function* testDeleteRootNode() { info("Testing 'Delete Node' menu item does not delete root node."); yield selectNode("html", inspector); let deleteNode = inspector.panelDoc.getElementById("node-menu-delete"); dispatchCommandEvent(deleteNode); let deferred = promise.defer(); executeSoon(deferred.resolve); yield deferred.promise; ok((yield testActor.eval("!!content.document.documentElement")), "Document element still alive."); } function* testScrollIntoView() { // Follow up bug to add this test - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1154107 todo(false, "Verify that node is scrolled into the viewport."); } });