apply plugin: 'java' /** * This task runs when any input file is newer than the omnijar. */ task buildOmnijar(type:Exec) { dependsOn rootProject.generateCodeAndResources // Depend on all the Gecko resources. inputs.sourceDir 'src/main/java/locales' inputs.sourceDir 'src/main/java/chrome' inputs.sourceDir 'src/main/java/components' inputs.sourceDir 'src/main/java/modules' inputs.sourceDir 'src/main/java/themes' // Produce a single output file. outputs.file "${topobjdir}/dist/fennec/assets/omni.ja" workingDir "${topobjdir}" commandLine mozconfig.substs.GMAKE args '-C' args "${topobjdir}/mobile/android/base" args 'gradle-omnijar' // Only show the output if something went wrong. ignoreExitValue = true standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream() errorOutput = standardOutput doLast { if (execResult.exitValue != 0) { throw new GradleException("Process '${commandLine}' finished with non-zero exit value ${execResult.exitValue}:\n\n${standardOutput.toString()}") } } } apply plugin: 'idea' idea { module { } }