/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=8 et : */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ include LayersSurfaces; include protocol PCompositable; include protocol PCompositor; include protocol PLayer; include protocol PImageContainer; include protocol PRenderFrame; include protocol PTexture; include "gfxipc/ShadowLayerUtils.h"; include "mozilla/GfxMessageUtils.h"; include "ImageLayers.h"; using mozilla::gfx::Filter from "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"; using struct mozilla::gfx::Color from "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"; using struct mozilla::gfx::Point3D from "mozilla/gfx/Point.h"; using mozilla::gfx::IntPoint from "mozilla/gfx/Point.h"; using class mozilla::gfx::Matrix4x4 from "mozilla/gfx/Matrix.h"; using nscoord from "nsCoord.h"; using struct nsRect from "nsRect.h"; using struct nsPoint from "nsPoint.h"; using class mozilla::TimeDuration from "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"; using class mozilla::TimeStamp from "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"; using mozilla::ScreenRotation from "mozilla/WidgetUtils.h"; using nsCSSProperty from "nsCSSProperty.h"; using mozilla::dom::ScreenOrientationInternal from "mozilla/dom/ScreenOrientation.h"; using struct mozilla::layers::TextureInfo from "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h"; using mozilla::LayerMargin from "Units.h"; using mozilla::LayerPoint from "Units.h"; using mozilla::LayerRect from "Units.h"; using mozilla::LayerIntRegion from "Units.h"; using mozilla::ParentLayerIntRect from "Units.h"; using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntRect from "Units.h"; using mozilla::layers::ScaleMode from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h"; using mozilla::layers::EventRegions from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h"; using mozilla::layers::EventRegionsOverride from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h"; using mozilla::layers::DiagnosticTypes from "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h"; using struct mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics from "FrameMetrics.h"; using mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics::ViewID from "FrameMetrics.h"; using struct mozilla::layers::FenceHandle from "mozilla/layers/FenceUtils.h"; using mozilla::layers::LayersBackend from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h"; namespace mozilla { namespace layers { struct TargetConfig { IntRect naturalBounds; ScreenRotation rotation; ScreenOrientationInternal orientation; nsIntRegion clearRegion; }; // Create a shadow layer for |layer| struct OpCreatePaintedLayer { PLayer layer; }; struct OpCreateContainerLayer { PLayer layer; }; struct OpCreateImageLayer { PLayer layer; }; struct OpCreateColorLayer { PLayer layer; }; struct OpCreateCanvasLayer { PLayer layer; }; struct OpCreateRefLayer { PLayer layer; }; struct OpAttachCompositable { PLayer layer; PCompositable compositable; }; struct OpAttachAsyncCompositable { PLayer layer; uint64_t containerID; }; struct ThebesBufferData { IntRect rect; IntPoint rotation; }; struct CubicBezierFunction { float x1; float y1; float x2; float y2; }; struct StepFunction { int steps; // 1 = nsTimingFunction::StepStart, 2 = nsTimingFunction::StepEnd int type; }; union TimingFunction { CubicBezierFunction; StepFunction; }; // Send the angle with units rather than sending all angles in radians // to avoid having floating point error introduced by unit switching. struct CSSAngle { float value; int unit; // an nsCSSUnit that is valid for angles }; struct LayerColor { Color value; }; struct Perspective { float value; }; struct RotationX { CSSAngle angle; }; struct RotationY { CSSAngle angle; }; struct RotationZ { CSSAngle angle; }; struct Rotation { CSSAngle angle; }; struct Rotation3D { float x; float y; float z; CSSAngle angle; }; struct Scale { float x; float y; float z; }; struct Skew { CSSAngle x; CSSAngle y; }; struct SkewX { CSSAngle x; }; struct SkewY { CSSAngle y; }; struct TransformMatrix { Matrix4x4 value; }; struct Translation { float x; float y; float z; }; union TransformFunction { Perspective; RotationX; RotationY; RotationZ; Rotation; Rotation3D; Scale; Skew; SkewX; SkewY; Translation; TransformMatrix; }; union Animatable { float; TransformFunction[]; }; struct AnimationSegment { Animatable startState; Animatable endState; float startPortion; float endPortion; TimingFunction sampleFn; }; // Transforms need extra information to correctly convert the list of transform // functions to a Matrix4x4 that can be applied directly to the layer. struct TransformData { // the origin of the frame being transformed in app units nsPoint origin; // the transform-origin property for the transform in device pixels Point3D transformOrigin; // the perspective-origin property for the transform in device pixels Point3D perspectiveOrigin; nsRect bounds; nscoord perspective; int32_t appUnitsPerDevPixel; }; union AnimationData { null_t; TransformData; }; struct Animation { // Unlike in nsAnimationManager, this start time is at the end of the // delay. If the delay is changed dynamically, the layer's data will // be updated. TimeStamp startTime; // The value of the animation's current time at the moment it was created. // For animations that are waiting to start, their startTime will be null. // Once the animation is ready to start, we calculate an appropriate value // of startTime such that we begin playback from initialCurrentTime. TimeDuration initialCurrentTime; TimeDuration duration; // For each frame, the interpolation point is computed based on the // startTime, the direction, the duration, and the current time. // The segments must uniquely cover the portion from 0.0 to 1.0 AnimationSegment[] segments; // Number of times to repeat the animation, including positive infinity. // Values <= 0 mean the animation will not play (although events are still // dispatched on the main thread). float iterationCount; // This uses the NS_STYLE_ANIMATION_DIRECTION_* constants. int32_t direction; nsCSSProperty property; AnimationData data; float playbackRate; }; // Change a layer's attributes struct CommonLayerAttributes { IntRect layerBounds; LayerIntRegion visibleRegion; EventRegions eventRegions; TransformMatrix transform; float postXScale; float postYScale; uint32_t contentFlags; float opacity; bool useClipRect; ParentLayerIntRect clipRect; bool isFixedPosition; uint64_t fixedPositionScrollContainerId; LayerPoint fixedPositionAnchor; int32_t fixedPositionSides; bool isClipFixed; bool isStickyPosition; uint64_t stickyScrollContainerId; LayerRect stickyScrollRangeOuter; LayerRect stickyScrollRangeInner; uint64_t scrollbarTargetContainerId; uint32_t scrollbarDirection; float scrollbarThumbRatio; int8_t mixBlendMode; bool forceIsolatedGroup; nullable PLayer maskLayer; PLayer[] ancestorMaskLayers; // Animated colors will only honored for ColorLayers. Animation[] animations; nsIntRegion invalidRegion; FrameMetrics[] metrics; nsCString displayListLog; }; struct PaintedLayerAttributes { nsIntRegion validRegion; }; struct ContainerLayerAttributes { float preXScale; float preYScale; float inheritedXScale; float inheritedYScale; float presShellResolution; bool scaleToResolution; EventRegionsOverride eventRegionsOverride; // This is a bare pointer; LayerTransactionParent::RecvUpdate prevents this // from being used when !IsSameProcess(), but we should make this truly // cross process at some point by passing the HMDConfig uint64_t hmdInfo; }; struct ColorLayerAttributes { LayerColor color; IntRect bounds; }; struct CanvasLayerAttributes { Filter filter; IntRect bounds; }; struct RefLayerAttributes { int64_t id; // TODO: Once bug 1132895 is fixed we shouldn't need to propagate the override // explicitly here. EventRegionsOverride eventRegionsOverride; }; struct ImageLayerAttributes { Filter filter; IntSize scaleToSize; ScaleMode scaleMode; }; union SpecificLayerAttributes { null_t; PaintedLayerAttributes; ContainerLayerAttributes; ColorLayerAttributes; CanvasLayerAttributes; RefLayerAttributes; ImageLayerAttributes; }; struct LayerAttributes { CommonLayerAttributes common; SpecificLayerAttributes specific; }; // See nsIWidget Configurations struct PluginWindowData { uintptr_t windowId; LayoutDeviceIntRect[] clip; LayoutDeviceIntRect bounds; bool visible; }; struct OpSetLayerAttributes { PLayer layer; LayerAttributes attrs; }; // Monkey with the tree structure struct OpSetRoot { PLayer root; }; struct OpInsertAfter { PLayer container; PLayer childLayer; PLayer after; }; struct OpPrependChild { PLayer container; PLayer childLayer; }; struct OpRemoveChild { PLayer container; PLayer childLayer; }; struct OpRepositionChild { PLayer container; PLayer childLayer; PLayer after; }; struct OpRaiseToTopChild { PLayer container; PLayer childLayer; }; struct OpSetDiagnosticTypes { DiagnosticTypes diagnostics; }; struct OpWindowOverlayChanged { }; struct ShmemSection { Shmem shmem; uint32_t offset; size_t size; }; union TileLock { ShmemSection; uintptr_t; }; union MaybeTexture { PTexture; null_t; }; struct TexturedTileDescriptor { PTexture texture; MaybeTexture textureOnWhite; IntRect updateRect; TileLock sharedLock; }; struct PlaceholderTileDescriptor { }; union TileDescriptor { TexturedTileDescriptor; PlaceholderTileDescriptor; }; struct SurfaceDescriptorTiles { nsIntRegion validRegion; TileDescriptor[] tiles; IntPoint tileOrigin; IntSize tileSize; int firstTileX; int firstTileY; int retainedWidth; int retainedHeight; float resolution; float frameXResolution; float frameYResolution; }; struct OpUseTiledLayerBuffer { PCompositable compositable; SurfaceDescriptorTiles tileLayerDescriptor; }; struct OpUseOverlaySource { PCompositable compositable; OverlaySource overlay; IntRect picture; }; struct OpPaintTextureRegion { PCompositable compositable; ThebesBufferData bufferData; nsIntRegion updatedRegion; }; /** * Tells the CompositableHost to remove the corresponding TextureHost */ struct OpRemoveTexture { PCompositable compositable; PTexture texture; }; struct OpRemoveTextureAsync { uint64_t holderId; uint64_t transactionId; PCompositable compositable; PTexture texture; }; struct OpReplyRemoveTexture { uint64_t holderId; uint64_t transactionId; }; union MaybeFence { FenceHandle; null_t; }; struct TimedTexture { PTexture texture; MaybeFence fence; TimeStamp timeStamp; IntRect picture; uint32_t frameID; uint32_t producerID; }; /** * Tells the compositor-side which textures to use (for example, as front buffer * if there are several textures for double buffering). * This provides a list of textures with timestamps, ordered by timestamp. * The newest texture whose timestamp is <= the current time is rendered * (where null is considered less than every other timestamp). If there is no * such texture, the first texture is rendered. * The first timestamp value can be null, but the others must not be. * The list must not be empty. */ struct OpUseTexture { PCompositable compositable; TimedTexture[] textures; }; struct OpUseComponentAlphaTextures { PCompositable compositable; PTexture textureOnBlack; PTexture textureOnWhite; }; union MaybeRegion { nsIntRegion; null_t; }; struct OpDeliverFence { PTexture texture; FenceHandle fence; }; struct OpDeliverFenceToTracker { uint64_t destHolderId; uint64_t destTransactionId; FenceHandle fence; }; union CompositableOperation { OpPaintTextureRegion; OpUseTiledLayerBuffer; OpRemoveTexture; OpRemoveTextureAsync; OpUseTexture; OpUseComponentAlphaTextures; OpUseOverlaySource; }; // A unit of a changeset; a set of these comprise a changeset union Edit { OpCreatePaintedLayer; OpCreateContainerLayer; OpCreateImageLayer; OpCreateColorLayer; OpCreateCanvasLayer; OpCreateRefLayer; OpSetLayerAttributes; OpSetDiagnosticTypes; OpWindowOverlayChanged; OpSetRoot; OpInsertAfter; OpPrependChild; OpRemoveChild; OpRepositionChild; OpRaiseToTopChild; OpAttachCompositable; OpAttachAsyncCompositable; CompositableOperation; }; // Replies to operations struct OpContentBufferSwap { PCompositable compositable; nsIntRegion frontUpdatedRegion; }; /** * An ImageCompositeNotification is sent the first time a particular * image is composited by an ImageHost. */ struct ImageCompositeNotification { PImageContainer imageContainer; TimeStamp imageTimeStamp; TimeStamp firstCompositeTimeStamp; uint32_t frameID; uint32_t producerID; }; // Unit of a "changeset reply". This is a weird abstraction, probably // only to be used for buffer swapping. union EditReply { OpContentBufferSwap; }; union AsyncParentMessageData { OpDeliverFence; OpDeliverFenceToTracker; OpReplyRemoveTexture; }; union AsyncChildMessageData { OpRemoveTextureAsync; }; } // namespace } // namespace