Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

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Test getAutocompleteInfo() on <input>
<title>Test for getAutocompleteInfo()</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<input id="input"/>
<pre id="test">
"use strict";
var values = [
// Missing or empty attribute
[undefined, {}],
["", {}],
// One token
["on", {fieldName: "on" }],
["On", {fieldName: "on" }],
["off", {fieldName: "off" } ],
["username", {fieldName: "username" }],
[" username ", {fieldName: "username" }],
["foobar", {}],
// Two tokens
["on off", {}],
["off on", {}],
["username tel", {}],
["tel username ", {}],
[" username tel ", {}],
["tel mobile", {}],
["tel shipping", {}],
["shipping tel", {addressType: "shipping", fieldName: "tel"}],
["shipPING tel", {addressType: "shipping", fieldName: "tel"}],
["mobile tel", {contactType: "mobile", fieldName: "tel"}],
[" MoBiLe TeL ", {contactType: "mobile", fieldName: "tel"}],
["XXX tel", {}],
["XXX username", {}],
// Three tokens
["billing invalid tel", {}],
["___ mobile tel", {}],
["mobile foo tel", {}],
["mobile tel foo", {}],
["tel mobile billing", {}],
["billing mobile tel", {addressType: "billing", contactType: "mobile", fieldName: "tel"}],
[" BILLing MoBiLE tEl ", {addressType: "billing", contactType: "mobile", fieldName: "tel"}],
["billing home tel", {addressType: "billing", contactType: "home", fieldName: "tel"}],
// Four tokens (invalid)
["billing billing mobile tel", {}],
// Five tokens (invalid)
["billing billing billing mobile tel", {}],
var autocompleteEnabledTypes = ["hidden", "text", "search", "url", "tel",
"email", "password", "date", "time", "number",
"range", "color"];
var autocompleteDisabledTypes = ["reset", "submit", "image", "button", "radio",
"checkbox", "file"];
function start() {
const fieldid = "input";
var field = document.getElementById(fieldid);
for (var test of values) {
if (typeof(test[0]) === "undefined")
field.setAttribute("autocomplete", test[0]);
var info = field.getAutocompleteInfo();
is(info.section, "section" in test[1] ? test[1].section : "",
"Checking autocompleteInfo.section for " + fieldid + ": " + test[0]);
is(info.addressType, "addressType" in test[1] ? test[1].addressType : "",
"Checking autocompleteInfo.addressType for " + fieldid + ": " + test[0]);
is(info.contactType, "contactType" in test[1] ? test[1].contactType : "",
"Checking autocompleteInfo.contactType for " + fieldid + ": " + test[0]);
is(info.fieldName, "fieldName" in test[1] ? test[1].fieldName : "",
"Checking autocompleteInfo.fieldName for " + fieldid + ": " + test[0]);
for (var type of autocompleteEnabledTypes) {
testAutocomplete(field, type, true);
for (var type of autocompleteDisabledTypes) {
testAutocomplete(field, type, false);
function testAutocomplete(aField, aType, aEnabled) {
aField.type = aType;
if (aEnabled) {
ok(aField.getAutocompleteInfo() !== null, "getAutocompleteInfo shouldn't return null");
} else {
is(aField.getAutocompleteInfo(), null, "getAutocompleteInfo should return null");
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["dom.forms.autocomplete.experimental", true]]}, start);