Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

183 lines
5.1 KiB

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// Check that variables view works as expected in the web console.
"use strict";
const TEST_URI = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" +
var gWebConsole, gJSTerm, gVariablesView;
var hud;
var test = asyncTest(function* () {
yield loadTab(TEST_URI);
hud = yield openConsole();
gWebConsole = hud;
gJSTerm = hud.jsterm;
let msg = yield gJSTerm.execute("fooObj");
ok(msg, "output message found");
ok(msg.textContent.includes('{ testProp: "testValue" }'),
"message text check");
let anchor = msg.querySelector("a");
ok(anchor, "object link found");
let fetched = gJSTerm.once("variablesview-fetched");
// executeSoon
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(anchor, 2, 2, {}, gWebConsole.iframeWindow);
let view = yield fetched;
let results = yield onFooObjFetch(view);
let vView = yield onTestPropFound(results);
let results2 = yield onFooObjFetchAfterUpdate(vView);
let vView2 = yield onUpdatedTestPropFound(results2);
let results3 = yield onFooObjFetchAfterPropRename(vView2);
let vView3 = yield onRenamedTestPropFound(results3);
let results4 = yield onPropUpdateError(vView3);
yield onRenamedTestPropFoundAgain(results4);
let prop = results4[0].matchedProp;
yield testPropDelete(prop);
gWebConsole = gJSTerm = gVariablesView = null;
function onFooObjFetch(aVar) {
gVariablesView = aVar._variablesView;
ok(gVariablesView, "variables view object");
return findVariableViewProperties(aVar, [
{ name: "testProp", value: "testValue" },
], { webconsole: gWebConsole });
function onTestPropFound(aResults) {
let prop = aResults[0].matchedProp;
ok(prop, "matched the |testProp| property in the variables view");
is("testValue", aResults[0].value,
"|fooObj.testProp| value is correct");
// Check that property value updates work and that jsterm functions can be
// used.
return updateVariablesViewProperty({
property: prop,
field: "value",
string: "document.title + window.location + $('p')",
webconsole: gWebConsole
function onFooObjFetchAfterUpdate(aVar) {
let expectedValue = content.document.title + content.location +
"[object HTMLParagraphElement]";
return findVariableViewProperties(aVar, [
{ name: "testProp", value: expectedValue },
], { webconsole: gWebConsole });
function onUpdatedTestPropFound(aResults) {
let prop = aResults[0].matchedProp;
ok(prop, "matched the updated |testProp| property value");
is(content.wrappedJSObject.fooObj.testProp, aResults[0].value,
"|fooObj.testProp| value has been updated");
// Check that property name updates work.
return updateVariablesViewProperty({
property: prop,
field: "name",
string: "testUpdatedProp",
webconsole: gWebConsole
function onFooObjFetchAfterPropRename(aVar) {
let para = content.wrappedJSObject.document.querySelector("p");
let expectedValue = content.document.title + content.location + para;
// Check that the new value is in the variables view.
return findVariableViewProperties(aVar, [
{ name: "testUpdatedProp", value: expectedValue },
], { webconsole: gWebConsole });
function onRenamedTestPropFound(aResults) {
let prop = aResults[0].matchedProp;
ok(prop, "matched the renamed |testProp| property");
"|fooObj.testProp| has been deleted");
is(content.wrappedJSObject.fooObj.testUpdatedProp, aResults[0].value,
"|fooObj.testUpdatedProp| is correct");
// Check that property value updates that cause exceptions are reported in
// the web console output.
return updateVariablesViewProperty({
property: prop,
field: "value",
string: "foobarzFailure()",
webconsole: gWebConsole
function onPropUpdateError(aVar) {
let para = content.wrappedJSObject.document.querySelector("p");
let expectedValue = content.document.title + content.location + para;
// Make sure the property did not change.
return findVariableViewProperties(aVar, [
{ name: "testUpdatedProp", value: expectedValue },
], { webconsole: gWebConsole });
function onRenamedTestPropFoundAgain(aResults) {
let prop = aResults[0].matchedProp;
ok(prop, "matched the renamed |testProp| property again");
return waitForMessages({
webconsole: gWebConsole,
messages: [{
name: "exception in property update reported in the web console output",
text: "foobarzFailure",
function testPropDelete(aProp) {
executeSoon(() => {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {}, gVariablesView.window);
return waitForSuccess({
name: "property deleted",
timeout: 60000,
validator: () => !("testUpdatedProp" in content.wrappedJSObject.fooObj)