Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

1056 lines
36 KiB

// test HTTP/2
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var Cc = Components.classes;
// Generate a small and a large post with known pre-calculated md5 sums
function generateContent(size) {
var content = "";
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
content += "0";
return content;
var posts = [];
// pre-calculated md5sums (in hex) of the above posts
var md5s = ['f1b708bba17f1ce948dc979f4d7092bc',
var bigListenerData = generateContent(128 * 1024);
var bigListenerMD5 = '8f607cfdd2c87d6a7eedb657dafbd836';
function checkIsHttp2(request) {
try {
if (request.getResponseHeader("X-Firefox-Spdy") == "h2") {
if (request.getResponseHeader("X-Connection-Http2") == "yes") {
return true;
return false; // Weird case, but the server disagrees with us
} catch (e) {
// Nothing to do here
return false;
var Http2CheckListener = function() {};
Http2CheckListener.prototype = {
onStartRequestFired: false,
onDataAvailableFired: false,
isHttp2Connection: false,
shouldBeHttp2 : true,
accum : 0,
expected: -1,
shouldSucceed: true,
onStartRequest: function testOnStartRequest(request, ctx) {
this.onStartRequestFired = true;
if (this.shouldSucceed && !Components.isSuccessCode(request.status)) {
do_throw("Channel should have a success code! (" + request.status + ")");
} else if (!this.shouldSucceed && Components.isSuccessCode(request.status)) {
do_throw("Channel succeeded unexpectedly!");
do_check_true(request instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
do_check_eq(request.requestSucceeded, this.shouldSucceed);
if (this.shouldSucceed) {
do_check_eq(request.responseStatus, 200);
onDataAvailable: function testOnDataAvailable(request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
this.accum += cnt;
read_stream(stream, cnt);
onStopRequest: function testOnStopRequest(request, ctx, status) {
if (this.expected != -1) {
do_check_eq(this.accum, this.expected);
if (this.shouldSucceed) {
do_check_true(this.isHttp2Connection == this.shouldBeHttp2);
} else {
* Support for testing valid multiplexing of streams
var multiplexContent = generateContent(30*1024);
var completed_channels = [];
function register_completed_channel(listener) {
if (completed_channels.length == 2) {
do_check_neq(completed_channels[0].streamID, completed_channels[1].streamID);
/* Listener class to control the testing of multiplexing */
var Http2MultiplexListener = function() {};
Http2MultiplexListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2MultiplexListener.prototype.streamID = 0;
Http2MultiplexListener.prototype.buffer = "";
Http2MultiplexListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function(request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
this.streamID = parseInt(request.getResponseHeader("X-Http2-StreamID"));
var data = read_stream(stream, cnt);
this.buffer = this.buffer.concat(data);
Http2MultiplexListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function(request, ctx, status) {
do_check_true(this.buffer == multiplexContent);
// This is what does most of the hard work for us
// Does the appropriate checks for header gatewaying
var Http2HeaderListener = function(name, callback) {
this.name = name;
this.callback = callback;
Http2HeaderListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2HeaderListener.prototype.value = "";
Http2HeaderListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function(request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
var hvalue = request.getResponseHeader(this.name);
do_check_neq(hvalue, "");
read_stream(stream, cnt);
var Http2PushListener = function() {};
Http2PushListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2PushListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function(request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
if (ctx.originalURI.spec == "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/push.js" ||
ctx.originalURI.spec == "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/push2.js") {
do_check_eq(request.getResponseHeader("pushed"), "yes");
read_stream(stream, cnt);
const pushHdrTxt = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
const pullHdrTxt = pushHdrTxt.split('').reverse().join('');
function checkContinuedHeaders(getHeader, headerPrefix, headerText) {
for (var i = 0; i < 265; i++) {
do_check_eq(getHeader(headerPrefix + 1), headerText);
var Http2ContinuedHeaderListener = function() {};
Http2ContinuedHeaderListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2ContinuedHeaderListener.prototype.onStopsLeft = 2;
Http2ContinuedHeaderListener.prototype.QueryInterface = function (aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIHttpPushListener) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
Http2ContinuedHeaderListener.prototype.getInterface = function(aIID) {
return this.QueryInterface(aIID);
Http2ContinuedHeaderListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function (request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
if (request.originalURI.spec == "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/continuedheaders") {
// This is the original request, so the only one where we'll have continued response headers
checkContinuedHeaders(request.getResponseHeader, "X-Pull-Test-Header-", pullHdrTxt);
read_stream(stream, cnt);
Http2ContinuedHeaderListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function (request, ctx, status) {
if (this.onStopsLeft === 0) {
Http2ContinuedHeaderListener.prototype.onPush = function(associatedChannel, pushChannel) {
do_check_eq(associatedChannel.originalURI.spec, "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/continuedheaders");
do_check_eq(pushChannel.getRequestHeader("x-pushed-request"), "true");
checkContinuedHeaders(pushChannel.getRequestHeader, "X-Push-Test-Header-", pushHdrTxt);
pushChannel.asyncOpen(this, pushChannel);
// Does the appropriate checks for a large GET response
var Http2BigListener = function() {};
Http2BigListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2BigListener.prototype.buffer = "";
Http2BigListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function(request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
this.buffer = this.buffer.concat(read_stream(stream, cnt));
// We know the server should send us the same data as our big post will be,
// so the md5 should be the same
do_check_eq(bigListenerMD5, request.getResponseHeader("X-Expected-MD5"));
Http2BigListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function(request, ctx, status) {
// Don't want to flood output, so don't use do_check_eq
do_check_true(this.buffer == bigListenerData);
var Http2HugeSuspendedListener = function() {};
Http2HugeSuspendedListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2HugeSuspendedListener.prototype.count = 0;
Http2HugeSuspendedListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function(request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
this.count += cnt;
read_stream(stream, cnt);
Http2HugeSuspendedListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function(request, ctx, status) {
do_check_eq(this.count, 1024 * 1024 * 1); // 1mb of data expected
// Does the appropriate checks for POSTs
var Http2PostListener = function(expected_md5) {
this.expected_md5 = expected_md5;
Http2PostListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2PostListener.prototype.expected_md5 = "";
Http2PostListener.prototype.onDataAvailable = function(request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
read_stream(stream, cnt);
do_check_eq(this.expected_md5, request.getResponseHeader("X-Calculated-MD5"));
function makeChan(url) {
var ios = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
var chan = ios.newChannel2(url,
null, // aLoadingNode
null, // aTriggeringPrincipal
return chan;
var ResumeStalledChannelListener = function() {};
ResumeStalledChannelListener.prototype = {
onStartRequestFired: false,
onDataAvailableFired: false,
isHttp2Connection: false,
shouldBeHttp2 : true,
resumable : null,
onStartRequest: function testOnStartRequest(request, ctx) {
this.onStartRequestFired = true;
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(request.status))
do_throw("Channel should have a success code! (" + request.status + ")");
do_check_true(request instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
do_check_eq(request.responseStatus, 200);
do_check_eq(request.requestSucceeded, true);
onDataAvailable: function testOnDataAvailable(request, ctx, stream, off, cnt) {
this.onDataAvailableFired = true;
this.isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request);
read_stream(stream, cnt);
onStopRequest: function testOnStopRequest(request, ctx, status) {
do_check_true(this.isHttp2Connection == this.shouldBeHttp2);
// test a large download that creates stream flow control and
// confirm we can do another independent stream while the download
// stream is stuck
function test_http2_blocking_download() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/bigdownload");
var internalChannel = chan.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal);
internalChannel.initialRwin = 500000; // make the stream.suspend push back in h2
var listener = new Http2CheckListener();
listener.expected = 3 * 1024 * 1024;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
// wait 5 seconds so that stream flow control kicks in and then see if we
// can do a basic transaction (i.e. session not blocked). afterwards resume
// channel
do_timeout(5000, function() {
var simpleChannel = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/");
var sl = new ResumeStalledChannelListener();
sl.resumable = chan;
simpleChannel.asyncOpen(sl, null);
// Make sure we make a HTTP2 connection and both us and the server mark it as such
function test_http2_basic() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/");
var listener = new Http2CheckListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_basic_unblocked_dep() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/basic_unblocked_dep");
var cos = chan.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIClassOfService);
var listener = new Http2CheckListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
// make sure we don't use h2 when disallowed
function test_http2_nospdy() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/");
var listener = new Http2CheckListener();
var internalChannel = chan.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal);
internalChannel.allowSpdy = false;
listener.shouldBeHttp2 = false;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
// Support for making sure XHR works over SPDY
function checkXhr(xhr) {
if (xhr.readyState != 4) {
do_check_eq(xhr.status, 200);
do_check_eq(checkIsHttp2(xhr), true);
// Fires off an XHR request over h2
function test_http2_xhr() {
var req = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
req.open("GET", "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/", true);
req.addEventListener("readystatechange", function (evt) { checkXhr(req); },
var concurrent_channels = [];
var Http2ConcurrentListener = function() {};
Http2ConcurrentListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2ConcurrentListener.prototype.count = 0;
Http2ConcurrentListener.prototype.target = 0;
Http2ConcurrentListener.prototype.reset = 0;
Http2ConcurrentListener.prototype.recvdHdr = 0;
Http2ConcurrentListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function(request, ctx, status) {
if (this.recvdHdr > 0) {
do_check_eq(request.getResponseHeader("X-Recvd"), this.recvdHdr);
if (this.count == this.target) {
if (this.reset > 0) {
prefs.setIntPref("network.http.spdy.default-concurrent", this.reset);
function test_http2_concurrent() {
var concurrent_listener = new Http2ConcurrentListener();
concurrent_listener.target = 201;
concurrent_listener.reset = prefs.getIntPref("network.http.spdy.default-concurrent");
prefs.setIntPref("network.http.spdy.default-concurrent", 100);
for (var i = 0; i < concurrent_listener.target; i++) {
concurrent_channels[i] = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/750ms");
concurrent_channels[i].loadFlags = Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
concurrent_channels[i].asyncOpen(concurrent_listener, null);
function test_http2_concurrent_post() {
var concurrent_listener = new Http2ConcurrentListener();
concurrent_listener.target = 8;
concurrent_listener.recvdHdr = posts[2].length;
concurrent_listener.reset = prefs.getIntPref("network.http.spdy.default-concurrent");
prefs.setIntPref("network.http.spdy.default-concurrent", 3);
for (var i = 0; i < concurrent_listener.target; i++) {
concurrent_channels[i] = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/750msPost");
concurrent_channels[i].loadFlags = Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"]
stream.data = posts[2];
var uchan = concurrent_channels[i].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIUploadChannel);
uchan.setUploadStream(stream, "text/plain", stream.available());
concurrent_channels[i].requestMethod = "POST";
concurrent_channels[i].asyncOpen(concurrent_listener, null);
// Test to make sure we get multiplexing right
function test_http2_multiplex() {
var chan1 = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/multiplex1");
var chan2 = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/multiplex2");
var listener1 = new Http2MultiplexListener();
var listener2 = new Http2MultiplexListener();
chan1.asyncOpen(listener1, null);
chan2.asyncOpen(listener2, null);
// Test to make sure we gateway non-standard headers properly
function test_http2_header() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/header");
var hvalue = "Headers are fun";
chan.setRequestHeader("X-Test-Header", hvalue, false);
var listener = new Http2HeaderListener("X-Received-Test-Header", function(received_hvalue) {
do_check_eq(received_hvalue, hvalue);
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
// Test to make sure cookies are split into separate fields before compression
function test_http2_cookie_crumbling() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/cookie_crumbling");
var cookiesSent = ['a=b', 'c=d01234567890123456789', 'e=f'].sort();
chan.setRequestHeader("Cookie", cookiesSent.join('; '), false);
var listener = new Http2HeaderListener("X-Received-Header-Pairs", function(pairsReceived) {
var cookiesReceived = JSON.parse(pairsReceived).filter(function(pair) {
return pair[0] == 'cookie';
}).map(function(pair) {
return pair[1];
do_check_eq(cookiesReceived.length, cookiesSent.length);
cookiesReceived.forEach(function(cookieReceived, index) {
do_check_eq(cookiesSent[index], cookieReceived)
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_push1() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/push");
chan.loadGroup = loadGroup;
var listener = new Http2PushListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, chan);
function test_http2_push2() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/push.js");
chan.loadGroup = loadGroup;
var listener = new Http2PushListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, chan);
function test_http2_push3() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/push2");
chan.loadGroup = loadGroup;
var listener = new Http2PushListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, chan);
function test_http2_push4() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/push2.js");
chan.loadGroup = loadGroup;
var listener = new Http2PushListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, chan);
// this is a basic test where the server sends a simple document with 2 header
// blocks. bug 1027364
function test_http2_doubleheader() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/doubleheader");
var listener = new Http2CheckListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
// Make sure we handle GETs that cover more than 2 frames properly
function test_http2_big() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/big");
var listener = new Http2BigListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_huge_suspended() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/huge");
var listener = new Http2HugeSuspendedListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
do_timeout(500, chan.resume);
// Support for doing a POST
function do_post(content, chan, listener, method) {
var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"]
stream.data = content;
var uchan = chan.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIUploadChannel);
uchan.setUploadStream(stream, "text/plain", stream.available());
chan.requestMethod = method;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
// Make sure we can do a simple POST
function test_http2_post() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/post");
var listener = new Http2PostListener(md5s[0]);
do_post(posts[0], chan, listener, "POST");
// Make sure we can do a simple PATCH
function test_http2_patch() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/patch");
var listener = new Http2PostListener(md5s[0]);
do_post(posts[0], chan, listener, "PATCH");
// Make sure we can do a POST that covers more than 2 frames
function test_http2_post_big() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/post");
var listener = new Http2PostListener(md5s[1]);
do_post(posts[1], chan, listener, "POST");
var httpserv = null;
var httpserv2 = null;
var ios = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var altsvcClientListener = {
onStartRequest: function test_onStartR(request, ctx) {
do_check_eq(request.status, Components.results.NS_OK);
onDataAvailable: function test_ODA(request, cx, stream, offset, cnt) {
read_stream(stream, cnt);
onStopRequest: function test_onStopR(request, ctx, status) {
var isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel));
if (!isHttp2Connection) {
dump("/altsvc1 not over h2 yet - retry\n");
var chan = makeChan("http://localhost:" + httpserv.identity.primaryPort + "/altsvc1")
// we use this header to tell the server to issue a altsvc frame for the
// speficied origin we will use in the next part of the test
"http://localhost:" + httpserv2.identity.primaryPort, false);
chan.loadFlags = Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
chan.asyncOpen(altsvcClientListener, chan);
} else {
var chan = makeChan("http://localhost:" + httpserv2.identity.primaryPort + "/altsvc2")
chan.loadFlags = Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
chan.asyncOpen(altsvcClientListener2, chan);
var altsvcClientListener2 = {
onStartRequest: function test_onStartR(request, ctx) {
do_check_eq(request.status, Components.results.NS_OK);
onDataAvailable: function test_ODA(request, cx, stream, offset, cnt) {
read_stream(stream, cnt);
onStopRequest: function test_onStopR(request, ctx, status) {
var isHttp2Connection = checkIsHttp2(request.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel));
if (!isHttp2Connection) {
dump("/altsvc2 not over h2 yet - retry\n");
var chan = makeChan("http://localhost:" + httpserv2.identity.primaryPort + "/altsvc2")
chan.loadFlags = Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
chan.asyncOpen(altsvcClientListener2, chan);
} else {
function altsvcHttp1Server(metadata, response) {
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
response.setHeader("Connection", "close", false);
response.setHeader("Alt-Svc", 'h2=":' + serverPort + '"', false);
var body = "this is where a cool kid would write something neat.\n";
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
function altsvcHttp1Server2(metadata, response) {
// this server should never be used thanks to an alt svc frame from the
// h2 server.. but in case of some async lag in setting the alt svc route
// up we have it.
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
response.setHeader("Connection", "close", false);
var body = "hanging.\n";
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
function test_http2_altsvc() {
var chan = makeChan("http://localhost:" + httpserv.identity.primaryPort + "/altsvc1")
chan.asyncOpen(altsvcClientListener, chan);
var Http2PushApiListener = function() {};
Http2PushApiListener.prototype = {
checksPending: 9, // 4 onDataAvailable and 5 onStop
getInterface: function(aIID) {
return this.QueryInterface(aIID);
QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIHttpPushListener) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
// nsIHttpPushListener
onPush: function onPush(associatedChannel, pushChannel) {
do_check_eq(associatedChannel.originalURI.spec, "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/pushapi1");
do_check_eq (pushChannel.getRequestHeader("x-pushed-request"), "true");
pushChannel.asyncOpen(this, pushChannel);
if (pushChannel.originalURI.spec == "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/pushapi1/2") {
// normal Channel listeners
onStartRequest: function pushAPIOnStart(request, ctx) {
onDataAvailable: function pushAPIOnDataAvailable(request, ctx, stream, offset, cnt) {
do_check_neq(ctx.originalURI.spec, "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/pushapi1/2");
var data = read_stream(stream, cnt);
if (ctx.originalURI.spec == "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/pushapi1") {
do_check_eq(data[0], '0');
} else if (ctx.originalURI.spec == "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/pushapi1/1") {
do_check_eq(data[0], '1');
--this.checksPending; // twice
} else if (ctx.originalURI.spec == "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/pushapi1/3") {
do_check_eq(data[0], '3');
} else {
do_check_eq(true, false);
onStopRequest: function test_onStopR(request, ctx, status) {
if (ctx.originalURI.spec == "https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/pushapi1/2") {
do_check_eq(request.status, Components.results.NS_ERROR_ABORT);
} else {
do_check_eq(request.status, Components.results.NS_OK);
--this.checksPending; // 5 times - one for each push plus the pull
if (!this.checksPending) {
// pushAPI testcase 1 expects
// 1 to pull /pushapi1 with 0
// 2 to see /pushapi1/1 with 1
// 3 to see /pushapi1/1 with 1 (again)
// 4 to see /pushapi1/2 that it will cancel
// 5 to see /pushapi1/3 with 3
function test_http2_pushapi_1() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/pushapi1");
chan.loadGroup = loadGroup;
var listener = new Http2PushApiListener();
chan.notificationCallbacks = listener;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, chan);
var WrongSuiteListener = function() {};
WrongSuiteListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
WrongSuiteListener.prototype.shouldBeHttp2 = false;
WrongSuiteListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function(request, ctx, status) {
prefs.setBoolPref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256", true);
// test that we use h1 without the mandatory cipher suite available
function test_http2_wrongsuite() {
prefs.setBoolPref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256", false);
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/wrongsuite");
var listener = new WrongSuiteListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_h11required_stream() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/h11required_stream");
var listener = new Http2CheckListener();
listener.shouldBeHttp2 = false;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function H11RequiredSessionListener () { }
H11RequiredSessionListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
H11RequiredSessionListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function (request, ctx, status) {
var streamReused = request.getResponseHeader("X-H11Required-Stream-Ok");
do_check_eq(streamReused, "yes");
do_check_true(this.isHttp2Connection == this.shouldBeHttp2);
function test_http2_h11required_session() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/h11required_session");
var listener = new H11RequiredSessionListener();
listener.shouldBeHttp2 = false;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_retry_rst() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/rstonce");
var listener = new Http2CheckListener();
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_continuations() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/continuedheaders");
chan.loadGroup = loadGroup;
var listener = new Http2ContinuedHeaderListener();
chan.notificationCallbacks = listener;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, chan);
function Http2IllegalHpackValidationListener() { }
Http2IllegalHpackValidationListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2IllegalHpackValidationListener.prototype.shouldGoAway = false;
Http2IllegalHpackValidationListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function (request, ctx, status) {
var wentAway = (request.getResponseHeader('X-Did-Goaway') === 'yes');
do_check_eq(wentAway, this.shouldGoAway);
do_check_true(this.isHttp2Connection == this.shouldBeHttp2);
function Http2IllegalHpackListener() { }
Http2IllegalHpackListener.prototype = new Http2CheckListener();
Http2IllegalHpackListener.prototype.shouldGoAway = false;
Http2IllegalHpackListener.prototype.onStopRequest = function (request, ctx, status) {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/illegalhpack_validate");
var listener = new Http2IllegalHpackValidationListener();
listener.shouldGoAway = this.shouldGoAway;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_illegalhpacksoft() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/illegalhpacksoft");
var listener = new Http2IllegalHpackListener();
listener.shouldGoAway = false;
listener.shouldSucceed = false;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_illegalhpackhard() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/illegalhpackhard");
var listener = new Http2IllegalHpackListener();
listener.shouldGoAway = true;
listener.shouldSucceed = false;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_http2_folded_header() {
var chan = makeChan("https://localhost:" + serverPort + "/foldedheader");
chan.loadGroup = loadGroup;
var listener = new Http2CheckListener();
listener.shouldSucceed = false;
chan.asyncOpen(listener, null);
function test_complete() {
// hack - the header test resets the multiplex object on the server,
// so make sure header is always run before the multiplex test.
// make sure post_big runs first to test race condition in restarting
// a stalled stream when a SETTINGS frame arrives
var tests = [ test_http2_post_big
, test_http2_basic
, test_http2_concurrent
, test_http2_concurrent_post
, test_http2_basic_unblocked_dep
, test_http2_nospdy
, test_http2_push1
, test_http2_push2
, test_http2_push3
, test_http2_push4
, test_http2_altsvc
, test_http2_doubleheader
, test_http2_xhr
, test_http2_header
, test_http2_cookie_crumbling
, test_http2_multiplex
, test_http2_big
, test_http2_huge_suspended
, test_http2_post
, test_http2_patch
, test_http2_pushapi_1
, test_http2_continuations
, test_http2_blocking_download
, test_http2_illegalhpacksoft
, test_http2_illegalhpackhard
, test_http2_folded_header
// Add new tests above here - best to add new tests before h1
// streams get too involved
// These next two must always come in this order
, test_http2_h11required_stream
, test_http2_h11required_session
, test_http2_retry_rst
, test_http2_wrongsuite
// cleanup
, test_complete
var current_test = 0;
function run_next_test() {
if (current_test < tests.length) {
dump("starting test number " + current_test + "\n");
// Support for making sure we can talk to the invalid cert the server presents
var CertOverrideListener = function(host, port, bits) {
this.host = host;
if (port) {
this.port = port;
this.bits = bits;
CertOverrideListener.prototype = {
host: null,
port: -1,
bits: null,
getInterface: function(aIID) {
return this.QueryInterface(aIID);
QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIBadCertListener2) ||
aIID.equals(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
notifyCertProblem: function(socketInfo, sslStatus, targetHost) {
var cert = sslStatus.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISSLStatus).serverCert;
var cos = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certoverride;1"].
cos.rememberValidityOverride(this.host, this.port, cert, this.bits, false);
dump("Certificate Override in place\n");
return true;
function addCertOverride(host, port, bits) {
var req = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
try {
var url;
if (port) {
url = "https://" + host + ":" + port + "/";
} else {
url = "https://" + host + "/";
req.open("GET", url, false);
req.channel.notificationCallbacks = new CertOverrideListener(host, port, bits);
} catch (e) {
// This will fail since the server is not trusted yet
var prefs;
var spdypref;
var spdy3pref;
var spdypush;
var http2pref;
var tlspref;
var altsvcpref1;
var altsvcpref2;
var loadGroup;
var serverPort;
function resetPrefs() {
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled", spdypref);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled.v3-1", spdy3pref);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.allow-push", spdypush);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled.http2", http2pref);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enforce-tls-profile", tlspref);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.altsvc.enabled", altsvcpref1);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.altsvc.oe", altsvcpref2);
function run_test() {
var env = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"].getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment);
serverPort = env.get("MOZHTTP2_PORT");
do_check_neq(serverPort, null);
dump("using port " + serverPort + "\n");
// Set to allow the cert presented by our H2 server
prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
var oldPref = prefs.getIntPref("network.http.speculative-parallel-limit");
prefs.setIntPref("network.http.speculative-parallel-limit", 0);
addCertOverride("localhost", serverPort,
Ci.nsICertOverrideService.ERROR_UNTRUSTED |
Ci.nsICertOverrideService.ERROR_MISMATCH |
prefs.setIntPref("network.http.speculative-parallel-limit", oldPref);
// Enable all versions of spdy to see that we auto negotiate http/2
spdypref = prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled");
spdy3pref = prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled.v3-1");
spdypush = prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.spdy.allow-push");
http2pref = prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled.http2");
tlspref = prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enforce-tls-profile");
altsvcpref1 = prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.altsvc.enabled");
altsvcpref2 = prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.altsvc.oe", true);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled", true);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled.v3-1", true);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.allow-push", true);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enabled.http2", true);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.spdy.enforce-tls-profile", false);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.altsvc.enabled", true);
prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.altsvc.oe", true);
loadGroup = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/load-group;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsILoadGroup);
httpserv = new HttpServer();
httpserv.registerPathHandler("/altsvc1", altsvcHttp1Server);
httpserv2 = new HttpServer();
httpserv2.registerPathHandler("/altsvc2", altsvcHttp1Server2);
// And make go!