Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

154 lines
4.5 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
'use strict';
const {PushDB, PushService, PushServiceWebSocket} = serviceExports;
const userAgentID = '28cd09e2-7506-42d8-9e50-b02785adc7ef';
var db;
function run_test() {
let putRecord = Task.async(function* (perm, record) {
let uri = Services.io.newURI(record.scope, null, null);
Services.perms.add(uri, 'desktop-notification',
do_register_cleanup(() => {
Services.perms.remove(uri, 'desktop-notification');
yield db.put(record);
add_task(function* test_expiration_history_observer() {
db = PushServiceWebSocket.newPushDB();
do_register_cleanup(() => db.drop().then(_ => db.close()));
// A registration that we'll expire...
yield putRecord('ALLOW_ACTION', {
channelID: '379c0668-8323-44d2-a315-4ee83f1a9ee9',
pushEndpoint: 'https://example.org/push/1',
scope: 'https://example.com/deals',
pushCount: 0,
lastPush: 0,
version: null,
originAttributes: '',
quota: 16,
// ...And a registration that we'll evict on startup.
yield putRecord('ALLOW_ACTION', {
channelID: '4cb6e454-37cf-41c4-a013-4e3a7fdd0bf1',
pushEndpoint: 'https://example.org/push/3',
scope: 'https://example.com/stuff',
pushCount: 0,
lastPush: 0,
version: null,
originAttributes: '',
quota: 0,
yield addVisit({
uri: 'https://example.com/infrequent',
title: 'Infrequently-visited page',
visits: [{
visitDate: (Date.now() - 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) * 1000,
transitionType: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_LINK,
let unregisterDone;
let unregisterPromise = new Promise(resolve => unregisterDone = resolve);
let subChangePromise = promiseObserverNotification('push-subscription-change', (subject, data) =>
data == 'https://example.com/stuff');
serverURI: 'wss://push.example.org/',
networkInfo: new MockDesktopNetworkInfo(),
makeWebSocket(uri) {
return new MockWebSocket(uri, {
onHello(request) {
messageType: 'hello',
status: 200,
uaid: userAgentID,
messageType: 'notification',
updates: [{
channelID: '379c0668-8323-44d2-a315-4ee83f1a9ee9',
version: 2,
onUnregister(request) {
equal(request.channelID, '379c0668-8323-44d2-a315-4ee83f1a9ee9', 'Dropped wrong channel ID');
onACK(request) {},
yield waitForPromise(subChangePromise, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
'Timed out waiting for subscription change event on startup');
yield waitForPromise(unregisterPromise, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
'Timed out waiting for unregister request');
let expiredRecord = yield db.getByKeyID('379c0668-8323-44d2-a315-4ee83f1a9ee9');
strictEqual(expiredRecord.quota, 0, 'Expired record not updated');
let notifiedScopes = [];
subChangePromise = promiseObserverNotification('push-subscription-change', (subject, data) => {
return notifiedScopes.length == 2;
// Add an expired registration that we'll revive later.
yield putRecord('ALLOW_ACTION', {
channelID: 'eb33fc90-c883-4267-b5cb-613969e8e349',
pushEndpoint: 'https://example.org/push/2',
scope: 'https://example.com/auctions',
pushCount: 0,
lastPush: 0,
version: null,
originAttributes: '',
quota: 0,
// Now visit the site...
yield addVisit({
uri: 'https://example.com/another-page',
title: 'Infrequently-visited page',
visits: [{
visitDate: Date.now() * 1000,
transitionType: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_LINK,
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, 'idle-daily', '');
// And we should receive notifications for both scopes.
yield waitForPromise(subChangePromise, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
'Timed out waiting for subscription change events');
deepEqual(notifiedScopes.sort(), [
], 'Wrong scopes for subscription changes');
let aRecord = yield db.getByKeyID('379c0668-8323-44d2-a315-4ee83f1a9ee9');
ok(!aRecord, 'Should drop expired record');
let bRecord = yield db.getByKeyID('eb33fc90-c883-4267-b5cb-613969e8e349');
ok(!bRecord, 'Should drop evicted record');