Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

156 lines
7.4 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
const TEST_CELL_ID = 268435399; // The largest prime number that is smaller than
// 0xFFFFFFF (DEC 268435455). The next one is
// 268435459. This doesn't mean anything. ;)
// See http://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/millions/
function check(aLongName, aShortName, aMcc, aMnc, aLac, aCid) {
let network = mobileConnection.voice.network;
log(" Got longName '" + network.longName + "', shortName '" +
network.shortName + "'");
is(network.longName, aLongName, "network.longName");
is(network.shortName, aShortName, "network.shortName");
is(network.mcc, aMcc, "network.mcc");
is(network.mnc, aMnc, "network.mnc");
let cell = mobileConnection.voice.cell;
is(cell.gsmLocationAreaCode, aLac, "cell.gsmLocationAreaCode");
is(cell.gsmCellId, aCid, "cell.gsmCellId");
function test(aLongName, aShortName, aMcc, aMnc, aLac, aCid,
aExpectedLongName, aExpectedShortName) {
log("Testing mcc = " + aMcc + ", mnc = " + aMnc + ", lac = " + aLac + ":");
return setEmulatorGsmLocationAndWait(aLac, aCid)
.then(() => setEmulatorOperatorNamesAndWait("home", aLongName, aShortName,
aMcc, aMnc, true, false))
// aExpectedLongName, aExpectedShortName could be empty string.
.then(() => check(aExpectedLongName == null ? aLongName : aExpectedLongName,
aExpectedShortName == null ? aShortName : aExpectedShortName,
aMcc, aMnc, aLac, aCid));
startTestCommon(function() {
* In emulator we have pre-defined 7 EF_PNN (see 3GPP TS 31.102 clause 4.2.58)
* sets:
* PNN 1: Full name: "Test1", Short name: "Test1"
* PNN 2: Full name: "Test2", Short name: (none)
* PNN 3: Full name: "Test3", Short name: (none)
* PNN 4: Full name: "Test4", Short name: (none)
* PNN 5: Full name: "Test5", Short name: (none)
* PNN 6: Full name: "Test6", Short name: (none)
* PNN 7: Full name: "Test7", Short name: (none)
* Also 7 EF_OPL (see 3GPP TS 31.102 clause 4.2.59) sets:
* MCC = 001, MNC = 01, START=0000, END=FFFE, PNN = 01,
* MCC = 001, MNC = 02, START=0001, END=0010, PNN = 02,
* MCC = 001, MNC = 03, START=0011, END=0011, PNN = 03,
* MCC = 001, MNC = 001, START=0012, END=0012, PNN = 04,
* MCC = 001, MNC = 1D, START=0000, END=FFFE, PNN = 05,
* MCC = 001, MNC = 2DD, START=0000, END=FFFE, PNN = 06,
* MCC = 001, MNC = DDD, START=0000, END=FFFE, PNN = 07,
* See https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/platform_external_qemu/blob/master/telephony/sim_card.c#L725
return getEmulatorOperatorNames()
.then(function(aOperators) {
let {longName: longName, shortName: shortName} = aOperators[0];
let {mcc: mcc, mnc: mnc} = mobileConnection.voice.network;
let {gsmLocationAreaCode: lac, gsmCellId: cid} = mobileConnection.voice.cell;
// Use a cell ID that differs from current cid to ensure voicechange event
// will be triggered.
isnot(TEST_CELL_ID, cid, "A different test cell id than used currently.");
// In following tests, we use different longName/shortName to ensure
// network name is always re-calculated in RIL worker.
return Promise.resolve()
// If MCC/MNC doesn't match any, report given home network name.
.then(() => test("Foo1", "Bar1", "123", "456", 0x0000, TEST_CELL_ID))
.then(() => test("Foo2", "Bar2", "123", "456", 0x0001, TEST_CELL_ID))
.then(() => test("Foo3", "Bar3", "123", "456", 0x0002, TEST_CELL_ID))
.then(() => test("Foo4", "Bar4", "123", "456", 0x0010, TEST_CELL_ID))
.then(() => test("Foo5", "Bar5", "123", "456", 0x0011, TEST_CELL_ID))
.then(() => test("Foo6", "Bar6", "123", "456", 0xFFFE, TEST_CELL_ID))
// Full ranged network. Report network name from PNN.
.then(() => test("Foo1", "Bar1", "001", "01", 0x0000, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test1", "Test1"))
.then(() => test("Foo2", "Bar2", "001", "01", 0x0001, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test1", "Test1"))
.then(() => test("Foo3", "Bar3", "001", "01", 0xFFFE, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test1", "Test1"))
// Ranged network. Report network name from PNN if lac is inside the
// inclusive range 0x01..0x10.
.then(() => test("Foo1", "Bar1", "001", "02", 0x0000, TEST_CELL_ID))
.then(() => test("Foo2", "Bar2", "001", "02", 0x0001, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test2", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo3", "Bar3", "001", "02", 0x0002, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test2", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo4", "Bar4", "001", "02", 0x0010, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test2", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo5", "Bar5", "001", "02", 0xFFFE, TEST_CELL_ID))
// Single entry network. Report network name from PNN if lac matches.
.then(() => test("Foo1", "Bar1", "001", "03", 0x0000, TEST_CELL_ID))
.then(() => test("Foo2", "Bar2", "001", "03", 0x0011, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test3", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo3", "Bar3", "001", "03", 0xFFFE, TEST_CELL_ID))
// Test if we match MNC "01" and "001" correctly.
.then(() => test("Foo1", "Bar1", "001", "001", 0x0012, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test4", ""))
// Wild char test for MCC = 001, MNC = 1D cases.
.then(() => test("Foo10", "Bar10", "001", "10", 0x0000, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo11", "Bar11", "001", "11", 0x0001, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo12", "Bar12", "001", "12", 0x0002, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo13", "Bar13", "001", "13", 0x0003, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo14", "Bar14", "001", "14", 0x0004, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo15", "Bar15", "001", "15", 0x0005, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo16", "Bar16", "001", "16", 0x0006, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo17", "Bar17", "001", "17", 0x0007, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo18", "Bar18", "001", "18", 0x0008, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo19", "Bar19", "001", "19", 0x0009, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test5", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo20", "Bar20", "001", "20", 0x000A, TEST_CELL_ID))
// Wild chars test for MCC = 001, MNC = 2DD cases.
.then(() => test("Foo0", "Bar0", "001", "200", 0x00C8, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test6", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo1", "Bar1", "001", "299", 0x012B, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test6", ""))
// Wild chars test for MCC = 001, MNC = DDD cases.
.then(() => test("Foo300", "Bar300", "001", "300", 0x012C, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test7", ""))
.then(() => test("Foo999", "Bar999", "001", "999", 0x03E7, TEST_CELL_ID,
"Test7", ""))
// Reset back to initial values.
.then(() => test(longName, shortName, mcc, mnc, lac, cid));