Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

218 lines
7.0 KiB

'use strict';
/* global getMainChromeWindow, AccessFuTest, GestureSettings, GestureTracker,
SimpleTest, getBoundsForDOMElm, Point, Utils */
/* exported loadJSON, eventMap */
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var Cu = Components.utils;
var win = getMainChromeWindow(window);
* Convert inch based point coordinates into pixels.
* @param {Array} aPoints Array of coordinates in inches.
* @return {Array} Array of coordinates in pixels.
function convertPointCoordinates(aPoints) {
var dpi = Utils.dpi;
return aPoints.map(function convert(aPoint) {
return {
x: aPoint.x * dpi,
y: aPoint.y * dpi,
identifier: aPoint.identifier
* For a given list of points calculate their coordinates in relation to the
* document body.
* @param {Array} aTouchPoints An array of objects of the following format: {
* base: {String}, // Id of an element to server as a base for the touch.
* x: {Number}, // An optional x offset from the base element's geometric
* // centre.
* y: {Number} // An optional y offset from the base element's geometric
* // centre.
* }
* @return {JSON} An array of {x, y} coordinations.
function calculateTouchListCoordinates(aTouchPoints) {
var coords = [];
for (var i = 0, target = aTouchPoints[i]; i < aTouchPoints.length; ++i) {
var bounds = getBoundsForDOMElm(target.base);
var parentBounds = getBoundsForDOMElm('root');
var point = new Point(target.x || 0, target.y || 0);
point.add(bounds[0], bounds[1]);
point.add(bounds[2] / 2, bounds[3] / 2);
point.subtract(parentBounds[0], parentBounds[0]);
x: point.x,
y: point.y
return coords;
* Send a touch event with specified touchPoints.
* @param {Array} aTouchPoints An array of points to be associated with
* touches.
* @param {String} aName A name of the touch event.
function sendTouchEvent(aTouchPoints, aName) {
var touchList = sendTouchEvent.touchList;
if (aName === 'touchend') {
sendTouchEvent.touchList = null;
} else {
var coords = calculateTouchListCoordinates(aTouchPoints);
var touches = [];
for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; ++i) {
var {x, y} = coords[i];
var node = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
var touch = document.createTouch(window, node, aName === 'touchstart' ?
1 : touchList.item(i).identifier, x, y, x, y);
touchList = document.createTouchList(touches);
sendTouchEvent.touchList = touchList;
var evt = document.createEvent('TouchEvent');
evt.initTouchEvent(aName, true, true, window, 0, false, false, false, false,
touchList, touchList, touchList);
sendTouchEvent.touchList = null;
* A map of event names to the functions that actually send them.
* @type {Object}
var eventMap = {
touchstart: sendTouchEvent,
touchend: sendTouchEvent,
touchmove: sendTouchEvent
var originalDwellThreshold = GestureSettings.dwellThreshold;
var originalSwipeMaxDuration = GestureSettings.swipeMaxDuration;
var originalConsecutiveGestureDelay =
* Attach a listener for the mozAccessFuGesture event that tests its
* type.
* @param {Array} aExpectedGestures A stack of expected event types.
* @param {String} aTitle Title of this sequence, if any.
* Note: the listener is removed once the stack reaches 0.
function testMozAccessFuGesture(aExpectedGestures, aTitle) {
var types = aExpectedGestures;
function handleGesture(aEvent) {
if (aEvent.detail.type !== types[0].type) {
info('Got ' + aEvent.detail.type + ' waiting for ' + types[0].type);
// The is not the event of interest.
is(!!aEvent.detail.edge, !!types[0].edge);
is(aEvent.detail.touches.length, types[0].fingers || 1,
'failed to count fingers: ' + types[0].type);
ok(true, 'Received correct mozAccessFuGesture: ' +
JSON.stringify(types.shift()) + '. (' + aTitle + ')');
if (types.length === 0) {
win.removeEventListener('mozAccessFuGesture', handleGesture);
if (AccessFuTest.sequenceCleanup) {
win.addEventListener('mozAccessFuGesture', handleGesture);
* Reset the thresholds and max delays that affect gesture rejection.
* @param {Number} aTimeStamp Gesture time stamp.
* @param {Boolean} aRemoveDwellThreshold An optional flag to reset dwell
* threshold.
* @param {Boolean} aRemoveSwipeMaxDuration An optional flag to reset swipe max
* duration.
function setTimers(aTimeStamp, aRemoveDwellThreshold, aRemoveSwipeMaxDuration) {
if (!aRemoveDwellThreshold && !aRemoveSwipeMaxDuration) {
if (aRemoveDwellThreshold) {
GestureSettings.dwellThreshold = 0;
if (aRemoveSwipeMaxDuration) {
GestureSettings.swipeMaxDuration = 0;
function resetTimers() {
GestureSettings.dwellThreshold = originalDwellThreshold;
GestureSettings.swipeMaxDuration = originalSwipeMaxDuration;
* An extention to AccessFuTest that adds an ability to test a sequence of
* pointer events and their expected mozAccessFuGesture events.
* @param {Object} aSequence An object that has a list of pointer events to be
* generated and the expected mozAccessFuGesture events.
AccessFuTest.addSequence = function AccessFuTest_addSequence(aSequence) {
AccessFuTest.addFunc(function testSequence() {
testMozAccessFuGesture(aSequence.expectedGestures, aSequence.title);
var events = aSequence.events;
function fireEvent(aEvent) {
var event = {
points: convertPointCoordinates(aEvent.points),
type: aEvent.type
var timeStamp = Date.now();
GestureSettings.maxConsecutiveGestureDelay =
aEvent.removeConsecutiveGestureDelay ?
0 : originalConsecutiveGestureDelay;
GestureTracker.handle(event, timeStamp);
setTimers(timeStamp, aEvent.removeDwellThreshold,
function processEvents() {
if (events.length === 0) {
var event = events.shift();
SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() {
* A helper function that loads JSON files.
* @param {String} aPath A path to a JSON file.
* @param {Function} aCallback A callback to be called on success.
function loadJSON(aPath, aCallback) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', aPath, true);
request.responseType = 'json';
request.onload = function onload() {