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2020-11-11 20:06:52 +00:00
#include "Pomme.h"
#include "Utilities/BigEndianIStream.h"
#include "Utilities/GrowablePool.h"
#include "Utilities/memstream.h"
#include "PommeFiles.h"
#include "Files/Volume.h"
#include "Files/HostVolume.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "CompilerSupport/filesystem.h"
#if _WIN32
#include "Platform/Windows/PommeWindows.h"
using namespace Pomme;
using namespace Pomme::Files;
constexpr int MAX_VOLUMES = 32767; // vRefNum is a signed short
// State
static Pomme::GrowablePool<std::unique_ptr<ForkHandle>, SInt16, 0x7FFF> openFiles;
static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Volume>> volumes;
// Utilities
bool Pomme::Files::IsRefNumLegal(short refNum)
return openFiles.IsAllocated(refNum);
std::iostream& Pomme::Files::GetStream(short refNum)
if (!IsRefNumLegal(refNum))
throw std::runtime_error("illegal refNum");
return openFiles[refNum]->GetStream();
void Pomme::Files::CloseStream(short refNum)
if (!IsRefNumLegal(refNum))
throw std::runtime_error("illegal refNum");
LOG << "Stream #" << refNum << " closed\n";
bool Pomme::Files::IsStreamOpen(short refNum)
if (!IsRefNumLegal(refNum))
throw std::runtime_error("illegal refNum");
return openFiles[refNum].get() != nullptr;
// return openFiles[refNum].stream.is_open();
bool Pomme::Files::IsStreamPermissionAllowed(short refNum, char perm)
if (!IsRefNumLegal(refNum))
throw std::runtime_error("illegal refNum");
return (perm & openFiles[refNum]->permission) == perm;
// Init
void Pomme::Files::Init()
auto hostVolume = std::make_unique<HostVolume>(0);
short systemRefNum = openFiles.Alloc();
if (systemRefNum != 0)
throw std::logic_error("expecting 0 for system refnum");
// Implementation
bool IsVolumeLegal(short vRefNum)
return vRefNum >= 0 && (unsigned short) vRefNum < volumes.size();
OSErr FSMakeFSSpec(short vRefNum, long dirID, const char* cstrFileName, FSSpec* spec)
if (!IsVolumeLegal(vRefNum))
return nsvErr;
return volumes.at(vRefNum)->FSMakeFSSpec(dirID, cstrFileName, spec);
static OSErr OpenFork(const FSSpec* spec, ForkType forkType, char permission, short* refNum)
if (openFiles.IsFull())
return tmfoErr;
if (!IsVolumeLegal(spec->vRefNum))
return nsvErr;
short newRefNum = openFiles.Alloc();
auto& handlePtr = openFiles[newRefNum];
OSErr rc = volumes.at(spec->vRefNum)->OpenFork(spec, forkType, permission, handlePtr);
if (rc != noErr)
newRefNum = -1;
LOG << "Failed to open " << spec->cName << "\n";
LOG << "Stream #" << newRefNum << " opened: " << spec->cName << ", " << (forkType == DataFork ? "data" : "rsrc") << "\n";
if (refNum)
*refNum = newRefNum;
return rc;
OSErr FSpOpenDF(const FSSpec* spec, char permission, short* refNum)
return OpenFork(spec, ForkType::DataFork, permission, refNum);
OSErr FSpOpenRF(const FSSpec* spec, char permission, short* refNum)
return OpenFork(spec, ForkType::ResourceFork, permission, refNum);
OSErr FindFolder(short vRefNum, OSType folderType, Boolean createFolder, short* foundVRefNum, long* foundDirID)
if (vRefNum != kOnSystemDisk)
throw std::runtime_error("FindFolder only supports kOnSystemDisk");
fs::path path;
switch (folderType)
case kPreferencesFolderType:
#ifdef _WIN32
path = Pomme::Platform::Windows::GetPreferencesFolder();
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
const char *home = getenv("HOME");
if (!home) {
return fnfErr;
path = fs::path(home) / "Library" / "Preferences";
const char* home = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if (home)
path = std::filesystem::path(home);
home = getenv("HOME");
if (!home)
return fnfErr;
path = std::filesystem::path(home) / ".config";
TODO2("folder type '" << Pomme::FourCCString(folderType) << "' isn't supported yet");
return fnfErr;
path = path.lexically_normal();
bool exists = fs::exists(path);
if (exists && !fs::is_directory(path))
return dupFNErr;
if (!exists && createFolder)
*foundVRefNum = 0;//GetVolumeID(path);
*foundDirID = dynamic_cast<HostVolume*>(volumes.at(0).get())->GetDirectoryID(path);
return noErr;
OSErr DirCreate(short vRefNum, long parentDirID, const char* cstrDirectoryName, long* createdDirID)
return IsVolumeLegal(vRefNum)
? volumes.at(vRefNum)->DirCreate(parentDirID, cstrDirectoryName, createdDirID)
: (OSErr)nsvErr;
OSErr FSpCreate(const FSSpec* spec, OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag)
return IsVolumeLegal(spec->vRefNum)
? volumes.at(spec->vRefNum)->FSpCreate(spec, creator, fileType, scriptTag)
: (OSErr)nsvErr;
OSErr FSpDelete(const FSSpec* spec)
return IsVolumeLegal(spec->vRefNum)
? volumes.at(spec->vRefNum)->FSpDelete(spec)
: (OSErr)nsvErr;
OSErr ResolveAlias(const FSSpec* spec, AliasHandle alias, FSSpec* target, Boolean* wasChanged)
*wasChanged = false;
int aliasSize = GetHandleSize(alias);
// the target FN is at offset 50, and the target FN is a Str63, so 50+64
if (aliasSize < 50 + 64)
std::cerr << "unexpected size of alias: " << aliasSize << "\n";
return unimpErr;
memstream istr(*alias, GetHandleSize(alias));
Pomme::BigEndianIStream f(istr);
f.Skip(4); // application signature
if (f.Read<UInt16>() != aliasSize)
std::cerr << "unexpected size field in alias\n";
return unimpErr;
if (f.Read<UInt16>() != 2)
std::cerr << "unexpected alias version number\n";
return unimpErr;
auto kind = f.Read<UInt16>();
if (kind > 2)
std::cerr << "unsupported alias kind " << kind << "\n";
return unimpErr;
f.Skip(28); // volume name pascal string
f.Skip(4); // volume creation date
f.Skip(2); // volume signature (RW, BD, H+)
f.Skip(2); // drive type (0=HD, 1=network, 2=400K FD, 3=800K FD, 4=1.4M FD, 5=misc.ejectable)
f.Skip(4); // parent directory ID
auto targetFilename = f.ReadPascalString_FixedLengthRecord(63);
return FSMakeFSSpec(spec->vRefNum, spec->parID, targetFilename.c_str(), target);
OSErr FSRead(short refNum, long* count, Ptr buffPtr)
if (*count < 0) return paramErr;
if (!IsRefNumLegal(refNum)) return rfNumErr;
if (!IsStreamOpen(refNum)) return fnOpnErr;
if (!IsStreamPermissionAllowed(refNum, fsRdPerm)) return ioErr;
auto& f = GetStream(refNum);
f.read(buffPtr, *count);
*count = (long) f.gcount();
if (f.eof()) return eofErr;
return noErr;
OSErr FSWrite(short refNum, long* count, Ptr buffPtr)
if (*count < 0) return paramErr;
if (!IsRefNumLegal(refNum)) return rfNumErr;
if (!IsStreamOpen(refNum)) return fnOpnErr;
if (!IsStreamPermissionAllowed(refNum, fsWrPerm)) return wrPermErr;
auto& f = GetStream(refNum);
f.write(buffPtr, *count);
return noErr;
OSErr FSClose(short refNum)
if (!IsRefNumLegal(refNum))
return rfNumErr;
if (!IsStreamOpen(refNum))
return fnOpnErr;
return noErr;
OSErr GetEOF(short refNum, long* logEOF)
if (!IsRefNumLegal(refNum)) return rfNumErr;
if (!IsStreamOpen(refNum)) return fnOpnErr;
auto& f = GetStream(refNum);
StreamPosGuard guard(f);
f.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
*logEOF = (long) f.tellg();
return noErr;
OSErr SetEOF(short refNum, long logEOF)
return unimpErr;
FSSpec Pomme::Files::HostPathToFSSpec(const fs::path& fullPath)
return dynamic_cast<HostVolume*>(volumes[0].get())->ToFSSpec(fullPath);