#include "PommeEnums.h" #include "PommeDebug.h" #include "PommeFiles.h" #include "Files/HostVolume.h" #include "Utilities/bigendianstreams.h" #include "Utilities/StringUtils.h" #include #include #define LOG POMME_GENLOG(POMME_DEBUG_FILES, "HOST") using namespace Pomme; using namespace Pomme::Files; struct HostForkHandle : public ForkHandle { std::fstream backingStream; public: HostForkHandle(ForkType theForkType, char perm, fs::path& path, const FSSpec& theSpec) : ForkHandle(theForkType, perm, theSpec) { std::ios::openmode openmode = std::ios::binary; if (permission & fsWrPerm) openmode |= std::ios::out; if (permission & fsRdPerm) openmode |= std::ios::in; backingStream = std::fstream(path, openmode); } virtual ~HostForkHandle() = default; virtual std::iostream& GetStream() override { return backingStream; } }; HostVolume::HostVolume(short vRefNum) : Volume(vRefNum) { // default directory (ID 0) directories.push_back(fs::current_path()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public utilities long HostVolume::GetDirectoryID(const fs::path& dirPath) { if (fs::exists(dirPath) && !fs::is_directory(dirPath)) { std::cerr << "Warning: GetDirectoryID should only be used on directories! " << dirPath << "\n"; } auto it = std::find(directories.begin(), directories.end(), dirPath); if (it != directories.end()) { return std::distance(directories.begin(), it); } directories.emplace_back(dirPath); LOG << "directory " << directories.size() - 1 << ": " << dirPath << "\n"; return (long) directories.size() - 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal utilities fs::path HostVolume::ToPath(long parID, const std::string& name) { fs::path path = directories.at(parID) / AsU8(name); return path.lexically_normal(); } FSSpec HostVolume::ToFSSpec(const fs::path& fullPath) { auto parentPath = fullPath; parentPath.remove_filename(); FSSpec spec; spec.vRefNum = volumeID; spec.parID = GetDirectoryID(parentPath); snprintf(spec.cName, 256, "%s", (const char*) fullPath.filename().u8string().c_str()); return spec; } static void ADFJumpToResourceFork(std::istream& stream) { auto f = Pomme::BigEndianIStream(stream); if (0x0005160700020000ULL != f.Read()) { throw std::runtime_error("No ADF magic"); } f.Skip(16); auto numOfEntries = f.Read(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) { auto entryID = f.Read(); auto offset = f.Read(); f.Skip(4); // length if (entryID == 2) { // Found entry ID 2 (resource fork) f.Goto(offset); return; } } throw std::runtime_error("Didn't find entry ID=2 in ADF"); } OSErr HostVolume::OpenFork(const FSSpec* spec, ForkType forkType, char permission, std::unique_ptr& handle) { if (permission == fsCurPerm) { TODO2("fsCurPerm not implemented yet"); return unimpErr; } if ((permission & fsWrPerm) && forkType != ForkType::DataFork) { TODO2("opening resource fork for writing isn't implemented yet"); return unimpErr; } auto path = ToPath(spec->parID, spec->cName); if (forkType == DataFork) { if (!fs::is_regular_file(path)) { return fnfErr; } handle = std::make_unique(DataFork, permission, path, *spec); } else { // We want to open a resource fork on the host volume. It is likely stored as .rsrc. path += ".rsrc"; if (!fs::is_regular_file(path)) { return fnfErr; } handle = std::make_unique(ResourceFork, permission, path, *spec); ADFJumpToResourceFork(handle->GetStream()); } return noErr; } static bool CaseInsensitiveAppendToPath( fs::path& path, const std::string& element, bool skipFiles = false) { fs::path naiveConcat = path / AsU8(element); if (!fs::exists(path)) { path = naiveConcat; return false; } if (fs::exists(naiveConcat)) { path = naiveConcat; return true; } // Convert path element to uppercase for case-insensitive comparisons const auto uppercaseElement = UppercaseCopy(element); for (const auto& candidate : fs::directory_iterator(path)) { if (skipFiles && !candidate.is_directory()) { continue; } fs::path candidateFilename = candidate.path().filename(); // It might be an AppleDouble resource fork ("file.rsrc") if (candidate.is_regular_file() && candidateFilename.extension() == ".rsrc") { candidateFilename.replace_extension(""); } // Convert candidate filename to uppercase for case-insensitive comparison #if LEGACY_FILESYSTEM_IMPLEMENTATION // ghc::path::u8string returns an std::string const std::string uppercaseCandidateFilename = UppercaseCopy(candidateFilename.u8string()); #else // C++20 const std::string uppercaseCandidateFilename = UppercaseCopy(FromU8(candidateFilename.u8string())); #endif if (uppercaseElement == uppercaseCandidateFilename) { path /= candidateFilename; return true; } } path = naiveConcat; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation OSErr HostVolume::FSMakeFSSpec(long dirID, const std::string& fileName, FSSpec* spec) { if (dirID < 0 || (unsigned long) dirID >= directories.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("HostVolume::FSMakeFSSpec: directory ID not registered."); } auto path = directories.at(dirID); auto suffix = fileName; // Case-insensitive sanitization bool exists = fs::exists(path); std::string::size_type begin = (suffix.at(0) == ':') ? 1 : 0; // Iterate on path elements between colons while (begin < suffix.length()) { auto end = suffix.find(":", begin); bool isLeaf = end == std::string::npos; // no ':' found => end of path if (isLeaf) end = suffix.length(); if (end == begin) // "::" => parent directory { path = path.parent_path(); } else { auto element = suffix.substr(begin, end - begin); exists = CaseInsensitiveAppendToPath(path, element, !isLeaf); } // +1: jump over current colon begin = end + 1; } path = path.lexically_normal(); LOG << path << "\n"; *spec = ToFSSpec(path); return exists ? noErr : fnfErr; } OSErr HostVolume::DirCreate(long parentDirID, const std::string& directoryName, long* createdDirID) { const auto path = ToPath(parentDirID, directoryName); if (fs::exists(path)) { if (fs::is_directory(path)) { LOG << __func__ << ": directory already exists: " << path << "\n"; return noErr; } else { std::cerr << __func__ << ": a file with the same name already exists: " << path << "\n"; return bdNamErr; } } try { fs::create_directory(path); } catch (const fs::filesystem_error& e) { std::cerr << __func__ << " threw " << e.what() << "\n"; return ioErr; } if (createdDirID) { *createdDirID = GetDirectoryID(path); } LOG << __func__ << ": created " << path << "\n"; return noErr; } OSErr HostVolume::FSpCreate(const FSSpec* spec, OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag) { std::ofstream df(ToPath(spec->parID, spec->cName)); df.close(); // TODO: we could write an AppleDouble file to save the creator/filetype. return noErr; } OSErr HostVolume::FSpDelete(const FSSpec* spec) { auto path = ToPath(spec->parID, spec->cName); if (fs::remove(path)) return noErr; else return fnfErr; }