
506 lines
14 KiB

#include "QD3D.h"
#include "PommeDebug.h"
#include "Pomme.h"
#include "3DMFInternal.h"
// Comment out the line below to get debug output from the 3DMF parser on stdout
#define printf(...) do{}while(0)
class Q3MetaFile_EarlyEOFException : public std::exception
const char *what() const noexcept override
return "Early EOF in 3DMF";
static void Assert(bool condition, const char* message)
if (!condition)
throw std::runtime_error(message);
template<typename T>
static void ReadTriangleVertexIndices(Pomme::BigEndianIStream& f, int numTriangles, TQ3TriMeshData* currentMesh)
for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
T v0 = f.Read<T>();
T v1 = f.Read<T>();
T v2 = f.Read<T>();
currentMesh->triangles[i] = {v0, v1, v2};
Q3MetaFileParser::Q3MetaFileParser(std::istream& theBaseStream, TQ3MetaFile& dest)
: metaFile(dest)
, baseStream(theBaseStream)
, f(baseStream)
, currentMesh(nullptr)
uint32_t Q3MetaFileParser::Parse1Chunk()
Assert(currentDepth >= 0, "depth underflow");
// Get current chunk offset, type, size
uint32_t chunkOffset = f.Tell();
uint32_t chunkType = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t chunkSize = f.Read<uint32_t>();
// std::string myChunk = Pomme::FourCCString(chunkType);
// const char* myChunkC = myChunk.c_str();
printf("\n%d-%08x ", currentDepth, chunkOffset);
for (int i = 0; i < 1 + currentDepth - (chunkType=='endg'?1:0); i++)
printf("%s\t", Pomme::FourCCString(chunkType).c_str());
// Process current chunk
switch (chunkType)
case 0: // Happens in Diloph_Fin.3df at 0x00014233 -- signals early EOF? or corrupted file? either way, stop parsing.
throw Q3MetaFile_EarlyEOFException();
case 'cntr': // Container
if (currentDepth == 1)
__Q3EnlargeArray<TQ3TriMeshFlatGroup>(metaFile.topLevelGroups, metaFile.numTopLevelGroups, 'GLST');
auto limit = f.Tell() + (std::streamoff) chunkSize;
while (f.Tell() != limit)
currentMesh = nullptr;
case 'bgng':
if (currentDepth == 1)
__Q3EnlargeArray<TQ3TriMeshFlatGroup>(metaFile.topLevelGroups, metaFile.numTopLevelGroups, 'GLST');
f.Skip(chunkSize); // bgng itself typically contains dspg, dgst
while ('endg' != Parse1Chunk())
currentMesh = nullptr;
case 'endg':
Assert(chunkSize == 0, "illegal endg size");
// Assert(containerEnd == 0, "stray endg");
// containerEnd = f.Tell(); // force while loop to stop
case 'tmsh': // TriMesh
Assert(!currentMesh, "nested meshes not supported");
Assert(currentMesh, "currentMesh wasn't get set by Parse_tmsh?");
if (metaFile.numTopLevelGroups == 0)
__Q3EnlargeArray<TQ3TriMeshFlatGroup>(metaFile.topLevelGroups, metaFile.numTopLevelGroups, 'GLST');
TQ3TriMeshFlatGroup* group = &metaFile.topLevelGroups[metaFile.numTopLevelGroups-1];
__Q3EnlargeArray(group->meshes, group->numMeshes, 'GMSH');
group->meshes[group->numMeshes-1] = currentMesh;
case 'atar': // AttributeArray
case 'attr': // AttributeSet
Assert(chunkSize == 0, "illegal attr size");
case 'kdif': // Diffuse Color
Assert(chunkSize == 12, "illegal kdif size");
Assert(currentMesh, "stray kdif");
static_assert(sizeof(float) == 4);
currentMesh->diffuseColor.r = f.Read<float>();
currentMesh->diffuseColor.g = f.Read<float>();
currentMesh->diffuseColor.b = f.Read<float>();
case 'kxpr': // Transparency Color
Assert(chunkSize == 12, "illegal kxpr size");
Assert(currentMesh, "stray kxpr");
static_assert(sizeof(float) == 4);
float r = f.Read<float>();
float g = f.Read<float>();
float b = f.Read<float>();
float a = r;
printf("%.3f %.3f %.3f\t", r, g, b);
Assert(r == g && g == b, "kxpr: expecting all components to be equal");
currentMesh->diffuseColor.a = a;
case 'txsu': // TextureShader
Assert(chunkSize == 0, "illegal txsu size");
case 'txmm': // MipmapTexture
uint32_t internalTextureID;
if (knownTextures.find(chunkOffset) != knownTextures.end())
printf("Texture already seen!");
internalTextureID = knownTextures[chunkOffset];
internalTextureID = Parse_txmm(chunkSize);
knownTextures[chunkOffset] = internalTextureID;
if (currentMesh)
Assert(currentMesh->internalTextureID < 0, "txmm: current mesh already has a texture");
Assert(currentMesh->texturingMode == kQ3TexturingModeOff, "txmm: current mesh already has a texturing mode");
currentMesh->internalTextureID = internalTextureID;
currentMesh->texturingMode = kQ3TexturingModeInvalid; // set texturing mode to invalid because we don't know if the texture is opaque yet
case 'rfrn': // Reference (into TOC)
Assert(chunkSize == 4, "illegal rfrn size");
uint32_t target = f.Read<uint32_t>();
printf("TOC#%d -----> %08lx", target, referenceTOC.at(target));
auto jumpBackTo = f.Tell();
case 'toc ':
// Already read TOC at beginning
throw std::runtime_error("unrecognized 3DMF chunk");
return chunkType;
void Q3MetaFileParser::Parse3DMF()
baseStream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
std::streampos fileLength = baseStream.tellg();
baseStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
Assert(f.Read<uint32_t>() == '3DMF', "Not a 3DMF file");
Assert(f.Read<uint32_t>() == 16, "Bad header length");
uint16_t versionMajor = f.Read<uint16_t>();
uint16_t versionMinor = f.Read<uint16_t>();
uint32_t flags = f.Read<uint32_t>();
Assert(flags == 0, "Database or Stream aren't supported");
uint64_t tocOffset = f.Read<uint64_t>();
printf("Version %d.%d tocOffset %08lx\n", versionMajor, versionMinor, tocOffset);
// Read TOC
if (tocOffset != 0)
Pomme::StreamPosGuard rewindAfterTOC(baseStream);
Assert('toc ' == f.Read<uint32_t>(), "Expecting toc magic here");
f.Skip(4); //uint32_t tocSize = f.Read<uint32_t>();
f.Skip(8); //uint64_t nextToc = f.Read<uint64_t>();
f.Skip(4); //uint32_t refSeed = f.Read<uint32_t>();
f.Skip(4); //uint32_t typeSeed = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t tocEntryType = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t tocEntrySize = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t nEntries = f.Read<uint32_t>();
Assert(tocEntryType == 1, "only QD3D 1.5 3DMF TOCs are recognized");
Assert(tocEntrySize == 16, "incorrect tocEntrySize");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nEntries;i++)
uint32_t refID = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint64_t objLocation = f.Read<uint64_t>();
uint32_t objType = f.Read<uint32_t>();
printf("TOC: refID %d '%s' at %08lx\n", refID, Pomme::FourCCString(objType).c_str(), objLocation);
referenceTOC[refID] = objLocation;
// Chunk Loop
while (f.Tell() != fileLength)
catch (Q3MetaFile_EarlyEOFException&)
// Stop parsing
printf("Early EOF");
void Q3MetaFileParser::Parse_tmsh(uint32_t chunkSize)
Assert(chunkSize >= 52, "Illegal tmsh size");
Assert(!currentMesh, "current mesh already set");
uint32_t numTriangles = f.Read<uint32_t>();
f.Skip(4); // numTriangleAttributes (u32) -- don't care how many attribs there are, we'll read them in as we go
uint32_t numEdges = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t numEdgeAttributes = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t numVertices = f.Read<uint32_t>();
f.Skip(4); // numVertexAttributes (u32) -- don't care how many attribs there are, we'll read them in as we go
printf("%d tris, %d vertices\t", numTriangles, numVertices);
Assert(0 == numEdges, "edges are not supported");
Assert(0 == numEdgeAttributes, "edge attributes are not supported");
currentMesh = Q3TriMeshData_New(numTriangles, numVertices);
__Q3EnlargeArray(metaFile.meshes, metaFile.numMeshes, 'MLST');
metaFile.meshes[metaFile.numMeshes-1] = currentMesh;
// Triangles
if (numVertices <= 0xFF)
ReadTriangleVertexIndices<uint8_t>(f, numTriangles, currentMesh);
else if (numVertices <= 0xFFFF)
ReadTriangleVertexIndices<uint16_t>(f, numTriangles, currentMesh);
static_assert(sizeof(TQ3TriMeshTriangleData::pointIndices[0]) == 2);
Assert(false, "Meshes exceeding 65535 vertices are not supported");
//ReadTriangleVertexIndices<uint32_t>(f, numTriangles, currentMesh);
// Ensure all vertex indices are in the expected range
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
for (auto index : currentMesh->triangles[i].pointIndices)
Assert(index < numVertices, "3DMF parser: vertex index out of range");
// Edges
// (not supported yet)
// Vertices
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
float x = f.Read<float>();
float y = f.Read<float>();
float z = f.Read<float>();
//printf("%f %f %f\n", vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ);
currentMesh->points[i] = {x, y, z};
// Bounding box
float xMin = f.Read<float>();
float yMin = f.Read<float>();
float zMin = f.Read<float>();
float xMax = f.Read<float>();
float yMax = f.Read<float>();
float zMax = f.Read<float>();
uint32_t emptyFlag = f.Read<uint32_t>();
currentMesh->bBox.min = {xMin, yMin, zMin};
currentMesh->bBox.max = {xMax, yMax, zMax};
currentMesh->bBox.isEmpty = emptyFlag? kQ3True: kQ3False;
//printf("%f %f %f - %f %f %f (empty? %d)\n", xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax, emptyFlag);
void Q3MetaFileParser::Parse_atar(uint32_t chunkSize)
Assert(chunkSize >= 20, "Illegal atar size");
Assert(currentMesh, "no current mesh");
uint32_t attributeType = f.Read<uint32_t>();
Assert(0 == f.Read<uint32_t>(), "expected zero here");
uint32_t positionOfArray = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t positionInArray = f.Read<uint32_t>(); // what's that?
uint32_t attributeUseFlag = f.Read<uint32_t>();
Assert(attributeType >= 1 && attributeType < kQ3AttributeTypeNumTypes, "illegal attribute type");
Assert(positionOfArray <= 2, "illegal position of array");
Assert(attributeUseFlag <= 1, "unrecognized attribute use flag");
bool isTriangleAttribute = positionOfArray == 0;
bool isVertexAttribute = positionOfArray == 2;
Assert(isTriangleAttribute || isVertexAttribute, "only face or vertex attributes are supported");
if (isVertexAttribute && attributeType == kQ3AttributeTypeShadingUV)
printf("vertex UVs");
Assert(currentMesh->vertexUVs, "current mesh has no vertex UV array");
for (int i = 0; i < currentMesh->numPoints; i++)
float u = f.Read<float>();
float v = f.Read<float>();
currentMesh->vertexUVs[i] = {u, 1-v};
else if (isVertexAttribute && attributeType == kQ3AttributeTypeNormal)
printf("vertex normals");
Assert(positionInArray == 0, "PIA must be 0 for normals");
Assert(currentMesh->vertexNormals, "current mesh has no vertex normal array");
for (int i = 0; i < currentMesh->numPoints; i++)
currentMesh->vertexNormals[i].x = f.Read<float>();
currentMesh->vertexNormals[i].y = f.Read<float>();
currentMesh->vertexNormals[i].z = f.Read<float>();
else if (isVertexAttribute && attributeType == kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor) // used in Bugdom's Global_Models2.3dmf
Assert(false, "per-vertex diffuse color not supported in Nanosaur");
#if 0
printf("vertex diffuse");
// Assert(positionInArray == 0, "PIA must be 0 for colors");
Assert(currentMesh->vertexNormals, "current mesh has no vertex color array");
for (int i = 0; i < currentMesh->numPoints; i++)
currentMesh->vertexColors[i].r = f.Read<float>();
currentMesh->vertexColors[i].g = f.Read<float>();
currentMesh->vertexColors[i].b = f.Read<float>();
else if (isTriangleAttribute && attributeType == kQ3AttributeTypeNormal) // face normals
printf("face normals (ignore)");
f.Skip(currentMesh->numTriangles * 3 * 4);
Assert(false, "unsupported combo");
uint32_t Q3MetaFileParser::Parse_txmm(uint32_t chunkSize)
Assert(chunkSize >= 8*4, "incorrect chunk header size");
uint32_t useMipmapping = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t pixelType = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t bitOrder = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t byteOrder = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t width = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t height = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t rowBytes = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t offset = f.Read<uint32_t>();
uint32_t imageSize = rowBytes * height;
if ((imageSize & 3) != 0)
imageSize = (imageSize & 0xFFFFFFFC) + 4;
Assert(chunkSize == 8*4 + imageSize, "incorrect chunk size");
Assert(!useMipmapping, "mipmapping not supported");
printf("%d*%d rb=%d", width, height, rowBytes);
static const char* pixelTypeDescriptions[] = { "RGB32", "ARGB32", "RGB16", "ARGB16", "RGB16_565", "RGB24" };
if (pixelType < kQ3PixelTypeRGB24)
printf(" %s", pixelTypeDescriptions[pixelType]);
Assert(offset == 0, "unsupported texture offset");
Assert(bitOrder == kQ3EndianBig, "unsupported bit order");
// Find bytes per pixel
int bytesPerPixel = 0;
if (pixelType == kQ3PixelTypeRGB16 || pixelType == kQ3PixelTypeARGB16)
bytesPerPixel = 2;
else if (pixelType == kQ3PixelTypeRGB32 || pixelType == kQ3PixelTypeARGB32)
bytesPerPixel = 4;
Assert(false, "unrecognized pixel type");
int trimmedRowBytes = bytesPerPixel * width;
uint32_t newTextureID = metaFile.numTextures;
__Q3EnlargeArray<TQ3Pixmap*>(metaFile.textures, metaFile.numTextures, 'TLST');
metaFile.textures[newTextureID] = __Q3Alloc<TQ3Pixmap>(1, 'PXMP');
TQ3Pixmap& texture = *metaFile.textures[newTextureID];
texture.glTextureName = 0;
texture.pixelType = pixelType;
texture.bitOrder = bitOrder;
texture.byteOrder = byteOrder;
texture.width = width;
texture.height = height;
texture.pixelSize = bytesPerPixel * 8;
texture.rowBytes = trimmedRowBytes;
texture.image = __Q3Alloc<uint8_t>(trimmedRowBytes * height, 'IMAG');
// Trim padding at end of rows
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
f.Read((Ptr) texture.image + y*texture.rowBytes, texture.rowBytes);
f.Skip(rowBytes - width * bytesPerPixel);
// Make every pixel little-endian (especially to avoid breaking 16-bit 1-5-5-5 ARGB textures)
if (byteOrder == kQ3EndianBig)
ByteswapInts(bytesPerPixel, width*height, texture.image);
texture.byteOrder = kQ3EndianLittle;
return newTextureID;