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2012-03-27 23:13:14 +00:00
/* -- GSS credential interface.
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The documentation comments of this class are derived from the text
of RFC 2853: Generic Security Service API Version 2: Java Bindings.
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package org.ietf.jgss;
* <p>This interface encapsulates the GSS-API credentials for an entity.
* A credential contains all the necessary cryptographic information to
* enable the creation of a context on behalf of the entity that it
* represents. It may contain multiple, distinct, mechanism specific
* credential elements, each containing information for a specific
* security mechanism, but all referring to the same entity.</p>
* <p>A credential may be used to perform context initiation, acceptance,
* or both.</p>
* <p>GSS-API implementations must impose a local access-control policy on
* callers to prevent unauthorized callers from acquiring credentials to
* which they are not entitled. GSS-API credential creation is not
* intended to provide a "login to the network" function, as such a
* function would involve the creation of new credentials rather than
* merely acquiring a handle to existing credentials. Such functions,
* if required, should be defined in implementation-specific extensions
* to the API.</p>
* <p>If credential acquisition is time-consuming for a mechanism, the
* mechanism may choose to delay the actual acquisition until the
* credential is required (e.g. by {@link GSSContext}). Such mechanism-
* specific implementation decisions should be invisible to the calling
* application; thus the query methods immediately following the
* creation of a credential object must return valid credential data,
* and may therefore incur the overhead of a deferred credential
* acquisition.</p>
* <p>Applications will create a credential object passing the desired
* parameters. The application can then use the query methods to obtain
* specific information about the instantiated credential object
* (equivalent to the gss_inquire routines). When the credential is no
* longer needed, the application should call the dispose (equivalent to
* gss_release_cred) method to release any resources held by the
* credential object and to destroy any cryptographically sensitive
* information.</p>
* <p>Classes implementing this interface also implement the {@link Cloneable}
* interface. This indicates the the class will support the {@link
* Cloneable#clone()} method that will allow the creation of duplicate
* credentials. This is useful when called just before the {@link
* #add(org.ietf.jgss.GSSName,int,int,org.ietf.jgss.Oid,int)} call to retain
* a copy of the original credential.</p>
* <h3>Example Code</h3>
* <pre>
GSSManager mgr = GSSManager.getInstance();
// start by creating a name object for the entity
GSSName name = mgr.createName("userName", GSSName.NT_USER_NAME);
// now acquire credentials for the entity
GSSCredential cred = mgr.createCredential(name,
// display credential information - name, remaining lifetime,
// and the mechanisms it has been acquired over
Oid [] mechs = cred.getMechs();
if (mechs != null)
for (int i = 0; i < mechs.length; i++)
// release system resources held by the credential
* </pre>
public interface GSSCredential extends Cloneable
// Constants.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Credential usage flag requesting that it be able to be used for both
* context initiation and acceptance.
* Credential usage flag requesting that it be able to be used for
* context initiation only.
* Credential usage flag requesting that it be able to be used for
* context acceptance only.
int ACCEPT_ONLY = 2;
* A lifetime constant representing the default credential lifetime.
* A lifetime constant representing indefinite credential lifetime.
// Methods.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Releases any sensitive information that the GSSCredential object may
* be containing. Applications should call this method as soon as the
* credential is no longer needed to minimize the time any sensitive
* information is maintained.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
void dispose() throws GSSException;
* Retrieves the name of the entity that the credential asserts.
* @return The name.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
GSSName getName() throws GSSException;
* Retrieves a mechanism name of the entity that the credential asserts.
* Equivalent to calling {@link GSSName#canonicalize(org.ietf.jgss.Oid)}
* on the name returned by {@link #getName()}.
* @param mechOID The mechanism for which information should be returned.
* @return The name.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
GSSName getName(Oid mechOID) throws GSSException;
* Returns the remaining lifetime in seconds for a credential. The
* remaining lifetime is the minimum lifetime for any of the underlying
* credential mechanisms. A return value of {@link
* GSSCredential#INDEFINITE_LIFETIME} indicates that the credential does
* not expire. A return value of 0 indicates that the credential is
* already expired.
* @return The remaining lifetime.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
int getRemainingLifetime() throws GSSException;
* Returns the remaining lifetime is seconds for the credential to
* remain capable of initiating security contexts under the specified
* mechanism. A return value of {@link GSSCredential#INDEFINITE_LIFETIME}
* indicates that the credential does not expire for context initiation.
* A return value of 0 indicates that the credential is already expired.
* @param mech The mechanism for which information should be returned.
* @return The remaining lifetime.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
int getRemainingInitLifetime(Oid mech) throws GSSException;
* Returns the remaining lifetime is seconds for the credential to
* remain capable of accepting security contexts under the specified
* mechanism. A return value of {@link GSSCredential#INDEFINITE_LIFETIME}
* indicates that the credential does not expire for context acceptance.
* A return value of 0 indicates that the credential is already expired.
* @param mech The mechanism for which information should be returned.
* @return The remaining lifetime.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
int getRemainingAcceptLifetime(Oid mech) throws GSSException;
* Returns the credential usage flag. The return value will be one of
* {@link GSSCredential#INITIATE_ONLY}, {@link GSSCredential#ACCEPT_ONLY},
* or {@link GSSCredential#INITIATE_AND_ACCEPT}.
* @return The credential usage flag.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
int getUsage() throws GSSException;
* Returns the credential usage flag for the specified credential
* mechanism. The return value will be one of
* {@link GSSCredential#INITIATE_ONLY}, {@link GSSCredential#ACCEPT_ONLY},
* or {@link GSSCredential#INITIATE_AND_ACCEPT}.
* @param mechOID The mechanism for which information should be returned.
* @return The credential usage flag.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
int getUsage(Oid mechOID) throws GSSException;
* Returns an array of mechanisms supported by this credential.
* @return The supported mechanism.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
Oid[] getMechs() throws GSSException;
* <p>Adds a mechanism specific credential-element to an existing
* credential. This method allows the construction of credentials one
* mechanism at a time.</p>
* <p>This routine is envisioned to be used mainly by context acceptors
* during the creation of acceptance credentials which are to be used
* with a variety of clients using different security mechanisms.</p>
* <p>This routine adds the new credential element "in-place". To add the
* element in a new credential, first call {@link Cloneable#clone()} to
* obtain a copy of this credential, then call its <code>add()</code>
* method.</p>
* @param aName Name of the principal for whom this credential
* is to be acquired. Use <code>null</code> to
* specify the default principal.
* @param initLifetime The number of seconds that credentials should
* remain valid for initiating of security contexts.
* Use {@link #INDEFINITE_LIFETIME} to request that
* the credentials have the maximum permitted lifetime.
* Use {@link GSSCredential#DEFAULT_LIFETIME} to
* request the default credential lifetime.
* @param acceptLifetime The number of seconds that credentials should
* remain valid for accepting of security contexts.
* Use {@link GSSCredential#INDEFINITE_LIFETIME} to
* request that the credentials have the maximum
* permitted lifetime. Use {@link
* GSSCredential#DEFAULT_LIFETIME} to request
* the default credential lifetime.
* @param mech The mechanisms over which the credential is to be
* acquired.
* @param usage The intended usage for this credential object. The
* value of this parameter must be one of:
* {@link GSSCredential#ACCEPT_AND_INITIATE},
* {@link GSSCredential#ACCEPT_ONLY},
* {@link GSSCredential#INITIATE_ONLY}.
* @throws GSSException If this operation fails.
void add(GSSName aName, int initLifetime, int acceptLifetime,
Oid mech, int usage) throws GSSException;
* Tests if this GSSCredential refers to the same entity as the supplied
* object. The two credentials must be acquired over the same
* mechanisms and must refer to the same principal. Returns <code>true</code>
* if the two GSSCredentials refer to the same entity; <code>false</code>
* otherwise. (Note that the Java language specification requires that two
* objects that are equal according to the {@link
* Object#equals(java.lang.Object)} method must return the same integer
* result when the {@link Object#hashCode()} method is called on them.)
* @param another Another GSSCredential object for comparison.
* @return True if this object equals the other.
boolean equals(Object another);
* Return the hash code of this credential. When overriding {@link #equals},
* it is necessary to override hashCode() as well.
* @return the hash code that must be the same for two credentials if
* {@link #equals} returns true.
int hashCode();