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2012-03-27 23:13:14 +00:00
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax_test
import (
. "regexp/syntax"
type parseTest struct {
Regexp string
Dump string
var parseTests = []parseTest{
// Base cases
{`a`, `lit{a}`},
{`a.`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}}`},
{`a.b`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}}`},
{`ab`, `str{ab}`},
{`a.b.c`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}dot{}lit{c}}`},
{`abc`, `str{abc}`},
{`a|^`, `alt{lit{a}bol{}}`},
{`a|b`, `cc{0x61-0x62}`},
{`(a)`, `cap{lit{a}}`},
{`(a)|b`, `alt{cap{lit{a}}lit{b}}`},
{`a*`, `star{lit{a}}`},
{`a+`, `plus{lit{a}}`},
{`a?`, `que{lit{a}}`},
{`a{2}`, `rep{2,2 lit{a}}`},
{`a{2,3}`, `rep{2,3 lit{a}}`},
{`a{2,}`, `rep{2,-1 lit{a}}`},
{`a*?`, `nstar{lit{a}}`},
{`a+?`, `nplus{lit{a}}`},
{`a??`, `nque{lit{a}}`},
{`a{2}?`, `nrep{2,2 lit{a}}`},
{`a{2,3}?`, `nrep{2,3 lit{a}}`},
{`a{2,}?`, `nrep{2,-1 lit{a}}`},
// Malformed { } are treated as literals.
{`x{1001`, `str{x{1001}`},
{`x{9876543210`, `str{x{9876543210}`},
{`x{9876543210,`, `str{x{9876543210,}`},
{`x{2,1`, `str{x{2,1}`},
{`x{1,9876543210`, `str{x{1,9876543210}`},
{``, `emp{}`},
{`|`, `emp{}`}, // alt{emp{}emp{}} but got factored
{`|x|`, `alt{emp{}lit{x}emp{}}`},
{`.`, `dot{}`},
{`^`, `bol{}`},
{`$`, `eol{}`},
{`\|`, `lit{|}`},
{`\(`, `lit{(}`},
{`\)`, `lit{)}`},
{`\*`, `lit{*}`},
{`\+`, `lit{+}`},
{`\?`, `lit{?}`},
{`{`, `lit{{}`},
{`}`, `lit{}}`},
{`\.`, `lit{.}`},
{`\^`, `lit{^}`},
{`\$`, `lit{$}`},
{`\\`, `lit{\}`},
{`[ace]`, `cc{0x61 0x63 0x65}`},
{`[abc]`, `cc{0x61-0x63}`},
{`[a-z]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
{`[a]`, `lit{a}`},
{`\-`, `lit{-}`},
{`-`, `lit{-}`},
{`\_`, `lit{_}`},
{`abc`, `str{abc}`},
{`abc|def`, `alt{str{abc}str{def}}`},
{`abc|def|ghi`, `alt{str{abc}str{def}str{ghi}}`},
// Posix and Perl extensions
{`[[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
{`[a-z]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
{`[^[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
{`[[:^lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
{`(?i)[[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
{`(?i)[a-z]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
{`(?i)[^[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
{`(?i)[[:^lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
{`\d`, `cc{0x30-0x39}`},
{`\D`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x10ffff}`},
{`\s`, `cc{0x9-0xa 0xc-0xd 0x20}`},
{`\S`, `cc{0x0-0x8 0xb 0xe-0x1f 0x21-0x10ffff}`},
{`\w`, `cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a}`},
{`\W`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
{`(?i)\w`, `cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
{`(?i)\W`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
{`[^\\]`, `cc{0x0-0x5b 0x5d-0x10ffff}`},
// { `\C`, `byte{}` }, // probably never
// Unicode, negatives, and a double negative.
{`\p{Braille}`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
{`\P{Braille}`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
{`\p{^Braille}`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
{`\P{^Braille}`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
{`\pZ`, `cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x180e 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}`},
{`[\p{Braille}]`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
{`[\P{Braille}]`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
{`[\p{^Braille}]`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
{`[\P{^Braille}]`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
{`[\pZ]`, `cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x180e 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}`},
{`\p{Lu}`, mkCharClass(unicode.IsUpper)},
{`[\p{Lu}]`, mkCharClass(unicode.IsUpper)},
{`(?i)[\p{Lu}]`, mkCharClass(isUpperFold)},
{`\p{Any}`, `dot{}`},
{`\p{^Any}`, `cc{}`},
// Hex, octal.
{`[\012-\234]\141`, `cat{cc{0xa-0x9c}lit{a}}`},
{`[\x{41}-\x7a]\x61`, `cat{cc{0x41-0x7a}lit{a}}`},
// More interesting regular expressions.
{`a{,2}`, `str{a{,2}}`},
{`\.\^\$\\`, `str{.^$\}`},
{`[a-zABC]`, `cc{0x41-0x43 0x61-0x7a}`},
{`[^a]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}`},
{`[α-ε☺]`, `cc{0x3b1-0x3b5 0x263a}`}, // utf-8
{`a*{`, `cat{star{lit{a}}lit{{}}`},
// Test precedences
{`(?:ab)*`, `star{str{ab}}`},
{`(ab)*`, `star{cap{str{ab}}}`},
{`ab|cd`, `alt{str{ab}str{cd}}`},
{`a(b|c)d`, `cat{lit{a}cap{cc{0x62-0x63}}lit{d}}`},
// Test flattening.
{`(?:a)`, `lit{a}`},
{`(?:ab)(?:cd)`, `str{abcd}`},
{`(?:a+b+)(?:c+d+)`, `cat{plus{lit{a}}plus{lit{b}}plus{lit{c}}plus{lit{d}}}`},
{`(?:a+|b+)|(?:c+|d+)`, `alt{plus{lit{a}}plus{lit{b}}plus{lit{c}}plus{lit{d}}}`},
{`(?:a|b)|(?:c|d)`, `cc{0x61-0x64}`},
{`a|.`, `dot{}`},
{`.|a`, `dot{}`},
{`(?:[abc]|A|Z|hello|world)`, `alt{cc{0x41 0x5a 0x61-0x63}str{hello}str{world}}`},
{`(?:[abc]|A|Z)`, `cc{0x41 0x5a 0x61-0x63}`},
// Test Perl quoted literals
{`\Q+|*?{[\E`, `str{+|*?{[}`},
{`\Q+\E+`, `plus{lit{+}}`},
{`\Q\\E`, `lit{\}`},
{`\Q\\\E`, `str{\\}`},
// Test Perl \A and \z
{`(?m)^`, `bol{}`},
{`(?m)$`, `eol{}`},
{`(?-m)^`, `bot{}`},
{`(?-m)$`, `eot{}`},
{`(?m)\A`, `bot{}`},
{`(?m)\z`, `eot{\z}`},
{`(?-m)\A`, `bot{}`},
{`(?-m)\z`, `eot{\z}`},
// Test named captures
{`(?P<name>a)`, `cap{name:lit{a}}`},
// Case-folded literals
{`[Aa]`, `litfold{A}`},
{`[\x{100}\x{101}]`, `litfold{Ā}`},
{`[Δδ]`, `litfold{Δ}`},
// Strings
{`abcde`, `str{abcde}`},
{`[Aa][Bb]cd`, `cat{strfold{AB}str{cd}}`},
// Factoring.
{`abc|abd|aef|bcx|bcy`, `alt{cat{lit{a}alt{cat{lit{b}cc{0x63-0x64}}str{ef}}}cat{str{bc}cc{0x78-0x79}}}`},
{`ax+y|ax+z|ay+w`, `cat{lit{a}alt{cat{plus{lit{x}}cc{0x79-0x7a}}cat{plus{lit{y}}lit{w}}}}`},
// Bug fixes.
{`(?:.)`, `dot{}`},
{`(?:x|(?:xa))`, `cat{lit{x}alt{emp{}lit{a}}}`},
{`(?:.|(?:.a))`, `cat{dot{}alt{emp{}lit{a}}}`},
{`(?:A(?:A|a))`, `cat{lit{A}litfold{A}}`},
{`(?:A|a)`, `litfold{A}`},
{`A|(?:A|a)`, `litfold{A}`},
{`(?s).`, `dot{}`},
{`(?-s).`, `dnl{}`},
{`(?:(?:^).)`, `cat{bol{}dot{}}`},
{`(?-s)(?:(?:^).)`, `cat{bol{}dnl{}}`},
// RE2 prefix_tests
{`abc|abd`, `cat{str{ab}cc{0x63-0x64}}`},
{`a(?:b)c|abd`, `cat{str{ab}cc{0x63-0x64}}`},
`alt{cat{lit{a}alt{cat{lit{b}cc{0x63-0x64}}str{ef}}}` +
{`abc|x|abd`, `alt{str{abc}lit{x}str{abd}}`},
{`(?i)abc|ABD`, `cat{strfold{AB}cc{0x43-0x44 0x63-0x64}}`},
{`[ab]c|[ab]d`, `cat{cc{0x61-0x62}cc{0x63-0x64}}`},
`cat{rep{2,2 lit{x}}alt{emp{}cc{0x30-0x39}}}`},
`cat{rep{2,2 lit{x}}alt{lit{y}cat{cc{0x30-0x39}lit{y}}}}`},
const testFlags = MatchNL | PerlX | UnicodeGroups
func TestParseSimple(t *testing.T) {
testParseDump(t, parseTests, testFlags)
var foldcaseTests = []parseTest{
{`AbCdE`, `strfold{ABCDE}`},
{`[Aa]`, `litfold{A}`},
{`a`, `litfold{A}`},
// 0x17F is an old English long s (looks like an f) and folds to s.
// 0x212A is the Kelvin symbol and folds to k.
{`A[F-g]`, `cat{litfold{A}cc{0x41-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}}`}, // [Aa][A-z...]
{`[[:upper:]]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
{`[[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
func TestParseFoldCase(t *testing.T) {
testParseDump(t, foldcaseTests, FoldCase)
var literalTests = []parseTest{
{"(|)^$.[*+?]{5,10},\\", "str{(|)^$.[*+?]{5,10},\\}"},
func TestParseLiteral(t *testing.T) {
testParseDump(t, literalTests, Literal)
var matchnlTests = []parseTest{
{`.`, `dot{}`},
{"\n", "lit{\n}"},
{`[^a]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}`},
{`[a\n]`, `cc{0xa 0x61}`},
func TestParseMatchNL(t *testing.T) {
testParseDump(t, matchnlTests, MatchNL)
var nomatchnlTests = []parseTest{
{`.`, `dnl{}`},
{"\n", "lit{\n}"},
{`[^a]`, `cc{0x0-0x9 0xb-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}`},
{`[a\n]`, `cc{0xa 0x61}`},
func TestParseNoMatchNL(t *testing.T) {
testParseDump(t, nomatchnlTests, 0)
// Test Parse -> Dump.
func testParseDump(t *testing.T, tests []parseTest, flags Flags) {
for _, tt := range tests {
re, err := Parse(tt.Regexp, flags)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q): %v", tt.Regexp, err)
d := dump(re)
if d != tt.Dump {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q).Dump() = %#q want %#q", tt.Regexp, d, tt.Dump)
// dump prints a string representation of the regexp showing
// the structure explicitly.
func dump(re *Regexp) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
dumpRegexp(&b, re)
return b.String()
var opNames = []string{
OpNoMatch: "no",
OpEmptyMatch: "emp",
OpLiteral: "lit",
OpCharClass: "cc",
OpAnyCharNotNL: "dnl",
OpAnyChar: "dot",
OpBeginLine: "bol",
OpEndLine: "eol",
OpBeginText: "bot",
OpEndText: "eot",
OpWordBoundary: "wb",
OpNoWordBoundary: "nwb",
OpCapture: "cap",
OpStar: "star",
OpPlus: "plus",
OpQuest: "que",
OpRepeat: "rep",
OpConcat: "cat",
OpAlternate: "alt",
// dumpRegexp writes an encoding of the syntax tree for the regexp re to b.
// It is used during testing to distinguish between parses that might print
// the same using re's String method.
func dumpRegexp(b *bytes.Buffer, re *Regexp) {
if int(re.Op) >= len(opNames) || opNames[re.Op] == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "op%d", re.Op)
} else {
switch re.Op {
case OpStar, OpPlus, OpQuest, OpRepeat:
if re.Flags&NonGreedy != 0 {
case OpLiteral:
if len(re.Rune) > 1 {
} else {
if re.Flags&FoldCase != 0 {
for _, r := range re.Rune {
if unicode.SimpleFold(r) != r {
switch re.Op {
case OpEndText:
if re.Flags&WasDollar == 0 {
case OpLiteral:
for _, r := range re.Rune {
case OpConcat, OpAlternate:
for _, sub := range re.Sub {
dumpRegexp(b, sub)
case OpStar, OpPlus, OpQuest:
dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
case OpRepeat:
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%d,%d ", re.Min, re.Max)
dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
case OpCapture:
if re.Name != "" {
dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
case OpCharClass:
sep := ""
for i := 0; i < len(re.Rune); i += 2 {
sep = " "
lo, hi := re.Rune[i], re.Rune[i+1]
if lo == hi {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%#x", lo)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%#x-%#x", lo, hi)
func mkCharClass(f func(rune) bool) string {
re := &Regexp{Op: OpCharClass}
lo := rune(-1)
for i := rune(0); i <= unicode.MaxRune; i++ {
if f(i) {
if lo < 0 {
lo = i
} else {
if lo >= 0 {
re.Rune = append(re.Rune, lo, i-1)
lo = -1
if lo >= 0 {
re.Rune = append(re.Rune, lo, unicode.MaxRune)
return dump(re)
func isUpperFold(r rune) bool {
if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
return true
c := unicode.SimpleFold(r)
for c != r {
if unicode.IsUpper(c) {
return true
c = unicode.SimpleFold(c)
return false
func TestFoldConstants(t *testing.T) {
last := rune(-1)
for i := rune(0); i <= unicode.MaxRune; i++ {
if unicode.SimpleFold(i) == i {
if last == -1 && MinFold != i {
t.Errorf("MinFold=%#U should be %#U", MinFold, i)
last = i
if MaxFold != last {
t.Errorf("MaxFold=%#U should be %#U", MaxFold, last)
func TestAppendRangeCollapse(t *testing.T) {
// AppendRange should collapse each of the new ranges
// into the earlier ones (it looks back two ranges), so that
// the slice never grows very large.
// Note that we are not calling cleanClass.
var r []rune
for i := rune('A'); i <= 'Z'; i++ {
r = AppendRange(r, i, i)
r = AppendRange(r, i+'a'-'A', i+'a'-'A')
if string(r) != "AZaz" {
t.Errorf("AppendRange interlaced A-Z a-z = %s, want AZaz", string(r))
var invalidRegexps = []string{
"\xff", // Invalid UTF-8
`(?P<x y>a)`,
var onlyPerl = []string{
var onlyPOSIX = []string{
func TestParseInvalidRegexps(t *testing.T) {
for _, regexp := range invalidRegexps {
if re, err := Parse(regexp, Perl); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, Perl) = %s, should have failed", regexp, dump(re))
if re, err := Parse(regexp, POSIX); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, POSIX) = %s, should have failed", regexp, dump(re))
for _, regexp := range onlyPerl {
if _, err := Parse(regexp, Perl); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, Perl): %v", regexp, err)
if re, err := Parse(regexp, POSIX); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, POSIX) = %s, should have failed", regexp, dump(re))
for _, regexp := range onlyPOSIX {
if re, err := Parse(regexp, Perl); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, Perl) = %s, should have failed", regexp, dump(re))
if _, err := Parse(regexp, POSIX); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, POSIX): %v", regexp, err)
func TestToStringEquivalentParse(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range parseTests {
re, err := Parse(tt.Regexp, testFlags)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q): %v", tt.Regexp, err)
d := dump(re)
if d != tt.Dump {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q).Dump() = %#q want %#q", tt.Regexp, d, tt.Dump)
s := re.String()
if s != tt.Regexp {
// If ToString didn't return the original regexp,
// it must have found one with fewer parens.
// Unfortunately we can't check the length here, because
// ToString produces "\\{" for a literal brace,
// but "{" is a shorter equivalent in some contexts.
nre, err := Parse(s, testFlags)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q.String() = %#q): %v", tt.Regexp, t, err)
nd := dump(nre)
if d != nd {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q) -> %#q; %#q vs %#q", tt.Regexp, s, d, nd)
ns := nre.String()
if s != ns {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q) -> %#q -> %#q", tt.Regexp, s, ns)