C++ 2014 ISO C++ 2014 In this implementation the -std=gnu++14 or -std=c++14 flag must be used to enable language and library features. See dialect options. The pre-defined symbol __cplusplus is used to check for the presence of the required flag. This page describes the C++14 and library TS support in the GCC 6 series. C++ 2014 Implementation Status Paper Title Status Comments N3669 Fixing constexpr member functions without const Y N3668 exchange() utility function Y N3670 Wording for Addressing Tuples by Type Y N3656 make_unique Y N3462 std::result_of and SFINAE Y N3545 An Incremental Improvement to integral_constant Y N3642 User-defined Literals for Standard Library Types Y N3671 Making non-modifying sequence operations more robust Y N3654 Quoted Strings Library Proposal Y N3469 Constexpr Library Additions: chrono Y N3470 Constexpr Library Additions: containers Y N3471 Constexpr Library Additions: utilities Y N3658 Compile-time integer sequences Y N3659 Shared Locking in C++ Y N3421 Making Operator Functors greater<> Y N3657 Adding heterogeneous comparison lookup to associative containers Y N3655 TransformationTraits Redux Y N3644 Null Forward Iterators Partial Only affects Debug Mode
C++ Technical Specifications Implementation Status Paper Title Status Comments N3662 C++ Dynamic Arrays N Array Extensions TS N3793 A proposal to add a utility class to represent optional objects Y Library Fundamentals TS N3804 Any library proposal Y Library Fundamentals TS N3866 Invocation type traits, but dropping function_call_operator. N Library Fundamentals TS N3905 Faster string searching (Boyer-Moore et al.) Y Library Fundamentals TS N3915 apply() call a function with arguments from a tuple Y Library Fundamentals TS N3916 Polymorphic memory resources Partial Library Fundamentals TS N3920 Extending shared_ptr to support arrays Y Library Fundamentals TS N3921 string_view: a non-owning reference to a string Y Library Fundamentals TS N3925 A sample proposal Y Library Fundamentals TS N3932 Variable Templates For Type Traits Y Library Fundamentals TS N4100 File System Y Link with