/** * Written in the D programming language. * Module initialization routines. * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2013. * License: Distributed under the * $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0). * (See accompanying file LICENSE) * Authors: Walter Bright, Sean Kelly * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC src/rt/_minfo.d) */ module rt.minfo; import core.stdc.stdlib; // alloca import core.stdc.string; // memcpy import rt.sections; enum { MIctorstart = 0x1, // we've started constructing it MIctordone = 0x2, // finished construction MIstandalone = 0x4, // module ctor does not depend on other module // ctors being done first MItlsctor = 8, MItlsdtor = 0x10, MIctor = 0x20, MIdtor = 0x40, MIxgetMembers = 0x80, MIictor = 0x100, MIunitTest = 0x200, MIimportedModules = 0x400, MIlocalClasses = 0x800, MIname = 0x1000, } /***** * A ModuleGroup is an unordered collection of modules. * There is exactly one for: * 1. all statically linked in D modules, either directely or as shared libraries * 2. each call to rt_loadLibrary() */ struct ModuleGroup { this(immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] modules) nothrow @nogc { _modules = modules; } @property immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] modules() const nothrow @nogc { return _modules; } // this function initializes the bookeeping necessary to create the // cycle path, and then creates it. It is a precondition that src and // target modules are involved in a cycle. // // The return value is malloc'd using C, so it must be freed after use. private size_t[] genCyclePath(size_t srcidx, size_t targetidx, int[][] edges) { import core.bitop : bt, btc, bts; // set up all the arrays. size_t[] cyclePath = (cast(size_t*)malloc(size_t.sizeof * _modules.length * 2))[0 .. _modules.length * 2]; size_t totalMods; int[] distance = (cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * _modules.length))[0 .. _modules.length]; scope(exit) .free(distance.ptr); // determine the shortest path between two modules. Uses dijkstra // without a priority queue. (we can be a bit slow here, in order to // get a better printout). void shortest(size_t start, size_t target) { // initial setup distance[] = int.max; int curdist = 0; distance[start] = 0; while (true) { bool done = true; foreach (i, x; distance) { if (x == curdist) { if (i == target) { done = true; break; } foreach (n; edges[i]) { if (distance[n] == int.max) { distance[n] = curdist + 1; done = false; } } } } if (done) break; ++curdist; } // it should be impossible to not get to target, this is just a // sanity check. Not an assert, because druntime is compiled in // release mode. if (distance[target] != curdist) { throw new Error("internal error printing module cycle"); } // determine the path. This is tricky, because we have to // follow the edges in reverse to get back to the original. We // don't have a reverse mapping, so it takes a bit of looping. totalMods += curdist; auto subpath = cyclePath[totalMods - curdist .. totalMods]; while (true) { --curdist; subpath[curdist] = target; if (curdist == 0) break; distloop: // search for next (previous) module in cycle. foreach (int m, d; distance) { if (d == curdist) { // determine if m can reach target foreach (e; edges[m]) { if (e == target) { // recurse target = m; break distloop; } } } } } } // first get to the target shortest(srcidx, targetidx); // now get back. shortest(targetidx, srcidx); return cyclePath[0 .. totalMods]; } /****************************** * Allocate and fill in _ctors[] and _tlsctors[]. * Modules are inserted into the arrays in the order in which the constructors * need to be run. * * Params: * cycleHandling - string indicating option for cycle handling * Throws: * Exception if it fails. */ void sortCtors(string cycleHandling) { import core.bitop : bts, btr, bt, BitRange; import rt.util.container.hashtab; enum OnCycle { deprecate, abort, print, ignore } auto onCycle = OnCycle.abort; switch (cycleHandling) with(OnCycle) { case "deprecate": onCycle = deprecate; break; case "abort": onCycle = abort; break; case "print": onCycle = print; break; case "ignore": onCycle = ignore; break; case "": // no option passed break; default: // invalid cycle handling option. throw new Error("DRT invalid cycle handling option: " ~ cycleHandling); } debug (printModuleDependencies) { import core.stdc.stdio : printf; foreach (_m; _modules) { printf("%s%s%s:", _m.name.ptr, (_m.flags & MIstandalone) ? "+".ptr : "".ptr, (_m.flags & (MIctor | MIdtor)) ? "*".ptr : "".ptr); foreach (_i; _m.importedModules) printf(" %s", _i.name.ptr); printf("\n"); } } immutable uint len = cast(uint) _modules.length; if (!len) return; // nothing to do. // allocate some stack arrays that will be used throughout the process. immutable nwords = (len + 8 * size_t.sizeof - 1) / (8 * size_t.sizeof); immutable flagbytes = nwords * size_t.sizeof; auto ctorstart = cast(size_t*) malloc(flagbytes); // ctor/dtor seen auto ctordone = cast(size_t*) malloc(flagbytes); // ctor/dtor processed auto relevant = cast(size_t*) malloc(flagbytes); // has ctors/dtors scope (exit) { .free(ctorstart); .free(ctordone); .free(relevant); } void clearFlags(size_t* flags) { memset(flags, 0, flagbytes); } // build the edges between each module. We may need this for printing, // and also allows avoiding keeping a hash around for module lookups. int[][] edges = (cast(int[]*)malloc((int[]).sizeof * _modules.length))[0 .. _modules.length]; { HashTab!(immutable(ModuleInfo)*, int) modIndexes; foreach (i, m; _modules) modIndexes[m] = cast(int) i; auto reachable = cast(size_t*) malloc(flagbytes); scope(exit) .free(reachable); foreach (i, m; _modules) { // use bit array to prevent duplicates // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16208 clearFlags(reachable); // preallocate enough space to store all the indexes int *edge = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * _modules.length); size_t nEdges = 0; foreach (imp; m.importedModules) { if (imp is m) // self-import continue; if (auto impidx = imp in modIndexes) { if (!bts(reachable, *impidx)) edge[nEdges++] = *impidx; } } // trim space to what is needed. edges[i] = (cast(int*)realloc(edge, int.sizeof * nEdges))[0 .. nEdges]; } } // free all the edges after we are done scope(exit) { foreach (e; edges) if (e.ptr) .free(e.ptr); .free(edges.ptr); } void buildCycleMessage(size_t sourceIdx, size_t cycleIdx, scope void delegate(string) sink) { version (Windows) enum EOL = "\r\n"; else enum EOL = "\n"; sink("Cyclic dependency between module "); sink(_modules[sourceIdx].name); sink(" and "); sink(_modules[cycleIdx].name); sink(EOL); auto cyclePath = genCyclePath(sourceIdx, cycleIdx, edges); scope(exit) .free(cyclePath.ptr); sink(_modules[sourceIdx].name); sink("* ->" ~ EOL); foreach (x; cyclePath[0 .. $ - 1]) { sink(_modules[x].name); sink(bt(relevant, x) ? "* ->" ~ EOL : " ->" ~ EOL); } sink(_modules[sourceIdx].name); sink("*" ~ EOL); } // find all the non-trivial dependencies (that is, dependencies that have a // ctor or dtor) of a given module. Doing this, we can 'skip over' the // trivial modules to get at the non-trivial ones. // // If a cycle is detected, returns the index of the module that completes the cycle. // Returns: true for success, false for a deprecated cycle error bool findDeps(size_t idx, size_t* reachable) { static struct stackFrame { size_t curMod; size_t curDep; } // initialize "stack" auto stack = cast(stackFrame*) malloc(stackFrame.sizeof * len); scope (exit) .free(stack); auto stacktop = stack + len; auto sp = stack; sp.curMod = cast(int) idx; sp.curDep = 0; // initialize reachable by flagging source module clearFlags(reachable); bts(reachable, idx); for (;;) { auto m = _modules[sp.curMod]; if (sp.curDep >= edges[sp.curMod].length) { // return if (sp == stack) // finished the algorithm break; --sp; } else { auto midx = edges[sp.curMod][sp.curDep]; if (!bts(reachable, midx)) { if (bt(relevant, midx)) { // need to process this node, don't recurse. if (bt(ctorstart, midx)) { // was already started, this is a cycle. final switch (onCycle) with(OnCycle) { case deprecate: // check with old algorithm if (sortCtorsOld(edges)) { // unwind to print deprecation message. return false; // deprecated cycle error } goto case abort; // fall through case abort: string errmsg = ""; buildCycleMessage(idx, midx, (string x) {errmsg ~= x;}); throw new Error(errmsg, __FILE__, __LINE__); case ignore: break; case print: // print the message buildCycleMessage(idx, midx, (string x) { import core.stdc.stdio : fprintf, stderr; fprintf(stderr, "%.*s", cast(int) x.length, x.ptr); }); // continue on as if this is correct. break; } } } else if (!bt(ctordone, midx)) { // non-relevant, and hasn't been exhaustively processed, recurse. if (++sp >= stacktop) { // stack overflow, this shouldn't happen. import core.internal.abort : abort; abort("stack overflow on dependency search"); } sp.curMod = midx; sp.curDep = 0; continue; } } } // next dependency ++sp.curDep; } return true; // success } // The list of constructors that will be returned by the sorting. immutable(ModuleInfo)** ctors; // current element being inserted into ctors list. size_t ctoridx = 0; // This function will determine the order of construction/destruction and // check for cycles. If a cycle is found, the cycle path is transformed // into a string and thrown as an error. // // Each call into this function is given a module that has static // ctor/dtors that must be dealt with. It recurses only when it finds // dependencies that also have static ctor/dtors. // Returns: true for success, false for a deprecated cycle error bool processMod(size_t curidx) { immutable ModuleInfo* current = _modules[curidx]; // First, determine what modules are reachable. auto reachable = cast(size_t*) malloc(flagbytes); scope (exit) .free(reachable); if (!findDeps(curidx, reachable)) return false; // deprecated cycle error // process the dependencies. First, we process all relevant ones bts(ctorstart, curidx); auto brange = BitRange(reachable, len); foreach (i; brange) { // note, don't check for cycles here, because the config could have been set to ignore cycles. // however, don't recurse if there is one, so still check for started ctor. if (i != curidx && bt(relevant, i) && !bt(ctordone, i) && !bt(ctorstart, i)) { if (!processMod(i)) return false; // deprecated cycle error } } // now mark this node, and all nodes reachable from this module as done. bts(ctordone, curidx); btr(ctorstart, curidx); foreach (i; brange) { // Since relevant dependencies are already marked as done // from recursion above (or are going to be handled up the call // stack), no reason to check for relevance, that is a wasted // op. bts(ctordone, i); } // add this module to the construction order list ctors[ctoridx++] = current; return true; } // returns `false` if deprecated cycle error otherwise set `result`. bool doSort(size_t relevantFlags, ref immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] result) { clearFlags(relevant); clearFlags(ctorstart); clearFlags(ctordone); // pre-allocate enough space to hold all modules. ctors = (cast(immutable(ModuleInfo)**).malloc(len * (void*).sizeof)); ctoridx = 0; foreach (int idx, m; _modules) { if (m.flags & relevantFlags) { if (m.flags & MIstandalone) { // can run at any time. Just run it first. ctors[ctoridx++] = m; } else { bts(relevant, idx); } } } // now run the algorithm in the relevant ones foreach (idx; BitRange(relevant, len)) { if (!bt(ctordone, idx)) { if (!processMod(idx)) return false; } } if (ctoridx == 0) { // no ctors in the list. .free(ctors); } else { ctors = cast(immutable(ModuleInfo)**).realloc(ctors, ctoridx * (void*).sizeof); if (ctors is null) assert(0); result = ctors[0 .. ctoridx]; } return true; } // finally, do the sorting for both shared and tls ctors. If either returns false, // print the deprecation warning. if (!doSort(MIctor | MIdtor, _ctors) || !doSort(MItlsctor | MItlsdtor, _tlsctors)) { // print a warning import core.stdc.stdio : fprintf, stderr; fprintf(stderr, "Deprecation 16211 warning:\n" ~ "A cycle has been detected in your program that was undetected prior to DMD\n" ~ "2.072. This program will continue, but will not operate when using DMD 2.074\n" ~ "to compile. Use runtime option --DRT-oncycle=print to see the cycle details.\n"); } } /// ditto void sortCtors() { import rt.config : rt_configOption; sortCtors(rt_configOption("oncycle")); } /****************************** * This is the old ctor sorting algorithm that does not find all cycles. * * It is here to allow the deprecated behavior from the original algorithm * until people have fixed their code. * * If no cycles are found, the _ctors and _tlsctors are replaced with the * ones generated by this algorithm to preserve the old incorrect ordering * behavior. * * Params: * edges - The module edges as found in the `importedModules` member of * each ModuleInfo. Generated in sortCtors. * Returns: * true if no cycle is found, false if one was. */ bool sortCtorsOld(int[][] edges) { immutable len = edges.length; assert(len == _modules.length); static struct StackRec { @property int mod() { return _mods[_idx]; } int[] _mods; size_t _idx; } auto stack = (cast(StackRec*).calloc(len, StackRec.sizeof))[0 .. len]; // TODO: reuse GCBits by moving it to rt.util.container or core.internal immutable nwords = (len + 8 * size_t.sizeof - 1) / (8 * size_t.sizeof); auto ctorstart = cast(size_t*).malloc(nwords * size_t.sizeof); auto ctordone = cast(size_t*).malloc(nwords * size_t.sizeof); int[] initialEdges = (cast(int *)malloc(int.sizeof * len))[0 .. len]; if (!stack.ptr || ctorstart is null || ctordone is null || !initialEdges.ptr) assert(0); scope (exit) { .free(stack.ptr); .free(ctorstart); .free(ctordone); .free(initialEdges.ptr); } // initialize the initial edges foreach (int i, ref v; initialEdges) v = i; bool sort(ref immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] ctors, uint mask) { import core.bitop; ctors = (cast(immutable(ModuleInfo)**).malloc(len * size_t.sizeof))[0 .. len]; if (!ctors.ptr) assert(0); // clean flags memset(ctorstart, 0, nwords * size_t.sizeof); memset(ctordone, 0, nwords * size_t.sizeof); size_t stackidx = 0; size_t cidx; int[] mods = initialEdges; size_t idx; while (true) { while (idx < mods.length) { auto m = mods[idx]; if (bt(ctordone, m)) { // this module has already been processed, skip ++idx; continue; } else if (bt(ctorstart, m)) { /* Trace back to the begin of the cycle. */ bool ctorInCycle; size_t start = stackidx; while (start--) { auto sm = stack[start].mod; if (sm == m) break; assert(sm >= 0); if (bt(ctorstart, sm)) ctorInCycle = true; } assert(stack[start].mod == m); if (ctorInCycle) { return false; } else { /* This is also a cycle, but the import chain does not constrain * the order of initialization, either because the imported * modules have no ctors or the ctors are standalone. */ ++idx; } } else { auto curmod = _modules[m]; if (curmod.flags & mask) { if (curmod.flags & MIstandalone || !edges[m].length) { // trivial ctor => sort in ctors[cidx++] = curmod; bts(ctordone, m); } else { // non-trivial ctor => defer bts(ctorstart, m); } } else // no ctor => mark as visited { bts(ctordone, m); } if (edges[m].length) { /* Internal runtime error, recursion exceeds number of modules. */ (stackidx < len) || assert(0); // recurse stack[stackidx++] = StackRec(mods, idx); idx = 0; mods = edges[m]; } } } if (stackidx) { // pop old value from stack --stackidx; mods = stack[stackidx]._mods; idx = stack[stackidx]._idx; auto m = mods[idx++]; if (bt(ctorstart, m) && !bts(ctordone, m)) ctors[cidx++] = _modules[m]; } else // done break; } // store final number and shrink array ctors = (cast(immutable(ModuleInfo)**).realloc(ctors.ptr, cidx * size_t.sizeof))[0 .. cidx]; return true; } /* Do two passes: ctor/dtor, tlsctor/tlsdtor */ immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] _ctors2; immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] _tlsctors2; auto result = sort(_ctors2, MIctor | MIdtor) && sort(_tlsctors2, MItlsctor | MItlsdtor); if (result) // no cycle { // fall back to original ordering as part of the deprecation. if (_ctors.ptr) .free(_ctors.ptr); _ctors = _ctors2; if (_tlsctors.ptr) .free(_tlsctors.ptr); _tlsctors = _tlsctors2; } else { // free any allocated memory that will be forgotten if (_ctors2.ptr) .free(_ctors2.ptr); if (_tlsctors2.ptr) .free(_tlsctors2.ptr); } return result; } void runCtors() { // run independent ctors runModuleFuncs!(m => m.ictor)(_modules); // sorted module ctors runModuleFuncs!(m => m.ctor)(_ctors); } void runTlsCtors() { runModuleFuncs!(m => m.tlsctor)(_tlsctors); } void runTlsDtors() { runModuleFuncsRev!(m => m.tlsdtor)(_tlsctors); } void runDtors() { runModuleFuncsRev!(m => m.dtor)(_ctors); } void free() { if (_ctors.ptr) .free(_ctors.ptr); _ctors = null; if (_tlsctors.ptr) .free(_tlsctors.ptr); _tlsctors = null; // _modules = null; // let the owner free it } private: immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] _modules; immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] _ctors; immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] _tlsctors; } /******************************************** * Iterate over all module infos. */ int moduleinfos_apply(scope int delegate(immutable(ModuleInfo*)) dg) { foreach (ref sg; SectionGroup) { foreach (m; sg.modules) { // TODO: Should null ModuleInfo be allowed? if (m !is null) { if (auto res = dg(m)) return res; } } } return 0; } /******************************************** * Module constructor and destructor routines. */ extern (C) { void rt_moduleCtor() { foreach (ref sg; SectionGroup) { sg.moduleGroup.sortCtors(); sg.moduleGroup.runCtors(); } } void rt_moduleTlsCtor() { foreach (ref sg; SectionGroup) { sg.moduleGroup.runTlsCtors(); } } void rt_moduleTlsDtor() { foreach_reverse (ref sg; SectionGroup) { sg.moduleGroup.runTlsDtors(); } } void rt_moduleDtor() { foreach_reverse (ref sg; SectionGroup) { sg.moduleGroup.runDtors(); sg.moduleGroup.free(); } } version (Win32) { // Alternate names for backwards compatibility with older DLL code void _moduleCtor() { rt_moduleCtor(); } void _moduleDtor() { rt_moduleDtor(); } void _moduleTlsCtor() { rt_moduleTlsCtor(); } void _moduleTlsDtor() { rt_moduleTlsDtor(); } } } /******************************************** */ void runModuleFuncs(alias getfp)(const(immutable(ModuleInfo)*)[] modules) { foreach (m; modules) { if (auto fp = getfp(m)) (*fp)(); } } void runModuleFuncsRev(alias getfp)(const(immutable(ModuleInfo)*)[] modules) { foreach_reverse (m; modules) { if (auto fp = getfp(m)) (*fp)(); } } unittest { static void assertThrown(T : Throwable, E)(lazy E expr, string msg) { try expr; catch (T) return; assert(0, msg); } static void stub() { } static struct UTModuleInfo { this(uint flags) { mi._flags = flags; } void setImports(immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] imports...) { import core.bitop; assert(flags & MIimportedModules); immutable nfuncs = popcnt(flags & (MItlsctor|MItlsdtor|MIctor|MIdtor|MIictor)); immutable size = nfuncs * (void function()).sizeof + size_t.sizeof + imports.length * (ModuleInfo*).sizeof; assert(size <= pad.sizeof); pad[nfuncs] = imports.length; .memcpy(&pad[nfuncs+1], imports.ptr, imports.length * imports[0].sizeof); } immutable ModuleInfo mi; size_t[8] pad; alias mi this; } static UTModuleInfo mockMI(uint flags) { auto mi = UTModuleInfo(flags | MIimportedModules); auto p = cast(void function()*)&mi.pad; if (flags & MItlsctor) *p++ = &stub; if (flags & MItlsdtor) *p++ = &stub; if (flags & MIctor) *p++ = &stub; if (flags & MIdtor) *p++ = &stub; if (flags & MIictor) *p++ = &stub; *cast(size_t*)p++ = 0; // number of imported modules assert(cast(void*)p <= &mi + 1); return mi; } static void checkExp2(string testname, bool shouldThrow, string oncycle, immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] modules, immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] dtors=null, immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] tlsdtors=null) { auto mgroup = ModuleGroup(modules); mgroup.sortCtors(oncycle); // if we are expecting sort to throw, don't throw because of unexpected // success! if (!shouldThrow) { foreach (m; mgroup._modules) assert(!(m.flags & (MIctorstart | MIctordone)), testname); assert(mgroup._ctors == dtors, testname); assert(mgroup._tlsctors == tlsdtors, testname); } } static void checkExp(string testname, bool shouldThrow, immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] modules, immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] dtors=null, immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] tlsdtors=null) { checkExp2(testname, shouldThrow, "abort", modules, dtors, tlsdtors); } { auto m0 = mockMI(0); auto m1 = mockMI(0); auto m2 = mockMI(0); checkExp("no ctors", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIictor); auto m1 = mockMI(0); auto m2 = mockMI(MIictor); auto mgroup = ModuleGroup([&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]); checkExp("independent ctors", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(0); auto m2 = mockMI(0); auto mgroup = ModuleGroup([&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]); checkExp("standalone ctor", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m0.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(0); m1.setImports(&m0.mi); checkExp("imported standalone => no dependency", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m0.mi, &m1.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(0); m0.setImports(&m1.mi); checkExp("imported standalone => no dependency (2)", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m0.mi, &m1.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(0); m0.setImports(&m1.mi); m1.setImports(&m0.mi); checkExp("standalone may have cycle", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m0.mi, &m1.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(0); m1.setImports(&m0.mi); checkExp("imported ctor => ordered ctors", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m0.mi, &m1.mi], []); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(0); m0.setImports(&m1.mi); checkExp("imported ctor => ordered ctors (2)", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m1.mi, &m0.mi], []); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(0); m0.setImports(&m1.mi); m1.setImports(&m0.mi); assertThrown!Throwable(checkExp("", true, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]), "detects ctors cycles"); assertThrown!Throwable(checkExp2("", true, "deprecate", [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]), "detects ctors cycles (dep)"); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(0); m0.setImports(&m2.mi); m1.setImports(&m2.mi); m2.setImports(&m0.mi, &m1.mi); assertThrown!Throwable(checkExp("", true, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]), "detects cycle with repeats"); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(MItlsctor); m0.setImports(&m1.mi, &m2.mi); checkExp("imported ctor/tlsctor => ordered ctors/tlsctors", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m1.mi, &m0.mi], [&m2.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIctor | MItlsctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(MItlsctor); m0.setImports(&m1.mi, &m2.mi); checkExp("imported ctor/tlsctor => ordered ctors/tlsctors (2)", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m1.mi, &m0.mi], [&m2.mi, &m0.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(MItlsctor); m0.setImports(&m1.mi, &m2.mi); m2.setImports(&m0.mi); checkExp("no cycle between ctors/tlsctors", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m1.mi, &m0.mi], [&m2.mi]); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MItlsctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(MItlsctor); m0.setImports(&m2.mi); m2.setImports(&m0.mi); assertThrown!Throwable(checkExp("", true, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]), "detects tlsctors cycle"); assertThrown!Throwable(checkExp2("", true, "deprecate", [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]), "detects tlsctors cycle (dep)"); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MItlsctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(MItlsctor); m0.setImports(&m1.mi); m1.setImports(&m0.mi, &m2.mi); m2.setImports(&m1.mi); assertThrown!Throwable(checkExp("", true, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]), "detects tlsctors cycle with repeats"); } { auto m0 = mockMI(MIctor); auto m1 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); auto m2 = mockMI(MIstandalone | MIctor); m0.setImports(&m1.mi); m1.setImports(&m2.mi); m2.setImports(&m0.mi); // NOTE: this is implementation dependent, sorted order shouldn't be tested. checkExp("closed ctors cycle", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m1.mi, &m2.mi, &m0.mi]); //checkExp("closed ctors cycle", false, [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi], [&m0.mi, &m1.mi, &m2.mi]); } } version (CRuntime_Microsoft) { // Dummy so Win32 code can still call it extern(C) void _minit() { } }