// Written in the D programming language. /** * Builtin SIMD intrinsics * * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/_simd.d) * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2012. * License: $(WEB www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: $(WEB digitalmars.com, Walter Bright), */ /* NOTE: This file has been patched from the original DMD distribution to * work with the GDC compiler. */ module core.simd; pure: nothrow: @safe: @nogc: /******************************* * Create a vector type. * * Parameters: * T = one of double[2], float[4], void[16], byte[16], ubyte[16], * short[8], ushort[8], int[4], uint[4], long[2], ulong[2]. * For 256 bit vectors, * one of double[4], float[8], void[32], byte[32], ubyte[32], * short[16], ushort[16], int[8], uint[8], long[4], ulong[4] */ template Vector(T) { /* __vector is compiler magic, hide it behind a template. * The compiler will reject T's that don't work. */ alias __vector(T) Vector; } /* Handy aliases */ static if (is(Vector!(void[8]))) alias Vector!(void[8]) void8; /// static if (is(Vector!(float[2]))) alias Vector!(float[2]) float2; /// static if (is(Vector!(byte[8]))) alias Vector!(byte[8]) byte8; /// static if (is(Vector!(ubyte[8]))) alias Vector!(ubyte[8]) ubyte8; /// static if (is(Vector!(short[4]))) alias Vector!(short[4]) short4; /// static if (is(Vector!(ushort[4]))) alias Vector!(ushort[4]) ushort4; /// static if (is(Vector!(int[2]))) alias Vector!(int[2]) int2; /// static if (is(Vector!(uint[2]))) alias Vector!(uint[2]) uint2; /// static if (is(Vector!(void[16]))) alias Vector!(void[16]) void16; /// static if (is(Vector!(double[2]))) alias Vector!(double[2]) double2; /// static if (is(Vector!(float[4]))) alias Vector!(float[4]) float4; /// static if (is(Vector!(byte[16]))) alias Vector!(byte[16]) byte16; /// static if (is(Vector!(ubyte[16]))) alias Vector!(ubyte[16]) ubyte16; /// static if (is(Vector!(short[8]))) alias Vector!(short[8]) short8; /// static if (is(Vector!(ushort[8]))) alias Vector!(ushort[8]) ushort8; /// static if (is(Vector!(int[4]))) alias Vector!(int[4]) int4; /// static if (is(Vector!(uint[4]))) alias Vector!(uint[4]) uint4; /// static if (is(Vector!(long[2]))) alias Vector!(long[2]) long2; /// static if (is(Vector!(ulong[2]))) alias Vector!(ulong[2]) ulong2; /// static if (is(Vector!(void[32]))) alias Vector!(void[32]) void32; /// static if (is(Vector!(double[4]))) alias Vector!(double[4]) double4; /// static if (is(Vector!(float[8]))) alias Vector!(float[8]) float8; /// static if (is(Vector!(byte[32]))) alias Vector!(byte[32]) byte32; /// static if (is(Vector!(ubyte[32]))) alias Vector!(ubyte[32]) ubyte32; /// static if (is(Vector!(short[16]))) alias Vector!(short[16]) short16; /// static if (is(Vector!(ushort[16]))) alias Vector!(ushort[16]) ushort16; /// static if (is(Vector!(int[8]))) alias Vector!(int[8]) int8; /// static if (is(Vector!(uint[8]))) alias Vector!(uint[8]) uint8; /// static if (is(Vector!(long[4]))) alias Vector!(long[4]) long4; /// static if (is(Vector!(ulong[4]))) alias Vector!(ulong[4]) ulong4; /// version (D_SIMD) { /** XMM opcodes that conform to the following: * * opcode xmm1,xmm2/mem * * and do not have side effects (i.e. do not write to memory). */ enum XMM { ADDSS = 0xF30F58, ADDSD = 0xF20F58, ADDPS = 0x000F58, ADDPD = 0x660F58, PADDB = 0x660FFC, PADDW = 0x660FFD, PADDD = 0x660FFE, PADDQ = 0x660FD4, SUBSS = 0xF30F5C, SUBSD = 0xF20F5C, SUBPS = 0x000F5C, SUBPD = 0x660F5C, PSUBB = 0x660FF8, PSUBW = 0x660FF9, PSUBD = 0x660FFA, PSUBQ = 0x660FFB, MULSS = 0xF30F59, MULSD = 0xF20F59, MULPS = 0x000F59, MULPD = 0x660F59, PMULLW = 0x660FD5, DIVSS = 0xF30F5E, DIVSD = 0xF20F5E, DIVPS = 0x000F5E, DIVPD = 0x660F5E, PAND = 0x660FDB, POR = 0x660FEB, UCOMISS = 0x000F2E, UCOMISD = 0x660F2E, XORPS = 0x000F57, XORPD = 0x660F57, // Use STO and LOD instead of MOV to distinguish the direction STOSS = 0xF30F11, STOSD = 0xF20F11, STOAPS = 0x000F29, STOAPD = 0x660F29, STODQA = 0x660F7F, STOD = 0x660F7E, // MOVD reg/mem64, xmm 66 0F 7E /r STOQ = 0x660FD6, LODSS = 0xF30F10, LODSD = 0xF20F10, LODAPS = 0x000F28, LODAPD = 0x660F28, LODDQA = 0x660F6F, LODD = 0x660F6E, // MOVD xmm, reg/mem64 66 0F 6E /r LODQ = 0xF30F7E, LODDQU = 0xF30F6F, // MOVDQU xmm1, xmm2/mem128 F3 0F 6F /r STODQU = 0xF30F7F, // MOVDQU xmm1/mem128, xmm2 F3 0F 7F /r MOVDQ2Q = 0xF20FD6, // MOVDQ2Q mmx, xmm F2 0F D6 /r MOVHLPS = 0x0F12, // MOVHLPS xmm1, xmm2 0F 12 /r LODHPD = 0x660F16, STOHPD = 0x660F17, // MOVHPD mem64, xmm 66 0F 17 /r LODHPS = 0x0F16, STOHPS = 0x0F17, MOVLHPS = 0x0F16, LODLPD = 0x660F12, STOLPD = 0x660F13, LODLPS = 0x0F12, STOLPS = 0x0F13, MOVMSKPD = 0x660F50, MOVMSKPS = 0x0F50, MOVNTDQ = 0x660FE7, MOVNTI = 0x0FC3, MOVNTPD = 0x660F2B, MOVNTPS = 0x0F2B, MOVNTQ = 0x0FE7, MOVQ2DQ = 0xF30FD6, LODUPD = 0x660F10, STOUPD = 0x660F11, LODUPS = 0x0F10, STOUPS = 0x0F11, PACKSSDW = 0x660F6B, PACKSSWB = 0x660F63, PACKUSWB = 0x660F67, PADDSB = 0x660FEC, PADDSW = 0x660FED, PADDUSB = 0x660FDC, PADDUSW = 0x660FDD, PANDN = 0x660FDF, PCMPEQB = 0x660F74, PCMPEQD = 0x660F76, PCMPEQW = 0x660F75, PCMPGTB = 0x660F64, PCMPGTD = 0x660F66, PCMPGTW = 0x660F65, PMADDWD = 0x660FF5, PSLLW = 0x660FF1, PSLLD = 0x660FF2, PSLLQ = 0x660FF3, PSRAW = 0x660FE1, PSRAD = 0x660FE2, PSRLW = 0x660FD1, PSRLD = 0x660FD2, PSRLQ = 0x660FD3, PSUBSB = 0x660FE8, PSUBSW = 0x660FE9, PSUBUSB = 0x660FD8, PSUBUSW = 0x660FD9, PUNPCKHBW = 0x660F68, PUNPCKHDQ = 0x660F6A, PUNPCKHWD = 0x660F69, PUNPCKLBW = 0x660F60, PUNPCKLDQ = 0x660F62, PUNPCKLWD = 0x660F61, PXOR = 0x660FEF, ANDPD = 0x660F54, ANDPS = 0x0F54, ANDNPD = 0x660F55, ANDNPS = 0x0F55, CMPPS = 0x0FC2, CMPPD = 0x660FC2, CMPSD = 0xF20FC2, CMPSS = 0xF30FC2, COMISD = 0x660F2F, COMISS = 0x0F2F, CVTDQ2PD = 0xF30FE6, CVTDQ2PS = 0x0F5B, CVTPD2DQ = 0xF20FE6, CVTPD2PI = 0x660F2D, CVTPD2PS = 0x660F5A, CVTPI2PD = 0x660F2A, CVTPI2PS = 0x0F2A, CVTPS2DQ = 0x660F5B, CVTPS2PD = 0x0F5A, CVTPS2PI = 0x0F2D, CVTSD2SI = 0xF20F2D, CVTSD2SS = 0xF20F5A, CVTSI2SD = 0xF20F2A, CVTSI2SS = 0xF30F2A, CVTSS2SD = 0xF30F5A, CVTSS2SI = 0xF30F2D, CVTTPD2PI = 0x660F2C, CVTTPD2DQ = 0x660FE6, CVTTPS2DQ = 0xF30F5B, CVTTPS2PI = 0x0F2C, CVTTSD2SI = 0xF20F2C, CVTTSS2SI = 0xF30F2C, MASKMOVDQU = 0x660FF7, MASKMOVQ = 0x0FF7, MAXPD = 0x660F5F, MAXPS = 0x0F5F, MAXSD = 0xF20F5F, MAXSS = 0xF30F5F, MINPD = 0x660F5D, MINPS = 0x0F5D, MINSD = 0xF20F5D, MINSS = 0xF30F5D, ORPD = 0x660F56, ORPS = 0x0F56, PAVGB = 0x660FE0, PAVGW = 0x660FE3, PMAXSW = 0x660FEE, //PINSRW = 0x660FC4, PMAXUB = 0x660FDE, PMINSW = 0x660FEA, PMINUB = 0x660FDA, //PMOVMSKB = 0x660FD7, PMULHUW = 0x660FE4, PMULHW = 0x660FE5, PMULUDQ = 0x660FF4, PSADBW = 0x660FF6, PUNPCKHQDQ = 0x660F6D, PUNPCKLQDQ = 0x660F6C, RCPPS = 0x0F53, RCPSS = 0xF30F53, RSQRTPS = 0x0F52, RSQRTSS = 0xF30F52, SQRTPD = 0x660F51, SHUFPD = 0x660FC6, SHUFPS = 0x0FC6, SQRTPS = 0x0F51, SQRTSD = 0xF20F51, SQRTSS = 0xF30F51, UNPCKHPD = 0x660F15, UNPCKHPS = 0x0F15, UNPCKLPD = 0x660F14, UNPCKLPS = 0x0F14, PSHUFD = 0x660F70, PSHUFHW = 0xF30F70, PSHUFLW = 0xF20F70, PSHUFW = 0x0F70, PSLLDQ = 0x07660F73, PSRLDQ = 0x03660F73, //PREFETCH = 0x0F18, // SSE3 Pentium 4 (Prescott) ADDSUBPD = 0x660FD0, ADDSUBPS = 0xF20FD0, HADDPD = 0x660F7C, HADDPS = 0xF20F7C, HSUBPD = 0x660F7D, HSUBPS = 0xF20F7D, MOVDDUP = 0xF20F12, MOVSHDUP = 0xF30F16, MOVSLDUP = 0xF30F12, LDDQU = 0xF20FF0, MONITOR = 0x0F01C8, MWAIT = 0x0F01C9, // SSSE3 PALIGNR = 0x660F3A0F, PHADDD = 0x660F3802, PHADDW = 0x660F3801, PHADDSW = 0x660F3803, PABSB = 0x660F381C, PABSD = 0x660F381E, PABSW = 0x660F381D, PSIGNB = 0x660F3808, PSIGND = 0x660F380A, PSIGNW = 0x660F3809, PSHUFB = 0x660F3800, PMADDUBSW = 0x660F3804, PMULHRSW = 0x660F380B, PHSUBD = 0x660F3806, PHSUBW = 0x660F3805, PHSUBSW = 0x660F3807, // SSE4.1 BLENDPD = 0x660F3A0D, BLENDPS = 0x660F3A0C, BLENDVPD = 0x660F3815, BLENDVPS = 0x660F3814, DPPD = 0x660F3A41, DPPS = 0x660F3A40, EXTRACTPS = 0x660F3A17, INSERTPS = 0x660F3A21, MPSADBW = 0x660F3A42, PBLENDVB = 0x660F3810, PBLENDW = 0x660F3A0E, PEXTRD = 0x660F3A16, PEXTRQ = 0x660F3A16, PINSRB = 0x660F3A20, PINSRD = 0x660F3A22, PINSRQ = 0x660F3A22, MOVNTDQA = 0x660F382A, PACKUSDW = 0x660F382B, PCMPEQQ = 0x660F3829, PEXTRB = 0x660F3A14, PHMINPOSUW = 0x660F3841, PMAXSB = 0x660F383C, PMAXSD = 0x660F383D, PMAXUD = 0x660F383F, PMAXUW = 0x660F383E, PMINSB = 0x660F3838, PMINSD = 0x660F3839, PMINUD = 0x660F383B, PMINUW = 0x660F383A, PMOVSXBW = 0x660F3820, PMOVSXBD = 0x660F3821, PMOVSXBQ = 0x660F3822, PMOVSXWD = 0x660F3823, PMOVSXWQ = 0x660F3824, PMOVSXDQ = 0x660F3825, PMOVZXBW = 0x660F3830, PMOVZXBD = 0x660F3831, PMOVZXBQ = 0x660F3832, PMOVZXWD = 0x660F3833, PMOVZXWQ = 0x660F3834, PMOVZXDQ = 0x660F3835, PMULDQ = 0x660F3828, PMULLD = 0x660F3840, PTEST = 0x660F3817, ROUNDPD = 0x660F3A09, ROUNDPS = 0x660F3A08, ROUNDSD = 0x660F3A0B, ROUNDSS = 0x660F3A0A, // SSE4.2 PCMPESTRI = 0x660F3A61, PCMPESTRM = 0x660F3A60, PCMPISTRI = 0x660F3A63, PCMPISTRM = 0x660F3A62, PCMPGTQ = 0x660F3837, //CRC32 // SSE4a (AMD only) // EXTRQ,INSERTQ,MOVNTSD,MOVNTSS // POPCNT and LZCNT (have their own CPUID bits) POPCNT = 0xF30FB8, // LZCNT } /** * Generate two operand instruction with XMM 128 bit operands. * * This is a compiler magic function - it doesn't behave like * regular D functions. * * Parameters: * opcode any of the XMM opcodes; it must be a compile time constant * op1 first operand * op2 second operand * Returns: * result of opcode */ pure @safe void16 __simd(XMM opcode, void16 op1, void16 op2); /** * Unary SIMD instructions. */ pure @safe void16 __simd(XMM opcode, void16 op1); pure @safe void16 __simd(XMM opcode, double d); /// pure @safe void16 __simd(XMM opcode, float f); /// /**** * For instructions: * CMPPD, CMPSS, CMPSD, CMPPS, * PSHUFD, PSHUFHW, PSHUFLW, * BLENDPD, BLENDPS, DPPD, DPPS, * MPSADBW, PBLENDW, * ROUNDPD, ROUNDPS, ROUNDSD, ROUNDSS * Parameters: * opcode any of the above XMM opcodes; it must be a compile time constant * op1 first operand * op2 second operand * imm8 third operand; must be a compile time constant * Returns: * result of opcode */ pure @safe void16 __simd(XMM opcode, void16 op1, void16 op2, ubyte imm8); /*** * For instructions with the imm8 version: * PSLLD, PSLLQ, PSLLW, PSRAD, PSRAW, PSRLD, PSRLQ, PSRLW, * PSRLDQ, PSLLDQ * Parameters: * opcode any of the XMM opcodes; it must be a compile time constant * op1 first operand * imm8 second operand; must be a compile time constant * Returns: * result of opcode */ pure @safe void16 __simd_ib(XMM opcode, void16 op1, ubyte imm8); /***** * For "store" operations of the form: * op1 op= op2 * Returns: * op2 * These cannot be marked as pure, as semantic() doesn't check them. */ @safe void16 __simd_sto(XMM opcode, void16 op1, void16 op2); @safe void16 __simd_sto(XMM opcode, double op1, void16 op2); /// @safe void16 __simd_sto(XMM opcode, float op1, void16 op2); /// /* The following use overloading to ensure correct typing. * Compile with inlining on for best performance. */ pure @safe short8 pcmpeq()(short8 v1, short8 v2) { return __simd(XMM.PCMPEQW, v1, v2); } pure @safe ushort8 pcmpeq()(ushort8 v1, ushort8 v2) { return __simd(XMM.PCMPEQW, v1, v2); } /********************* * Emit prefetch instruction. * Params: * address = address to be prefetched * writeFetch = true for write fetch, false for read fetch * locality = 0..3 (0 meaning least local, 3 meaning most local) * Note: * The Intel mappings are: * $(TABLE * $(THEAD writeFetch, locality, Instruction) * $(TROW false, 0, prefetchnta) * $(TROW false, 1, prefetch2) * $(TROW false, 2, prefetch1) * $(TROW false, 3, prefetch0) * $(TROW false, 0, prefetchw) * $(TROW false, 1, prefetchw) * $(TROW false, 2, prefetchw) * $(TROW false, 3, prefetchw) * ) */ void prefetch(bool writeFetch, ubyte locality)(const(void)* address) { static if (writeFetch) __prefetch(address, 4); else static if (locality < 4) __prefetch(address, 3 - locality); else static assert(0, "0..3 expected for locality"); } private void __prefetch(const(void*) address, ubyte encoding); /************************************* * Load unaligned vector from address. * This is a compiler intrinsic. * Params: * p = pointer to vector * Returns: * vector */ V loadUnaligned(V)(const V* p) if (is(V == void16) || is(V == byte16) || is(V == ubyte16) || is(V == short8) || is(V == ushort8) || is(V == int4) || is(V == uint4) || is(V == long2) || is(V == ulong2)) { pragma(inline, true); static if (is(V == double2)) return cast(V)__simd(XMM.LODUPD, *cast(const void16*)p); else static if (is(V == float4)) return cast(V)__simd(XMM.LODUPS, *cast(const void16*)p); else return cast(V)__simd(XMM.LODDQU, *cast(const void16*)p); } /************************************* * Store vector to unaligned address. * This is a compiler intrinsic. * Params: * p = pointer to vector * value = value to store * Returns: * value */ V storeUnaligned(V)(V* p, V value) if (is(V == void16) || is(V == byte16) || is(V == ubyte16) || is(V == short8) || is(V == ushort8) || is(V == int4) || is(V == uint4) || is(V == long2) || is(V == ulong2)) { pragma(inline, true); static if (is(V == double2)) return cast(V)__simd_sto(XMM.STOUPD, *cast(void16*)p, value); else static if (is(V == float4)) return cast(V)__simd_sto(XMM.STOUPS, *cast(void16*)p, value); else return cast(V)__simd_sto(XMM.STODQU, *cast(void16*)p, value); } }