#include "TCP.h" #include "Launcher.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "Stream.h" #include "ServerProtocol.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace po = boost::program_options; using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; class TCPStream : public Stream { static const long kReadBufferSize = 4096; uint8_t readBuffer[kReadBufferSize]; public: int fd; virtual void write(const void* p, size_t n) override; void wait(); TCPStream(po::variables_map &options); ~TCPStream(); }; class TCPLauncher : public Launcher { TCPStream stream; TCPStream& rStream = stream; std::vector outputBytes; bool upgradeMode = false; public: TCPLauncher(po::variables_map& options); virtual ~TCPLauncher(); virtual bool Go(int timeout = 0); virtual void DumpOutput(); private: void write(const void *p, size_t n); ssize_t read(void * p, size_t n); }; TCPStream::TCPStream(po::variables_map &options) { fd = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0); struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(options["tcp-address"].as().c_str()); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons( 1984 ); //Connect to remote server int result = connect(fd , (struct sockaddr *)&addr , sizeof(addr)); if(result < 0) perror("connect"); } TCPStream::~TCPStream() { close(fd); } void TCPStream::write(const void* p, size_t n) { ::write(fd, p, n); } void TCPStream::wait() { ssize_t n = ::read(fd, readBuffer, kReadBufferSize); if(n > 0) notifyReceive(readBuffer, n); } TCPLauncher::TCPLauncher(po::variables_map &options) : Launcher(options), stream(options) { if(options.count("upgrade-server")) upgradeMode = true; } TCPLauncher::~TCPLauncher() { } ssize_t TCPLauncher::read(void *p0, size_t n) { uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)p0; ssize_t gotBytes = rStream.read(p, n); while(gotBytes < n) { rStream.flushWrite(); stream.wait(); gotBytes += rStream.read(p + gotBytes, n - gotBytes); } return gotBytes; } void TCPLauncher::write(const void *p, size_t n) { while(!rStream.readyToWrite()) stream.wait(); rStream.write(p, n); } bool TCPLauncher::Go(int timeout) { uint32_t tmp; { RemoteCommand cmd = upgradeMode ? RemoteCommand::upgradeLauncher : RemoteCommand::launchApp; write(&cmd, 1); write(std::string(app.type).data(), 4); write(std::string(app.creator).data(), 4); std::ostringstream rsrcOut; app.resources.writeFork(rsrcOut); std::string rsrc = rsrcOut.str(); std::string& data = app.data; std::cerr << "Transfering " << (data.size() + rsrc.size() + 1023) / 1024 << " KB." << std::endl; tmp = htonl(data.size()); write(&tmp, 4); tmp = htonl(rsrc.size()); write(&tmp, 4); write(data.data(), data.size()); write(rsrc.data(), rsrc.size()); } while(!rStream.allDataArrived()) stream.wait(); std::cerr << "Running Appliation..." << std::endl; read(&tmp, 4); uint32_t result = ntohl(tmp); std::cerr << "Finished (result = " << result << ")." << std::endl; if(result == 0) { read(&tmp, 4); uint32_t size = ntohl(tmp); outputBytes.resize(size); if(size > 0) read(outputBytes.data(), size); } return result == 0; } void TCPLauncher::DumpOutput() { std::cout.write(outputBytes.data(), outputBytes.size()); } void TCP::GetOptions(options_description &desc) { desc.add_options() ("tcp-address", po::value(), "IP address of Mac") ; } bool TCP::CheckOptions(variables_map &options) { return options.count("tcp-address") != 0; } std::unique_ptr TCP::MakeLauncher(variables_map &options) { return std::unique_ptr(new TCPLauncher(options)); }