#include #include "boost/program_options.hpp" #include "boost/filesystem.hpp" #include "boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp" #include "RezParser.generated.hh" #include "RezLexer.h" #include "RezWorld.h" #include "ResourceFork.h" #include "BinaryIO.h" #include "ResourceFile.h" #include "Diagnostic.h" namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; static po::options_description desc; static void usage() { std::cerr << "Usage: " << "Rez [options] input-file\n"; std::cerr << desc << std::endl; } static void CopyBinaryResources(RezWorld& world, const std::string& fn) { ResourceFile copyRsrc(fn); if(!copyRsrc.read()) { world.problem(Diagnostic(Diagnostic::error, "Could not read binary resource file " + fn, yy::location())); } else if(world.verboseFlag) { std::cerr << "Read " << copyRsrc.resources.countResources() << " resources from " << fn << "\n"; } world.getResources().addResources(copyRsrc.resources); } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { desc.add_options() ("help,h", "show this help message") ("output,o", po::value()->default_value("rez.output.rsrc"), "output file") ("append,a", "append to existing output file") ("type,t", po::value()->default_value("rsrc"), "output file finder type code") ("creator,c", po::value()->default_value("RSED"), "output file finder creator code") ("define,D", po::value>(), "predefine preprocessor symbol") ("include,I", po::value>(), "add include file path") ("copy", po::value>(), "copy resources from other resource file") ("cc", po::value>(), "also write output to another file") ("debug,d", "debug logging") ; po::options_description hidden, alldesc; hidden.add_options() ("input", po::value>(), "input file" ) ; alldesc.add(desc).add(hidden); po::variables_map options; try { auto parsed = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv) .options(alldesc) .positional(po::positional_options_description().add("input", -1)) .style(po::command_line_style::default_style) .run(); po::store(parsed, options); } catch(po::error& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl; usage(); return 1; } po::notify(options); if(options.count("help") || (!options.count("input") && !options.count("copy"))) { usage(); return 0; } RezWorld world; if(options.count("debug")) world.verboseFlag = true; std::string outfile = options["output"].as(); ResourceFile rsrcFile(outfile); if(options.count("append")) { rsrcFile.read(); world.getResources().addResources(rsrcFile.resources); } if(options.count("copy")) for(std::string fn : options["copy"].as>()) CopyBinaryResources(world, fn); if(options.count("input")) for(std::string fn : options["input"].as>()) { fs::path path(fn); if(path.extension() == ".rsrc" || path.extension() == ".bin") { CopyBinaryResources(world, fn); } else { try { RezLexer lexer(world, fn); if(options.count("define")) for(std::string define : options["define"].as>()) lexer.addDefine(define); if(options.count("include")) for(std::string path : options["include"].as>()) lexer.addIncludePath(path); if(world.verboseFlag) { std::cerr << "Compiling " << fn << "...\n"; } RezParser parser(lexer, world); parser.parse(); } catch(...) { world.problem(Diagnostic(Diagnostic::fatalError,"unknown error",yy::location(&fn))); } } } if(world.hadErrors) return 1; rsrcFile.resources = world.getResources(); rsrcFile.creator = options["creator"].as(); rsrcFile.type = options["type"].as(); if(world.verboseFlag) { std::cerr << "Writing " << rsrcFile.resources.countResources() << " resources.\n"; } rsrcFile.write(); if(options.count("cc")) for(std::string ccFile : options["cc"].as>()) { rsrcFile.assign(ccFile); rsrcFile.write(); } return 0; }