// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build ignore && (amd64 || arm64) package aes import ( "crypto/cipher" "crypto/internal/subtle" "internal/cpu" ) // defined in asm_*.s //go:noescape func encryptBlockAsm(nr int, xk *uint32, dst, src *byte) //go:noescape func decryptBlockAsm(nr int, xk *uint32, dst, src *byte) //go:noescape func expandKeyAsm(nr int, key *byte, enc *uint32, dec *uint32) type aesCipherAsm struct { aesCipher } var supportsAES = cpu.X86.HasAES || cpu.ARM64.HasAES var supportsGFMUL = cpu.X86.HasPCLMULQDQ || cpu.ARM64.HasPMULL func newCipher(key []byte) (cipher.Block, error) { if !supportsAES { return newCipherGeneric(key) } n := len(key) + 28 c := aesCipherAsm{aesCipher{make([]uint32, n), make([]uint32, n)}} var rounds int switch len(key) { case 128 / 8: rounds = 10 case 192 / 8: rounds = 12 case 256 / 8: rounds = 14 } expandKeyAsm(rounds, &key[0], &c.enc[0], &c.dec[0]) if supportsAES && supportsGFMUL { return &aesCipherGCM{c}, nil } return &c, nil } func (c *aesCipherAsm) BlockSize() int { return BlockSize } func (c *aesCipherAsm) Encrypt(dst, src []byte) { if len(src) < BlockSize { panic("crypto/aes: input not full block") } if len(dst) < BlockSize { panic("crypto/aes: output not full block") } if subtle.InexactOverlap(dst[:BlockSize], src[:BlockSize]) { panic("crypto/aes: invalid buffer overlap") } encryptBlockAsm(len(c.enc)/4-1, &c.enc[0], &dst[0], &src[0]) } func (c *aesCipherAsm) Decrypt(dst, src []byte) { if len(src) < BlockSize { panic("crypto/aes: input not full block") } if len(dst) < BlockSize { panic("crypto/aes: output not full block") } if subtle.InexactOverlap(dst[:BlockSize], src[:BlockSize]) { panic("crypto/aes: invalid buffer overlap") } decryptBlockAsm(len(c.dec)/4-1, &c.dec[0], &dst[0], &src[0]) } // expandKey is used by BenchmarkExpand to ensure that the asm implementation // of key expansion is used for the benchmark when it is available. func expandKey(key []byte, enc, dec []uint32) { if supportsAES { rounds := 10 // rounds needed for AES128 switch len(key) { case 192 / 8: rounds = 12 case 256 / 8: rounds = 14 } expandKeyAsm(rounds, &key[0], &enc[0], &dec[0]) } else { expandKeyGo(key, enc, dec) } }