#include #include #include #include #include "BinaryIO.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::vector; using std::unordered_map; unordered_map sectionMap; bool verbose = false; enum RecordType { kPad = 0, kFirst = 1, kLast = 2, kDictionary = 4, kModule = 5, kEntryPoint = 6, kSize = 7, kContent = 8, kReference = 9, kComputedRef = 10 }; struct Reloc { int size; string name1; string name2; int write(std::ostream& out, uint8_t *p); }; int Reloc::write(std::ostream& out, uint8_t *p) { assert(size == 2); out << "\t.short "; int val = (int)p[0] * 256 + p[1]; out << name1; if(name2.size()) out << " - " << name2; if(val > 0) out << " + " << val; else if(val < 0) out << " - " << -val; if(name2.size() == 0) out << "-."; out << std::endl; return 2; } struct Module { string name; string segment; vector bytes; unordered_map> labels; unordered_map relocs; void write(std::ostream& out); }; bool isValidIdentifier(const string& s) { if(s.empty()) return false; if(s[0] != '_' && !isalpha(s[0])) return false; for(char c : s) if(c != '_' && !isalnum(c)) return false; return true; } string encodeIdentifier(const string& s) { if(isValidIdentifier(s)) return s; std::ostringstream ss; if(isdigit(s[0])) ss << "__z"; for(char c : s) { if(c == '_' || isalnum(c)) ss << c; else { ss << "__z" << (int) c << "_"; } } return ss.str(); } void Module::write(std::ostream& out) { uint32_t offset = 0; out << "\t.section .text." << encodeIdentifier(sectionMap[name]) << ",\"ax\",@progbits\n"; while(offset < bytes.size()) { auto labelP = labels.find(offset); if(labelP != labels.end()) { for(string rawLabel : labelP->second) { string label = encodeIdentifier(rawLabel); out << "\t.globl " << label << "\n"; out << label << ":\n"; } } auto relocP = relocs.find(offset); if(relocP != relocs.end()) { offset += relocP->second.write(out, &bytes[offset]); } else { out << "\t.byte " << (int)bytes[offset] << "\n"; offset++; } } out << "# ######\n\n"; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::ifstream in(argv[1]); unordered_map stringDictionary; std::unique_ptr module; std::cout << "\t.text\n\t.align 2\n"; for(bool endOfObject = false; !endOfObject;) { if(verbose) std::cerr << std::hex << in.tellg() << ": "; int recordType = byte(in); if(!in) { std::cerr << "Unexpected End of File\n"; return 1; } if(verbose) std::cerr << "Record: " << recordType << std::endl; switch(recordType) { case kPad: if(verbose) std::cerr << "Pad\n"; break; case kFirst: { /*int flags =*/ byte(in); int version = word(in); if(verbose) { std::cerr << "First\n"; std::cerr << "Version: " << version << std::endl; } } break; case kDictionary: { /*int flags =*/ byte(in); if(verbose) std::cerr << "Dictionary\n"; int sz = word(in); int stringId = word(in); int end = (int)(in.tellg()) - 6 + sz; while(in.tellg() < end) { int n = byte(in); string s; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) s += (char) byte(in); if(verbose) std::cerr << s << std::endl; stringDictionary[stringId++] = s; } } break; case kModule: { int flags = byte(in); string name = stringDictionary[word(in)]; sectionMap[name] = name; string segment = stringDictionary[word(in)]; if(verbose) std::cerr << "Module " << name << "(" << segment << "), flags = " << flags << "\n"; if(module) module->write(std::cout); module.reset(new Module()); module->name = name; module->labels[0].push_back(name); } break; case kContent: { int flags = byte(in); int sz = word(in) - 4; uint32_t offset = 0; if(flags & 0x08) { offset = longword(in); sz -= 4; } assert(module.get()); if(module->bytes.size() < offset + sz) module->bytes.resize(offset + sz); in.read((char*) &module->bytes[offset], sz); if(verbose) std::cerr << "Content (offset = " << offset << ", size = " << sz << ")\n"; } break; case kSize: { /*int flags =*/ byte(in); long size = longword(in); if(verbose) std::cerr << "Size " << size << "\n"; assert(module.get()); module->bytes.resize(size); } break; case kReference: { int flags = byte(in); int sz = word(in); int end = (int)(in.tellg()) - 4 + sz; string name = stringDictionary[word(in)]; if(verbose) std::cerr << "Reference to " << name << " at\n"; Reloc reloc; reloc.name1 = name; reloc.size = 2; assert(flags == 0x10); assert(module); while(in.tellg() < end) { int offset = word(in); if(verbose) std::cerr << " " << offset << std::endl; module->relocs[offset] = reloc; } } break; case kEntryPoint: { /*int flags =*/ byte(in); string name = stringDictionary[word(in)]; long offset = longword(in); if(verbose) std::cerr << "EntryPoint " << name << " at offset " << offset << "\n"; assert(module); module->labels[offset].push_back(name); } break; case kComputedRef: { int flags = byte(in); int sz = word(in); int end = (int)(in.tellg()) - 4 + sz; string name1 = stringDictionary[word(in)]; string name2 = stringDictionary[word(in)]; Reloc reloc; reloc.name1 = name1; reloc.name2 = name2; reloc.size = 2; assert(flags == 0x90); assert(module); string secName = sectionMap[name1]; if(secName != "") sectionMap[module->name] = secName; if(verbose) std::cerr << "ComputedReference to " << name1 << " - " << name2 << " at\n"; while(in.tellg() < end) { int offset = word(in); if(verbose) std::cerr << " " << offset << std::endl; module->relocs[offset] = reloc; } } break; case kLast: byte(in); endOfObject = true; if(module) module->write(std::cout); break; default: std::cerr << "Unknown record (type " << recordType << ") at " << std::hex << in.tellg() << std::endl; return 1; } } return 0; }